Super-Vs at upcoming audio fests or local demo near San Francisco?

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Unfortunately yes.

Sounds like a good use of one of the prototype cars to me to go to Danny for voicing!  :thumb:

Danny Richie

Sounds like a good use of one of the prototype cars to me to go to Danny for voicing!  :thumb:

I think I could get it done and in a way that would sound over the top while still drawing very little juice from the batteries.


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Thanks for the comps Cheeseboy. We're near Traverse City MI on North Lake Leelanau, near Leland. As for 6 knots, well, that's displacement sailing kind of like "bias" current or "idling. I prefer apparent wind sailing as in wind speed or better. We jump on our "A" class catamarans when the water softens.

Some have made me think there are those close to MI here. You're welcome to come have a listen if you happen to come near TC. I'll be doing room treatments in the near future.


If you are referring to me, after over 30 years of owning a 24 ft. sailboat, I remain a rank amateur, and sail on Smith Mountain Lake in Virginia.  I even had trouble remembering the terminology.  "Pull that rope in more!"   Unfortunately, illness and a problem with the top of the mast has kept me out of the cockpit for the past five years.  Maybe this year.


I put myself in the rank amateur class as every time I got back from sailing in my Santana 22 i was rank with the smell of beer.  If you ever come to the bay area you can rent a sail boat at Cass Marina in Sausalito.  All that they ask is that you know how to reef the mainsail for heavy wind. 

Sounds like it's time to pick up the tiller and run with it.


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I am spending this sat prepping a 40' Beneteau to go back into the water and ready for race season.  I help crew it for race season on the detroit river.  It gets crazy with some of the winds that we get, have had the rail in the water more than once  :duh:


Thanks for the comps Cheeseboy. We're near Traverse City MI on North Lake Leelanau, near Leland. As for 6 knots, well, that's displacement sailing kind of like "bias" current or "idling. I prefer apparent wind sailing as in wind speed or better. We jump on our "A" class catamarans when the water softens.

Some have made me think there are those close to MI here. You're welcome to come have a listen if you happen to come near TC. I'll be doing room treatments in the near future.

Your Super V's would pass my wifes "does it look like fine furniture" rule for the system.  She would most likely get ga ga for Rosewood and grey.  I'm sure they sound as good as they look.  It might be a challenge to treat for the 45 degree wall behind them but I'm sure there is a way to make it work. 

I have always wanted to own a Cat.  Nice winds for them here in the Bay Area. 


Winds can be wild anywhere.  Once, at Cave Run Lake in Kentucky, I was sailing in 25+ knots wind, dropped the sails, and in barepole status, had the rail under.  I got a little anxious since I was by myself.   My little boat is a Neptune 24, by the former Capital Yachts in CA.  I always used the boat for relaxation.  Never understood why stressed out professionals would come to the lakes on the weekends, race and fuss over racing rules, etc.  I stayed under the canopy, drank, swam, slept, read, and eyeballed the occasional bikini.  Guess I'm just not a competitor.


Racing is a blast.  Most sailors don't subscribe to the "Rubbin is Racin" rules.  It sure would make things more interesting.  I wish I owned a One Design. 


Danny - I think there is merit in an audiophile sound system from AC vendors installed in a home grown electric car.  I'll bring it up in the design meeting next week and see what comes up.  The GR/Dodd badge would look really cool in the dash or on the door. 

I'd say we go for it but only if we can use Homer Simpsons or Little Johns voice for the hands free dialing and navigation. 

Danny Richie

Danny - I think there is merit in an audiophile sound system from AC vendors installed in a home grown electric car.  I'll bring it up in the design meeting next week and see what comes up.  The GR/Dodd badge would look really cool in the dash or on the door. 

Yeah, I'm game. And I am also wondering in the back of my head what kind of deal I could get on one of those things.


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  • Posts: 368
Your Super V's would pass my wifes "does it look like fine furniture" rule for the system.  She would most likely get ga ga for Rosewood and grey.  I'm sure they sound as good as they look.  It might be a challenge to treat for the 45 degree wall behind them but I'm sure there is a way to make it work. 

Well, if your wife likes these Cheeseboy, she deserves another view.....solid wild cherry styles and rails with birdseye maple top faces. All the horizontal trim is removable, held by neodymium magnets as are the "salt and pepper" tweed grill cloth from Acoustex. Side panels are rare quarter/rift white oak. The birdseye and rift take on a life of their own based on the type and amount of light they see. These puppies are 165 lbs each ! The extended side curves and thru the floor amp mount help balance these to eliminate the need for front feet. I hated the idea of stepping on toes when I dance to the music.


Tasar, thanks for posting the pics.  Those look great!  Now I just need to hear them somewhere.



  • Industry Contributor
  • Posts: 5259
Yeah, I'm game. And I am also wondering in the back of my head what kind of deal I could get on one of those things.

+1  :thumb:


These turned out Great! :thumb:  I really like the amp built into the design.  What do you think of the sound?


Danny Richie

Man those speakers look nice.

Looks like room treatment should be high on the list now. That is a really bare wall back there.


Hey Danny don't forget us guys down south


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  • Posts: 368
Thanks for the comps boys. Ed, I've been trying to post you for a time so wondered if my mail has been hijacked. I owe you lots of credit for assistance with the servo amps. As it is, the rear floor was cut out to drop these thru 3 layers of 3/4 ply. The 3rd layer was afforded by the room not used by feet. They are open at the bottom so good air circulation. There's about a 1" lip of hardwood they fit into, just enough to keep the amps off the floor and punch the plugs thru, with the spikes attached. I fastened a second hardwood lip below to protect the amp in the case of spike failure. BTW, at 162 lbs, I think a more robust spike set is in order, ones that might have a beefier bolt and mating surface. I have not found such yet. As for the amps themselves, depending on the recording, I find a wide disparity in bass levels, requiring periodic volume level changes. This is the one area a remote would be appropriate.

For those interested, the added side surface area to enclose the woofer cabinets, really added weight with mdf. I was fortunate to find American based "Apple ply", a knockoff of baltic. I was even more fortunate to find the rift sawn white oak veneer, a favorite of mine. Two layers of these 7/8" ply saved me about 10% weight, very significant when moving these about. The 5/16" birdseye veneered front baffle faces was also a rare find. You guys in the midwest can find this stuff at Frank's Hardwood in Union City, OH. They are BIG time. A word of caution on some veneers as these. Keep your tooling sharp. The rift and quarter sawn veneer cuts open the grain, so edges become delicate. I used West System epoxy for all mating surfaces. NOTHING is going to move. The painted rear edges and coax backs are a kahki colored resto paint, I believe the same as you used Ed ? I applied an epoxy surfacing to the plys before hand.

I am so pleased with the way these babies produce sound. Detailed, accurate, and fast. The low SPL dynamics is especially dramatic. Aside from the unbeatable bass, the waveguide affect of the coax, really keeps things (distortion) in check. REMARKABLE ! Voice and acoustics are SCARY good.

I must admit, building these was the easy part. As Danny suggests, "those walls are bare". Room treatment is the scary stuff. I need all the help I can get. Dave Elledge has moved slow on his Vs so I can't benefit from what room treatments he finds necessary. Dave,, you out there ?


All rooms are different but the best tweak I have found so far with the Vs was to add diffraction between the speakers on the front wall.  Of course I already had bass treatment in the corners, some rear wall absorbtion and first reflection absorbtion so I can't say for certain which is the most important but there was a significant improvement in soundstage with the diffraction.

If I were to build another set I think I would take a page from your build and mount the amp in the speaker as you have done.  Great job.

A little OT, I had an interesting discovery (to me anyway) last week.  I have been powering my coaxes with a ClassD amp (60 watts/channel) fed by a Dodd Buffer (the buffer hi-passes the main amp at about 140 Hz).  I am considering building an SET amp and while going through my closet I came across a forgotten self modded T-amp, I decided to try it out to give me an idea of what ~6 watts would do for the coaxes.  I connected it in place of the ClassD and WOW, it not only drives the coaxes louder than I would typically listen but it rules the mid/bass driver with authority!  The difference is not subtle.  The T-amp is a little "drier" than the ClassD but it sounded good enough that I have ordered some other coupling caps (Ampohm and Obbligato) to test out to see if they improve the presentation.  Funny thing is, the caps cost more than the amp  :lol:

I just realized that this is waaay off topic, sorry for the intrusion guys, now back to the regularly scheduled topic.




Yeah, I'm game. And I am also wondering in the back of my head what kind of deal I could get on one of those things.

Funny I was thinking the same thing about Tasars Super V's in Rosewood. 

The Alias is in pre production  so the time is right to discuss this with the design department.  We will also be building this in China for the International market.  It would be great to see a tube glowing in the dash!