Anyone tring to lose weight? How about an AC version of Biggest Loser!???

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Thanks Charles but I don't need to buy or subscribe to any theories... as I said this is already working for me... ta ;)

  Cool. Good luck. Just trying to help.


Wind Chaser

Stu Pitt

I heard an interesting way to lose weight fast on MTV's Real Life:  I'm a Meth Addict...

One of the meth addicts said - 'Want to know how to lose 75 lbs in 3 weeks?  Don't eat anything and smoke crystal meth 24 hours a day.'  I guess it worked for him.  Some of that weight was hair and teeth, but I guess the scale doesn't lie; weight loss is weight loss.


Hey Stu, that recommendation was Stu Pitt! 

Anyway, people can always chop off limbs but I wouldn't advise that either. 

Either way, we are getting away from the theme of this thread!  Is anyone interested in posting their current weight, goal and status?  I'll do mine later.  Got to work on my real job first.

Stu Pitt

I'm in as soon as you start the thread.  Even if it's just us two, we can still give it a go IMO.  Maybe we'll inspire others to try, posting or not.

Maybe I'll get a body fat measuring device.  I've seen them range from cheap to very expensive.  No experience with any of them other than the ones I've used in the past at work which were about $1k.  My current job doesn't have them.  Maybe the strength & conditioning coach will help me out and periodically take skinfold measurements for me.  Our offices are connected.

Stu Pitt

I guess I'll start...

Weight - 203.4
Goal - 180-ish

This week's workout plan -
4 days of moderate/intense weight training
- 1 day of pushing exercises, 1 pulling, 1 core, 1 legs
About 5 of exercises each day, 3 sets of 10, super-setted: one exercise after the other, no rest between exercises.  After completing one set of every exercise, rest 1 min or so and do them again.  Seemed to work great last time, and it gets me out of the gym in about 30 minutes.  The first time through isn't too bad.  The second time through I feel pretty strong.  The 3rd time through, I'm drained.  I'm getting a good cardio benefit from it too.  It's not easy taking about 2 minutes of rest in a half hour of weight training.  I use a weight that makes 10 reps pretty tough.  On the last set, I typically can only get 8 reps or so. 


Stu, you and I could be related because we have a lot in common. 

Here goes:

Current Weight:  205 lbs (down from 207 on Friday)
Goal: 175 lbs (I'd like to get down to 160lbs but want to be realistic)

I hired a coach (not paying with real money, he's a friend) and I'm keeping a diet log.  It sucks and I'm struggling but highly motivated.  Need to be lighter in order to keep up with the fast guys in my cycling group.  They are all skinnier than POW's in those old WW2 film clips and much faster than I am. 

Good luck everyone!  I hope to share success stories with the group.  If not, I hope to share motivational stories of how I failed in my quest!  Just kidding...


  John, if you are a type "O" blood type not eating meat is not a good thing. Now if you are type "A" than being a veggie is very god for you.
  We have been following the diet plan for our blood types. I lost 30 pounds and my cancer surviving wife over 40 pounds.
  we eat more than ever but the foods that make our metalbolism work properly. Absobing the good stuff and eliminating the waste properly.
 Please check out the book by Dr Peter Adamo " Eat Right for Your Type" It is science not opinion and works. The CancerTreatment Center uses this diet and has cured many.
  No hype no supplements to buy nada just the information you need. It has changed our lives for te good. Give it a look and see for yourself.


I'd eat my hat if JohnR is anything but a B bloodtype.  Never met a good code programmer that was anything but a B.  Conversely, never met a B (or AB..which doesn't happen without a B in the immediate lineage) without their fair share of quirks, too :wink: (my Dad is a B and I'm an AB, so be nice :lol:)

Everyone - if fast weight loss if your goal - two products are immensely helpful, and safe.

1.  Green Tea - A proven thermogenic.  Lots of it throughout the day and better yet, Green Tea Extract you get at many health food stores.  One dropper is equal to something like 5 cups of green tea.

2.  Chromium Picolinate.  Regulates blood sugar and reduces binge eating cycle.  Works seriously will lose 5-10lbs from this alone; maybe more if you are calorie counting, exercising and reducing stress (which interferes with metabolism)

Two things, very cheap both, and they do work and are proven.

A good multi-vitamin/mineral probably helps, too.  In all the years of trying, nothing has bested a powdered product I use call Ola Loa.  It's about USD$1.00 a pack, but no multivitamin/mineral I know of or have tried compares (that 'fail' list is definitely in the dozens now)

Disclaimor: No financial ties to any of the above and I'm not a doctor.  Blah, blah, blah  :)


Stu Pitt

200.3 this morning, down from 203.4 last Monday.  I was at 203 on Sunday morning, presumably due to the large meal on Saturday night still being in my system.  Went to visit my family about 2 hours away, and they had a huge meal cooked that I just couldn't say no to.  Gotta do that every now and again!

Same workout planned as last week.  Kicked it up a notch so far this week.  Feeling great.  A bit tired, but great.

Improvised a new lift today, and I'll definitely use it - a standing surfer kind of lift.  Using a mid shin height pulley with two independant pulleys, I stood with my knees slightly bent, and waist slightly bent.  Started with weight out in front of me, and pulled it behind me with my arms straight.  Picture being on a surf board on your knees and rowing yourself forward with both arms at the same time.  A picture or drawing would probably be better, but I can't find anything yet.

Figured I'd feel that mainly in my triceps and rear deltoids, but I felt a lot of it in my abs.  It wasn't easy keeping myself in position.  Great just about whole body exercise.  I got 3 sets of 10 with 20 lbs.  Doesn't sound like much weight until you try it!

If you've got a pulley station that has adjustable heights, try it out Jackman.

Stu Pitt

This picture looks closest to what I'm talking about.  Have a pulley handle in each hand, and bring your arms straight back behind you, while keeping your arms straight.


congrats on the weight loss!  I'll have to try the lift soon.  I have a universal weight machine with lots of stations and pully options (and leg options) that is currently serving as a large, heavy coat-rack in my storage area. 

I'm currently 203, but feeling pretty good.  I'm dieting but not working out as I should.  I'm too tired when I wake up and after 7:00PM to work out.  Something is just not right with me. 

Good luck,


Stu Pitt

I have a universal weight machine with lots of stations and pully options (and leg options) that is currently serving as a large, heavy coat-rack in my storage area. 

My Total Gym served the same purpose for a year and a half before I started using it every day.  Now that my 3 month old is here, it's a coat rack yet again.  Luckily, I work at a college and have access to the fitness center.  If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't be able to get anything done.

If you're physically too tired to work out, that's your body's way of telling you something is amiss.  Rest up.

Stu Pitt

Current weight - 200.2

I guess it's going to be pretty hard breaking that 200 lb barrier!  At this pace, I'll be at 200.1 next week, then 200 the week after.  No idea why I didn't lose any weight.  I haven't changed anything, diet wise or exercise intensity wise.

I'm still doing the same general workout as far as sets, reps, etc., just different exercises.  This week's exercises have been pretty good, and I think I'll stick with these types of exercises for a few weeks...

Just about everything was one arm at a time, using pulleys.  Trying to keep my torso as upright as possible and not break form.  My core feels sore, but in a very good way.  An example of the exercises - on one knee, single arm bench/chest press.  Not only am I working my arm and chest, I've got to fight to keep my torso from twisting.  I didn't feel it too much in my core while I was doing that stuff yesterday, but today it's very appearent I got a great core workout from it.  Did the same thing today, only pulling exercises - single arm cable row, single arm lat pull down, etc.

I've been battling a mid back injury/spasm for a few months now. Doing single arm cable rows showed me how much weaker my left side was vs my right.  I did 60 lbs for a set of 10 on my right side pretty easily.  When I switched over to my left, I broke form after 4 reps!   After that, I started everything on my left side with a weight I could get 10 reps with, then used the same amount of weight on my right.  Hopefully the left will catch up pretty soon.  After doing all the single arm exercises, I did some assisted pull ups.  It was so obvious that I was really compensating.

Here I am a sports medicine guy, and I couldn't even diagnose the disparity until I started doing the single arm pulley lifts.  Never noticed it before with dumbbells.  Weird. 

Stu Pitt

To add...   I'm really digging the pulleys.  They just feel so much better than barbells and dumbbells to me.  Can't really explain why. 


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Heaviest was 210 for me, down to 170 now.  Got there by cutting out sugar/wheat/starches and engaging in moderate exercise (walking fast). 


I would like to loose 10-15 pounds so that I can run better.  I have started  Matt Fitzgerald's Racing Weight -Quick Start Guide.  Not for the faint of heart and at age 61 it's very tough. Check it out; lot of great info.


Djmckaytx, it's good to read about your major weight loss! Someone close to me has also lost a LOT of weight that way and is more active and healthy than ever.

As for me, I've shed 8 pounds in 7 weeks through racquetball (Woodsyi and another friend are running me ragged), swimming, weight machines, jogging, exercise bike, core/back exercises, walking the dog a lot, and drinking Michelob Ultra instead of my preferred micro-brews!  I've also cut way back on carbs, but not enough to satisfy Dr. Atkins. I don't pay much attention to fat because I don't believe that eating fat makes you fat.  Carbs and inadequate exercise are the culprits. 

I started at 194.5 and my goal is to reach 170 or less and stay there.  Today, 186.5 and headed down.


Hey guys, thanks for the contribution and inspiration!  Please feel free to post your results every week or every other week.  I'm stuck at 204 (ish) after a wedding in Pittsburgh (and lots of time on the South Side, Carson St., Strip District, and Mt. Washington area.  Pittsburgh has lots of places that serve large portions or unhealthy (and tasty) food.  I'm a sucker for that combo!



I started my program about 3.5 weeks ago. I want to get to 175 lbs. I started at a 192 and am now  at 185. I've been doing it through a combination of surfing, bicycling and aerobic training at a gym plus eating less and better (the hard part).


Stu Pitt

Great job Len.  By eating less and better is definitely a great way to go.  My piece of advice, which I think I mentioned here...

Watch your condiments.  Too much mayo, salad dressing, etc. can kill any good intentions without really knowing it.

What you drink is just as important as what you eat.  Up until about a year ago, I was drinking about three 20 oz bottles of Pepsi a day.  That's 750 calories and a ton of sugar that went straight to my waistline and was starting to wreak havok on my insulin levels and resistance.

People often overlook what they're drinking.  Vitamin Water and Gatorade sound like healthy alternatives.  Think of them as soda without carbonation and caffiene.  People don't think of that until they compare the ingredients and see that the majority of them are the same!