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James Tanner

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« Reply #180 on: 12 Sep 2011, 11:43 pm »
From: BVillet
Sent: September-12-11 6:43 PM
Subject: RE: Bryston BDP-1

Dear James,

I would like to make a general comment about the BDP-1. My system consists of Revel Studio speakers, and mainly Levinson electronics, with a 326s as the pre-amp.

I have traditionally played CDs via a Levinson 30/31 combination and uncompressed music files via a Windows 7 setup, with either a Juli@ or an Asus soundcard. The HTPCs are confirmed to play back bit perfect at the correct sampling rate and sample depth. I have recently added the PS Audio PerfectWave combo (with the bridge) and the Bryston BDP-1 and BDA-1 combination to my equipment. I listen to a broad variety of music from all over the world and have added many high resolution files to my collection, either from HDTracks or from vinyl I have slowly been converting using a Micro Seiki vacuum turntable.

I mention the above so you know I have reasonably good equipment when I make the statement that I have been extremely pleased with the BDP-1/BDA-1; in fact, since adding the Bryston combo and the PerfectWave combo it is the first time since the emergence of the compact disc that I do serious listening from digital front ends rather than from analog. So I would like to emphatically state that I think the Bryston combo is an outstanding achievement.

Kind Regards
Willem CB Villet, Ph.D.
President and CEO


« Reply #181 on: 13 Sep 2011, 01:43 am »
From: Sebastian Ionescu
Sent: August-28-11 12:40 AM
To: James Tanner
Hello James,

My name is Sorin and I wrote to you about sending me the BDP-1 update. Well, it's been 4 weeks of using the BDP and playing around with it and I gotta tell you, I love it. Load times are fast considering I squeezed almost 400 gigs onto a 2 terabyte drive and I add music daily. High res and standard res files load without a glitch and not one skip on any song ever. I like the radio stations too, it's nice to get a break once in awhile and hear something completely different than what I put on the BDP-1.

You will not be too popular with the folks that make cd transports and players, that's for sure, nevermind the music industry that doesn't want us to own anything anymore. We all know their wonderful music model idea, pay everytime you so much as listen to any song.

It's gotta be tough on the CD transport market now that the BDP-1 can not only top their players in performance, but also in features(album art, various file formats/bit rates, remote control options, file storage, ease of use). Naturally, expect some "expert" reviewers to come up with "nuances" in other players that are mysteriously missing from everything else like the BDP-1 or that it's too computery and "harsh, edgy...." etc... in other words, complete lies. Not many will, but a few diehards might be resistant to the idea that not being able to touch their media(ie cds, lps) means it's not as good sounding.
Props to stereophile for their review of the BDP-1 and saying it is a keeper with stunning dynamic range(true) and 3-d imaging(true again).

James, I can not thank you and Bryston enough for the BDP-1. It is truly a GEM of a product which makes my audio system not only sound incredible, but also gives me the ease of use that I had been dreaming about for over 20 years, yes, over 20 years, I used to run old school computers hooked up to my audio system both digitally and in analog, but they never came close to the quality of the BDP-1. To have all my collection perfectly preserved and playable any time of the day or night without the wear and tear/hassle of vinyl or the constant disc changing of CDs is one of the most impressive accomplishments in the Audio industry in decades. The BDP-1 should win a groundbreaking audio component award and I hope more and more people find out about this amazing player. For anyone who not only enjoys music, but has music as an integral part of their life, the BDP-1 is practically a necessity.

Anyway, thank you for the firmware updates with the funny names and great features. I am going to take some more time off to learn some of the other things you can do on start up.

By the way, Lacie makes a 2 terabyte porche drive(aluminum) with the standard usb 3.0 connection (not mini) so you can use the fancy audioquest cables and load up a bazzillion songs. It's a fast and super duper quiet drive

Thank you.

Sebastian Ionescu

Hi Sebastian. Are you saying that Audioquest makes a USB cable with connections for USB3? I have been searching for a high grade USB cable to use with my Free Agent Go Flex Seagate drive and my Western Electric My-Passport.


« Reply #182 on: 13 Sep 2011, 02:54 pm »
just pointing you to a nice thread on the Apple Core Forum which speaks for itself.



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« Reply #185 on: 21 Sep 2011, 09:30 pm »


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« Reply #186 on: 22 Sep 2011, 07:08 am »

This been posted?


Yes, ONE post up.
See the bar on the far right of the screen? That's a scroll thing...


« Reply #187 on: 22 Sep 2011, 11:29 am »

Wow, some review, I think James should be very happy with " With the BDP-1, Bryston has created a reference-grade source component that merits comparison with anything at any price—a remarkable achievement."


James Tanner

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« Reply #188 on: 6 Oct 2011, 05:49 pm »
Hi James,

I revisited the BDP1 in my system at home and I'm very happy to report that I can now transfer AIFF songs/albums from my iTunes library and have the BDP1 read/organize all the tags beautifully! The Mpod app I used worked without a single glitch.

Overall, with the latest firmware updates, the BDP1 is really amazing. I really like being able to create playlists on the fly....or having the option not to!

Thanks again,
Absolute Sound - Calgary

James Tanner

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« Reply #189 on: 27 Oct 2011, 03:29 pm »
From: Phil Hansen
Sent: October-27-11 8:45 AM
Subject: Bryston media coverage

Dear All

Enclosed is the BDP-1 and BDA-1 combination have been awarded a Highly Commended badge in HI FI news magazine's Ultimate Hi-Fi edition (their equivalent of an awards issue).

Kind regards