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David,I forgot to mention - magnet strength effects impedance. Check out Maestro V2.http://www.clearaudio.de/_de/tan_Maestro%20V2.php
Magnetic gap - the smaller the clearance between armature poles and magnets, the better the magnetic flux path and the higher the efficiency.
Winding resistance - the lower the internal electrical resistance of the winding, the less energy is dissipated as heat that results from current flow through the winding resistance. Accordingly, the larger the magnet wire diameter in the armature windings, the lower the resistance and the higher the electrical efficiency, but the larger the generator (the same number of turns of the larger wire gauge are required to generate the same output voltage).
Most importantly, magnetic circuits are nonlinear; the reluctance in a magnetic circuit is not constant, as resistance is, but varies depending on the magnetic field. At high magnetic fluxes the ferromagnetic materials used for the cores of magnetic circuits saturate, limiting the magnetic flux, so above this level the reluctance increases rapidly. The reluctance also increases at low fluxes. In addition, ferromagnetic materials suffer from hysteresis so the flux in them depends not just on the instantaneous MMF but also on the history of MMF. After the source of the magnetic flux is turned off, remanent magnetism is left in ferromagnetic circuits, creating a flux with no MMF.
Over and above theoretical ideas, is there an inference that the AT150MLX is really the quality equal to the CA Virtuoso/Maestroand at half the price or less, really a much better buy? What other units would approach this quality level?
Neo,"Don Griff,You said you're sending one to Soundsmith. Did you attempt an exotic transplant into a CA plug?" I have installed the AT 150MLX stylus and find it not as big an improvement as I though I would when it is compared with the AT 440MLa stylus. There are things about each of them that is better than the other. The MLa has a more relaxed presentation where as the MLX has a presentation that is more in your face. I think the better buy for transplanting into this CA is the MLa stylus. When the MLa is in the Virtuoso, it sounds like the MLX in the Maestro. The MLX in the Virtuoso sounds a little bright. I am beginning to think that the extra wood that is on the Maestro sort of over damps what is being presented to it by the stylus.I haven't got around to sending anything off to SS yet. Other priorities at the moment. New TT and arm. (New to me)Regards,Don