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Daedalus Audio

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« on: 5 Dec 2010, 09:26 pm »
I just heard that a customer in Seattle had his home broken into last night and his entire system stolen. please watch for any of these items:
   Shindo Masseto preamplifier with MC/MM phono stage

-    Shindo silver interconnects

-    Shindo upgraded power cord

-    EAR Acute CD player, Serial #: 08321001

-    Black Diamond Source stand

-    Daedalus DA 1.1 speakers, in walnut

-    Shunyata Hydra-8 line conditioner w/high current 20 amp Silent Source
power cord

-    Acoustic Zen Krakatoa power cables - 2

-    Kubala Sosna Emotion power cable -

-    Auditorium 23 speaker cables (4 1⁄2 meters)


Re: burglery!
« Reply #1 on: 5 Dec 2010, 09:32 pm »
 That makes me sick. I hope they find the bastards and break their arms.


Re: burglery!
« Reply #2 on: 5 Dec 2010, 09:57 pm »
Wow, they are pros.  They really cleaned up a massive system and I am sure they know what they have in their hands.  Sad day for your customer and hopefully the insurance will cover the loses. 


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Re: burglery!
« Reply #3 on: 5 Dec 2010, 10:12 pm »
Take it from someone who's lost 2 systems from breakin's, both during Christmas week in 1980 and again in 1990. Both systems were mid-fi, nothing remotely resembling this system but I'm sure that poor chap has that same empty violated feeling that I had each time it happened to me.  :thumbdown:
Best advise I can give the guy is to do what I did, get a dog. A dog who is highly protective of his home and highly loyal to his owner. My Australian Shephard, Bandit, is the best insurance I could have ever gotten and he's my buddy to boot!  :thumb:
Sad thing is even if they do catch those A'holes, any punishment won't compensate for what they're putting that poor victim through. Now chop off a hand or 2, that might help prevent the next potential victim.  8)

Wind Chaser

Re: burglery!
« Reply #4 on: 5 Dec 2010, 10:46 pm »
...chop off a hand or 2, that might help prevent the next potential victim.  8)

That's a very effective deterrent for other would be thieves. 


Re: burglery!
« Reply #5 on: 5 Dec 2010, 11:13 pm »
So you consider cutting off hands equal to stealing luxury items?


Re: burglery!
« Reply #6 on: 5 Dec 2010, 11:15 pm »
It doesn't matter what item was stolen, cut em off!!!


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Re: burglery!
« Reply #7 on: 5 Dec 2010, 11:19 pm »
So you consider cutting off hands equal to stealing luxury items?

Let someone come in and trash your home,,,, then get back to me.  :o


Re: burglery!
« Reply #8 on: 5 Dec 2010, 11:23 pm »
I've been robbed, I'm with you....


Re: burglery!
« Reply #9 on: 5 Dec 2010, 11:33 pm »
I just hope I am upstairs working when someone breaks into my home.  Losing a hand will be the least of their worries!

I really feel for the person that has his home broken into and his system stolen!  Probably for a little drug money.

Daedalus Audio

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Re: burglery!
« Reply #10 on: 5 Dec 2010, 11:47 pm »
another side to this is who buys the stolen goods? 
a friend and I had our cameras stolen in BC once, the RCMP explained that it looked like they were pros and that the cameras were probably already on their way to a warehouse from which they would be sold on ebay! he told me of raids they had done were they found highly organized outfits with tens of thousands of items which they 'fenced' on ebay. after that I refuse to be involved with any 'great' deal on the internet and check the source of anything to make sure it is legit.

I also have a dear friend whose nephew is a crack addict, he has been in and out of jail for years, keeps trying to pull his life together but it's hard. a basically good guy trashing his life and leaving a wide wake. lots of burglaries etc, and he learned these skills in our criminal education system (prison). so the prison wasn't so much a deterrent as a place to learn how to be really bad. it's a quandary, I wouldn't want his hands cut off, and in a sense our system taught him to be bad, but he and others need to be stopped. I don't know maybe if early on he lost a hand he might have gained his life? obviously cutting off limbs is not acceptable but we need to do something different. and as it is in major metropolitan areas burglaries are treated like traffic tickets and that is dead wrong.

as for luxury items, these people also had many other personal items stolen, sounds like they were in the midst of a move and some gang used a moving truck on their new home.  the really worst part is the sense of violation.

so we should all think about being absolutely sure we aren't inadvertently supporting this kind of criminal behavior and we need to think deeply about what needs to really change in out society to prevent this help keep people from becoming these kind of foul criminals.


Re: burglery!
« Reply #11 on: 6 Dec 2010, 12:01 am »
Locking people up for substance abuse certainly does no one any good as far as that goes


Re: burglery!
« Reply #12 on: 6 Dec 2010, 12:22 am »
While I agree with Lou ( I'm not serious about the hand cutting off comment) i still can honestly say once someone starts breaking into someones house it is no longer a drug problem, it is a potentially life threatening situation and that individual forfeits their right the second they pick the lock or smash the window. If someone broke into my house the last thing i would think is "gee I wonder if this person is a drug addict" first on my mind would be eliminating the threat any way I can. I may be crass and short sighted, but I don't give a damn, at some point people pay for what they do regardless of how tough life is on them.


Re: burglery!
« Reply #13 on: 6 Dec 2010, 12:27 am »
Bet you any money those items end up in vancouver BC. I will watch the canuckaudiomart for it.

Daedalus Audio

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Re: burglery!
« Reply #14 on: 6 Dec 2010, 12:59 am »
While I agree with Lou ( I'm not serious about the hand cutting off comment) i still can honestly say once someone starts breaking into someones house it is no longer a drug problem, it is a potentially life threatening situation and that individual forfeits their right the second they pick the lock or smash the window. If someone broke into my house the last thing i would think is "gee I wonder if this person is a drug addict" first on my mind would be eliminating the threat any way I can. I may be crass and short sighted, but I don't give a damn, at some point people pay for what they do regardless of how tough life is on them.
just to clarify, sure I'm a bleeding heart lefty hippie, I also have a loaded 12 gauge pump and I spend most of my free time practicing martial arts. so if I catch someone breaking into my house I don't believe I'll be too concerned with their tough childhood... still I don't want to isolate myself in my reactionary attitudes. so I think it's good to explore what are all the causes and responsibilities, maybe we can make this a better world, eh?  yet when the time comes I can't really blame anyone for using force to defend themselves and their homes. I know I'd like to personally do some serious damage to the punks that stole from my friend.


Re: burglery!
« Reply #15 on: 6 Dec 2010, 01:02 am »
Reminds me of the crimey days in NYC back in the late 1980s and early 1990s...burglaries galore.  Our family's places had been burglarized, in one place 2 twice within 2 months, 1 in another place.  They took our TV and VCR which was the best thing that could have happened to me as I was just listening to radio 8 hours a day, also read the NYT daily for almost 2 years....Back then people did not bother to have some decent stereos, I gave up my stereo stuff and just had a CD boombox. 

It has been decades since then but a burglary is something I would not want anyone to face especially when walking into their new places. 

Talking about these comments about choppin' hands to prevent burglary etc... In a South American country our family once lived, the concept of private property was sacred to the extent that anyone found inside one's adobe or property could be shot on site, without much repercussions from the law.  They call any sort of violation of private property like a life threatening home invasion. 

Not that this would help much in the US, as weapons are so freely available, and found well among the criminal elements. 

I say, ask the insurance company to do something about this.  An alarm and a smart guard dog will help.

Phil A

Re: burglery!
« Reply #16 on: 6 Dec 2010, 01:08 am »
It's a real shame.  It happens everywhere.  I can understand someone who is hungry stealing food but beyond that it is out-of-hand.


Re: burglery!
« Reply #17 on: 6 Dec 2010, 01:10 am »
When I was 17 I had a friend who not only got hooked on crack but he broke into my parents house and stole irreplaceable , and very sentimental items from my parents. Broke my heart and angered me to say the least. Worst part is I knew who did it, but couldnt prove it.

Lou brings up a good point how they treat it like a traffic ticket.  You look at a country like Singapore who has very lil crime and drug problems simple b/c the punishments are so severe people will think twice. I've never been to there airport but Ive heard they have a sign in several languages near all the exits and entries, which basially says "if we find drugs on you, we will kill you" A lil severe yes but if it saves more lives and people from being violated like this, then the collateral damage is worth it in the long run. Just my .02 cents.

Hope they catch them , bothers me to hear about this.


Re: burglery!
« Reply #18 on: 6 Dec 2010, 02:08 pm »
Sad, very sad. I worry about this often.
Every time a person (non family or close friend) enters my home and asks about my components I tell them "it is just a cheapo system that has fake tubes on it for looks only, and they don't even light any more." And that "it actually sounds terrible and I've been meaning to go to Best Buy to buy something worthwhile to use." I tell them "I bought the speakers from some guy in a white van who told me they were good, but sound like crap, so if I ever see that guy again I'm going to pound him."


Re: burglery!
« Reply #19 on: 6 Dec 2010, 04:25 pm »
Sad, very sad. I worry about this often.
Every time a person (non family or close friend) enters my home and asks about my components I tell them "it is just a cheapo system that has fake tubes on it for looks only, and they don't even light any more." And that "it actually sounds terrible and I've been meaning to go to Best Buy to buy something worthwhile to use." I tell them "I bought the speakers from some guy in a white van who told me they were good, but sound like crap, so if I ever see that guy again I'm going to pound him."
