Any CD player recommendations?

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Any CD player recommendations?
« on: 1 Dec 2010, 01:11 pm »
I'm in the market for a new CD player and came across the Pioneer PD-D9MK2 here:

It looks very nice although I'm not sure which Wolfson DACs it is using. It's in the same price range as the Cambridge Audio 840 CD player wich has gotten good reviews in the press. The Pioneer also has SACD and is a plus. I'm in the initial stages of my search and thought some AC members would have some good input.


Re: Any CD player recommendations?
« Reply #1 on: 1 Dec 2010, 01:18 pm »
I wouldn't spend anything like that on a standalone CD player. Look instead at your overall budget and allocate proportionally. Don't forget that there's a good chance down the track that you will want to experiment with other sources e.g. computer-based audio, so perhaps you really should be looking at a good quality standalone DAC along with a cheap transport (e.g. DVD player) to start with.


Re: Any CD player recommendations?
« Reply #2 on: 1 Dec 2010, 03:14 pm »
I'm in the market for a new CD player and came across the Pioneer PD-D9MK2 here:

It looks very nice although I'm not sure which Wolfson DACs it is using. It's in the same price range as the Cambridge Audio 840 CD player wich has gotten good reviews in the press. The Pioneer also has SACD and is a plus. I'm in the initial stages of my search and thought some AC members would have some good input.


What digital source are you using now and in what way is it inadequate for your needs currently?

Perhaps, from there, folks can give you more helpful feedback for your situation.

Regards, John (another one :))


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Re: Any CD player recommendations?
« Reply #4 on: 1 Dec 2010, 04:20 pm »
FWIW, with only very few exceptions, I've always found that the best value comes from buying preowned equipment. One gets both the benefit of reduced prices as well as the benefit of a knowing the track records for different models of gear. $1500 buys a lot of very, very good used equipment especially if the gear comes from reputable sources (AudioCircle members, etc.)

I concur with other posters that before making recommendations or decisions, other info is needed, e.g., budget, intended use, associated equipment, future plans, etc.


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Re: Any CD player recommendations?
« Reply #5 on: 1 Dec 2010, 06:18 pm »
Personally I'm 0 for 1 on used CDP's.

You have a computer, just add the proper cable and a DAC.

For $1700 you could get a new MiniMac, cable, and Eastern Electric DAC.  The Mini and EE DAC could both be modded/upgraded later for top end performance.  For now you could start with just the EE DAC.

Ericus Rex

Re: Any CD player recommendations?
« Reply #6 on: 1 Dec 2010, 06:42 pm »
I recently got one of these...

...and I'm very happy with it.  It has the added benefit of having a digital input so you can still plug in your PC or Squeezebox and use the internal DAC.  Very versatile.  When I get around to it I plan on writing up a mini review for AC.  This player replaced an Oppo BDP-83SE and I don't miss the Oppo at all.


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Re: Any CD player recommendations?
« Reply #7 on: 1 Dec 2010, 06:52 pm »
Here's what I did and got a lot of options because I went this route...I bought a combination DAC/Pre/Tube Buffer/USB enabled piece that started out being used as a DAC from a Logitech Squeezebox, the unit I have has a tube in the mix so I get the luxury of tailoring that tube sound somewhat or use the DAC's solid state output if I'm so inclined. As I upgraded and started into buying separates the DAC became my pre-amp again using the tube in the mix or solid state output if I chose. I then decided I wanted to try a dedicated CD player so I got one and run it into the DAC/pre gaining the tube buffer option and adding that tone into the mix. There are a bunch of nice pieces out there that won't break the bank. I chose Grant Fidelity Tube DAC-09/Pre and a Virtue Audio Piano M1 CD Player both together ran me less than $1000, the Eastern Electric DAC is very nice and an excellent choice also, it will be my next DAC most have the computer already so take advantage of it if you choose.
 I wanted to hear an excellent CD player and the Piano M1 is just that and now I have a ton of options, I can play CD's which I do most often or use my ipod touch to control a Squeezebox Duet and play any digital file I have stored on my laptop with a touch of the screen, there are so many ways to go so I just picked two of the easiest for me. I buy used CD's, rip them into itunes as wav files for the DUET to playback through the DAC or pop in a CD and go that route...enjoy!!! :thumb:


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Re: Any CD player recommendations?
« Reply #8 on: 2 Dec 2010, 12:07 pm »
Maximum budget is $1,500. Currently using a Sony CE595 which I think is a very nice CD player, but have the audiophile itch to see if I can "upgrade". Performance of course is the highest priority, but I have to admit that I really like the looks of the Pioneer. Never heard of the Virtue Audio Piano, but with a 30-day trial period it might be worth looking into.

I have absolutely no interest in computer audio. I have over 3,500 CDs and I derive pleasure out of taking the CD out of the case and reading the liner notes. Just old fashioned I guess.

Ericus Rex - Why do feel the Marantz is superior to the Oppo SE? The Oppo has had a great reputation and I'm interested in your thoughts.
« Last Edit: 8 Dec 2010, 12:55 pm by 2gumby2 »

Ericus Rex

Re: Any CD player recommendations?
« Reply #9 on: 2 Dec 2010, 01:00 pm »
Sonically, I found the Oppo to be unrealistically hyper-detailed with some recordings.  Functionally, it was very quirky.  Wouldn't play some perfectly good discs, skipped the middle of songs with others, took too long to read a disc and the remote was far too complicated for audio.

With the Marantz, I'm getting all the detail but it's presented in a more natural and pleasing way.  Never had a problem reading/playing a disc and everything about it is more user friendly.

I guess I'd sum them up by saying I get more music out of the Marantz and more bits out of the Oppo.


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Re: Any CD player recommendations?
« Reply #10 on: 2 Dec 2010, 02:53 pm »
Several good recommendations here. I had never heard of the Piano M1 before and it has some nice reviews, but it is consistently described as having a tube like sound. I take this to mean that the sound is colored in some way. The Marantz SA8004 also looks very nice and has good reviews as well. Making a choice may be more difficult than I thought.


Re: Any CD player recommendations?
« Reply #11 on: 2 Dec 2010, 03:22 pm »
Maximum budget is $1,500. Currently using a Sony CE595 which I think is a very nice CD player, but have the audiophile itch to see if I can "upgrade". Performance of course is the highest priority, but I have to admit that I really like the looks of the Pioneer. Never heard of the Virtue Audio Piano, but with a 30-day trial period it might be worth looking into.

I have absolutely no interest in computer audio. I have over 3,500 CDs and I derive pleasure out of taking the CD out of the case and rading the liner notes. Just old fashioned I guess.


I run considerably counter to the prevailing audiophool tide many times....and this is one of these places.

I find, inasmuch as possible, higher fidelity can be had with the shortest transmission lines and least amount of rca jacks and connections between components. So, although I have tried a spate of DAC's, I prefer running tunes from the player itself.

Personally, aside from individual preference for it for whatever reason, I have not heard convincing difference in hard drive-led front end from a well sorted player.  Not that all digital sounds the same, but all digital playback equipment these days sound rather good for surprisingly little cash...yet even the very best lack that last little detail that whispers 'real event' as good vinyl does. 

Perhaps that gap will be narrowed or eliminated in the future - but it ain't here now and I listen a great deal to see if it is - as it is no pleasure turning a record side over ever 17 to 21 minutes :evil:

So, what's my recommendation for you based on the above?

Buy the best player your budget it universal or straight CDP if you don't have interest in the higher res formats (which are an advance on redbook all in all)....they all sound good nowadays even down to the $59 CD/DVD ones.  There are scores of very good ones under $1500.00 today...choose one that is aesthetic pleasing and sounds good.

Then, hook it up directly to your pre-amp stage (or input stage of your amp if it is so equipped) by way of a Dakiom MR273...buying 2 costs $218.00:

This goes in place of your the $218.00 is amortized over the savings of your interconnect alone.  It won't give you 'killer' bass or any audiophile whatever'll add a degree of naturalness that normally doesn't exist outside of very high end players.  It's a Feedback Stabilizer - and while the owner of the company Dr. Dao has come colorful, and downright weird, ads on Audiogon...the dang things work for audio players like a proverbial 'charm' :)

Then, buy an isolation transformer (you need not a high capacity one - it can be small and inexpensive...normally $100.00 for new and less for used) and put it before your new player on the AC.  This either or both cleans AC fed to your player or (perhaps more importantly) creates a barrier for digital hash to enter back in thru your other components and muck up the sound.

Here's one that would work fine for the purpose:

So, buy the best, most modern player you can for $1200....add the Dakiom MR273's and an isolation transformer for $100.00.  Viola, sensational sound in the most direct path for $1500.00 is your reward  :thumb:



Re: Any CD player recommendations?
« Reply #12 on: 2 Dec 2010, 03:39 pm »
Several good recommendations here. I had never heard of the Piano M1 before and it has some nice reviews, but it is consistently described as having a tube like sound. I take this to mean that the sound is colored in some way. The Marantz SA8004 also looks very nice and has good reviews as well. Making a choice may be more difficult than I thought.

I wouldn't say that Piano M1 is "colored" and I doubt that it can be mistaken for a tube CD player. When references are made to Piano M1 as "tube like"', I believe it has to do with its fluidness and reduced edginess (which is sometimes associated with digital reproduction). However, detail, resolution, speed and airiness is pretty much retained and spot on.
All in all, very respectful performance from this inexpensive player. If red book CD reproduction is all you want, check it out.

Ericus Rex

Re: Any CD player recommendations?
« Reply #13 on: 2 Dec 2010, 03:50 pm »
Ah, Reviews and Reviewers.  Having been to a couple of audio shows and then read Reviewers 'show reports' I have come to the conclusion that Reviewers rarely know what they're talking about.  I no longer base any purchases on reviews alone.  Let your own ears decide.

Very interesting John the Chairguy!  I'll have to look into those Dakiom thingamajigs.


Re: Any CD player recommendations?
« Reply #14 on: 2 Dec 2010, 04:02 pm »
Very interesting John the Chairguy!  I'll have to look into those Dakiom thingamajigs.

I've owned them for about 6 years now.  I used to have a very high-end player/transport (totally modded Sony DVP-7700s), running to a very high end, very tricked out MSB Gold Link III DAC and Power Supply.

When I sent in the DAC and Power Supply for more upgrades...I was left only with the Sony to play.  It sounded ABSOLUTELY horrid as a standalone.  So, on a lark one night I ordered the crazee Dakiom thingamabobs with a money back guarantee with a 'what the hell' attitude to it.  They were the cheapest ones that made then...maybe $59 for the pair.

DAMN! It made the Sony listenable where it was disgusting sounding before.  Seriously, I couldn't listen to the damn thing (it was modded for optimum results as a transport, not player...but still!) for a minute with out the Dakioms...yet with it I could handle it.

All players have gotten better nowadays, even the cheapest - I find them all listenable.  But, the MR273 improves it just a wee bit more in naturalness (that is, like a real event) :thumb:

On newest players, as they have gotten that good, I think the isolation tranny on the player A/C might be the more cost effective upgrade now.  So, try the Dakioms....but, do use the isolation tranny on your player of choice.



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Re: Any CD player recommendations?
« Reply #15 on: 2 Dec 2010, 05:11 pm »
Hi 2gumby2,

This is just an opinion but I did a little quick arithemtic and it tells me you have probably spent in the neighborhood of $40,000.00 on CD's.  If I had that many CD's and spent that much money I wouldn't be looking for a Swiss Army Knife solution.  I would be looking for a no nonsense dedicated CD player that is maximized for redbook CD playback especially since you have no interest in ripping them to a USB drive to play through a DAC.  I would rob Peter to pay Paul and increase my budget to $2,500.00 and look at something like the Bryston BCD-1 which fits this description.  I'm skeptical of reviews unless there are a multitude that are saying the same thing and this player has received 2 thumbs up from every publication that has reviewed it.  It is a Stereophile Class A component every year since its intro in 2008.  Throw this in with all the other advice you're getting and best wishes with your decision :thumb:.


Re: Any CD player recommendations?
« Reply #16 on: 2 Dec 2010, 10:36 pm »
There is a 4 months old Bryston BCD-1 on Audiogon for $1650.  If I was looking for a CD player I would have already bought it.  BTW I am not the seller and I do not know who is selling it.  It just looks like a great deal.


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Re: Any CD player recommendations?
« Reply #17 on: 3 Dec 2010, 12:59 pm »
I've spent several hours reading CD player reviews based on the recommedations here and found another CD player that gets consistently good reviews. It's the Emotiva ERC-1. Any opinions on the ERC-1? I don't care for the bright blue llights, but I read that they can be dimmed with the remote. One user review that I read compared the Bryston BDP-1 to the Emotiva and thought that the Bryston was "only slightly better than the ERC-1". Seems to be a high value player. I've never used a slot loaded CD player, but the owners seem to be happy with the slot loading.


Re: Any CD player recommendations?
« Reply #18 on: 3 Dec 2010, 01:12 pm »


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Re: Any CD player recommendations?
« Reply #19 on: 3 Dec 2010, 10:06 pm »
I've spent several hours reading CD player reviews based on the recommedations here and found another CD player that gets consistently good reviews. It's the Emotiva ERC-1. Any opinions on the ERC-1? I don't care for the bright blue llights, but I read that they can be dimmed with the remote. One user review that I read compared the Bryston BDP-1 to the Emotiva and thought that the Bryston was "only slightly better than the ERC-1". Seems to be a high value player. I've never used a slot loaded CD player, but the owners seem to be happy with the slot loading.

I wouldn't hang my hat on any one user's review.  There are too many variables not the least of which could be his hearing as well as his system setup.  If any or all of the downstream components are inferior that would tend to neutralize a high quality unit's advantage (like the BCD-1).  Listening room varables can skew a comparison as well.  As for Emotiva, I've not heard of this brand and like I said, the Bryston has been reviewed by countless professional reviewers who know how to control variables in the process.  In the end its your money and up to you and your ears to decide.  The price difference between the BCD-1 and the ones you are considering is a small fraction of the amount you have spent on CD's.  Just lookin' out for ya buddy and don't want to see you shortchange your sizeable investment in all that wonderful music :thumb:.

BTW, I don't have the BCD-1 so this is not a biased opinion.  I bought the Esoteric X-05 because I wanted SACD playback.