Ok so I thought I could hit everything I wanted to if I just went all day Sunday. I was wrong, boy was I rushing at the end just to hear some rooms for a min or two.

So i'll post the rooms I remember most in about the order I saw them.
Selah Audio

I first made my way quickly to Rick's room for my first listen of Selah speakers, and boy did it live up to what I was hoping for. Also he was using some of my favorite amps, ICE amps (in the form of Red Dragon here). The RAAL lives up to reputation as just being very very good, the cymbals on my test track sounded like the real thing. The only thing I was missing was the SS revelator woofer which I still think is a better driver than the new illuminator. The pre-amp had a rather cool volume indicator on it; the red circle around what I believe is the on button.
PS Audio

So I waited about 10 minutes to hear anything in this room as their $3000 disc player choked on a guys DVD audio disc and wasn't ejecting it.

Any ways the girl working the place just let me have the Ipad and use the Perfect Wave Dac and some computer storage to listen to music. Which is good seeing as how that's what I wanted to check out. I have to say it's a pretty sweet music server set up, and thankfully she informed me that a more reasonable $1500 version of this will be coming out soon. And if you're wondering about the sound coming out of those funky looking speakers.......well it was funky, not sure why they would pick those.
AudioKinesis/Neko Audio

I figured no one else would take a shot of the side set up on Duke's new speaker so I snapped one. This was my first time hearing wave guide speakers, and I've got to say they were pretty good. Tone wise I think they matched anything I heard at the show. I wasn't getting great imaging, I think these guys need a bigger room. In fact I would love to hear them in a larger room.

The curious case of accutron drivers. So after hearing so much about these drivers I had to stop in to hear them for myself. This was the first room to be using them. There was already some one in here listening to a great jazz clarinet track. I was blown away at how good it sounded, then again these cost over $20,000 so they should. The funny part is that for the rest of the day I thought all the other accutron speakers I heard were just ok, not sure what it was about this room that made them sound so great. *puts on flame suit* Also this is the only room where I didn't wonder why the hell any one would spend so much money on a turn table.
ModWright/DaedalusMy first time hearing either of these companies gear, and wow was it good. I can't really think of any good descriptions other than these sounded right. If I was a two channel guy and not a home theater guy I could easily live with this set up for the rest of my life.

Last year Gamut had their $90,000 S9s in one of the large ballrooms, I felt these where by far the best speakers there. This year they had the more reasonable, "only" $30,000 S5s. So there is one large guy sitting in the room who puts on Money For Nothing and proceeds to play it very very loudly. And once again I think these are my favorite speaker of the show, minus the Vandy 7s, which are the best speaker ever

. After the song is over I start talking to him only to find out it's Lars Goller, yes the man who designed the ScanSpeaker revelator. Not only is this guy super smart but very friendly, and I ended up talking to him for about half an hour. For most of which he explained why the revelator is better than the illuminator and how Tymphany is run by idiots.
Not going to say much other than i'm buying two of the DEQX express's for my home theater. This is far and away the best add on ever. It made some rather simple(ok very well made but still simple) speakers compete with any of the super expensive big boys IMHO.
Fritz SpeakersAt this point I'm starting to rush to try to hit every thing I wanted to see so I didn't get any pics. Wow Fritz is a great guy first off. He said he loved discovering new music at these shows, well it's a good thing I had my Alex Skolnick Trio track with me, he liked it quite a bit. I have to say I was a bit worried at first seeing a soft dome tweeter and no rounding on the edges of the speaker. Then the music started to play and wow these thing threw the best image and sound stage of the show for me. I could close my eyes the speakers seemed to disappear into the room. However I was still missing some detail due to the soft dome tweeter. While talking to him before leaving he mentioned he has some RAAL lying around that he hadn't gotten to yet. If he brings those next year, his maybe the first room I go to.
Bryston/PMCSo walking down the hallway a few doors down from Fritz's I heard some the best bass i've heard at the show and rushing to this room. PMC has it's FACT 3 and 8 showing and I can't believe how small they are for the bass I just heard. After a few seconds of chit chat I found out the PMC guys are metal heads as well, so they break out their stash of metal CDs. I spend the next few minutes listening to some of the best sound metal i've heard, I mean you can not believe the bass these things put out. Finally they inform me that the 3's are $8000 and the 8's are $10000, this is when I went from thinking about buying these to wondering who the hell was going to buy these things at this price point.
Salk SoundI finally make my way down stairs to the ball rooms to hear one of my most anticipated speakers of the show; the SoundScape 12s! As some other have said here, something was up with this room. I listen for a while and start to think I recall the Song Towers and HT2's sounding better than this. I know Jim and Dennis wouldn't have spend all this time on a speaker that doesn't sound as good as their lower offerings. So I ran over to the Salk room with the other speakers, and sure enough, to me they sounded better than the SoundScapes. I can't say what was up with that.
Other stuff that I didn't spend that much time on.
The good: Joesph Audio/Ayre
GR Research
Bamberg Audio
The good but over priced: Wilson
JBL Everest
The harsh: Zu Audio
YG Acoustics
Revel/Mark Levinson
The just plain bad: Coincident, did any one really like this???