Audiocircle member RMAF 2010 show coverage.

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Re: Audiocircle member RMAF 2010 show coverage.
« Reply #240 on: 19 Oct 2010, 03:59 am »
Tyson/Pez, I think there is a picture missing here:
"Ah, lest I forget, THE most transparent speakers at the show (too bad they sounded crappy):"

My bad!

Here they are.

I wouldn't characterize their sound as "crappy" I would say they were 'clearly awful'.  :duh:

Bill Baker

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Re: Audiocircle member RMAF 2010 show coverage.
« Reply #241 on: 19 Oct 2010, 04:17 am »
I have a lot of writing to do over the next couple days. Being the first RMAF I have attended in person and as a manufacturer (vendor), I have a lot of thoughts to put together. After traveling for 9 hours today (and dealing with Denver airport on a Monday morning :duh:) my brain is far from ready to do it tonight.

 I will say that I am kicking myself in the arse for not being able to get out there sooner. I meet and hing out with some great people over the past 5 days. Here is a qick shot of our Purity Audio Design room. I am working on a full show report for our web site as well. I will also start my own thread going into detail about my first RMAF but like I said, there is a lot to put together and many people to thank for making this fisrt show a success far greater than we could have hoped for.


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Re: Audiocircle member RMAF 2010 show coverage.
« Reply #242 on: 19 Oct 2010, 04:19 am »
Saturday (cont'd)

So, Lou, Wayne, and I go out to a great local pizza joint called Pasquini's, great time was had all around.  We come back and Jason convinces Lou to hook up his 5 watt "Truth and Corruption" SET amp to drive the Ulysses full range.  We played it on low volume for about 15 minutes, and started to listen.  Jaws hit the floor.  By the time we were at 30 minutes, it was just stunning sound.  This was VERY surprising to me, because Jason's amps had a bit of difficulty with both my V2's and our friend Mike's Gedlee speakers.  Also, the Atmaspheres had done so poorly with the Ulysses earlier.  But the Daedalus and the Truth/Corruption amp was a match made in heaven.

Next, we pulled the amp and headed down to the First Sound room.  Oh man, it just got better and better!  With the tubed preamp and awesome CD player and overall simpler system, it was very synergistic.  Don't get me wrong, the Berning OTL amp it replaces is very fine, indeed.  But the transformer based SET amp was just magical.  We literally stayed up till 3am listening to track after track after track.


Pics today are of poor quality because they are from my iPhone.  Even though it does good outdoor shots, it's pretty horrid indoors with low or mixed lighting.  Apologies up front.  But Jason was again falling down on the job :P

Dynaudio Sapphire and T&A Room - I kid you not, the name of the electronics in this room was Theory & Application (T&A).  They were hybrid amps driving a really cool looking set of Dyn's.  Pretty good overall, nothing stood out as bad, but overall not exceptional.

Sony Speakers and Pass Labs - Speakers from Sony?  Yes indeed, and using absolutely first rate drivers from Scan Speak and excellent build quality in the cabinets.  They were being played with some Muzak at low levels.  Jason fell asleep.  I thought they sounde pleasant and way better than anything I would have thought Sony would put out.  But the volume and music selection made it impossible to get a real handle on them.

Tyler Audio - A really nice sounding room.  Similar to the Dynaudio Sapphire's, but quite a bit better in overall sound, especially in the bass, which was very impressive to me.  Also, this room had the most over the top remote control ever.  It's actually not a remote, it's my Light Saber.

NAPA Acoustics - One of the coolest and most fun rooms all show!  Look how absolutely TINY those speakers are!  And they sounded good, very good!!!  Driven by that tiny CD player and Tiny tube-hybrid integrated amp.  $200 for the speakers and $400 for the CDP and $400 for the Integrated.  Seriously, if you need an office or a bedroom type system, THIS is what you should be checking out.

Less Loss Audio - The only reason I went in this room is that someone on AC requested that we try to hit it.  Boy am I glad I did.  The speakers and amps sounded PHENOMENAL.  I still give the Dynaudio C4 room my vote for best sound at show, but that's mainly cause I'm a tube guy.  If I were and SS guy, this room simply kicked @ss.  Massive transformers and power supply choke (in an SS amp!), cryo treated of course!  This was easily the most tweaked out room I saw at the whole show.  I'm not sure how much the tweaks contributed, but the end result was pretty dang stunning.

Purity Audio Room - this had the bad luck of coming right after the Less Loss room.  Sure, it sounded good, but just was not at the same level.  Maybe I'll try to hit it sooner in the show next year.

JM Reynaud Room - Not my favorite tweeter in the world, but JM actually manages to implement it very well.  The overall presentation of the speaker is a bit light for my tastes, but it really gets the energy of a performance down well.  And it was very coherent.  So, maybe not something I'd choose for myself, but for someone with a preference for a more lit-up sound, these would be outstanding.  Plus, you gotta love any room that is playing Shostakovich when you walk in!

Rogue Audio - Ah, I finally get to hear Rogue!  I've read about them for so long and I just happened to see their sign as we were walking by.  I went in expecting to love this room.  Plus they were spinning vinyl, usually a very good sign.  I dunno, it was quite underwhelming.  Maybe I'd hit the wall at this point, but it just sounded like another "generically good" hifi presentation.  I'll try to hit them sooner as well next year.

Gallo Acoustics - Talk about a 180, here was another room I'd always read about but never heard.  And based on what I'd read, I expected to be underwhelmed.  But in reality they were quite nice!  Tonal balance was good (although Jason felt they were bright, but then again he was trying to take a nap), the image was very deep and well defined, and they had really good bass.  They are a bit short, but then again, so was the designer :P

Analysis Plus Room - I don't think these (very cool looking) speakers were actually for sale or even still in production, and the room was focused on selling cables of course.  I loved the way these speakers sounded, they were easily the most dynamic of anything I heard at the whole show.  Maybe a tad bright, but just killer, killer dynamics.

Tannoy and Velodyne Room - The Tannoys seemed pretty nice.  I say "seemed" because the Velodyne rep had the f'ing sub turned up so loud it was impossible to tell.  Left this room in a hurry.

JBL and Mark Levinson Room - Jason doing his best Lonewolf :D  I wondered if this room would be as bad as I thought it might, with high efficiency horns and high powered SS amplification.  It was.  The speakers played VERY loud, but only had two gears - very soft and very loud, with no dynamic gradations at all.

Holistic Audio and Virtue Audio - Jason and I did not agree on this room.  He thought the imaging was weird, while I actually enjoyed. it.  Of course, I own open baffle speakers and he owns direct radiators, so we are probably simply expressing our biases here a bit.

Duevel and Thor Audio Room - Jason and I felt exactly the same way about this room as we felt about the previous Holistic Audio room.

Avatar Acoustics and Feickert Analog - This room is a good example of why you should bring your own source material.  We listened to the dealers LP of James Taylor and it was way too sibilant.  Then we put on a different LP and it was much better.  I put in my CD in and it sounded very good.  Maybe a tad on the analytical side, but still well balanced within that type of presenation.  Dynamics were very good and bass was suprising in such a modestly sized speaker.  Good stuff!


I would have even more to report but everyone started packing it up at 4pm on Sunday (the show is supposed to go till 6pm).  But, I suppose I can't blame them for wanting to get a jump start, plus it was SLOW all day Sunday (often Jason and I were the only people in a given room).  There are FAR too many vendors at RMAF for anyone to hit them all, so this year we did not even try.  Based on what we heard last year, we were able to avoid certain rooms and really focus on the more interesting/better rooms.  I think that subjectively this made for a much more positive overall show vibe for us. 

I'd also like to give some major kudos to the AC based manufacturers.  While many rooms were sitting on their hands, the AC guys are clearly trying to push the boundaries in high end, ether from an absolute standpoint, or from a value standpoint (and often both!!).  Meeting people like woodsyi, chairguy, Nuance, Vinly Lady, etc... was truly a highlight of the show for me.  Being able to immediatly have a bond and rapport with people I'd never met in person before was a real joy and I hope to see you ALL at next year's show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Last Edit: 19 Oct 2010, 08:03 pm by Tyson »


Re: Audiocircle member RMAF 2010 show coverage.
« Reply #243 on: 19 Oct 2010, 04:29 am »
...Here is a qick shot of our Purity Audio Design room...

I loved the sound in your room.


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Re: Audiocircle member RMAF 2010 show coverage.
« Reply #244 on: 19 Oct 2010, 04:41 am »
[re:AudioKinesis speakers]Man, I hated those things.  I thought they were very glaring and overall something I would never listen to for more than 2 minutes.

Big Red, we played anything people brought and some of it made me cringe.  It is possible that you were in the room at such a time. 


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Re: Audiocircle member RMAF 2010 show coverage.
« Reply #245 on: 19 Oct 2010, 04:51 am »

Less Loss Audio - The only reason I went in this room is that someone on AC requested that we try to hit it.  Boy am I glad I did.  The speakers and amps sounded PHENOMENAL.

US premiere! NEM AI-50 handmade mono amps from Siberia....with.....Kaiser GmbH Kawero Vivace high performance loudspeakers from Germany.

Told you they were good speakers.... :wink: ....but big bucks... :duh:



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Re: Audiocircle member RMAF 2010 show coverage.
« Reply #246 on: 19 Oct 2010, 04:53 am »
No doubt.  The more I listened to them, the better they got. 

Daedalus Audio

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Re: Audiocircle member RMAF 2010 show coverage.
« Reply #247 on: 19 Oct 2010, 05:05 am »
Gotcha.  I wonder why Lou didn't use the zero's then.  I'm sure Ralph knew what he was going to use them for.  Oh well.  Glad it all worked out in the end.
the problem wasn't a mismatch, ( they worked fine upstairs with the 60's).  Ralph and I discussed the 6 ohm impedance and with a very stable impedance there is no problem. there was something going on with the amps there, (they were a used pair).  am at Galibiers house now, just did the crossover upgrade on his Ulysses, fired them up with the Atmasphere 60's and they sound fine with that pair.
thanks for all the kind words , lou


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Re: Audiocircle member RMAF 2010 show coverage.
« Reply #248 on: 19 Oct 2010, 05:39 am »
I was surprised how neutral they seemed. I am use to the Essence, since I own a pair. The essence to me see a little forward up top, where the Omens did not at all. The Super Fly's look like they have the same HF driver, but are hotter on the top end. Seems like the Omen is just a good all arounder... nothing offensive. I am also surprised at how high the image hight is considering how short they are.

Anybody get a chance to sit with the Zu Omens and have any thoughts?? :thumb:


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Re: Audiocircle member RMAF 2010 show coverage.
« Reply #249 on: 19 Oct 2010, 05:57 am »
Was there a show special on the SuperFly's? I think I actually like them better than my Essence's

JH Audio JH13 Pro inner ear monitor.

Ended up ordering the Zu Soul Superfly.  I really liked the Omen but the Soul SF were just that much better.  As good as the dynamics were with the Omen, the Soul SF were even better.


Re: Audiocircle member RMAF 2010 show coverage.
« Reply #250 on: 19 Oct 2010, 06:12 am »
Okay, this is my favorite rooms list from the three days:

Fritzspeakers and ModWright electronics room.  :thumb:
Audio Physic speakers and Trigon electronics room.  :thumb:
LessLoss room.  :thumb:
Sjofn Hifi - "The Clue" speaker room.  :thumb:
Simon Yorke, CAT, Ayre, Lansche room.  :thumb:
Von Schweikert VR33 and VR35 rooms.  :thumb:
Sanders electronics and electrostatics room.  :thumb:
Bryston electronics and PMC speakers room.  :thumb:
Thor electronics and CD Deuvel speakers room.  :thumb:
Rogue electronics and Tel cables room.  :thumb:
AudoKinesis speaker and Neko Dac room.  :thumb:
GR Research, Dodd Audio, db Labs room.   :thumb: :thumb:
Xact audio, Allnic audio, Hammertone audio, Reed tonearm room.   :thumb: :thumb:
ModWright electronics, Daedalus speakers room.   :thumb: :thumb:
deHavilland electronics, Sonist speakers room.   :thumb: :thumb:
Joseph Audio Pulsar speaker room.   :thumb: :thumb:
Linkwitz/Orion room.   :thumb: :thumb:  This was my favorite room.

Read my earlier comments on these rooms for sound impressions.

Addendum: Wilson Audio Sophia III speaker.  :thumb: 
« Last Edit: 21 Oct 2010, 12:44 am by ltr317 »


Re: Audiocircle member RMAF 2010 show coverage.
« Reply #251 on: 19 Oct 2010, 06:47 am »
Better pictures:


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Re: Audiocircle member RMAF 2010 show coverage.
« Reply #252 on: 19 Oct 2010, 11:17 am »
the problem wasn't a mismatch, ( they worked fine upstairs with the 60's).  Ralph and I discussed the 6 ohm impedance and with a very stable impedance there is no problem. there was something going on with the amps there, (they were a used pair).  am at Galibiers house now, just did the crossover upgrade on his Ulysses, fired them up with the Atmasphere 60's and they sound fine with that pair.
thanks for all the kind words , lou

Ahh.  Wonder if I can get a deal on these M-60's.   :D  :scratch:


Re: Audiocircle member RMAF 2010 show coverage.
« Reply #253 on: 19 Oct 2010, 12:02 pm »
Ya'll rock.  Thanks for thinking of the rest of us with your fantabulous coverage.


Re: Audiocircle member RMAF 2010 show coverage.
« Reply #254 on: 19 Oct 2010, 12:27 pm »
THANK YOU! for the great pics and other info.


Re: Audiocircle member RMAF 2010 show coverage.
« Reply #255 on: 19 Oct 2010, 12:35 pm »
Great reports by everyone -- many thanks to all contributors.  I am definitely going to have to attend next year.


Re: Audiocircle member RMAF 2010 show coverage.
« Reply #256 on: 19 Oct 2010, 12:41 pm »
I also would like to thank everyone for the pictures and reports of the gear at RMAF.  I attended the show a couple of years ago and certainly look forward to the opportunity to go again.



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Re: Audiocircle member RMAF 2010 show coverage.
« Reply #257 on: 19 Oct 2010, 01:21 pm »
Was there a show special on the SuperFly's? I think I actually like them better than my Essence's
I hosted a Zu Party last year in Fort Lauderdale and was certain I would buy the Essence at the time.  Circumstances at the time led me to holding off on the purchase.  I still like the Essence but after hearing the Omen and the SuperFly, I'm glad I waited.  They were offering the SuperFly for $2,000 at the show.  Sunday morning I went up to the Zu room to pay them for the show demo Omens and spent some more time with the SuperFly.  They were playing some Dead which got my toes tapping and then I gave in and cancelled the Omens, which were bought by a friend and ordered the SuperFly.  I am sure I've said this before but the Omen at $1000 is a steal, imo.


Re: Audiocircle member RMAF 2010 show coverage.
« Reply #258 on: 19 Oct 2010, 02:18 pm »
Was that TRI TRV-4SE preamp on display in the Acoustic Zen's room???

Sounds like Robert Lee has done it again :thumb: I recalled that he has been showing with TRI corporation for quite a number of years running. Wonder why TRI equipments never really took off in the states, perhaps it's not expensive enough by audiophile standard :green:


Re: Audiocircle member RMAF 2010 show coverage.
« Reply #259 on: 19 Oct 2010, 02:23 pm »
I would have even more to report but everyone started packing it up at 4pm on Sunday (the show is supposed to go till 6pm).


You might have checked the booklet given out at the show to find the hours:

Friday, Saturday and Sunday
October 15-17, 2010
Denver Marriott Tech Center
Denver, CO

Show Times:

    Friday, October 15, 2010: 12 PM to 6 PM
    Saturday, October 16, 2010: 9 AM to 6 PM
    Sunday, October 17, 2010: 9 AM to 4 PM

Thanks to everyone who stopped by room 1030. It took us too long to get the room set up to sound good. To reiterate, I do believe the Atma-Sphere amps can sound good with Daedalus gear. Tom Mackris, who is the Colorado dealer for Atma-Sphere, uses M-60s in his personal system with Ulysses. In fact it WAS his personal system that was showing in room 1130. It was also Tom's decision to pull the Green Mountain speakers and replace them with his personal Ulysses to get the sound he wanted in that room.

The particular pair of MA-1 were supposed to have been factory refurbished. Unfortunately they had been sitting around for many weeks in boxes. A few tubes were bad. Like open filaments. Perhaps they would have sounded good after 11 hours of use (Ralph's suggestion), but we didn't have the time. We spent most of Friday trying to track down why we did not get the type of sound we wanted. In the end we went with what Lou KNEW would sound good, Modwright KWA-150s run in mono for the Ulysses. The new black face Modwright KWA-150 in stereo for the bass modules. The crossover I built for the system ended up working very well.

The modded EE DAC showed up late on Thursday. I asked Lou if wee could try it in the system to see how it worked. One listen and he said it is not leaving  :) Saturday afternoon and all day Sunday I was playing mostly 24/96 files through the modded SB Touch into the modded EE DAC. We ran Ethernet cable from a router to the Touch and then to the MacBook Pro. No problem with stuttering.

Steven Stone of Absolute Sound was impressed with the modded Touch and power supply. He will be doing a review of it for Absolute Sound.

I was not able to get out much, but I enjoyed Fritz's room. A very kind and gracious man. I have to agree with the earlier poster that using a roundover on the front of the cabinets might help the sound a bit but definitely improve the aesthetics in my eye.

Jason's build of the TubeLab Simple SE did sound impessive on the Ulysses speakers. Great job, youngster  :lol: