What has happened to the melody?

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What has happened to the melody?
« on: 17 Sep 2010, 05:57 pm »
Webster defines music as having melody, harmony and rhythm, but there  seems to be lots of music that seems to be missing a melody.
 I remember as a kid listening to my 6 transistor AM radio, to stations  in Minneapolis like KDWB and WDGY, there would be songs who's melody was  drilled into my head and are some of my favorite songs.
 If I say Crimson and Clover, or Groovin' or how about California  Dreamin' or even Owner of a Lonely Heart, I bet that almost everyone  could easily come up with the melody.
 As I have been going thru some of my unplayed vinyl acquisitions, There  are several bands, groups or even individuals, that I'm sure if I heard  the song 100 times, I couldn't hum 3 notes of the melody (because there  isn't one).
 Has melody become politically incorrect? Or has the musicianship and creativity been lost to those eras gone by?
 There is one new band that I have bought, that I couldn't mentally recall one of the songs melodies, at all.
 Is music doomed? Oh, yeah, there is some classical music that also falls into this category.


Re: What has happened to the melody?
« Reply #1 on: 17 Sep 2010, 06:31 pm »
I was discussing the exact thing with the wife while she was watching the MTV Awards. I said am I so old that they all sound the same to me or do they all want to sound the same.

Not just melody but identity. The Kinks didn't sound like the Hollies, the Hollies didn't sound like the Stones, the Stones didn't sound like the Who. Everybody went for their own sound and identity. Same with soul music. Little Anthony didn't sound like the 4 Tops, the 4 Tops didn't sound like Smokey etc. Same with horn bands - Tower of Power didn't sound like Sly or Bootsy Collins etc. etc.

I don't get it but I'm just not for the times I guess. Occasionally, some new band comes along with a unique sound and identity but too far and few between. I hate to be an old fart but melody and identity are now too much the same. I'm sure they fans of these groups can easily tell them apart but not like the old days of radio. Too bad.


Re: What has happened to the melody?
« Reply #2 on: 17 Sep 2010, 06:41 pm »
Not sure what this has to do with vinyl.

Or has the musicianship and creativity been lost to those eras gone by?

 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

So music is doomed because its not the same as when you were a kid?  What about the people born 200 yrs ago?  Do you think they would say the same thing? 
Maybe if you think 70s rock is the highest form of the art music is doomed.

There are more forms of music now so unless you are open minded you need to look harder for the nitche you like.



Re: What has happened to the melody?
« Reply #3 on: 17 Sep 2010, 06:45 pm »
That's what I said to the wife - I know our parent's said the same thing when we were kids. But honestly, when something new and fresh AND different comes along I'm all over it. So, no I don't think it's doomed - just not as diverse as it used to be.


Re: What has happened to the melody?
« Reply #4 on: 17 Sep 2010, 07:20 pm »
Not sure what this has to do with vinyl.

 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

So music is doomed because its not the same as when you were a kid?  What about the people born 200 yrs ago?  Do you think they would say the same thing? 
Maybe if you think 70s rock is the highest form of the art music is doomed.

There are more forms of music now so unless you are open minded you need to look harder for the nitche you like.

This is in the vinyl forum, because I listen to vinyl. Besides, the moderator (John) is very level headed.

I don't think the era of music has anything to do with it. The structure of music has changed nowdays (for the worse IMHO) and therefore, the enjoyment (or lack of) also.

Someone suggested that I try a band called Radiohead (OK computer). They said if you liked Pink Floyd, you'd dig this band. Well, I think not. There not even in the same league. BTW, I listen to music from the 50's, 60's 70's 80's and 90's. I also listen to classical music. There is lots of classical music with a melody. Brahms and Handle were good for that, others not so well. Aaron Copland (as a later composer) was also a fan of melody.

No music isn't doomed because it's not like the music when I was a kid, It'd doomed because there are people that think there is nothing wrong with the new stuff. There was a time in 1973 when music died (ask Don Mclean) and for about 2 to 3 years, was the most horrific attempt at music making the world had ever heard.



Re: What has happened to the melody?
« Reply #5 on: 17 Sep 2010, 07:30 pm »
Your use of the term "the new stuff" pretty much makes my point.  Which new stuff?  Do you honestlly think that ALL new "stuff" is the same?  FYI I think Radiohead is over rated.   


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Re: What has happened to the melody?
« Reply #6 on: 17 Sep 2010, 07:34 pm »
Completely agree Wayner, and if I recall, 1973 witnessed the birth of the British punk movement, plus some break out American talent. Hell, in '75 when I got to my freshman year in college, you couldn't go anywhere with Springsteen's Born To Run album blaring.

So, what's the next 'punk movement'? I ask my 15 year old, who, unabashed parental love aside, I see as a smart kid, what he listens to? He listens to current music through the speakers of his laptop streamed from youtube.

I cringe.

I agree with sts9fan with the notion each previous generation has looked/listened to the following generation's music and shook it's head, but that's as far as it goes. There is no other music out there with melody, just copycat hacks sampling a previous generation's music and grunting over it.

And country is no better, Taylor Swift, a one note/one trick pony if I ever heard one.


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Re: What has happened to the melody?
« Reply #7 on: 17 Sep 2010, 07:38 pm »
Hand in hand with this is the technological problem of digital music, low bit-rate overcompressed loudness compensated for digital voodoo. So not only do we need the next 'new wave', but there needs to be a paradigm shift in how this new wave will get disseminated to the masses.

I'm sitting here listening to Donald Fagen's Kamakiriad with my foot tapping, and my son thinks I'm insane. That's 1993 vintage.

I listen to rock, started in on fusion, then true jazz. My New Years resolution was to begin to develope my understanding of classical. From my son I have discovered a few things - Linkin Park, Silversun Pickups, Doves, Porcupine Tree, but the rest leaves me cold.

Somethings wrong here.


Re: What has happened to the melody?
« Reply #8 on: 17 Sep 2010, 07:39 pm »
I stopped having fun with new music quite a few years ago, tho there are some new songs (I don't know their names) that I like 'cause they have a melody.

There are some other stuff some would call "new wave" and I don't really care, but it sounds like a big jam session. OK, everyone, lets jam in the key of D and see what happens.

Melody is where the soul of music comes from. This is the stuff that makes the eyes get wet when we identify with music that has emotional content. I hope this makes my point a bit clearer. And remember in  my earlier post I said there is lots of old music that has this same problem.

Music I absolutely won't listen to: RAP (Rhythm And Poetry) (no melody). It's also filled with lots of anger.



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Re: What has happened to the melody?
« Reply #9 on: 17 Sep 2010, 07:43 pm »
I'm an old fart, (8 grandchildren), and I love Donald Fagen, (and Steely Dan, et al.). I cut my rock-n-roll teeth on Hendrix, The Stones, The Beatles, Pink Floyd . . . and yet, I never listen to any of that any more. I've come to love the "new" disco. I think they call it "trance" or somesuch. I like it because it goes back to the roots of the basic beat. Don't get me wrong. I still like music and the melody, but I've always liked the "pulse" at the foundation.


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Re: What has happened to the melody?
« Reply #10 on: 17 Sep 2010, 07:50 pm »

Number 1 (last week) pop album can be purchased in vinyl here.

I can't stand her voice but melody is there as you can see for yourself here.  There is melody on vinyl out there Wayner, you are just not seeing them and that's OK. 

Minn Mark

Re: What has happened to the melody?
« Reply #11 on: 17 Sep 2010, 07:51 pm »
Give some Kraftwerk a try---I luv them.




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Re: What has happened to the melody?
« Reply #12 on: 17 Sep 2010, 07:55 pm »
No need to "try". I've owned Autobahn since its first release. They invented the whole "electronic" music thang.   :thumb:


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Re: What has happened to the melody?
« Reply #13 on: 17 Sep 2010, 08:06 pm »
I have this one and it's a lot of fun. :thumb:


Re: What has happened to the melody?
« Reply #14 on: 17 Sep 2010, 08:13 pm »
Melody is where the soul of music comes from.
that's an opionion I do not share.
Also check out The New Pornographers "Together". Lots of melody.


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Re: What has happened to the melody?
« Reply #15 on: 17 Sep 2010, 08:39 pm »
Webster defines music as having melody, harmony and rhythm.

Then Webster's is defining music very narrowly in a way that most musicians would not accept.  For example, there is a very large body of Avant Garde and underground music that doesn't conform to any particular convention.  Much of it is freely improvised, and for fans that is its greatest appeal.



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Re: What has happened to the melody?
« Reply #16 on: 17 Sep 2010, 08:48 pm »
I hear where Wayner is coming from, but Jerome makes an excellent counterpoint, esp, as I listen to Sonny Rollins 'Saxophone Colossus' while waiting for my wife to bring my pizza home for dinner.


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Re: What has happened to the melody?
« Reply #17 on: 17 Sep 2010, 08:54 pm »
Gene, why don't you get your own Pizza?  :lol:
Damn, Boston had some good pizza. Lots of Greek Pizza.

There is no melody any more.
Most of the music today has no socially redeeming value.
It's all  for music video shock entertainment.
What trash out there !!!!

You see, I'm old too.



Re: What has happened to the melody?
« Reply #18 on: 17 Sep 2010, 09:19 pm »
that's an opionion I do not share.
Also check out The New Pornographers "Together". Lots of melody.

By the name of the band, I would not listen to the trash.


Re: What has happened to the melody?
« Reply #19 on: 17 Sep 2010, 09:21 pm »
May I also add another layer to the thread. I try to live by this old saying: