Beacon Two Preamplifier & LH-1 Cable tour: Impressions & Reviews

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It's OK with me man... maybe we can listen to it in each others rig?

Cool, I should have my SoundScapes by then.



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I sincerely appreciate EVERYBODY who has participated in the tour and well as those who will be soon.

Part of the reason for the tour is to determine how something works within various systems. When there is an issue or something not to your liking, I would like to know about it. So far there have been a few things reported and I have found ways to improve the design. The good news: They have been few and minor. Updates are already designed for future releases as well as the tour unit.

If you feel more comfortable emailing issues, dislikes or concerns, that is fine with me. The important thing is that I know what they are.

For future reference: Please do not forget to review the cables!


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I sincerely appreciate EVERYBODY who has participated in the tour and well as those who will be soon.

Part of the reason for the tour is to determine how something works within various systems. When there is an issue or something not to your liking, I would like to know about it. So far there have been a few things reported and I have found ways to improve the design. The good news: They have been few and minor. Updates are already designed for future releases as well as the tour unit.

If you feel more comfortable emailing issues, dislikes or concerns, that is fine with me. The important thing is that I know what they are.

For future reference: Please do not forget to review the cables!

Will you update the tour unit and re-send to the people that have mentioned their requests?


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Yes! If they would like to try it again, I must certainly would send it back to them. So far (as you can plainly see) there isn't any more input on issues or improvements other than what I already know. Nothing has been emailed to me either so far.

I do not believe the issues impeded their listening experiences much, if at all- so the chance of someone wanting is back is slim, but I will keep in invitation open.


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Charles, your next! Thank you for being patient.


  • Industry Participant
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  • Rollo Audio Consulting -
Charles, your next! Thank you for being patient.

  All good things come in time. I will compare it to the fabled Loesch & Weisner Preamp feeding a total rebuilt Opera Cyber 211 amp driving Pipedream 924 speakers. Cabling will be either Tara decade or JPS SC3. A Lector CDP and LP12 feeds it all.
  I will write up a full review usung Jazz, blues classical and voice. Can't wait, the Nervosa is perking.



Beacon Two Impressions
Phase 2
After the first few days with the beacon I decided to hook the VAC CPA-1 back up to hear the difference between the two preamps.  The most prominent difference was in the midrange, the Beacon is actually more neutral than the VAC.  The VAC has the slightest bit of bloom in the upper bass and lower midrange the carries up through most of the human vocal range.  Female vocals especially benefit from this bloom in that they sound richer and with a hint of liquidity that make the presentation seem live.  The Beacon has the liquidity but lacks that hint of bloom that, to my ear, allows female vocals to be a tad more engaging.
The second most noticeable difference was soundstaging. The Beacon places the instruments properly and focus is excellent.  Here it gives up nothing to the VAC, however the stage did shrink in width, depth, and height just a little compared to the VAC.  Also seemed just a bit less airy which I suspect correlates directly to the soundstage shrinkage.  Just theorizing here, it has long been my contention that if a link in the audio chain limits the bandwidth in any way (but especially in the treble response) compared to the rest of the chain then that loss generally effects the soundstage size and the system’s ability to focus the musicians correctly and their placement within the soundstage.
I never did find those brown-base 5962s, they seem lost in the blackhole that is my basement.  I liked the Sylvanias best and the GEs were a close second.  Nest I liked Blair’s stock RCAs with the Tung-Sols trailing due to what sounded like compression in the upper treble.  It wasn’t severe but it was noticeable.
The last item on the list is the LH-1 interconnects.  Unfortunately I did not test them as they were too short to make it from the preamp to the amps.  I set them aside to try between a source and the pre but they fell back into the box and I simply forgot them until I went to pack up the preamp.  My sincere apologies for that major faux pas.  I was also thwarted by life in general with regards to the time I could spend listening to the Beacon partially due to holiday prep.  Note to self, sign up for tours well before or after the holiday season to allow proper audition time.
It may seem like I’m picking nits but we audiophiles are very good at identifying and pointing out nits.  The bottom line is I could live with the Beacon quite easily and I can think of at least dozen preamps that I’d pass on over it.
In addition I’ll add the Pete Riggle (Pete Riggle Audio, home of the VTAF) and Stephaen Harrell (reviewer for 6moons) were over for a listening session and to compare step-up transformers.  Here’s what Pete had to say, “I thought it sounded really good . . . after you removed the silver interconnects”.  And here’s what Stephaen said, “The Beacon is very nice”.  Keep in mind they were only exposed to the Beacon for a few hours and they might have more to say if they had some serious time with it.

In closing, I once again thank Blair for taking the risk of conducting a tour.  It's pretty cool that this preamp went through half a dozen pairs of hands and still looks as good as the day it left the factory.  That is a stark difference to most of the used gear I see on the Internet.


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Thank you for that very in-depth review even though there wasn't as much time as you would have liked to listen. I especially appreciate you and everybody so far that has taken the extra time to invite friends over for a listen. Couldn't ask for anything more than that!


  • Industry Participant
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  • Rollo Audio Consulting -
  All good things come in time. I will compare it to the fabled Loesch & Weisner Preamp feeding a total rebuilt Opera Cyber 211 amp driving Pipedream 924 speakers. Cabling will be either Tara decade or JPS SC3. A Lector CDP and LP12 feeds it all.
  I will write up a full review usung Jazz, blues classical and voice. Can't wait, the Nervosa is perking.


  It landed yesterday. Fedex left it on my front stoop with NO singnature . Safe and sound , no damage. Very well packed I might add.
Resting on Sound Fusion footers as used with my preamp. Turned it on NUTTIN. Had the input output reversed. :duh: corrected that and off to the races. With only a half hour of warm up[ no music playing] I turned up the volume all the way and heard ziltch, dead quiet. I like that. The ol knuckle rap produced no microphonics through the speakers. Surprised actually because of the large enclosure.
  In all fairness the Beacon is going up against a $10,000 Dr. Loesch design preamp with tubed mono power supplies. But but it has merrit.
  The CD that was in the Lector was Holly Cole " Don't Smoke in Bed" a killer of the topend and bass. He he. Hollys' voice is sibilant and closely miked. her sibilance was presented naturally with no hype exaggeration or sizzle, just as in real life very impressive. Bass lines were tight , low and punchy.
  After several hours of playing I fell asleep. Thats a good sign . Left the Preamp on overnight to burn in a bit more.
  Checked it this morning and all is well. Initial impression ? no nitpicks so far. To night we get serious. More to follow.




  It landed yesterday. Fedex left it on my front stoop with NO singnature . Safe and sound , no damage.


That's odd as I have my copy of the label I printed and attached to the box and it clearly states Home Delivery and Direct Sign.  I put $1000 for insurance value which automatically generates a signature requirement at the destination.  My guess is that delivery driver takes it upon themselves to sign for their recipients in these situations, maybe?  Not good and I'll bet some packages don't make it to the person(s) it should.

Well, the good news is it did make it into your hands and you are now enjoying it!  Looking forward to reading your impressions.


  • Industry Participant
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That's odd as I have my copy of the label I printed and attached to the box and it clearly states Home Delivery and Direct Sign.  I put $1000 for insurance value which automatically generates a signature requirement at the destination.  My guess is that delivery driver takes it upon themselves to sign for their recipients in these situations, maybe?  Not good and I'll bet some packages don't make it to the person(s) it should.

Well, the good news is it did make it into your hands and you are now enjoying it!  Looking forward to reading your impressions.

Thanks Jake. Happy New Year ! :thumb:



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OK after a brief listen [ 10 minutes] after the all night break-in this thing has more than merrit, it is really good.  8)
   Listening to the Sansui tuner [AR Litz ICs] for the first time with the Beacon [ JPS SC-3ICs] was a delight. First impression an ease of sound, maybe lighter in weight in the midbass and vocals however better focused, maybe, its different than what I'm used to.  :duh: :scratch: Tonight the my reference CDs will tell more. Til then. :roll:



  • Industry Participant
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  • Rollo Audio Consulting -
 Ok the issues I noticed have been removed. It appears the LH-1 IC after settling in a bit was not a good match for my CDP or just not broken in yet. The ESP cord as well  highlighted the top a bit to much. Actually it may have been the ESP cord all along or both. The Beacon is more neutral than I originally thought.
   A Virtual Reality PC and Harmonix ICs have made a change for the good . Really good. The presence and dynamics of this preamp are startling. PRAT is spot on as well.
   Blair go to a mirror in your home look at yourself and say I'm good really good.  :thumb:Definitely an overachiever. Bang for the buck has just been redefined to KABOOM for the buck. Get on this tour if you can.
    More to follow.

« Last Edit: 4 Jan 2011, 04:17 pm by rollo »


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  Well took it to another level by removing the splitters used [ only one output] to connect both sub and amp with ICs. Connected sub from speaker terminals and  :eyebrows: :dance: :banana piano: :violin: :drums: :guitar: :rock: :bounce: I liked it ya think.
   Just another level.  Why is the question ? Less load ?



Depending upon the sub amp it's not necessarily "less load" so much as higher impedance.  I can think of a couple of plate amps that have fairly low input impedances.  That ends up being the predominant impedance being driven.  Couple that with a higher ouput impedance from the pre (say 300ohms or higher) and you may get premature rolloff in the bass.  When you connect the sub to the speaker you increase the impedance seen by the pre and everything is much happier.


  • Industry Participant
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Depending upon the sub amp it's not necessarily "less load" so much as higher impedance.  I can think of a couple of plate amps that have fairly low input impedances.  That ends up being the predominant impedance being driven.  Couple that with a higher ouput impedance from the pre (say 300ohms or higher) and you may get premature rolloff in the bass.  When you connect the sub to the speaker you increase the impedance seen by the pre and everything is much happier.

  Thanks Bob.


Hebrew Hammer

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So far in a brief session..

Focus, imaging, placement and life is amazing... I found myself toe tapping to a few tracks that I have listened to a million times...

more to come!!!!   :thumb:


I'm considering this product and would love to get on the tour. Please PM.


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Just came back from hebrew hammer's house.Listened to the beacon two
  preamp.For a 1000.00 it is a excellent preamp.excellent pace,soundstage
  excellent,voices sounded excellent,bass very good.All this from a sony
  dvd player.Your interconnect's i did not like, sorry


Blair, your preamp is quite good!  Had a fun listening session today at Hammer's place with a few other GAS guys. WOW!!  i'm really blown away.

Hammer normally powers the full range drivers in his speakers with a SS amp, and it sounds great. We inserted the NS-15 p/p amp that I picked up from Tin Ear, and the sound got even better. Hammer's speaker design has to be heard & witnessed in person...just fantastic.

Hopefully, Hammer got bit by the tube bug today!!

Aside from the wall to wall sound & insanely smooth vocals, the wildest part of a full Niteshade set-up is the silence. Hard to believe that 2 tube based components don't produce even the slightest husshhh, on 96db efficient full range drivers with my ear just inches away.

I'm sold.  Blair you have a PM.
