World's Best CD Player?

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Re: World's Best CD Player?
« Reply #20 on: 13 Aug 2010, 01:05 pm »
This is a Google translation of the review that appeared in the October 2009 issue of Haute Fidélité Hi-Fi.  It is not perfect but it is basically correct and mostly understandable.



Always better…


In recent years, EERA is able to prove the validity of his research into the reading CD, with its fine international success of its portable reader, carefully various models. These models benefit from a logical progression of their performance, via the mechanics of reading and the electronic circuits used. In terms of appearances, the new series of drives do not show large differences. The first good news is the device name. The designations DL.5, DL1, DL2 and DL1.5 become secondary, each receiving device now has a name easier to remember, either, from simple to sophisticated: Initial, 1 Classic, Essential, Integral and Tentation. We note in passing that the appearance of an additional reference which, given the rate advertised, none other than the top model Tentation tested here.


The first contact with the camera is a bit disappointing with regard to aesthetics, nothing has changed. Certainly, readers EERA are beautiful, well made, but we would have liked to see first hand some differences already. Consulted on this point, the manufacturer told us: "That's a remark from a journalist! All music lovers who, until now, we have relied, instead renting compactness, discretion and ease of use of our aircraft. So we had a priori no reason to change anything in the presentation, which has proven. "We then noted that given the increase in prices - and competition at this level, ever more pressing - the Tentation might have been eligible for a different aesthetic. Logical response to EERA: "In fact, we rather consider that it is the smallest model, Initial, which benefits from high quality finish of Integral or the Tentation, and not vice versa! "Duly noted. Remember also that the plate methacrylate used for the facade is really beautiful: nothing to do with the synthetic material used on standard devices. To prove this, it suffices to note that it also attracts far less dust (special surface treatment?), And it is quite clearly less sensitive to scratches. On the other hand, we noted the emergence of a new remote, partly with aluminum hull. It also seems more practical than the old model chosen by EERA. For the rest, therefore, no significant change. We found the drawer and the series of five chrome accents, topped the blue signs to display very readable. At the rear, the Tentation to offer two analog output unbalanced (gold-plated RCA jacks are specially produced for EERA) and symmetrical, and an output for direct digital coaxial cable, classic. Obviously, the power cable is detachable, which interchangeably. A word also to express our appreciation of small sachet of lavender in this original cartoon of the device. It is not for nothing ... manufacturer Provencal


A force to further improve and further their CD players, designers EERA must dream the night! Everything starts with the player Original Philips CDM 12Pro, carefully amended. EERA states that these machines do not come assembled by Philips. The first step is to perform an initial screening of all models and are then reserved, depending on the performance and quality found in each model range. You will realize that only models perfect landing inside the chassis of a Tentation. Then there is the drive system developed by EERA GyroPoint. We have already spoken in our columns a practical perspective, recall that using such a large plate machined with great accuracy, while the pivot rotation of the disk based on a tungsten carbide ball specially manufactured for this purpose by EERA. The operating software of this mechanism has been completely reworked by EERA, the ultimate goal not only to eliminate any unwanted vibrations, but also to ensure a rotation of the disc and read its information as perfect as possible. Here, there is no question of relying on error correction to recreate the digital signal before conversion. The D / A converters are models Cirrus Logic last generation, also handpicked. If the output stages are driven by Burr-Brown operational amplifiers, they are actually achieved analog transistors from Motorola designed in the 1980s, for audio only high quality! You can imagine, they have been specially chosen by EERA after many plays from comparisons between models. The design is completely symmetrical, and there's been six independent amplifiers operating in pure class A per output, each alternating well balanced outputs benefiting from its own amplifier. EERA is moreover very proud to certify that absolutely no capacitor is used to remove any DC components of the chip after conversion. The capacitors that you see on the circuit are reserved for control functions and driving mechanics, not the audio circuit. Finally, food "remanufactured" its own power, as is now the norm on high-end links, via a specific stage operating in class A, with complementary symmetrical transistors.

We see, therefore, the design of this new model is based on a double Tentation philosophy: first, collect absolutely all the techniques developed and validated by EERA, which ones work best with measures such as listening. Second, after careful screening of all critical components, always use the best specimens. The other ingredients are then reserved, if one may say, to less-sophisticated and least expensive of the range (knowing all along that some elements are eliminated altogether, if their specifications away from too much desired by those EERA).


Timbre: Preliminary note: by their generosity, the Tentation needs to be turned on a few hours before it plays, then enjoy a break to offer all the fluidity of which he is capable. Similarly, respect for the phase area, and choosing a good power cord will allow him to express himself fully. In exchange, you'll first discover a wealth of special stamps, especially for a CD. On some discs, it even has the impression of discovering a bass line that was not heard before. However, this does not result in any excess, or a colorful interpretation of the musical message. The sharp rise very high, but no trace of aggression or harshness, as is the case on some entry-level players (or DVD players read audio CDs) that boast of benefiting from bandwidth subjective extensive. Here comes that feeling of a permanent sensation of cooling, but no area of the sound spectrum does appear to be blocked or, conversely, consistently highlighted artificially. It is always clear, sharp and clear!

Dynamics: The dynamic is definitely for us, the most amazing player. Not only does the device actually reproduced of disparities present in the disks, but it has no equal, either, to follow the most frenzied melodic lines, while disentangling perfectly the most complex rhythms or the most intricate . Again, we want to say that it is always clear and sharp. But it is not too much a reproduction square, even simplistic. Instead, we are surprised actually, on several occasions to regain that sense of real momentum so pleasant reading of vinyl records, no one can never manage to really explain why, and analyze its components. In any case, and to use an expression dear to our British colleagues, the Tentation is one of those machines that give you always wanted to stamp or beat time with hands ...

Soundstage: Type of additional corollary to the above remarks, the Tentation we discovered on some discs, a feature poorly reproduced on other readers: this is simply the reflection of the "breathing" of rooms. Of course, when it is a boondoggle made during the recording, it can confine the ridiculous.

But the best CD (we advise you in this area, for example, recordings made by Philip Muller - Studio Passavant), he began to reign in your listening room, as if by magic, a kind of gravity air that literally transports you in the place of registration, and manages to pass the acoustics of the listening room in the background. This was particularly sensitive, especially with the Verity Audio Parsifal speakers, which also appear to fall in love with this characteristic atmosphere of respect! In any case, it can really very great moments of listening.

Transparency: There is no question of transparency, or even "sophisticated" within the meaning of sound characteristic deliberately exaggerated. The reader Tentation EERA seeks to draw all the above information is actually present on the discs, will not clipping, putting forward some of them more particularly than others. But there is no feeling of roundness or lack of definition, quite the contrary. Ultimately, these are the cables chosen, and of course the associated electronics that will give the impression of transparency, more or less exaggerated. Finally, we have - logically - the preferred connection is symmetrical to the unbalanced connection (with cables of the same origin, course), a greater sense of "silence" between the notes.


As well tell you right away, we were a bit skeptical when handling this device. Although CD players are known EERA - and we have seen and written many times in our columns. But EERA seemed to have put here the bar very high price for a presentation and arguments sound very similar to the previous top model. We are therefore pleased to note that these devils Marseille designers have managed to do even better. Dynamics - forte devices produced - remains surprising and pleasant, for the Tentation, it seems she still wins "serenity", vis-à-vis the timbre and soundstage reproduced.

So slowly but surely, the CD continues to get closer to the vinyl that audiophiles and music lovers still admire him, while adding positive contributions undeniable storage and digital playback. In this sense, the reader becomes Tentation EERA therefore a true reference premium with a price, then, not that high...

Ghislain Prugnard

BUILD *****
TIMBRE *****
IMAGE *****

Electronics: ATC SCA-2 preamp, power amplifier FM Acoustic FP30,
Speakers: Magico V2, Verity Audio Parsifal
Cables: Acoustic System (symmetrical and asymmetrical modulation, and HP), MPC Audio XLR, XLR Harmonix



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Re: World's Best CD Player?
« Reply #21 on: 13 Aug 2010, 03:18 pm »
...the Tentation is one of those machines that give you always wanted to stamp or beat time with hands ...

I couldn't have described it better!  :scratch: ah those French...ya gotta love 'em.


Re: World's Best CD Player?
« Reply #22 on: 13 Aug 2010, 03:44 pm »
Ever listen to Atoll Albert? Another excellent french company ,most people don't know about.

Hebrew Hammer

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Re: World's Best CD Player?
« Reply #23 on: 13 Aug 2010, 05:57 pm »
Albert... you get to play with all the cool stuff   :green:


Re: World's Best CD Player?
« Reply #24 on: 13 Aug 2010, 11:10 pm »
...the Tentation is one of those machines that give you always wanted to stamp or beat time with hands ...

I couldn't have described it better!  :scratch: ah those French...ya gotta love 'em.

I think that's more an artifact of Google Translate's literal translation engine than what was really meant.  I am sure a human translator could have phrased it and most of the article better.  Still, like I said, Google translate gives you a good idea of what was being said.

If you want to see some funny stuff go to some of the Chinese audio manufacturers web sites and plug their Chinese character text into Google translater.  Some of it is hilarious.  You'll also better understand some of the wild stuff you can find in translated product documentation.



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Re: World's Best CD Player?
« Reply #25 on: 13 Aug 2010, 11:45 pm »
Yeah Martin, you are right.  I just like to demean the French at every opportunity...they deserve it  :P


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Re: World's Best CD Player?
« Reply #26 on: 14 Aug 2010, 02:16 am »
My Tentation from Albert should be arriving along with a new Ayon CD5,, about the same time,, in 3 wks..  I'm anxious to compare the two..  Anyone within "earshot" of Houston,, are welcome to visit.. Will be selling the unit that places 2nd!  Jack


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Re: World's Best CD Player?
« Reply #27 on: 14 Aug 2010, 01:49 pm »
should also mention that next week i have a heavily modified EVS (Ric Schultz) oppo blu ray superplayer arriving as well..  Will be fun and enlightening to see how the Tentation, Ayon, Oppo perform against each other..  Jack


Re: World's Best CD Player?
« Reply #28 on: 16 Aug 2010, 06:44 am »
Well whaddaya know. I just wrote Didier a couple of days ago and last night I got an order for a Tentation. Okay looks like we're in for the long haul now.

Better be as good as you say it is Cor!!!!!  :no_see:


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Re: World's Best CD Player?
« Reply #29 on: 16 Aug 2010, 08:17 pm »
Hey Jack,

Nice job.

You will be surprised.


Albert Von Schweikert

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Re: World's Best CD Player?
« Reply #30 on: 18 Aug 2010, 07:24 am »
Hello Fellow Audiophiles,
Several of the gentlemen posting their thoughts about the Tentation are wondering why such a simple looking player can possibly be "the" state of the art.  After all, it looks like a 20 year old Sony!
Mr. DeLuca, the designer of the Eera Tentation told me what the ingredients are that "cause the music to flow." His twenty years of digital research indicated that every single part in the CD player is resonant, either mechanically or electrically, and that mechanical and electrical isolation is one of the key ingredients.  If you look at the internal photograph of the Tentation on Eera's website, you can see different types of damping materials (bitumins and different metal alloys) placed on virtually every single part in the player, from the frame/chassis, to circuit boards, chip sets, etc.  The DAC and Class-A discrete transistor output sections are custom modified to his specification by their manufacturers, and most of the parts have no brand name or model number, which means that most of the parts are either custom or modified. Mr. DeLuca said that the output section of most CD players don't sound good, their preamps have too much noise and have either a "soft" tube type of sound, lacking in punch, or a bright solid state sound with too much treble detail that sounds transparent in the beginning, but then starts to wear you out with too much detail thrown at your ears until you have to shut off the player. The Tentation's output section sounds amazing, so transparent that this might be one of the real ingredients of the magical sound.

Every single aspect of the player has been investigated with measurements and critical listening tests over a long period, and to be blunt, the result is a combination of mods, tweaks, and new ideas that combine to deliver a sound quality that isn't obvious from just looking at the machine.  In fact, the player is very plain and non sexy, as Mr. DeLuca thought that the sound quality should be where he spent his time, not on the industrial design.  Evidently, in Europe the appearance is not a factor holding back the sales of the player, and if you ever get to hear one of these, you'll understand what the excitement is about.  It doesn't sound like a CD player!  It sounds more like analog, but without tape hiss or vinyl friction.

I've just received an email from Beta Tester #1, a local doctor who owns 6 different players and has rooms filled with stereo equipment at his home. He is a fanatic for seeking the best sounding gear, so I wasn't too surprised that he bought the player after hearing only one song in our factory.
Initially, while we took off the cover and checked out the construction, he wasn't impressed, quite the opposite.  The internal mods and tweaks don't look like they would be part of a Japanese player, for instance, everything inside is really strange looking and is put together in a way that resembles no other player I've seen.  Although the Gyropoint transport is a big selling feature of this player, as it is totally unique, the drive system is only one of many inventions inside the player that are not obvious from looking at the outside. A second key ingredient is the Dual Channel operation - most people don't know that CD's are mono, with both channels multiplexed together and then separated at the other end. The Tentation is run in Dual Channel mode, which means that there are twice as many parts to keep the signal in stereo mode as long as possible, as multiplexing the CD signal might look great on a White Paper with fancy math, but true stereo Dual Channel operation simply sounds better!

The doctor has now spent 3 weeks listening to the player while it is breaking in, and his comments to me are much more impressive than the Haute Fidelity review in France (which states that this is the world's best CD player).  The doctor's review tells much more and goes into depth regarding all of the sonic aspects of the Tentation. He promised to post his review "in the next few days" on this site - to say I was stunned by his remarks is obvious.  He is such a critical person that I was expecting somewhat of a case of "good points versus bad points" but he can't find anything to criticize - he thinks it is the best player he has ever heard! Since he haunts all of the dealers in LA and goes to all of the shows, I think I can trust his opinion, as he claims he has heard virtually every player for sale in the US, and owns several highly modified players that cost big $$$$.


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Re: World's Best CD Player?
« Reply #31 on: 18 Aug 2010, 08:32 pm »
Albert,Based on what you know about the player do you think the sound can be improved with the usual cd tweaks ie better stand/isolation feet/bearings,external chassis dampening,aftermarket power cord and ac line conditioning or do you think since the Tentation has already been designed somewhat as a "tweaked" player further tweaking will not yield better sound with it?


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Re: World's Best CD Player?
« Reply #32 on: 18 Aug 2010, 09:38 pm »
Hello Underdog64,

Our experience is to use a firm and stabile base since the Tentation has a Gyropoint modified transport and drive. We use the Solid Tech Audio furniture.

The powercord is the most important cable in a setup since this will bring the right power to make the music happen. The VSA powercord is a very good one.
We also use the magic ref. powercord of Harmonic Technology since this has a internal 'cleaner'.

Just try.

Good luck.



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Re: World's Best CD Player?
« Reply #33 on: 18 Aug 2010, 11:27 pm »
Albert,Based on what you know about the player do you think the sound can be improved with the usual cd tweaks ie better stand/isolation feet/bearings,external chassis dampening,aftermarket power cord and ac line conditioning or do you think since the Tentation has already been designed somewhat as a "tweaked" player further tweaking will not yield better sound with it?

There's never been an audio component that cannot be further tweaked  :lol: :duh:  You might consider using a Tice clock or Mpingo discs.  If JGH were still around, you could have him say incantations whilst laying hands on it  :lol: All cleverness aside, I would try some of the exotic PCs, VSAs for one and also the Lessloss PCs are pretty exceptional.


Re: World's Best CD Player?
« Reply #34 on: 19 Aug 2010, 04:37 pm »
Wish it had variable output.  I have had good results from many of the players on the market currently that can be connected to the amp directly. 


Re: World's Best CD Player?
« Reply #35 on: 19 Aug 2010, 04:47 pm »
At $12,000, it better sound great, but at that price I suspect it's out of reach for 99.9% of us.


Re: World's Best CD Player?
« Reply #36 on: 19 Aug 2010, 04:49 pm »

I'd like that too. My preamp was purposely designed NOT to have a remote. Variable output comes in very handy for me when listening casually.


Oh yes, it had better sound great alright. My fingers are crossed.


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Re: World's Best CD Player?
« Reply #37 on: 19 Aug 2010, 05:15 pm »
I'm not a preamp. guy... To be honest it's been years.  Albert suggested a small passive pre with remote volume control from dusty at channel islands.  I'll try the simple route and c how it goes.  Can't wait!


Albert Von Schweikert

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Re: World's Best CD Player?
« Reply #38 on: 19 Aug 2010, 05:55 pm »
Hello Fellow Audiophiles,
We've been playing with different types of feet under the player, and they seem to make a difference, however, small, and an upgraded power chord makes an even bigger difference.  Cor Dekker of Musical Reality in Europe turned me on to this player and he's also been experimenting with stands, isolation devices, and power cords.  He and I both agree that the player is amazing in its stock form, but as ES347 notes, anything can be upgraded, even a Ferarri Enzo.

One "tweak" I wish to share with you that works with any CD player and CD burner is UltraBit Platinum, an optical coating CD treatment that a friend of mine, George Louis, invented.  He was the original chemist and designer of a similar product called "Final" distributed by Transparent Audio about 15 years ago, which rapidly became the market leader during the period of Transparent's involvement.  Last year, Robert Harley of The Absolute Sound was so amazed by the improvement wrought by UltraBit Platinum that he named it an Editors Choice and said "it was a major advance in the sound of digital."  You can read his review, along with the product information, at   If you mention my name to George when ordering, he will offer you Free Shipping. The product comes with a 100% money back guaranty and is relatively inexpensive, with a price of approximately several pennies to treat each CD or DVD.  You can coat your blank prior to burning if making a copy, and the copy will outperform the original (seriously). I've been treating both the original and the blank, and my "burns" sound amazing - that's one of my secrets.  If anyone on this group would like to try the UltraBit Platinum and would like a hefty discount, please contact me, as I've got a large supply of the kits to give to my dealers and reviewers, so I was able to secure a "bulk" price. 

I will be showing the Tentation, along with the KR tube amps and VR-9SE Mk2 at RMAF, so anyone interested can come by to hear the system.  I promise an incredible experience!

Happy Listening,


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Re: World's Best CD Player?
« Reply #39 on: 25 Aug 2010, 02:13 am »
Dear Albert,

I am interested in the kit and maybe you can work out something with JackD201 for distribution here in the Philippines.

@JackD201 --  Maybe you can facilitate in bringing in the kits to our fellow audiophiles here in the Philippines.

Thanks and regards,

One "tweak" I wish to share with you that works with any CD player and CD burner is UltraBit Platinum, an optical coating CD treatment that a friend of mine, George Louis, invented.  He was the original chemist and designer of a similar product called "Final" distributed by Transparent Audio about 15 years ago, which rapidly became the market leader during the period of Transparent's involvement.  Last year, Robert Harley of The Absolute Sound was so amazed by the improvement wrought by UltraBit Platinum that he named it an Editors Choice and said "it was a major advance in the sound of digital."  You can read his review, along with the product information, at   If you mention my name to George when ordering, he will offer you Free Shipping. The product comes with a 100% money back guaranty and is relatively inexpensive, with a price of approximately several pennies to treat each CD or DVD.  You can coat your blank prior to burning if making a copy, and the copy will outperform the original (seriously). I've been treating both the original and the blank, and my "burns" sound amazing - that's one of my secrets.  If anyone on this group would like to try the UltraBit Platinum and would like a hefty discount, please contact me, as I've got a large supply of the kits to give to my dealers and reviewers, so I was able to secure a "bulk" price. 

I will be showing the Tentation, along with the KR tube amps and VR-9SE Mk2 at RMAF, so anyone interested can come by to hear the system.  I promise an incredible experience!

Happy Listening,