Here it is - my Double+ review after 100+ hours

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Here it is - my Double+ review after 100+ hours
« on: 5 Jul 2010, 08:16 pm »
Start here and come back...

Sorry for the embedded links from thread to thread, but I think in the interest of representing what I'm finally hearing with the Double+ it was appropriate to start a newer thread.

We need to get one thing out of the way before we continue - I got my Double+ and my X1 back at the same time. The X1 was sent back to Pass for a general checkout and to have the overall gain reduced (this is a standard thing they can do to the X1 if requested as part of a preamp checkout). They reduce the gain by increasing the resistance before the Universal Gain Stage (for anybody that knows how Pass preamps are put together), and by switching in resistors after the UGS. When I got my X1 back the first thing I noticed was that the fundamental nature of the sound was not right. Long story short I use long ICs to my amp and the increase in the X1 output impedance was not good for this setup. Fortunately, the way Pass does the output resistance change it can be completely reversed to the original output specification by simply moving jumpers on the preamp mainboard (pretty smart). Once I did this, the resistance before the UGS remained modded, but the output was back to original specs and things sounded like they should. Since the UGS effectively decouples any relationship from pre-UGS to post-UGS I wasn't concerned about any real effect on the front end resistance change on the overall sound of the system. If anything, the increase in the input impedance in the preamp would make it an even easier load for my sources to drive. So my preamp has a "minor" gain reduction in it compared to before, but apparently with no significant impact to the sound (if anything the preamp is even quieter than it was before).

As an aside,  I've been a skilled listener for going on 30 years now, and I've heard just about everything there is to hear in what my and other systems can do. I know my own system very well and can pick out the tiniest differences usually pretty quickly (but not always).

After the first 20 hours of listening to the Double+ I stopped paying attention to it. I had already been communicating with other Double+ owners who independently confirmed that I would need at least 100 hours on the amp before everything would settle out. I let it play to get past the 100 hour point literally without being in the same room, so as not to be influenced any further by what I had heard. What I heard when I came back was very much improved over what I heard when I first got the amp, so that much was proven out.

Music used for listening was as follows:

Bill Evans Trio - At the Montreaux Jazz Festival, Verve Master Edition
"One for Helen", "A Sleepin' Bee", "Mother of Earl"

John Tropea - NY Cats Direct, dmp
"Moroccan Nights"

Dianne Schuur - Deedles, GRP-D-9510
"The Very Thought of You", "I'll Close My Eyes"

AK&US - Live, Rounder SACD/CD, CD Layer used
"Let Me Touch You for a While", "Choctaw Hayride", "Ghost In This House"

Dvorak Overtures, Chandos 8453
"In Nature's Realm"

Dire Straits - On Every Street, WB Records, @1991 release
"You and Your Friend", "Iron Hand"

Arturo Delmoni - Violin Works, John Marks Records #14, Gold release

Rickie Lee Jones - Pop Pop, Geffen, @1991 release
"My One and Only Love"

Arne Domnerus - Jazz At the Pawnshop, AudioSource Limited Edition
"Limehouse Blues"

Mahler - Symphony No. 5, New Philharmonia Orchestra, Sir John Barbirolli, EMI Classics

Dvorak - Symphony From the New World, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Sir Georg Solti, London

For anyone who looked at my systems specs, please note that all critical listening was done (and always is done) using my transport into my DAC.

Okay - anyone who gets this upgrade should basically ignore the amp for at least 100 hours. I'm saying this publically but two others told me the same thing privately when I first got the amp back. Take it as truth. I went through EXR5 to Ultra to Double+, and the EXR5 to Ultra did not have as significant a change in the first 100 hours as to this upgrade. Yes, I did the same kind of "ignore for the first 100 hours or so" when I got the Ultra, but it remained very close to as delivered. The Double+ had some very good things to say on first listen (see the thread listed above), but it also sounded a bit rough and way too heavy in the low end. Yes, this upgrade really does improve the low end, giving it greater weight and presence. But until you give the whole amp a chance to even itself out it will sound too tilted in that direction... the high end will sound like it's suffering as a result.

However, here's what the Double+ amp did from the get-go that just got better with time - greatly improved clarity from the extreme low end through the mids and low treble. Greatly improved extension in the extreme low end, which I find hard to understand. It's not like the Ultra didn't go as deep strictly from a frequency response POV, so maybe the improved clarity improves the "presence" in the extreme bottom end. Greatly improved leading edge transient attack. The music really "pops" more than it used to - especially present on strings / piano. Lastly, acoustic performances sound much more real, even compared to how they sounded before – which was pretty darn real IMO.

Let’s talk about the changes to the high end for a moment. I use "In Nature's Realm" as a test for back of the orchestra resolution. In the piece there are a number of small strikes on a triangle which gradually become continuous as the music reaches a crescendo. With my old setup I could clearly hear the triangle and could picture it behind my right speaker. On first listening to the new amp I could barely hear the initial strikes, and the continuous run was at nowhere near the same level of clarity. It sounded almost muffled. After walking away for a hundred hours then coming back, the amp balanced out to where the triangle regained its presence and energy and if anything sounds now almost "meaty". And this I think is where I may have one area of concerned comment with this upgrade.

Maybe it's because of the improvement in the low end of the amp, but now I get the sense that the music doesn't - when it did before in the past - "float" upwards above the speakers to quite the same degree as before. The Dvorak mentioned above is one example. While the triangle seems to have the same energy it did before (maybe even a bit more), pre-mod the triangle when struck sounded "airier" and just sort of lifted itself gently above the tops of the speakers. Now it seems more firmly rooted to where it came from. There are other examples - a couple of moments in "You and Your Friend", a number of prominent moments with the harp in "The Very Thought of You", "Moroccan Nights". All have moments where in the past the high end excursions would seem as though they were gently launching themselves upwards and were extending to the ceiling. Right now, like I said, the energy seems to be there in spades but (if I had to guess) it's like the resolving tails are being truncated. It's equally possible that the improvements in the low end presence are just shifting the balance psychologically... to where everything just sounds “meatier” than it used to (that’s the best word I can use). It's also possible that this will get better with time - on first turn on there was no air at all in the high end. This did improve to where it is now. I don’t know.

I have one other note here. While the clarity is tremendously improved as stated, for some reason I get the feeling the front-to-back soundstaging is not as deep as it was. Most noticeable on small jazz groups like the Evans and Arne Domnerus. When all the instruments are playing with moderate to high energy I get the transparency, but also an odd sense that they're all sort of falling more on top of each other from front to back. I know it sounds like these two things are in conflict, but believe me they are not. Imagine listening to a piano backed by a double bass through a bit of haze, but with about 8 feet between them from front to back. Now imagine the same thing, but without the haze, and this time with only about 3 feet between them. A byproduct of the improved clarity? A bit less of a "finesse" to the presentation? I don't know.

This time around I'm wondering if Frank's upgraded design actually will require significant amounts of time to really show what it's made of. I don't seem to recall needing more than that for the Ultra upgrade, but in this case if that's true I'll be ignoring the amp for the next 100 hours or so. Based on what I've heard so far am I happy I got the upgrade? I think so. The improvements really are significant. My wife, who I trust as an independent listener (she likes listening to music but has no care whatsoever for the equipment, cables, or anything else) heard the same things at the outset and after we came back together post-100 hours (and you can believe me or not, but I never prompt her or try to influence her impressions). When I asked her if it now sounds better than it did pre-mod, she said it was clearly better even while agreeing with me slightly on the high frequency stuff.

Frank and I have discussed my system particulars via email, and he has some strong opinions about what I should consider changing. At this point I'm neither agreeing nor disagreeing; I'm still in the process of figuring out if I'm really missing anything I used to have in my listening sessions.

Readers of this post should not assume I am unhappy here. Things really do sound better than before the mod! But unlike the Ultra mod I'm finding myself now being much more critical during listening than before. So (and I hope Frank you realize I’m being completely objective here) I am left with three questions:

  • Has the Double+ mod brought its improvements with some changes that I wasn’t expecting?
  • Has the Double+ mod brought improvements at the expense of some “finesse” or “air”?
  • Has the Double+ mod just exposed more of the limitations of my own system / recordings?
« Last Edit: 5 Jul 2010, 11:26 pm by tonyptony »


Re: Here it is - my Double+ review after 100+ hours
« Reply #1 on: 6 Jul 2010, 09:32 am »
Thanks Tony for a very thorough, honest, and articulate review. It's appreciated. :thumb:


Re: Here it is - my Double+ review after 100+ hours
« Reply #2 on: 6 Jul 2010, 11:39 am »
You're welcome, Marty, although I will admit this was a very difficult review to write. I wanted to carefully balance my objective observations on how it affected my overall sound with the reality that it really does sound better than the Ultra.

Since you are another Double+ owner, let me ask you - what (if anything) happens as you get well past the 100+ hour mark?


Re: Here it is - my Double+ review after 100+ hours
« Reply #3 on: 6 Jul 2010, 12:35 pm »

Since you are another Double+ owner, let me ask you - what (if anything) happens as you get well past the 100+ hour mark?

Hey! This is Frank's forum - it's your X1!  :lol:


Re: Here it is - my Double+ review after 100+ hours
« Reply #4 on: 6 Jul 2010, 01:51 pm »
Hey! This is Frank's forum - it's your X1!  :lol:

Hey, don't think I didn't wonder about that! :D Fortunately the gang at Pass Labs are as much a bunch of real, no voodoo engineers as Frank. I spent quite a bit of time with them over a number of phone calls to examine the implications of what I was hearing. Since I do a similar sort of hardware engineering as a profession it wasn't hard to see both Pass and AVA know their stuff and could explain it in real engineering language. It was Kent over at Pass who recommended I "unmod" the output stage change in the X1 to account for my system configuration (once I explained what it was :duh:).

This is not a "something is wrong" review. Really. Sometimes a change is made to a part of a system that has unexpected consequences to the system as a whole. I think we've all been through it.


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Re: Here it is - my Double+ review after 100+ hours
« Reply #5 on: 6 Jul 2010, 02:02 pm »
Frank and I have discussed my system particulars via email, and he has some strong opinions about what I should consider changing.

Let me quess, he say's the X-1? 


Re: Here it is - my Double+ review after 100+ hours
« Reply #6 on: 6 Jul 2010, 02:12 pm »
Well Tony, thanks again for taking the time to be balanced and objective, maybe throw in respectful too. :)
I haven't spent too much time with the set lately, been outside. I had also been tube rolling in both the DAC and preamp until a month or so ago when I found the "right" combination. AND I'm not as structured as you, I have a couple of tunes I use to compare, but I mostly play music, whatever happens to be in the mix at the time, and over time notice differences. There are the differences that I notice right away but there is usually more to the story.

As far as front to back soundstaging. Mine is deeper and more precise than it has ever been. A friend was recently over that hadn't heard the set for 6 months. I believe he has better ears than mine. After a few minutes he commented, F***, the depth......

But there does seem to be less air.

With the tubes there were "+"s and "-"s with each combination. With my final choices I lost a tad of inner detail but overall, improved in other areas. Maybe you have a similiar situation.

Probably not much help, but that's what I have Tony. 8)



Re: Here it is - my Double+ review after 100+ hours
« Reply #7 on: 6 Jul 2010, 06:44 pm »
As far as front to back soundstaging. Mine is deeper and more precise than it has ever been. A friend was recently over that hadn't heard the set for 6 months. I believe he has better ears than mine. After a few minutes he commented, F***, the depth....

See, that's what makes me wonder if my impression of things sounding like they're on top of each other is really a diminishing of depth or maybe a better view into a particular recording. I'm finding it hard to understand how I could be getting this huge improvement in clarity (boy is there ever!) and also have the front to back soundstage shrink. Doesn't seem to make sense.

But there does seem to be less air.


With the tubes there were "+"s and "-"s with each combination. With my final choices I lost a tad of inner detail but overall, improved in other areas. Maybe you have a similiar situation.

I've thought about this. Are you (as I am) still using the TFKs in the amp? :green: Is it possible there's a better tube to suit the Double+ ?


Re: Here it is - my Double+ review after 100+ hours
« Reply #8 on: 6 Jul 2010, 07:56 pm »
Still using the TFK's. I rolled many tubes (thanks Mark) on my journey to the TFK's. Before Mark found that batch of TFK's in Germany, I was running 1966 NOS SIEMENS E81CC's. I consider them similiar to the TFK's but a notch below. Everything else I listened to may have had an area that they excelled in but were not very linear, and none had the clarity of the TFK's. Maybe a tube.........



mark funk

Re: Here it is - my Double+ review after 100+ hours
« Reply #9 on: 6 Jul 2010, 09:36 pm »
It took me a long time to roll tubes in my 550. After trying many it came down to the German tubes again. #3-Valvo ( I have them from 1955 to 1967 ) #2-Siemens these are well made tubes #1-Telefunken, this is the most linear and clear tube I have heard! I think it is the right tube for the Ultra+ or any thing that uses a 12AT7-ECC81 tube.



Re: Here it is - my Double+ review after 100+ hours
« Reply #10 on: 6 Jul 2010, 09:49 pm »
I tend to agree. I also tried many up through the Ultra and settled with the TFK. But is it possible the Double+ may need something else? I may have to start experimenting again.

BTW Mark, what's your take on the review?


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Re: Here it is - my Double+ review after 100+ hours
« Reply #11 on: 12 Jul 2010, 05:13 pm »
Thanks for the review-one of the best on this forum.  One question-have you (or could you) try different IC's?  Perhaps a change there would be worth trying.


Re: Here it is - my Double+ review after 100+ hours
« Reply #12 on: 12 Jul 2010, 06:59 pm »
aln, you've quietly touched on the very issue which Frank and I had been discussing. I have a somewhat unusual setup. Short speaker cables and very long (8 meters) ICs to the FetValve. There's a lot of capacitance there, to be sure. There's every possibility that moving either to much lower capacitance cables, or shorter ICs and longer speaker cables, will change the overall presentation. But here's the important nugget - there has been no change to either the input stage of the FetValve or the output stage of my preamp, and this is the exact same cable setup I've been using since I got the original EXR5. Even with these long ICs I had no lack of glorious, extended, airy high end.

However, every new setup requires a re-evaluation of surrounding factors. I will have to look at this carefully after I'm satisfied that the Double+ really has burned in fully. One of my observations was the vast improvement in high end after 100 hours. Who knows? It may get even better with more time. :thumb:

I.Greyhound Fan

Re: Here it is - my Double+ review after 100+ hours
« Reply #13 on: 18 Jul 2010, 02:30 am »
Tony, if you are using long IC's, you may want to give bluejeanscable IC's a try.  They are low capacitance.  I use them in my system and they have beat out much more expensive cables.


Re: Here it is - my Double+ review after 100+ hours
« Reply #14 on: 18 Jul 2010, 01:04 pm »
Thanks Greyhound. I've heard this from others. The price is low enough to where it's worth giving them a try. I'm very interested in which other ICs you may have used in comparison.

There is an update which I was planning to post after a bit more time, however...

I've been keeping to the "let it play while not being in the room to listen to it" plan while the amp has put ~60 hours under its belt. So I sat down yesterday and ran through some of the tunes listed in my first post. I'm not sure what Frank may say about this, but the amp has continued to refine itself overall, and especially in the high end. Compared to my last critical listening session the high end is much more open; the feeling that there was some kind of boundary around it is considerably lessened. The slight flattening I was hearing in the mids (from front to back) is also improved.

I'd like to think that I'm not psychologically convincing myself this is true; that's part of why I've been very careful about not actually being in the listening room (or even in the house) while these initial hours have been put on the system. I'm pretty confident what I'm hearing is due to the time being put on these new FETs, and it matches what other D+ owners have told me. I will have more explicit observations when I've been able to sit down for a more extended listening session.


Re: Here it is - my Double+ review after 100+ hours
« Reply #15 on: 22 Aug 2010, 03:28 pm »
Any follow-up on your review?


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Re: Here it is - my Double+ review after 100+ hours
« Reply #16 on: 1 Sep 2010, 02:53 am »
 :roll:    :lol:      :lol:        What is this 100 hour time frame?  Where do these things get their start?  Many times AVA has said, no break in, no long term "warm ups" none of this or that.  Yet, there seems to always be a pari of ears, from anotehr planet that hears things that don't exist on this side of the world?  Who comes up with 100 hours?  Some advertising dept, and this follows through to other products, or different company? I have several AVA units and nothing changed  ever, never ever.  What's wrong with me?


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Re: Here it is - my Double+ review after 100+ hours
« Reply #17 on: 1 Sep 2010, 02:59 am »
Thanks Greyhound. I've heard this from others. The price is low enough to where it's worth giving them a try. I'm very interested in which other ICs you may have used in comparison.

There is an update which I was planning to post after a bit more time, however...

I've been keeping to the "let it play while not being in the room to listen to it" plan while the amp has put ~60 hours under its belt. So I sat down yesterday and ran through some of the tunes listed in my first post. I'm not sure what Frank may say about this, but the amp has continued to refine itself overall, and especially in the high end. Compared to my last critical listening session the high end is much more open; the feeling that there was some kind of boundary around it is considerably lessened. The slight flattening I was hearing in the mids (from front to back) is also improved.

I'd like to think that I'm not psychologically convincing myself this is true; that's part of why I've been very careful about not actually being in the listening room (or even in the house) while these initial hours have been put on the system. I'm pretty confident what I'm hearing is due to the time being put on these new FETs, and it matches what other D+ owners have told me. I will have more explicit observations when I've been able to sit down for a more extended listening session.
:scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Of course YOU are not changing over time being like a living mood changing, water based, environmentally infuled living being.  But his solid state electronics is? Your ears don't change due to temperature, humidity,barometric pressure, what drugs you are taking?  Or one needed to bring you back to reality.


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Re: Here it is - my Double+ review after 100+ hours
« Reply #18 on: 1 Sep 2010, 12:19 pm »
Hey Festuss-
If you have nothing to contribute, don't post.  Take your rude comments elsewhere. 


Re: Here it is - my Double+ review after 100+ hours
« Reply #19 on: 1 Sep 2010, 02:04 pm »
:scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Of course YOU are not changing over time being like a living mood changing, water based, environmentally infuled living being.  But his solid state electronics is? Your ears don't change due to temperature, humidity,barometric pressure, what drugs you are taking?  Or one needed to bring you back to reality.

Actually,  depending on the individual:  one's ear canal and hearing can very much be influenced and changed by temperature,  humidity,  barometric pressure,   allergies,   sinus congestion and sinus pressure.

You see,  all of us are different in our unique way.  In fact,  one individual's two ears often are slighty different from each other.  Each individual has different ears. 

Everything from the pinna,  to the external auditory meatus,  to the tympanic membrane,   the ossicles,  the semicircular canals ...the mastoid bone  ...the cochlea (and all the ear mechanisms) can vary from person to person,  vary from one ear to the other in one individual and can be greatly affected by many environmental affects.    A lot of people even have different sized/proportioned external auditory canals.   One ear's canal is often larger (in diameter) than the other.   

Biologically speaking,  our internal canals and cavities are greatly affected by pressure,  humidity,   allergies,   diet,  frequency of exposure to extended noise and many other aspects of our lives. 

Biological fact.