Eastern Electric DAC mods

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Re: Eastern Electric DAC mods
« Reply #140 on: 18 Dec 2010, 04:40 pm »
Nice write up Ted. The differences in each others preferences and systems is always fun to note. Glad that you are enjoying it.

As I pointed out to Wayne before we started the whole fuse orientation, it is something I stumbled upon when I lost a fuse in the Modded AVA 550 he did.
I put the replacement in and found it not to my liking. Switched it around and bam, back in business.


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Re: Eastern Electric DAC mods
« Reply #141 on: 18 Dec 2010, 07:23 pm »
Thanks for the thoughtful review Ted. Quick question please :  Is the fuse you were speaking of the Acme supplied by Wayne, or a Furutech that you had ?


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Re: Eastern Electric DAC mods
« Reply #142 on: 18 Dec 2010, 08:54 pm »
Thanks for the nice feedback.  I've had several PM's asking one thing or another so I should do a better job clarifying.
*  the fuse was the Wayne-supplied (and marked at one end) Acme fuse.  My Furutechs on hand are not of the correct size/rating, regardless.
*  the method of playback was via my Weiss DAC2 firwire from mac server, then either of EE's AES/EBU or S/PDIF (BNCC) inputs.  I preferred the AES/EBU as it seemed to give a generally more robust presentation, but then again the cables wer different, of course.  i use the DH Labs D-100 AES/EBU and the Stereovox HDXV rca-to-bnc 75 ohm S/PDIF cable.
*  Like Srajan's 6Moons review, where he used the same Weiss DAC2-as-interface, neither of us could get a stable enough signal in 24/192 to play that sample rate.  I tried other lesser cables, too.  Wayne had no problem with his HiFace, and it is clear that the M2Tech puts out a hotter signal, so YMMV.  Sample rates up until 24/192 (incl 24/176k) played fine.
* I have not yet listened to the USB input.


Re: Eastern Electric DAC mods
« Reply #143 on: 18 Dec 2010, 09:39 pm »
Terrific write up, Ted.

You have a very effective way of communicating your sonic findings.  I found that review to be quite informative and my curiosity is even more piqued for my turn as I am very familiar with the stock EE..  wish I weren't running out of town for x-mas!

Oh, and I almost forgot--you do a great job of nailing the essence of Gopher's brilliance--it escapes some, but you were spot on.   :lol:


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Re: Eastern Electric DAC mods
« Reply #144 on: 20 Dec 2010, 09:57 pm »
Hi Guys,

I haven't been following the thread that close for a while, so this may be a dumb repeat.  On the theory that no question is toooo dumb, I am asking again.  Oh, also sometime ago I had also communicated with Alex, and he commented on the voltage draw on the filament, but I honestly forgot his exact words.

My question is - 12BH7?  Can that be used in the EE DAC?  I vaguely remember Alex saying that the EE DAC's filament draw is like 5V.  The 12BH7 has a higher voltage I believe? 

Need some expert comments here.  I'm technically challenged, so any corrective comments are appreciated. :scratch:


Re: Eastern Electric DAC mods
« Reply #145 on: 20 Dec 2010, 10:46 pm »
Both the 12AU7 and the 12BH7 filaments are designed to operate off of 12 volts. Such is the meaning of the number in front of the letters.

The 12BH7 filament seems to want 0.3 amps of current. The 12AU7 wants 0.15. This is from the tube manuals. What the tube actually draws may be different.

The transformer winding used to supply the filament circuit is rated at 300 mA or 0.3 amps. There will be some additional current draw from the regulator used in the circuit.

Long explanation short: Don't use the 12BH7. Stay with a tube that has a lower filament draw. The Pavane 12AU7 -T sounds great to me.


Re: Eastern Electric DAC mods
« Reply #146 on: 21 Dec 2010, 03:25 pm »
I've logged some more hours and listened in a couple of different configurations and, while the Pavanes is probably not fully broken in, I feel more comfortable sharing some opinions.

Synergy is everything--I find the Pavane to be a tube with a very dense mid-range.  There is a lot of detail and richness in this band but the rest of the frequency spectrum feels almost like an after thought.  I used the tube in my DAC all weekend with my Atma-sphere S-30 and it was a very good match in that rig.  It gave the AS some needed hefty in the middle while its own natural transparency and impact covered the extremes I felt the Pavane didn't shine at.  I liked this combo.

My S-30 was picked up by its new owner last night and I threw my 845 amp back in and my sense of balance was off again. 

I'll keep burning her in as I understand the magic is supposed to kick in at 300 hours, but so far my Silverplates ain't moving to the sales forum. 


Re: Eastern Electric DAC mods
« Reply #147 on: 21 Dec 2010, 03:45 pm »

It will be interesting to read your comments when the modded DAC gets there. Both carusoracer and Ted B seem to think the ACME fuse and the Pavane really work well together.

Have you tried the different combination of fuse direction and Pavane/Silverplate?

At long last, Bill in Lake George's Level 2 modded EE DAC shipped to him. I only had a short while listening to it but it was simply on a whole new level compared to the modded unit making the rounds.

At some point, I hope he will add some comments.


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Re: Eastern Electric DAC mods
« Reply #148 on: 21 Dec 2010, 03:49 pm »
Gopher, I will heartily second your opinion (really, it's a fact!  :) ) that synergy is everything!  Take, for example, my awe and wonderment as I decided to swap out preamps in my newly renovated music room (almost completed)...and discovered that the EE DAC I reviewed above was most likely having a sort of impedance mismatch with my otherwise stellar Wyred4Sound STP SE.  I swapped it for my trusty old passive Bent TAP preamp and can't believe the bandwidth and dynamics, the lack of congestion, the overall clarity and frequency extremes I'm hearing.  This transformation has never occurred between these two preamps, so I am going to surmise that there is an impedance thing going on with the STP SE and the EE DAC.  I will listen for another two nights (even try tube rolling my Amperex again) and report back on any differences.  Synergy, what a PITA.  :)


Re: Eastern Electric DAC mods
« Reply #149 on: 21 Dec 2010, 04:23 pm »
Your impedance anomaly between the modded EE DAC and W4S STP SE is interesting, Ted.  I am using a stock EE DAC with the STP SE preamp and have no issues.  The dynamics and clarity of this combo are some of the best I have heard from my system.  A Bolder modded Touch and linear power supply are my main source to the DAC/preamp combo.

FWIW, I had a W4S DAC2 on my rack simultaneously with the stock EE DAC for several weeks.  I was originally biased to thinking that I'd prefer the discrete outputs of the DAC2 but in the end it was the EE DAC that remained on my rack. 

I'm on the tour of the modded EE DAC when it heads south so I'll be in a postion to see how the modded unit gets along with my W4S STP SE and compares to my stock EE DAC.


Re: Eastern Electric DAC mods
« Reply #150 on: 21 Dec 2010, 04:35 pm »
The W4S preamp does have a somewhat low input impedance. The modded EE DACs output impedance is lower that the stock EE DAC.

It will be interesting to hear how the modded unit works in your system, NickS.


Re: Eastern Electric DAC mods
« Reply #151 on: 21 Dec 2010, 04:52 pm »
Thanks Wayne I got the Fedex email this am.

So this was at another level with no burn-in?

I'll burn it 24/7 for a few days using Isotek.

Thanks again and Merry Xmas.


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Re: Eastern Electric DAC mods
« Reply #152 on: 23 Dec 2010, 04:01 pm »
Well, the Tour De Wayne continues, with the next leg headed, today, to Gopher in the Empire State.

I've had a great time with the Bolder modded EE DAC and will hate to see it go.  The nice synergy between the passive bent TAP and the DAC continued, with the Psvane tube still winning out over my Amperex d-getter long plate, although the match was much more competitive this time.  I still preferred the detail, dynamics and overall balance of the Psvane.  I also contijnued to much prefer the tube output stage to the ss one; with the ss the DAC is good but lacks the air and that special you-are-there- presence that the tube stage allows through.  I never did listen via the USB, sorry.

Thanks to Wayne for allowing a tourstop in NE Ohio.  This DAC has shown what an important ingredient "it's all about the implementation" is, and combined with one of the leading chipsets,  provides incredible value.  A very musical time was had by one and all. 


Re: Eastern Electric DAC mods
« Reply #153 on: 23 Dec 2010, 06:08 pm »
Thank YOU, Ted.

Your review and comments about the different gear you used the DAC with were very helpful.

After Gopher gets back from Holiday festivities and can comment on the modded vs unmodded DAC, it will take a slight detour.

Before the tour heads to the Big Apple, the will be a stop in PA. Mike Peshkin, who writes for StereoMojo, already owns a MiniMax DAC. He is very interested in hearing the difference between stock and modded. He has received the okay from his publisher to write about it.

As three StereoMojo reviewers loved the EE MiniMax DAC enough to buy their review samples, I thought it very worthwhile to have one of them take a listen to the modded unit. After all, the tour is mostly a vehicle for me to sell mods. The more people who get a chance to read a review of the mods the better.

Here is a link to the StereoMojo review of the stock EE DAC StereoMojo EE DAC review


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Re: Eastern Electric DAC mods
« Reply #154 on: 23 Dec 2010, 10:51 pm »
Okay Wayne .... I am a little shocked, but vey pleased, to report the Acme fuse you sent to me indeed DOES make a marked improvement in dynamics, bith micro and macro. I also notice an ever so slighty lower noise floor ..... go figure  :thumb:


Re: Eastern Electric DAC mods
« Reply #155 on: 24 Dec 2010, 01:44 am »
Funny that one fuse can make such a difference, isn't it?

Think about how many fuses you have in your system. Imagine what your system would sound like if you replaced them all with Acme Audio or other "audiophile" fuses.

I sent out my last fuse for the EE DACs today. I will get some more in after the holidays for anyone who wishes to buy some.

Big Red Machine

Re: Eastern Electric DAC mods
« Reply #156 on: 24 Dec 2010, 02:37 am »
Is there a marking on the stock fuse that would give orientation to us trying fuses in other devices?


Re: Eastern Electric DAC mods
« Reply #157 on: 24 Dec 2010, 03:15 am »
There is no marking. Remove the fuse. Draw a line around one side of the glass near one of the end caps. Use that as a reference. Try it oriented towards the outside of the DAC and then towards the inside. See which one sounds the best way in your system.

I have not tried the stock fuse to hear any direction difference. Only the Acme Audio fuse.

Other devices may want a different direction.


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Re: Eastern Electric DAC mods
« Reply #158 on: 24 Dec 2010, 01:41 pm »
Funny that one fuse can make such a difference, isn't it?

Think about how many fuses you have in your system. Imagine what your system would sound like if you replaced them all with Acme Audio or other "audiophile" fuses.

I sent out my last fuse for the EE DACs today. I will get some more in after the holidays for anyone who wishes to buy some.

Wayne,  Have you compared the Acme audio fuses to other brands, such as HiFi Tuning ? 


Re: Eastern Electric DAC mods
« Reply #159 on: 24 Dec 2010, 03:19 pm »
Let me offer clarrification. 

Going from my Squeezebox Touch (bolder modded) my MAC coax cable to the coax input of the EEMM Dac sounds inferior to an RCA to XLR with the RCA on the Touch and XLR on the AES/EBU. 

I only discovered this for myself when Bill noticed this and sent me an RCA/XLR cheater to see if he was going nuts with his preference.

I'm thinking about giving this a try. I'm using a BNC cable from my Touch and I'm not sure which adapter (cheater plug) I need to get(wired or unwired?).


Also - does anyone have a link for the Acme Audio fuse?