If you had an unlimited budget for a music system, what would you purchase?

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The title says it all.  You've hit the lottery, landed that once in a lifetime account, or are simply well off financially and don't have to worry about how much money you spend on your "hobby."  What would you chose as your be all, end all music system?  Perhaps you already have it, and if so, what is it?  Having a custom built room is already assumed, so lets skip that portion. 

This one can be fun, so please lets not ruin it.  Sometimes one man's crap is another's treasure, so try to keep the "you'd by THAT with an unlimited budget," or "that's barely above mid-fi" comments to yourself.  Also, please do not let this turn into a cable debate.  I am sure some people will chose not to spend a lot of money on cables, or other debatable items, regardless of the "unlimited budget" in mind.  That is NOT what this thread is about. 

I'll go first (duh).

Speakers - I'd pit the Vandersteen Model 7's, Salk SoundScape 12's and Geddes Summa 15's in a three way death match, keeping the winner.  I would, of course, have Harman International built me a speaker shuffler/level matching system so I could compare in the comfort of my own home without issue.
Preamplifier - Audio Research Reference 5
Amplifier(s) - Audio Research Reference 610T x 2
Music Streaming Source - I'll be honest and say I have no idea which is best...  Anyone have an insight on that one?  I'd run it through a DAC anyway (perhaps a PS Audio PerfectWave DAC), so...
Music Source - Audio Research Reference CD8 (I'd say CD7, of which I've heard, but since then the 8 was released, and after all, this is unlimited budget, haha).
Cables - Cobalt Cables
Power Conditioner - My own power plant that only runs power to my home :D

Its late; did I forget anything?  :scratch:

Wind Chaser

Its late; did I forget anything?  :scratch:

Room treatments.


First I'd buy that record collection worth 3 Million dollars, then hire a full time librarian/LP fetcher.  :lol: :lol: :lol:

Then I'd get the top of the line of everything we carry because I chose them because first and foremost I love what they crank out of their labs.

Triamped with 2 pairs Lamm M2.2 for the bass and a pair of ML3 SETs for the Mid/Treble modules
Lamm LL1 pre customized to have outputs shelved for MT and Bass specifically for the VR-11s
Lamm LP2 phonos for each arm/cart
Critical Mass Systems PXK and QXK Black Diamond Racks and Amp Stands

What we don't carry
TW Acoustic Black Knight with Graham, Triplanar, EMT and Da Vinci arms with in the same order a Dynavector XV-1t, a Koetsu Blue Lace Diamond, an Ortofon A90 and MY Sonic Labs Ultra Eminent BC mounted
Esoteric APL
Studer PR99
Apple G5 w Apogee D2D converter
All cabling Kubala-Sosna Elation
A whole boatload of Running Springs for protection
Custom Acoustics by eCalme Japan for that modern concert hall meets Superman's Fortress of Solitude Look

I guess I'll get there someday since I already have some of the stuff now. That lotto ticket would sure make it quicker though.


I'd buy a really big house with a whole floor of listening rooms.  I'd have a loading dock built and a ups hub as well.  :)
I'd have different systems in each room.  Horns, tubes, vintage, sets, HT, battery, single driver and whatever else that floats my fancy. 
I'd have daily listening sessions and fly in anyone interested (AC membership required  8), a really nice kitchen and a few kegerators.

I think I'll buy a lotto ticket on the way home tonight.


Room treatments.

Having a custom built room is already assumed, so lets skip that portion. 


My own orchestra.


If I won the lottery, I'd hire a team of the worlds best and brightest scientists and engineers to implement cutting edge technology to build the greatest sounding system the world has ever seen.  Then, being a Texan, I'd buy a new pickup truck.


We should tie this is in with my gigolo thread somehow..


Or tie it with the anti-audiophile Wanker thread ... such as

- I'd first buy the best measurement equipment I could find
- then I'd buy a Rotel amp and live happily ever after



  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 115
its prob the only way i'd ever get to listen to MBL 101Es (or the extremes, if I really dont care about money).

Martin Logan Statements in a room the size of a small auditorium.  Krell amps for the bass, Audio Research 610s for the mid bass and separate ARCs for the panels.
Why not go all ARC w Ref preamp and phono.  Have some top line VAC stuff lying around for when i'm feeling more romantic.
Custom active tube crossovers from Marchand.
SPJ LaLuce, Koetsu
Oppo Blu Ray player tied to a Theta Gen 8

A butler (not the amp) to work the VPI washing machine.
Lots of room treatment and v quiet HVAC.

Comfy couches

This still might cost less than the systems used by Fremer or Valin.  Its nice to dream. 


  • Full Member
  • Posts: 5240

Speakers - I'd pit the Vandersteen Model 7's, Salk SoundScape 12's and Geddes Summa 15's in a three way death match, keeping the winner.  I would, of course, have Harman International built me a speaker shuffler/level matching system so I could compare in the comfort of my own home without issue.

I'd add the new VMPS speakers to this, too.  The problem is, there likely wouldn't be a single winner.  Many of these speakers just sound different. 


  • Volunteer
  • Posts: 4562
  • ..we walk the plank with our eyes wide open!-Gotye
Big Red Machine's KEF's for starters..... :thumb:


Or tie it with the anti-audiophile Wanker thread ... such as

- I'd first buy the best measurement equipment I could find
- then I'd buy a Rotel amp and live happily ever after


How about no.  That thread is a disgrace.

I'd add the new VMPS speakers to this, too.  The problem is, there likely wouldn't be a single winner.  Many of these speakers just sound different. 

True, but I bet you could pick a winner that sounds best.  They don't need to appeal to the masses; just you. 

Big Red Machine's KEF's for starters..... :thumb:

He has Kef's now...er, always had them (which of the two I am unclear)?


If it was going to be mostly from one source, I may try Meridian.
There is a NY AC member that has mostly Meridian, and I was VERY impressed with that sound.


  • Volunteer
  • Posts: 4562
  • ..we walk the plank with our eyes wide open!-Gotye
Big Red Machine's KEF's for starters.....

He has Kef's now...er, always had them (which of the two I am unclear)?
Just babbling here, he has 2 sets FS and they just look sweet....someday!! :duh:



Preamp:  Burmester 077

Power Amp:  pair of Burmester 911 mk.3's

Phono Preamp:  Boulder 1008 or perhaps Burmester's new phono preamp (not yet released)

Turntable:  SME 30/12, TW Acustic RAVEN Two with Triplanar arm and SME iV.Vi

Cartridge:  Lyra Olympos, Dynavector XV-1s, Lyra Skala

CD Player/DAC:  dCS Paganini stack

Music Server:  Sooloos with 8TB of storage and backup

Speakers:  GamuT S-9

Cable:  Shunyata Aurora I/C and Speaker cable

Power:  Running Springs Dmitri and Maxim, on 20A lines.


  • Restricted
  • Posts: 940
  • SS-Audio
    • Supreme Sound Audio
Sounds like a temptation.  :drool:
I would spend at vintage tube amps, a great set of speakers like the Infinite Wisdom from Wisdom Audio. And some room treatment as well.


I'd buy a really big house with a whole floor of listening rooms.  I'd have a loading dock built and a ups hub as well.  :)
I'd have different systems in each room.  Horns, tubes, vintage, sets, HT, battery, single driver and whatever else that floats my fancy. 
I'd have daily listening sessions and fly in anyone interested (AC membership required  8), a really nice kitchen and a few kegerators.

I think I'll buy a lotto ticket on the way home tonight.

My daydream is something similar...I would:
1. Hire a consultant firm to identify a few spots around the world well suited to function as audiophile hubs (New York, London, Moscow, Paris, Beijing, who knows.
2.  Buy a historic hotel in each.
3.  Retrofit the hotel to function as heavily subsidized audiophile clubs.
4.  First floor is a cool bar with lots and lots of live music open to the public.
5.  Second floor holds SOTA recording studios for subsidized recording of select acts.
6.  Third floor to house multiple room with performance stages and killer systems where we can compare the live act against the recorded version.
7.  Every year we have a shoot out and the system that wins gets to stay and all of the others are raffled off to members.
8.  Restock with the latest and greatest and repeat.
9.  Rest of building is a functioning top quality hotel to accommodate all of the audiophile brethren.
10.  Each room will have a nice headphone rig for use.
11.  Clubs / hotels will be staffed by really really beautiful and friendly people (maybe a floor for a modeling studio  :lol: ) serving world class food and drink.

I'd spend my time cycling between them on my private plane (think Tony Stark in Iron Man) - yeah, kinda like that.


My daydream is something similar...I would:
1. Hire a consultant firm to identify a few spots around the world well suited to function as audiophile hubs (New York, London, Moscow, Paris, Beijing, who knows.
2.  Buy a historic hotel in each.
3.  Retrofit the hotel to function as heavily subsidized audiophile clubs.
4.  First floor is a cool bar with lots and lots of live music open to the public.
5.  Second floor holds SOW recording studios for subsidized recording of select acts.
6.  Third floor to house multiple room with performance stages and killer systems where we can compare the live act against the recorded version.
7.  Every year we have a shoot out and the system that wins gets to stay and all of the others are raffled off to members.
8.  Restock with the latest and greatest and repeat.
9.  Rest of building is a functioning top quality hotel to accommodate all of the audiophile brethren.
10.  Each room will have a nice headphone rig for use.
11.  Clubs / hotels will be staffed by really really beautiful and friendly people (maybe a floor for a modeling studio  :lol: ) serving world class food and drink.

I'd spend my time cycling between them on my private plane (think Tony Stark in Iron Man) - yeah, kinda like that.

Now we're talkin'! :D :thumb:


This of course assumes I'm a multi Billionaire, because 1) it's expensive and 2) my wife would walk with half my assets after she divorces my butt.