Bicycling On-the-Road

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Re: Bicycling On-the-Road
« Reply #780 on: 18 Aug 2011, 02:33 am »
Sorry to hear that Jack.  Summer is eclipsing.  Everyone should be pretty fit race wise.  :lol:

Hey guys, I hope everyone is doing well. I've been off my bike for a couple weeks. Busted out a hard 42 miles today and I think I'm having a heart attack. At least I did around mile 35 or so when we had to hustle home to beat nightfall. I've lost some fit fitness but hope to get it back soon.

Somehow I developed a pain in my foot again. Thankfully it only hurts when I ride...and when I laugh.




Re: Bicycling On-the-Road
« Reply #781 on: 18 Aug 2011, 04:22 pm »
Very cool.  Though I think the kid to the left may be able to put the hurt on Andy.

Those kids are part of the Winter Sports Club here. Their Summer training consists of riding and racing coached by a group of seriously experienced folks.

On that day I was coming back in and spotted a group of riders up ahead in a pace line. I caught them and only realized it was a group of these kids and their coaches once I was even with them. They had all gone out with Schleck and were on their way back in too. Pretty cool to see these guys in the drops and hammering - at 9/10 years old.


Re: Bicycling On-the-Road
« Reply #782 on: 19 Aug 2011, 01:36 pm »
I had my 2nd fitting yesterday.  It appears that I had been using my leg muscles in-efficiently. Needless to say, some drastic corrections were made. My seat post had to be raised almost an inch higher and forward.  The bike felt different but comfortable.

After the fitting, I road 35miles.   Now using different group of muscles.  I felt a little slower soft pedaling on my regular route.  However, power and speed increased when I am on it. 

Maybe my muscles needs to get used to the new geometry?  Hmmmm...


Re: Bicycling On-the-Road
« Reply #783 on: 19 Aug 2011, 02:33 pm »
I had my 2nd fitting yesterday.  It appears that I had been using my leg muscles in-efficiently. Needless to say, some drastic corrections were made. My seat post had to be raised almost an inch higher and forward.  The bike felt different but comfortable.

After the fitting, I road 35miles.   Now using different group of muscles.  I felt a little slower soft pedaling on my regular route.  However, power and speed increased when I am on it. 

Maybe my muscles needs to get used to the new geometry?  Hmmmm...

Interesting.  I've heard similar stories from other people.  Did they change anything else?  An inch is a lot to raise the post.  Any cleat changes?  I think mine are off because my right foot was really hurting on the last ride.  I could not push off like normal because of the pain.  Keep us posted.  Also, I'd be curious to see your power numbers before and after on the same route. 


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Re: Bicycling On-the-Road
« Reply #784 on: 21 Aug 2011, 02:07 pm »
Having used the old setup for however long now, yes it will certainly feel a bit weird and will take your body a while to adjust and/or feel comfortable.

Many people rely on their quads for pedaling, wrong muscle group.  This may be why the fitter changed your setup?

A tad surprised they raised the post a whole inch though.  While not necessarily wrong, many suggest smaller increments when adjusting one's setup.  How much did they push the saddle forward?


Re: Bicycling On-the-Road
« Reply #785 on: 21 Aug 2011, 07:54 pm »
Thanks guys for the input.

My mistake, saddle was moved back all the way to the point I may need a setback seat post.
Cleats moved back a few mm and stem moved up 2mm.  It appears that I have been tweaking my own bike fit and was doing it without a good guidance.  I can see that my mountain bike setup had to be changed as well.

Finally, my fitter told me I was over using my quads and my seats being too low was taxing my knee joints.  He told me to give it a few weeks to become acclimated  to the new position.

With the new fit, I can see doing 2-3MPH faster on the flats when I was locked in to the correct riding position (on the drop).  Needless to say, getting a good fit is one of the best tweak one can do.  :thumb:


Re: Bicycling On-the-Road
« Reply #786 on: 21 Aug 2011, 08:44 pm »
Hey guys!  Just checking in on the thread to see how folks are doing.  Jack, I hope you can get your foot / toe issue worked out.  Riding hurts enough from tired muscles!  AB, you're still too fast.  I'm surprised Jack doesn't lock you out of this thread! LOL  :lol:

Levi, reading your updates re: the fitting makes me think more and more about pulling the trigger. 

Needless to say, getting a good fit is one of the best tweak one can do.  :thumb:

Funny, I don't know why but that quote reminds me about how people talk about room treatments helping their audio systems.  For some reason, these two things seem strangely analogous to me (and I've never spent any money on either  :duh:)

Me, I've been riding still.  I took it a bit light for a week after that MS ride, but I'm back on it now.  Had a couple GFM (good for me!) rides this weekend.  Once I get them off my Garmin, I'll post some links.



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Re: Bicycling On-the-Road
« Reply #787 on: 22 Aug 2011, 12:37 am »
Jon, think you bring a very valid anology.

Levi, seems like you are moving in the right direction.  Glutes are the key.


Re: Bicycling On-the-Road
« Reply #788 on: 23 Aug 2011, 03:59 am »
...and here they are:

Friday's ride (18.5mi / 19.3MPH avg):

Sunday's ride (~33mi / 19.0MPH avg):

Those are both pretty good rides for me.  Both solo...

I'm going to try and get out tomorrow morning before work.  I'll probably do that 18.5mi route again.


Re: Bicycling On-the-Road
« Reply #789 on: 24 Aug 2011, 08:17 pm »
Streaming Coverage of the USA Pro cycling Challenge...


Re: Bicycling On-the-Road
« Reply #790 on: 28 Aug 2011, 09:01 pm »

This is my helmet... my head was in there when that happened...

I was riding my bike to work last Thursday morning and I crashed. It was a pretty big wipeout. As you can see, my helmet was cracked in a few places, but amazingly I didn't have a concussion.  My right shoulder however is in rough shape, I have a nasty gouge in my right elbow, and a few other scrapes and bruises.

It was all my fault. I took a drink from my water bottle too close to an intersection I was approaching. Then I had a little trouble getting it back in the cage. In a rush to get two hands back on the bars so I could brake, I quickly looked down to get the water bottle sorted and my bike swerved just a bit to the right causing me to bump into the curb. And that was that... I went flying.

There were a number of cars at the intersection and not one person even rolled down their window to ask if I was OK.   

I got a hold of my wife and she came and got me.  I went to a nearby urgent care and got some xrays on my shoulder and it doesn't look like I've broken anything. Still, I have pretty limited use of my right arm at this point. We'll see how its feeling this week. I may end up going to an orthopedic doc to see if I damaged any internal parts that time alone wont fix.

I'm pretty ticked at myself. I should have been more careful. I'm normally a very good bike handler. Probably took that for granted.  Hindsight 20/20 I suppose.... (I've fallen over w/ clip-in/out issues here and there, but I haven't crashed in almost 30years!)

I always wear my helmet.  I couldn't imagine what would've happened had I not had it on.

I asked Bell if they wanted me to send the broken helmet to them.  I guess if you send it to them after a crash, they may offer you some credit towards a new one.  That would be nice.

I commute on an old aluminum Trek mountain bike (no suspension).  Not a scratch on it that I've found yet.  I don't think my road bike would have fared so well.  I have no idea how I hit the front right edge of my helmet AND the back side of my right shoulder so hard.  I'm glad I didn't break my collar bone, but I'm a bit worried about the soft tissue (ligaments, rotator cuff, tendons, etc.).  Like I said, we'll see how it does this week.  I'm not very patient w/ healing!

I am able to ride my spinning bike so that'll have to do for now.  Sucks, as I had my best legs in years...

Be careful out there guys!


Re: Bicycling On-the-Road
« Reply #791 on: 28 Aug 2011, 09:14 pm »
Yow. Sorry to hear that. Curbs are S.O.Bs when you hit them.

I went down hard a few years ago in a MTB race and suffered a SLAP tear in my left shoulder. It hurt like hell and I couldn't hardly move it. I would expect that sort of injury if you felt lucky not to have broken your collar bone in the crash - that kind of fall that hard will do one or the other.

Or your head might have taken the brunt of the force and spared your shoulder. :o


Re: Bicycling On-the-Road
« Reply #792 on: 28 Aug 2011, 10:46 pm »
Wow Jon.  Sorry to hear about the crash.  It happens to the best of us.  Thank goodness for wearing a good helmet.  Take it easy. 


Re: Bicycling On-the-Road
« Reply #793 on: 29 Aug 2011, 12:50 am »
Wow!  I'm glad you are okay.  Thankfully you had a helmet.  This is why I always wear mine.  Sometimes I feel stupid when I'm just making a short trip, but you never know when you will hit the pavement.  Let us know what's going on with that shoulder. 


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Re: Bicycling On-the-Road
« Reply #794 on: 29 Aug 2011, 02:15 am »
Wow, I'll ditto the others.  Very glad you seem to be reasonably ok.  Scary stuff. 


Re: Bicycling On-the-Road
« Reply #795 on: 29 Aug 2011, 04:28 am »
Thanks for the get well wishes guys... We all know this hobby is arguably a bit riskier than most, but I didn't need to demonstrate that to myself!  :duh:

I'll keep you posted on my progress.  Of course, you guys will have to make-up for my miles though.  Another 20/wk from each of you ought to get us pretty close! LOL


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Re: Bicycling On-the-Road
« Reply #796 on: 3 Sep 2011, 02:10 am »
How is the new position coming along?  Thanks.



Re: Bicycling On-the-Road
« Reply #797 on: 3 Sep 2011, 02:50 am »
Hi Jeff,

Thanks for asking.  I haven't been riding because I had a surgery.      Gallbladder deleted:oops:

Hopefully, I get to ride in 3-weeks.



Re: Bicycling On-the-Road
« Reply #798 on: 3 Sep 2011, 03:39 am »
I had that part deleted a few years ago.  You won't miss it. It may take a few months for your body to adjust tho.  Of course having belly scars that make it look like you've been in a knife fight is fun! LOL

Get well soon!


Re: Bicycling On-the-Road
« Reply #799 on: 3 Sep 2011, 04:11 am »
I appreciate the info.  Thanks Jon!

I had that part deleted a few years ago.  You won't miss it. It may take a few months for your body to adjust tho.  Of course having belly scars that make it look like you've been in a knife fight is fun! LOL

Get well soon!