Which VSA Road to go for $7500 Budget - VR4 SR's, older VR7's, Unifield 3's, etc

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  • Industry Participant
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Any profit to share? :icon_surprised:


  • Facilitator
  • Posts: 1872
  • ..I've got my eye on you...which one you say?
No profit likely.  It will probably be spent on insurance premium increases.  :x


It's all yours.  Just send me a check for the total msrp.  :)

Shreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewd!!!!!!!!  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


  • Facilitator
  • Posts: 1872
  • ..I've got my eye on you...which one you say?
Shrewed...a word not often used in the same sentence with my name.  :oops:


...stay tuned, I hope to make my decision this week.
It won't be the 5A's, but hopefully pretty darn close.
It may shock you all!!! :icon_lol:


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 23
...stay tuned, I hope to make my decision this week.
It won't be the 5A's, but hopefully pretty darn close.
It may shock you all!!! :icon_lol:

Nice read here.... trying to figure out your choice ZenZoo.....not 5A's....either Ceedee Vr 7HSE or U3,not Galvin 5A....favor VR-4 SR Mark2 because can upgrade.....make a guess....it is VR 4 Mark3,right ?


  • Facilitator
  • Posts: 1872
  • ..I've got my eye on you...which one you say?
...uh, that would be GAVIN sans L...and I'm betting on the MKIIs   :thumb:


AND THE WINNER IS...... (drum roll, please)...

Von Schweikert VR4 SR MK II in Piano Gloss Black!  (ta daaaa)

After seeing Gavin's system and many others here, I just couldn't stop drooling.  In my search for the perfect speaker (for me), I came across a brand new pair still in the crates in Plano, TX.  You have seen their brothers or sisters as Gavin had one just like these.  It was the big finale and last production run for Albert where he made a total of 20 in the Piano Gloss finish!  Just beautiful!!!

Thanks to everyone here for your input and to Albert for putting up with me over the course of several phone calls.

And a big (MAKE THAT BIG) thanks to Scott Warren from Advanced HT who has made it all possible.  He was a true pleasure to work with and made me a deal I just could not refuse.  I have to give my highest recommendation to him for anyone considering a purchase of new audio equipment.

Thanks again everyone, I'm proud to be a VSA owner! :thumb:


  • Industry Participant
  • Posts: 701
    • Musical Reality
Hi ZenZoo,

Congratulations with your choice.

We have one of the brothers here in Holland.
Cosmetical just like the VR 5 Anniversary.

VR 4 SR mk II in the mid.

The back of the VR 4 SR mk II at the show in Alkmaar lately.

Beatyfull piece of work.

Enjoy the music.



  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 23
Congrats ZenZoo for narrowing down to VR-4 SR Mk 2.

My inspiration to own my SR Mk 3 is also from Gavin's photos and Jack's setup. These speakers are so beautiful and aesthetically built. Just the right size and delivering a huge and exciting sound.