Counting down!

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Counting down!
« on: 8 Feb 2010, 02:13 pm »
Hi all,

Is everyone like me counting down the days?? :drool:
I can't wait to get the new one.2
Lets hope seth will get them in a few days so the can sent out the first batch.
When mine is in a will write a sort review on this beautifull amp.

Best regards from the Netherlands.


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Re: Counting down!
« Reply #1 on: 8 Feb 2010, 09:20 pm »
yes, I am certainly counting the days!  If they go out the 10th by air, i wonder how soon they will get to us. It might be nice if Seth would let us know where each of us are on the list, as its first come first serve. and how many units are coming in the first batch.
regards Dan


Re: Counting down!
« Reply #2 on: 10 Feb 2010, 07:58 am »
Got my batteries...Can't wait to get the Amp!


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Re: Counting down!
« Reply #3 on: 11 Feb 2010, 07:27 am »
Hi Guys!  Glad your excited.  So am I!  My fingers are crossed that no amps get thrown overboard during passage.
The good news is that we have enough amps for all orders placed until now, and just a few more.  Marcel is preparing packing slips and boxes already. Some final assembly, testing and shipping will be all that is required. 
This is not going to affect many people, but we ARE experiencing some delays on delivery of our 2nd batches of 130w and 90w psus.  A few of the later orders with 130w supplies may be delayed 1-2 additional weeks; the 90w orders up until last week will be unaffected.  If your order is going to be held up because of the PSU, I'll email you and we can make a decision to send out the 65w supply as a stand-in, upgrade the supply, or wait. 
As you know, 2009 was a product availability train-wreck for us (and you)!  We are NOT raising prices and are most appreciative of your waiting in queue for your amp!


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Re: Counting down!
« Reply #4 on: 16 Feb 2010, 07:18 am »
DHL is clearing customs on the little amps tomorrow.  We found more 90w supplies in the warehouse so coast is clear there.  130w supplies are limited until around Feb 25th.  We'll ship what we have ASAP and email folks who's orders would be delayed slightly by the 130w delay.  Crossing fingers all around that everything goes smoothly in the next week.  Thanks so much for your patience!


Re: Counting down!
« Reply #5 on: 18 Feb 2010, 12:49 am »
Did the soft-starts go on the plane with the Ones or on the boat with the Sensations?


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Re: Counting down!
« Reply #6 on: 18 Feb 2010, 03:28 am »
They're in there for sure, Donny.  DHL went dark on me today... hopefully they'll have good news tomorrow.  The play-by-play is like open heart surgery on national television ;-)  I hope that everything turns out just right!!!!


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Re: Counting down!
« Reply #7 on: 18 Feb 2010, 06:17 pm »
I'm looking forward to reading reports on the new amps, great news. I'm sure.


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Re: Counting down!
« Reply #8 on: 19 Feb 2010, 08:24 pm »
DHL Freight finally gave us a delivery date for the ONE.2s, Monday Feb 22nd.  I'm quite incensed that it took seven (7) to clear customs.  Anyway... we'll be working late all week next week shipping product.  Thanks for your patience!


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Re: Counting down!
« Reply #9 on: 19 Feb 2010, 09:18 pm »
yes we are anxious, as are you.  whats important is that all the amps and psu come thru without loss or damage and that there are no defective units.  To my mind, the wait is difficult, but worth it, to have an exceptional amp to enjoy for many many years.

madawasca mike

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Re: Counting down!
« Reply #10 on: 21 Feb 2010, 11:33 pm »
Regardless of today's USA/Canada dust up on ice...I trust you'll still put one of those one.2 in the mail to Toronto!


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Re: Counting down!
« Reply #11 on: 21 Feb 2010, 11:36 pm »
We're shipping Russia's amps to Canada.  I have family in Toronto.  Love you guys ;-)


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Re: Counting down!
« Reply #12 on: 26 Feb 2010, 07:11 am »
The good news is that we started shipping amps today.  The bad news is that they're taking more time than expected to fix the power jacks.  Also, the heatshrink we got for the soft-starts was too big and too gooey (adhesive inside, yuk).  The first 15 shipped yesterday.  More heatshrink is coming on Monday and the rest will go out next week.

At times like these I thank god that my Asian manufacturers do such a great job.   Keep in mind that we're not just building a PCB here.  These amps are very complext and highly custom units requiring tons of hand-work to build.  Notice that there are no cheap terminals on that bolt onto the PCB and poke out the back.  Instead, there are ungodly amounts of 3-conductor signal wire to strip and solder and exotic custom parts (like the inductors and heatpipes, knobs and enclosure parts) that we make and ship from all around the world. 

So, while it's true that we missed the power jack, but everything else is looks superb.  With the small batches build, that's quite an accomplishement!

Thank you again for your patience. 


Re: Counting down!
« Reply #13 on: 26 Feb 2010, 03:41 pm »
Personally, I would rather things be delayed a little - and done right - than rushed and done sloppy.

Thanks for all the effort toward producing a quality product!


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Re: Counting down!
« Reply #14 on: 26 Feb 2010, 07:24 pm »
Marcel tells me he's cranking today so I'm confident that we'll see more shipments go out.

I've been here crunching the numbers and they tell a story that says that unless we start selling tens of thousands of amps, we'll need to charge more for them.   The real Melissa is a bit frustrated by my insistence of making up for losses with volume, so I've raised the price of the base ONE "classic" to $349 and the ONE.2 to $399. 

I know that this is a chicken-egg problem and the amps are less attractive at a higher price.   I sincerely appreciate your continued support and patronage despite this adjustment.

See my note below.  I've come back to my senses.
« Last Edit: 2 Mar 2010, 12:33 am by virtue »


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Re: Counting down!
« Reply #15 on: 27 Feb 2010, 01:11 am »
I really appreciate all the work that's going into making these just right.  It's too bad about having to put in extra labor to improve on the power cords and insulation.  It's things like that that inevitably arise and eat away at a thin profit margin. 

Good luck on the sales with the raised price.  I'm eagerly awaiting mine, and if it sounds as good as most every review says, I'll think it well worth the new price, too.

But the real reason I'm posting is to provide a helpful pointer; your front page lists a couple of 2010 events as being 2009.  You may wish to fix that?


Re: Counting down!
« Reply #16 on: 27 Feb 2010, 04:40 pm »
Marcel tells me he's cranking today so I'm confident that we'll see more shipments go out.

I've been here crunching the numbers and they tell a story that says that unless we start selling tens of thousands of amps, we'll need to charge more for them.   The real Melissa is a bit frustrated by my insistence of making up for losses with volume, so I've raised the price of the base ONE "classic" to $349 and the ONE.2 to $399.

I know that this is a chicken-egg problem and the amps are less attractive at a higher price.   I sincerely appreciate your continued support and patronage despite this adjustment.


For clarification, I assume that you mean the price has gone up on a go forwrd basis and not for previously purchased pre-orders.  Correct?



Re: Counting down!
« Reply #17 on: 27 Feb 2010, 11:56 pm »
Seth should be back online this evening, but I can confidently state that yes that would be on new orders.


For clarification, I assume that you mean the price has gone up on a go forwrd basis and not for previously purchased pre-orders.  Correct?



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Re: Counting down!
« Reply #18 on: 28 Feb 2010, 06:08 am »
Hey Guys,
We're not going to bait and switch, haha!  All orders will go through and we appreciate them!  Your pre-orders financed the end of production, shipping costs, etc.  We're indebted to you and thank you so much!!!
Hugs and love,

madawasca mike

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Re: Counting down!
« Reply #19 on: 28 Feb 2010, 11:14 pm »
Seth, can we Canucks get our one.2's with a special gold medal