The dB Audio Labs Tranquility DAC - Wow!

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Re: The dB Audio Labs Tranquility DAC - Wow!
« Reply #740 on: 5 Dec 2010, 08:10 pm »
I think this is another example of how close the difference is between good digital dacs or players - very small differences - not the huge differences that we are led to believe.

        I could not agree more, this is why I would love to see johnny get his hands on something like the Weiss 202 a over $6000 usd commercial dac (seems to be the ultra dac of the hour) against some of the offerings he has reviewed to see if everone on a listening panel would come out with an overwhelming 100% consenses. I'm not so sure.


Re: The dB Audio Labs Tranquility DAC - Wow!
« Reply #741 on: 5 Dec 2010, 09:38 pm »
 :D  we all love shoot-outs at 'de OK Corral' ..... :thumb: :D


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Re: The dB Audio Labs Tranquility DAC - Wow!
« Reply #742 on: 5 Dec 2010, 10:19 pm »

        Johnny is the auraliti worthy of the price for an upgrade in your opinion?


Alas, I didn't hear it back-to-back against my MacBook Pro as I was at a mate's house.  The functionality, size and simplicity of the Auraliti is a winner in my book.  The guy that owns it raves about its sound $799 maybe it's worth a punt?


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Re: The dB Audio Labs Tranquility DAC - Wow!
« Reply #743 on: 6 Dec 2010, 01:59 am »
I was just chatting to Eric today and he has never even heard of the Auraliti.  He is very keen to compare the two.  I am getting one delivered and will be doing a comparison with an optimized Mac Mini just to see what the go is.  John may be able to do a formal review on it as well.



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Re: The dB Audio Labs Tranquility DAC - Wow!
« Reply #744 on: 6 Dec 2010, 08:38 am »
I am the owner of the review system that compared inter alia the Audio Gd ref 7 to the Tranquility SE. My impression of the Tranquility in the context of that system is that it is a very good dac particularly with certain types of music but with slightly suspect tone and an over emphasis of certain frequencies.

Last night I listened to "Jazz at the Pawnshop" CD 1& 2. I found the Tranquility SE enchanting. It was and is just beautiful with Jazz. Complex classical and piano less so. I have the Tranquility for another week or so. Bill Hobba kindly bought one and it has been doing the rounds. He is very generous with sharing his love of hi fi.

here is the review thread I started.

The comments as to value pertain to the Aussie market. The USA market will be different.

This is an except from Ian (Audiobuggered in that thread) which encapsulates my feelings entirely.

Key differences between the RE7 and Tranquility (which is the bee's knees model so I"m told) lie more in the presentation, more specifically the tonality.
* Both dacs sounded very enjoyable, and I would say definitely ahead of entry and most mid level stuff
* The tranquility is more in your face. More exciting. This was initially very pleasing and beguiling. The Re7 was more subdued and "neutral", calling nothing out or emphasizing anything.
* Deeper into the listening, some of the key things coming out was that the initial excitement and aliveness of the Tranquility felt (to me) a bit designed or tailored. This mind you was fairly subtle but my take is that this would be more obvious in a more resolving and/or exciting system. In a more laid back system lacking in excitement maybe this would be beneficial...(?)
* So far, I'd call it very close but then a couple of things were also cropping up that would put the tranquility behind the re7 in my books
* Tonality of the tranquility is a bit suspect - perhaps due to the slightly "tailored" sound signature. This was not apparent on unfamiliar music, but on the piano it lent a slightly digital sound to it. A bit like listening to a classical performance (no amplification) Vs a jazz piano with amplification + speakers to increase the volume of sound. This is not obvious (the suspect tonality of violins in the jadis/quad combination was blatant in comparison) but then, I'm a bit sensitive to the piano and it does "bug" me.
* The tranquility presents a "fuller" sound but this slight bloom is at the expense of separation - in dense orchestral mix, the sound is very slightly mushed up but only in comparison to the Re7 here (could be the Re7's overkill power supply design). Would surmise that there could be a larger degree of difference in a more resolving set up but this is a bit speculative and needs corroboration.

Put it this way, if I came in without any knowledge of the dacs and someone told me that the tranquility was $1k and the Re7 was $3k, I'd say that the Re7 would be amongst the best in that class and the tranquility was a giant killer that delivered 90% of the performance at one third the price. Stuff the aesthetics, and I'd buy it over the Re7. The fact that this tranquility actually costs more than the Re7 would mean that a more careful audition in your system would be warranted.

I have  MBP with SSD+8Gb Ram. Amarra & Ayrewave. I like the Auraliti more. Even if it didn't sound better then for no other reason than I can play every codec and I can browse and Que. by folder structure.

« Last Edit: 8 Dec 2010, 08:28 pm by agcs57 »


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Re: The dB Audio Labs Tranquility DAC - Wow!
« Reply #745 on: 6 Dec 2010, 03:50 pm »
Actually, I'm not surprised.  Not that the MBP is a bad source, but with laptops you simply can't get too far from the display screen in terms of noise injected into the system.  The SBCs that the auraliti and other similar linux based solutions employ, don't even have video output hardware, let alone a display, so they are bound to be cleaner.

To give you an idea how sensitive all this stuff is, I use a remote control, custom LDR attenuator in my system, and when I turned off the dithered volume control in PureMusic the other day, the extra detail, definition, and bass articulation I got was like night and day.  I would have considered the sound I was getting before this change to the best my system has ever sounded, but thiis just took it to another level, and I don't even have hog mode enabled yet.

-- Jim


Re: The dB Audio Labs Tranquility DAC - Wow!
« Reply #746 on: 6 Dec 2010, 07:24 pm »
Jim - no controlling volume with Pure Music - so the only volume control you are using is the attenuation in the LDR (which must be some type of passive or active volume control?)


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Re: The dB Audio Labs Tranquility DAC - Wow!
« Reply #747 on: 6 Dec 2010, 07:47 pm »

Yes, the LDR attenuator is an external box that has two inputs, one output and has remote volume and source selection, plus a manual balance control.  These use light-dependent resistors for attenuation, so there are no mechanical contacts and the control circuitry is completely isolated from the signal.  Absolutely the cleanest and most transparent volume control ever.

I still plan to try the tranquility direct into my amps using the dithered volume control, but I want to make some measurments and build an attenuating interconnect first so I'm sure all the levels are correct and that I'm getting maximum quality out of the dithered volume control.  At this point I don't really know which will be better, so that's why the experiment.  IMO, these are the two most transparent kinds of cvolume controls one can use.  I've come to really dislike pots and stepped attenuators, even the really good ones.  I do still use them in less critical gear though.

-- Jim


Re: The dB Audio Labs Tranquility DAC - Wow!
« Reply #748 on: 6 Dec 2010, 07:47 pm »
... when I turned off the dithered volume control in PureMusic the other day, the extra detail, definition, and bass articulation I got was like night and day.  I would have considered the sound I was getting before this change to the best my system has ever sounded, but thiis just took it to another level, and I don't even have hog mode enabled yet.
-- Jim

Jim, What is the exact procedure for actually turning off the dithered volume control in PM. I found the Audio Settings Menu Page called "Signal Modifiers" and have unchecked the "dithered volume control." However, it doesn't seem to really disable it. Even with that box unchecked, the volume control +/- tabs still work when they are clicked with the mouse. Am I missing something? Thanks. Din


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Re: The dB Audio Labs Tranquility DAC - Wow!
« Reply #749 on: 6 Dec 2010, 07:59 pm »
Jim, What is the exact procedure for actually turning off the dithered volume control in PM. I found the Audio Settings Menu Page called "Signal Modifiers" and have unchecked the "dithered volume control." However, it doesn't seem to really disable it. Even with that box unchecked, the volume control +/- tabs still work when they are clicked with the mouse. Am I missing something? Thanks. Din

Rob (PM) says that, in the current 1.65, as long as volume is 0.0db then all volume controls are benign/off/out of the signal path.  And of course if volume is 0.0db then dithering is a moot subject.


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Re: The dB Audio Labs Tranquility DAC - Wow!
« Reply #750 on: 6 Dec 2010, 08:18 pm »
Well, all I did was uncheck the same box and that was all I needed to do.  iTunes may still be able to control the volume, but I have it set to 100%.

There's a page on the PM web site of tips and tricks for PM, and on that page is a list of things you can do to optimize playback quality, and that's arranged oin descending order of importance.  I havn't gone through that whole list yet, just wanted to see what would happen with the dithering turned off.

-- Jim


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Re: The dB Audio Labs Tranquility DAC - Wow!
« Reply #751 on: 7 Dec 2010, 06:00 pm »
I have  MBP with SSD+8Gb Ram. Amarra & Ayrewave. I like the Auraliti more.

I would like to hear more about the Auraliti.  I don't want to get this thread off topic so maybe a new thread about it? 


Re: The dB Audio Labs Tranquility DAC - Wow!
« Reply #752 on: 7 Dec 2010, 06:31 pm »
I would like to hear more about the Auraliti.  I don't want to get this thread off topic so maybe a new thread about it?

Maybe start a new one over on the discless circle and point Ray to it.



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Re: The dB Audio Labs Tranquility DAC - Wow!
« Reply #753 on: 8 Dec 2010, 12:57 am »
I would like to hear more about the Auraliti.  I don't want to get this thread off topic so maybe a new thread about it?

I, with hopefully some help from fellow audiophile acquantances, will be checking this out and comparing it to a Mac-Mini.  I will post our impressions in the review section.

« Last Edit: 8 Dec 2010, 11:29 pm by bhobba »

db audio labs

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Re: The dB Audio Labs Tranquility DAC - Wow!
« Reply #754 on: 8 Dec 2010, 06:49 pm »
Hi guys,

We've been working our tails off trying to catch up and fulfilling the demand for new Tranquility Signature DACs. Today I can proudly say that we are caught up and have extra Signatures in stock! Now I'd like to "officially" offer the "Signature trade-up" program to all of our prior Tranquility DAC owners. Also, the special $500 introductory discount for the Signature DAC applies to trade-ups too. Please note that the trade-up program for the Signature DAC is for a limited time and will be going away in 2011.

BTW: I've been getting daily emails asking me if any of the "new computers" being talked about as of late are "better sounding" or equal to the Mac Mini. At this point, we've still found the Mac Mini to be the Top Dog sonically and then some. In particular the Mini seriously prevails when it comes to fluidity, space, sound stage size and air around instruments. Other computers just don't seem to have the ability to pass and provide the DAC many of the elusive delicate inner harmonics that define analog fluidity, massive soundstage air and amazing depth cues. Crazy things these computers and how many others just don't seem to pass nearly as much "inner-musical" information as compared to that Mac Mini.   :P

As always, we are constantly looking for all front end computer solutions to drive our Tranquility series of dacs to sound their very best. Whenever someone contacts us with a possible computer idea and/or tweak we put on our blindfolds and listen. If some new sort of computer solution should come to market that sounds nearly as good as the Mac Mini I'll be the first to make the announcement to all of my valued customers.  :thumb:

Happy Holidays!

Eric Hider
dB Audio Labs
Phone: 248-798-9555

Website -


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Re: The dB Audio Labs Tranquility DAC - Wow!
« Reply #755 on: 8 Dec 2010, 08:10 pm »
We've been working our tails off trying to catch up and fulfilling the demand for new Tranquility Signature DACs

The Tranquility came out very favourably in our shoot out with the following exceptions -
1. Price -
2. Tonality with stings/piano - overblown mids with an over emphasis on certain frequencies giving undue coloration or "bloom".
3. Lack of separation with large scale orchestral - no question about this - it is a common fault among lower - mid range dacs. When the orchestra gets busy the instruments get "mushed up", at least in comparison to the Ref 7.
4. Your insistence on a Mac Mini - one solution of many if you know what you are doing. It isn't any better than any other optimised solution especially one running linux.
5. your usb cable - no better than generic.

Other than that - it is a cracker. I've got it in my system for a week or two and love it: listening mainly to Jazz/vocal and find it enchanting. Chamber sounds ok as well. Piano is a little off but hey - it's hard to get that right.

Certainly runs "hot" is whatever the output vrms is it certainly is loud.

At this point, we've still found the Mac Mini to be the Top Dog sonically and then some.

I'm not sure you can say that when you haven't heard an Auraliti, or any linux based solution. What I think you can say is, in your experience, you have found an optimised mac mini the preferred solution for your dac.

elusive delicate inner harmonics that define analog fluidity, massive soundstage air and amazing depth cues

Uh huh. Your dac is better than needing to come up with the sales adjectives - "elusive", "massive" and "amazing". Let it stand on its own feet. It deserves too. Whoever designed it knows a thing or two about design. Personally I would have a stand alone shunt psu for it ala Teradak's offerings. That I think would really elevate it into something special.
« Last Edit: 9 Dec 2010, 04:42 am by agcs57 »


Re: The dB Audio Labs Tranquility DAC - Wow!
« Reply #756 on: 8 Dec 2010, 08:53 pm »
Actually, he doesn't list what they've listened to, so you can't say they have "limited experience", either.  I would certainly be interested in knowing what music servers have been reviewed, but in other statements (maybe on this thread? can't remember), it sounds like they have plans to review the Auraliti.

Have you made this comparison?


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Re: The dB Audio Labs Tranquility DAC - Wow!
« Reply #757 on: 8 Dec 2010, 09:15 pm »


Re: The dB Audio Labs Tranquility DAC - Wow!
« Reply #758 on: 8 Dec 2010, 09:46 pm »
Thanks for the clarification, from your review I (mis)understood that the Tranquility and the Ref7 were simultaneously connected to the Auralitti and the Tranquility was not connected to a Mac Mini.



Re: The dB Audio Labs Tranquility DAC - Wow!
« Reply #759 on: 8 Dec 2010, 11:07 pm »

Umm, what I read in your review is that you compared the Auraliti and a Macbook Pro.  That's not the same as comparing an Auraliti to a Mac Mini, stock or optimized.  I have yet to read a review comparing these specific setups.  Given that Eric and dB Audio are insistent that the Mac Mini is a major improvement over other Mac products, I would think one would need to compare other music servers against their benchmark if one wants to concretely question their claim.

Mind you, I don't really have a dog in this fight.  I like the Mac Mini better than my older linux Asus netbook with solid state drive, but I'm open to other technologies like the Auraliti out-performing the Mac Mini.  Seems that all that's solid melts into the air these days in terms of computer technology performance, and I wouldn't be surprised to hear Eric touting the Auraliti or something else in the next month or so as the best thing since sliced bread.  Still, we need true head-to-head comparisons to get anywhere with confidence when running around this track.

And now I will end my string of non-complementary metaphors...