OPPO BDP-83SE NuForce Edition !!!

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Re: OPPO BDP-83SE NuForce Edition !!!
« Reply #40 on: 11 Nov 2009, 03:40 pm »
In the end the overall execution is what counts.  And for that you need to listen to it.
We did not want to spell out every change for many reasons and at the end it will invite all sorts of argument. You don't go to a high-end restaurant and demand that the chef tells you exactly what ingredients AND spices are in the food and how he cooks it!  The chef is able to create those wonderful food not simply because of his overnight creation, but years of practice and experimentation. That's what you pay for.
We spent a lot of time on figuring out where and how to improve the sound (we have the advantage of better access to information than other companies who do their independent mod).
We are all about sound quality.  We did made minor improvement on the L,R,C channels of the multi-channel output on the Nuforce Edition (the 2 channel section has the biggest improvement).
Correction: The SE and Nuforce Edition has no improvement over HDMI output.

Bottom line:
If you're a videophile and use HDMI, upgrading to SE gets you NO improvement.
If you're an audiophile and use the 2 channel as well as 7.1 analog out, then either SE or Nuforce Edition will be worth the price. If all you care is the 7.1 analog out, then it might not be worth the price to get the Nuforce Edition, the 83SE suits your need just fine.
If you want both a worldclass CDP and BD player, then run and get the NuForce Edition!
« Last Edit: 12 Nov 2009, 07:25 am by nuforce-jason »


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Re: OPPO BDP-83SE NuForce Edition !!!
« Reply #41 on: 11 Nov 2009, 03:49 pm »
OK, just to be entirely clear on this.

NuForce will only upgrade BDP-83 SE players. 

If you purchased your BDP-83 prior to November 9th, it has to go to Oppo for the SE upgrade.  This upgrade option from Oppo expires at the end of this year.

NuForce can do the transaction with Oppo if the customer prefers (part of the $796 upgrade option).

NuForce likely will not have BDP-83 SE to NuForce Edition upgrade capability until perhaps as late as January.  (This suggests a void somewhere in the dates, but I presume that's all worked out.)

This correct??

Mostly correct. :lol:
The biggest problem we all have right now is due to a big shortage of boards for upgrade.
Many of the BDP-83 requires PSU upgrade to SE so OPPO is the place to go. Then we take over the next step of the upgrade.
At some later point where there is sufficient boards and PSU, we can perhaps do the upgrade from 83 to 83SE Nuforce Edition. 


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Re: OPPO BDP-83SE NuForce Edition !!!
« Reply #42 on: 11 Nov 2009, 03:52 pm »
BTW, we never meant to make the announcement so soon.  The problem started when the ad that was scheduled came out on TAS. Anyway, things will start to settle down.


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Re: OPPO BDP-83SE NuForce Edition !!!
« Reply #43 on: 11 Nov 2009, 10:35 pm »
The Oppo BDP-83 SE page indicates that while the stereo processing will be handled by a Sabre32 (ES9016) DAC chip, the 7.1 processing will be handled by a Sabre DAC (ES9006).   This is different from the Nuforce pages that indicate that both 7.1 and stereo processing will be upgraded to a Sabre32 DAC chip.   

Which one is correct?  From what I understand, there isn't any benefit to the ES9016 over the ES9006 for 7.1 use, so use of the less-expensive 9006 makes sense to me.


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Re: OPPO BDP-83SE NuForce Edition !!!
« Reply #44 on: 11 Nov 2009, 10:41 pm »
I know that they (NuForce) said Sabre32 for the 8 channels (on their FAQ page) but mark it down as a typo; it's described correctly in most of their descriptions.  The ESS and Oppo press releases are quite specific about the DAC chips:  A Sabre32 9016 for the 2 channel (4 dacs per side) and a Sabre Premium 9006 for the 7.1 channels (certainly an upgraded chip from the non-SE version, but not a Sabre32).  This must be what they call Sabre -rattling. :o


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Re: OPPO BDP-83SE NuForce Edition !!!
« Reply #45 on: 12 Nov 2009, 06:25 am »
The typo has been corrected.
BTW, we just stopped taking order for Nuforce Edition. Almost all our allocated stocks have sold out. Check the product page and website for update about new stocks next week.


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Re: OPPO BDP-83SE NuForce Edition !!!
« Reply #46 on: 12 Nov 2009, 08:36 pm »
Will the BDP-83SE upgrade enhance systems that use optical digital output to processor?


Re: OPPO BDP-83SE NuForce Edition !!!
« Reply #47 on: 12 Nov 2009, 08:44 pm »
According to the Oppo page on the SE, the stock BDP-83 does not seem to. The NuForce folks can speak to any potential improvements that their mod may make to the stock BDP-83 or the SE when the Oppo is used as a transport.


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Re: OPPO BDP-83SE NuForce Edition !!!
« Reply #48 on: 12 Nov 2009, 09:35 pm »
Will the BDP-83SE upgrade enhance systems that use optical digital output to processor?

No, the improvements of the SE are strictly to the analog outputs.  Any very slight indirect general improvements caused by a better power supply are likely indistinguishable.


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Re: OPPO BDP-83SE NuForce Edition !!!
« Reply #49 on: 13 Nov 2009, 06:37 am »
No digital improvement whatsoever.


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Re: OPPO BDP-83SE NuForce Edition !!!
« Reply #50 on: 18 Nov 2009, 12:13 pm »
Latest shipping status update: BDP-83SE has left the factory and once we receive them either on 11/20 or 11/23, we can install the Nuforce Edition boards for shipping on 11/24 to 11/26.


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Re: OPPO BDP-83SE NuForce Edition !!!
« Reply #51 on: 20 Nov 2009, 01:47 pm »
Ok, we will start to ship a few units on Friday (83SE just arrived last evening and we still need to install and test the NE boards) and then more next week. We will try to ship them out by Priority mail so people can get them before Thanksgiving weekend.


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Re: OPPO BDP-83SE NuForce Edition !!!
« Reply #52 on: 21 Nov 2009, 12:14 am »
OK, we are playing the 1st NE rolling off our production line now, this is our in-house unit and perhaps for reviewer later.  We have been working with several different R&D units and versions, the R&D units may already show some signs of worn, so this is the first real 'production' unit, with all the components factory soldered, instead of by my unsteady hands.

I must say that the power supply improvements and the circuit changes to the 7.1 makes a significant impact to the L/C/R on the 7.1 output as well, unlike some speculation that NE did not go all out for the 7.1.   I think the only difference is that the 7.1 is a bit mellow and more forgiving, the character of NE5532, and may actually be a very good thing for movie soundtrack playback.

The main stereo that receives the full metal jacket is ...., let's just leave the adjectives (or superlatives) to professional reviewers.  I'll just say that we are very proud of what we are hearing......  The few lucky ones will find out soon as we will ship a few units out today.

« Last Edit: 21 Nov 2009, 01:37 am by nuforce-casey »


Re: OPPO BDP-83SE NuForce Edition !!!
« Reply #53 on: 21 Nov 2009, 12:58 am »
Any idea how many people are in the upgrade que (more specifically the trade in 83 for the Nuforce Edition)? I am supposedly in the que and wondered about how much time I would be looking at


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Re: OPPO BDP-83SE NuForce Edition !!!
« Reply #54 on: 21 Nov 2009, 11:13 am »

The main stereo that receives the full metal jacket is ...., let's just leave the adjectives (or superlatives) to professional reviewers.  I'll just say that we are very proud of what we are hearing......  The few lucky ones will find out soon as we will ship a few units out today.

I am one of the few, and next Tuesday I will start to understand what you are saying.

Thanks Jason for your help.



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Re: OPPO BDP-83SE NuForce Edition !!!
« Reply #55 on: 24 Nov 2009, 12:23 pm »
There are nearly 70 people (including a few trade-in and upgrade) in the queue now and we are pretty much sold out of 2009 allocations since we have to allocate for distributors and dealers.  As soon as I can confirm with OPPO about the status of new shipment, we will start to contact those on the order queue to place order.

For those of you who are going to receive the OPPO in November, don't be shocked if the Nuforce Edition logo is missing on the top right corner.  We have to ship the logo separately during the first week of December. Gee, for whatever vanity reason, we decided to make it out of aluminum and that takes a long time!!!  A plastic sticker would be easy.



Re: OPPO BDP-83SE NuForce Edition !!!
« Reply #56 on: 24 Nov 2009, 11:25 pm »
I have signed up for the trade in que, will there be a limited time to be able to take advantage of the trade in opportunity?


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Re: OPPO BDP-83SE NuForce Edition !!!
« Reply #57 on: 25 Nov 2009, 01:07 am »
Received my BD-83SE Nuforce Edition today. I will be playing later tonight with it.

I will not say what is shipped with it, because I don't want to spoil anybody's fun.

I will say the "Read Me First" addendum from Nuforce is more detailed about what Nuforce has done with there mods to this player. I think you will like what they say about there mods. :)



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Re: OPPO BDP-83SE NuForce Edition !!!
« Reply #58 on: 25 Nov 2009, 08:06 am »
We have been nagged by people to provide more information but this is as far as we can go.
Besides competitive reason, there is also confidentiality reason. We have access to the circuit design and there is no easy way to describe what we changed (besides component upgrade).
If you compare the SE versus NE board, you will see a lot of caps upgrade, some parts removed  :scratch:, wires jumping over here and there, etc.


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Re: OPPO BDP-83SE NuForce Edition !!!
« Reply #59 on: 28 Nov 2009, 03:04 am »
Nuforce is a very reputable company and only now do they get nagged about what they are doing to a cdp to make it better.
Sounds like the competiton is sending out there squirrels. Reading these posts I come across a guy who is a fanatic about Modwright and is battering Nuforce. It also seems fishy to me that the guy is so technical. Like he can do the mods himself or something. The proof is in the listening and not on paper. By the way this same gentleman slams other modders. Nuforce is :thumb: in my book.