My visit with vintagebob

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Re: My visit with vintagebob
« Reply #20 on: 9 Nov 2009, 10:36 pm »
K Shep, thanks for the feedback
music lover


Re: My visit with vintagebob
« Reply #21 on: 23 Nov 2009, 02:49 pm »
Well I was also privileged to have a visit with Vintagebob yesterday and all I can say is he better stop being such a gracious host because that, combined with a pretty awesome setup (including a KILLER TV) is going to be his downfall.  A long list of visitors, I'm sure.

I was thrilled with the setup and loved listening to everything, including a great HT demo as well as my first experience with Multi-channel audio.  I also loved the chance to listen to the setup driven my the Airport Express.  Bob did a littlle AB show for me with a CD and his Airport Express both going to the same DAC and I must say, the AE is now on my list of things to buy.  I had already planned on getting one, but this sealed the deal.

Anyway, thanks for giving up your Sunday morning to show a weary traveler you're awesome setup!


Re: My visit with vintagebob
« Reply #22 on: 23 Nov 2009, 04:20 pm »
No problem!  It is always fun meeting great people like Kirk and yourself.  Good luck in your search.


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Re: My visit with vintagebob
« Reply #23 on: 4 Jan 2010, 04:59 pm »
If I wasn't moving this month, I would love to listen to your system.


Re: My visit with vintagebob
« Reply #24 on: 5 Jan 2010, 02:32 am »
If I wasn't moving this month, I would love to listen to your system.

Well, if some time opens up for you just let me know.   :green:

K Shep

Re: My visit with vintagebob
« Reply #25 on: 29 Jan 2010, 09:19 pm »
I know Bob loves when I do this  :D but this is the thread to post your visits with VintageBob.  I am hoping to spend more time at Bob's now that he has changed his room ever so slightly.  Honestly, I am looking for another excuse to sit in his room.  I get used to my listening room, it is healthy to get a different perspective on a well thought out system.


Re: My visit with vintagebob
« Reply #26 on: 29 Jan 2010, 09:50 pm »
I might have to get myself over to the Bay and crash your party, sounds like a great time!  :D

K Shep

Re: My visit with vintagebob
« Reply #27 on: 29 Jan 2010, 09:53 pm »
I might have to get myself over to the Bay and crash your party, sounds like a great time!  :D

I would be willing to take some of my gear to Bob's for a listening get together.  I would offer my place but my listening room is in my attic and it is a pain to get gear up the drop down ladder.

I shouldn't invite us over to Bob's but he is such a gentleman I think it would be great to have a Nor Cal get together.


Re: My visit with vintagebob
« Reply #28 on: 29 Jan 2010, 10:19 pm »
That would be great if we could pull it off.  I could bring some gear as well.


Re: My visit with vintagebob
« Reply #29 on: 30 Jan 2010, 03:10 am »
LOL.  We could probably put something together.  I need to dig out at work first so that I can have some free time...


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Re: My visit with vintagebob
« Reply #30 on: 30 Jan 2010, 03:25 am »
Sounds like fun, too bad I will miss it! The moving truck is almost all packed...

K Shep

Re: My visit with vintagebob
« Reply #31 on: 31 Jan 2010, 12:36 am »
I communicated with vintagebob.  Please let us know if you Nor Cal AC members are interested in a mini rave in the next month.  It will probably be held in San Jose if not San Francisco.  Please post if you're interested.



Re: My visit with vintagebob
« Reply #32 on: 31 Jan 2010, 03:54 am »
Definitely interested.  My wife works every other weekend which puts me on baby duty, so schedule is always tough, but if the date works out, I am in!


Re: My visit with vintagebob
« Reply #33 on: 31 Jan 2010, 05:56 pm »
Definitely interested as well.    :thumb:


Re: My visit with vintagebob
« Reply #34 on: 1 Feb 2010, 02:41 am »
I'm definitely interested, especially if I can hear a pair of SongTowers  :D


Re: My visit with vintagebob
« Reply #35 on: 1 Feb 2010, 05:01 pm »
I'll show up too. Thanks.

Waiting for my HT-3...


Re: My visit with vintagebob
« Reply #36 on: 1 Feb 2010, 05:27 pm »
OK.  So Stylus, what is the first weekend that you are available after Valentine's Day weekend?  That would be Feb 20-21 or Feb 27-28.  (My thought is next weekend is Super Bowl weekend and the following weekend is Valentine's Day/President's Day weekend so we should shoot for a weekend after that.)

Chime in and let me know if you prefer a Saturday or Sunday.

I need to know what equipment, if any, folks are thinking about bringing.  I'll try to arrange my system to allow for "easy" installation.   :roll:

Also, let me know what types of media you plan on bringing.  CDs would probably be the easiest.  I'll probably remove the turntable/cabinet out of the room to allow for an additional equipment rack.  My vinyl system is only entry level quality anyway.

cacophony777, I have HT2-TLs so no SongTowers unless someone decides to bring a pair.  I'll see what I can do along those lines but no promises.


Re: My visit with vintagebob
« Reply #37 on: 1 Feb 2010, 06:49 pm »
The best weekend that would work for me would be the first weekend of March (6th/7th).  The weekend of the 20th we have plans, and then the wife works the next weekend.  Don’t let my crazy schedule screw it up for everyone else though if that doesn’t work.

I don’t think I have the guts to bring my ST’s down, but I was thinking my McIntosh MA6500 (integrated amp) might work.  Or if you did want to play with analog I could bring a Technics 1200 MkII (just picked it up this weekend for $150! :D).  The VPI TT would be a bit more of a pain to pack up.

I am fine with skipping the gear swaps as well if you don’t want to mess with it.

K Shep

Re: My visit with vintagebob
« Reply #38 on: 1 Feb 2010, 08:03 pm »
March 6/7 works for me too.  The date is further out so hopefully that will provide enough time to work the gathering in. 

I will bring my Conrad Johnson preamp.  Tubes to compare to SS.  I am willing to bring all of my gear actually, except my speakers.  To much of a pain to get them down from my attic.  So A21 amp, CJ pre, Ayre USB DAC, and I can bring my Arcam CD player too.  I have a big butcher block that I'll bring as a base.  Also I have 2 pair of Synergistic Research ICs.

Bob, if I bring down my external hard drive is that an easy plug and play on your computer?


Re: My visit with vintagebob
« Reply #39 on: 1 Feb 2010, 10:56 pm »
Thanks to K Shep for cluing me in to the plan... I will definitely attend and the weekend of Mar 6,7 is good for me. Sat Mar 6 would work better for me, though I could probably make either day happen if Sunday was better for the majority.

I read that K Shep is already planning to bring his CJ tubed preamp. I have a Blue circle tubed preamp I could also bring. I would be very interested in the comparisons to the CJ and Bob's AVA SS preamp. Maybe we could do a single-blind preamp test :)
