New V3 users chime in

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Re: New V3 users chime in
« Reply #180 on: 12 Mar 2010, 09:12 pm »
Just wait it will come and you will be impressed even more!!! :lol:


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Re: New V3 users chime in
« Reply #181 on: 29 Mar 2010, 08:39 am »
Am considering the V3 upgrade. I currently own the nuforce 8.5 v2 mono blocks and am wondering if the upgrade to V3 is substantially better than the V2se (Cannot afford the V3se upgrade). Many of the reviews here are based on the V3se. Anyone using the V3 (not se) offer their views. 


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Re: New V3 users chime in
« Reply #182 on: 29 Mar 2010, 11:28 am »
A new generation amp (V2 to V3) is always better than the SE upgrade within the same generation.
BUT, comparing 8.5V3 versus Ref 9V2SE also involve the power supply and the different and bigger power supply in the Ref 9 affects the dynamic besides providing more head rooms.


Re: New V3 users chime in
« Reply #183 on: 2 Apr 2010, 05:37 pm »
A new generation amp (V2 to V3) is always better than the SE upgrade within the same generation.
BUT, comparing 8.5V3 versus Ref 9V2SE also involve the power supply and the different and bigger power supply in the Ref 9 affects the dynamic besides providing more head rooms.

Hi Jason

I'm about to replace my IcePower-based poweramp with either your stereo poweramp 8.5 V3 or the mono's 9 V3 SE. Do they share the same basic sound quality, or does the different and bigger power supply of the 9's shine through even at lower volumes? My speakers are Raidho Ayra C-1.0, and they are placed in a room of about 19 square meters. I rarely play very loud, and so believes the 8.5 should do just well, power-wise.

Please elaborate on any possible differences between the 8.5 V3 and 9 V3 SE in sound presentation at "normal" listening levels, if they're worth mentioning :)

UPDATE: Perhaps this comparison between the 9 V2 and the 9 V2 SE is an indication:

Comparison of the Reference 9 V2 to the Reference 9 V2 SE

The only negative I heard in the Reference 9 V2 was a slight but nagging limitation in emotional response. I found it harder to sing along with the 9 V2 than with the 9 SE. The midrange lacked inflection when it mattered most. For instance, when all hell breaks loose around Rubén Blades, he sounds a tad too relaxed. The man is raging against the machine. He needs more oomph. Could it be a matter of missing amplitude?

Ah-ha -- now I remembered why I ordered the V2 upgrade boards in the first place. Harnessing the V2 to the 9 SE’s overkill capacitor bank should give me the dynamic capability I think the new amplifier lacks to a tiny degree. Let us see if, for once, I was right.

One of my prized possessions is Joan Manuel Serrat’s Sombras de la China [Ariola 74321-614.792]. This 1998 release by the Catalán singer-songwriter, recorded in Barcelona and mastered in Paris, has it all: poetry, performance, and audiophile sound. The V2 rendered the poetry with riveting clarity enhanced by room-filling accompaniment. But the new amp erred by turning Serrat into a smooth crooner. The V2 SE is more truthful. It reveals the rasp of the poet’s light baritone voice. According to a friend who has heard Serrat in concert, the V2 SE’s lighter sound is more accurate. Meanwhile, the SE’s perspective at least equal that of the V2, but to my ear, the drama is higher. There’s nothing like proper dynamics. The V2 SE was the easy winner.

Another great test disc is the Grammy-winning Tiempos [Sony 83184], by the aforementioned Panamanian political scientist and salsa singer extraordinaire, Rubén Blades. I especially like this disc because the backing group is Costa Rica’s Editus, a unique three-musician blend led by violinist Ronald Ramirez. Social commentary and haunting violin, keyboard, and percussion playing distinguish this album, along with the sounds of motorcycles, helicopters, and machine guns. The V2 captured the details, but the V2 SE interpreted the cues. For instance, the V2 sent the helicopters back and forth; the V2 SE had them circle the soundstage, passing in front of as well as behind the speakers. On "Sicarios," a story of hired assassins, the V2’s suave manner masked the message with lilting vocals and catchy percussion. The V2 SE’s higher contrast revealed the lyrics’ chilling ironies. On this system, and for the first time, I realized that the song can strike terror. I could go on, but to me, the evidence is clear. The 9 V2 SE is a livelier, more compelling version of the wondrous V2. It combines the mature harmonic grace of the new board with the youthful snap of the SE’s bespoke capacitor bank.

Nevertheless, I hesitate to categorically recommend the V2 SE over the V2. With the Audio Research CD7’s analog-like signal, the V2 SE was nigh perfect. With less capable CD players (all others?), the V2 SE might sound a tad cool in the lower midrange. The V2 was warmer to my ears. With electrostatic speakers or those with a truly flat frequency response, the V2 might be the better choice. It fleshed out the parts we tend to think are missing in "flat" sound. With aggressive loudspeakers or high-strung CD players, its edgeless flow might provide a perfect match.

My taste and system requirements favor the Reference 9 V2 SE’s more emphatic presence. I’ve gone ahead and installed V2 boards in all eight Reference 9 SE monoblocks -- happily, they all sound alike. Nevertheless, I also plan to keep the Reference 9 V2 as is. It displays a new capability, a breakthrough sound in "digital" amplification that is warm and seductive. To arrive at V2 performance is no easy task. I salute the NuForce team for having taken the hard road to originality. The NuForce Reference 9 V2 deserves to be heard by everyone, especially the competition.

…Jim Saxon


« Last Edit: 3 Apr 2010, 09:18 pm by phusis »


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Re: New V3 users chime in
« Reply #184 on: 5 Apr 2010, 11:23 am »
The difference between the Stereo 8.5V3 and Ref 9V3SE is small if you don't need that much power (ie you have high efficiency speaker).
The Stereo 8.5V3 has a half size SE capacitor array (our proprietary design) compared to the Ref 9V3SE.

All our Ref series amps use exactly the same amp board. The SMPS (300W RMS, but able to provide up to 500W if more current is needed) in the Ref 9V3SE has better dynamic but then in most cases the power is supplied by the capacitor array.  If you push the limit and play CONSTANTLY at VERY LOUD level, then the SMPS in Ref 9V3SE will be able to perform better than the smaller SMPS in Stereo 8.5V3.


Re: New V3 users chime in
« Reply #185 on: 5 Apr 2010, 12:39 pm »
Thank you for replying, Jason. I think I'll invest in the Stereo 8.5V3 then..

UPDATE: Tuesday last week placed my order for a Stereo 8.5V3 in black, and am now eagerly awaiting its arival. Since my existing poweramp is IcePower-based, anyone who has converted from IcePower(say, Bel Canto) to NuForce(preferably later editions; V2/V3) are welcomed to share their experience in this regard.
« Last Edit: 13 Apr 2010, 06:24 pm by phusis »


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Re: New V3 users chime in
« Reply #186 on: 15 Apr 2010, 04:14 pm »
Just got my 9se v3 from Hiaudio.  It's still warming through but there are Improvements straight out of the box; 

1) Compatibility with my preamp (Musical Fidelity Nu-Vista 300) is better. I had hiss coming through the speakers before but this has stopped due to the reduction in input sensitivity.  I'm able to use more of the volume range.
2) The overall balance is better.  I wasn't finding orchestral particularly enjoyable versus my other amps but pulling back the treble a touch and improving the imaging has improved things a lot.
3) The mechanical noise has improved.  It's very low level and still evident but this could do with being got rid of in V4.

A very worthwhile upgrade for me.
« Last Edit: 17 Jun 2010, 10:20 pm by timothyharnett »


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Re: New V3 users chime in
« Reply #187 on: 20 Apr 2010, 02:38 pm »
Thank you for replying, Jason. I think I'll invest in the Stereo 8.5V3 then..

UPDATE: Tuesday last week placed my order for a Stereo 8.5V3 in black, and am now eagerly awaiting its arival. Since my existing poweramp is IcePower-based, anyone who has converted from IcePower(say, Bel Canto) to NuForce(preferably later editions; V2/V3) are welcomed to share their experience in this regard.

My first digital amp experience was with the Bel Canto Ref 1K MKI.  I loved it initially due to the thick and meaty midrange.  Over the course of my 6+ month ownership, I encountered its weaknesses and let it go.  For me and in my system, they were lacking in its ability to reproduce extended highs faithfully, a shallow soundstage, too syrupy and thick, lack speed and excitement as well as inarticulate bass.  Then, I bought the MCH3SE-C7 (V2)  and never looked back.  Got everything I was looking for plus 5 more extra channels for my HT.

Hope this helps,

« Last Edit: 21 Apr 2010, 02:52 pm by Kenobi »


Re: New V3 users chime in
« Reply #188 on: 20 Apr 2010, 10:32 pm »
My first digital amp experience was with the Bel Canto Ref 1K MKI.  I loved it initially due to the thick and meaty midrange.  Over the course of my 6+ month ownership, I encountered its weakness and let it go.  For me and in my system, they were lacking in its ability to reproduce extended highs faithfully, a shallow soundstage, too syrupy and thick, lack speed and excitement as well as inarticulate bass.  Then, I bought the MCH3SE-C7 (V2)  and never looked back.  Got everything I was looking for plus 5 more extra channels for my HT.

Hope this helps,


Kenobi -

Thanks for sharing your experience. I'm seeing some tendencies with regard to the house sound of NuForce vs IcePower-based amps. I've listened to NuForce amps(9V2SE) once at my local dealer here in Denmark, driving the impressive S.P. Tech Revelations - a truly stunning demo. All things considered, I believe to have found at least some of the sonic signature(or lack hereof) of the NuForce amps, and I really like what I'm hearing and reading of them. Supposedly the V3 boards make things all the merrier...

A friend of mine has decided to place an order for a Stereo 8.5V3 as well,  and my dealer told me our amps will ship this Thursday. Naturally we're both head over heels anticipating their inclusion in our respective setups.


Re: New V3 users chime in
« Reply #189 on: 23 Apr 2010, 05:49 pm »
Love my 9V3 SE! They combine power, transparency, control, and warmth.
Also, Nuforce customer service is extremely responsive, competent and generous.
Now, it is all about music...

(Mac mini, Amarra, Entreq FW, Weiss Dac2, Systems & Magic Power Conditioner, Nuforce XLR cable, Mapleshade double helix speaker cable, highly modded ATC SCM20 on Mapleshade platforms, ASI sugar cubes, AR Schuman wave generator, Boston Audio tune blocks 2).


Re: New V3 users chime in
« Reply #190 on: 2 May 2010, 10:05 am »
Received my NuForce Stereo 8.5V3 last Tuesday, and as of this writing it has now clocked some 90 hours of music. Only few hours into its run, and a short amount of time needed for the impressions to settle in, my initial reaction was that of "Wow!" I felt the presentation much more finely textured and pleasing to the ear than through the ICEPower-based Acoustic Reality amp, with a pronounced sensation of extension(both ends of the spectrum, but particularly the top end) and natural decay. The soundstage has broadened in all directions, and voices now exhibit a more tightly woven core and size(voices trough the AR amp appeared a little over-blown, flat, and hollow in comparison) and a very lifelike presence. It's actually as if listening through the speakers now, feeling space behind and around voices or instruments, coupled with the almost eerie quiteness from which the music flows. Spectacular, really.

Haven't had a listen the last day and a half since I'm visiting family, but has kept the stereo running at moderate, or rather low volume, now gaining som 30+ hours. It'll be interesting to see whether I'll notice the much talked about "collaps" of the sound that so many have reported happening at around 100 hours or so, until the V3 boards regains their strength and are said to settle in no earlier than from 150 hours and beyond.
« Last Edit: 2 May 2010, 11:18 am by phusis »


Re: New V3 users chime in
« Reply #191 on: 4 May 2010, 10:24 am »
It'll be interesting to see whether I'll notice the much talked about "collaps" of the sound that so many have reported happening at around 100 hours or so, until the V3 boards regains their strength and are said to settle in no earlier than from 150 hours and beyond.
I have experienced a temporary glare, almost shrillness in the sound around 100hrs. Now, after about 170 hours, all of that has vanished and smoothened out.


Re: New V3 users chime in
« Reply #192 on: 4 May 2010, 04:35 pm »
6rs -

Last Sunday my Stereo 8.5V3 had approx 100 hours of music in it, and I found the sound had turned into being somewhat muffled and constrained, the soundstage lacking in size and a shortage of air and decay as well. Rather dull, actually. Yesterday midnight(at about 125 hours) clarity and precision had improved notably, and today the soundstage seems to have expanded. It's as if a thin veil is about to disappear, and everything is being tightened up(contrasted perhaps by the bigger soundstage), including the lower frequencies.


Re: New V3 users chime in
« Reply #193 on: 4 May 2010, 07:02 pm »
Last Sunday my Stereo 8.5V3 had approx 100 hours of music in it, and I found the sound had turned into being somewhat muffled and constrained, the soundstage lacking in size and a shortage of air and decay as well. Rather dull, actually. Yesterday midnight (at about 125 hours) clarity and precision had improved notably, and today the soundstage seems to have expanded. It's as if a thin veil is about to disappear, and everything is being tightened up (contrasted perhaps by the bigger soundstage), including the lower frequencies.
Indeed, it quite amazing to see how the "burn-in" matters. Since my ATCs are super-sensitive to glare, this is the most important aspect in my system, however, I agree that the sound as a whole took a turn to being more holographic.


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Re: New V3 users chime in
« Reply #194 on: 15 May 2010, 10:36 am »
I am powering my MK 150 center with one of my ref9V3, it sounds real good