Does the Wadia 170i really make sense as the single audiophile source?

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Just wondering (two steps ahead, because I know what the next system upgrade will be).  I feel that my transport is the weakest link.

I tried a modded SB3 a few years back, but am "very not" computer savy to say the least.  :oops:   It proved to be quite "unstable" and would fail in various modes every few weeks.  "Fixing" it would require days of fumbling around until it somehow came back to life.  Even the setup was only completed with a helpful ACer.  I'd really like to try computer audio again, but it's got to be very consumer friendly.

So that's why I'm currently using an Oppo as a transport.  Note that I've have never owned an MP3 player, but was intrigued by the idea (cost/convenience and sound quality?) of an iTouch with stock or modded Wadia 170i.  Keep in mind that this would be my only source.  So here are my questions:

1.) Some reviews are glowing, but some were not so impressed.  So how would you compare the sound to various Logictech stock/modded options?  (The Empire Audio stuff is way to complicated/expensive, even an Olive is too expensive for my taste.)

2.) For that matter, how would an iPod/Wadia compare to a good CDP like Rega, Cambridge Audio, or Raysonic?

3.) In theory the SSD of the iTouch should sound better than the HD of a iPod Classic, any opinions out there?

4.) Any experience with (relatively simple/inexpensive) mods of the Wadia versus the stock unit?

5.) I believe I can live with something like a 32 GB limit, but more so if I can do loseless compression.  What is your thoughts of possible methods in this application (leaning towards Apple Loseless for no really good reasons, just what I've read so far).

Thanks for helping out.

« Last Edit: 9 Oct 2009, 09:44 am by JLM »

Hebrew Hammer

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I have one... but haven't used it yet.. I was hoping to A/B against a SB setup 2 weeks ago, but time seemed to fly that night..

Anyways.. I plan on using it for my source.. also to load test stuff to develop my speakers.. I also plan on getting it modded and getting an external power supply which I hear is it's only weakness..

But IMO, a SSD iTouch like I have just makes sense


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Any other thoughts?


I am somewhat new at this, so please keep that in mind.  I am using an Apple TV with a Boxee application/account (with Boxee you can stream Pandora radio) and it is EXTREMELY easy to use and sounds great to my ears.  Check out this link where Paul McGowan of PS Audio describes how he uses ATV for a music server:

K Shep

For that matter, how would an iPod/Wadia compare to a good CDP like Rega, Cambridge Audio, or Raysonic?

The Wadia is only as good as the compressed files that are loaded to the iPod device.  A CDP like the 3 mentioned above play discs in their native format, iPod products will not accept non-compressed files (compressed files = MP3).  So utilizing the iPod/Wadia setup you are loosing sound quality. 

If you own a computer and an iPod touch or an iPhone you would need an external DAC to add to that mix or a Logitech device as you mentioned. 



iPods will play non-compressed files in the .WAV and .AIFF formats, as well as the Apple Lossless Audio Compression (ALAC) format.


iPods will play non-compressed files in the .WAV and .AIFF formats, as well as the Apple Lossless Audio Compression (ALAC) format.

That is correct and must be kept in mind when considering this topic.


  • Jr. Member
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The Wadia is only as good as the compressed files that are loaded to the iPod device.  A CDP like the 3 mentioned above play discs in their native format, iPod products will not accept non-compressed files (compressed files = MP3).  So utilizing the iPod/Wadia setup you are loosing sound quality.

Not entirely accurate.  Yes, the Wadia is only as good as the files on the iPod that feeds it, but iPods do support of uncompressed files and lossly compressed files.  Feeding a i170 with MP3 or similarly lossy compressed files is a waste though.


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It can be a great solution; I heard a set up last year at Akfest and it sounded KILLER.  The company was asi-tek and they shared a room with Fritz. It will take some modification to really get it to sound good.

K Shep

I would like to apologize for my inaccurate post.  I was misinformed regarding the iPod capabilty.  I own 2 iPhones.  1st generation that I use as a "remote" in my Mac Mini/Ayre USB DAC setup.  The second is my cell phone.

I would like to take this oppourtity to learn, so that I don't spread wrong info again.



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Just to clarify, I'm asking about iPod Touch with AIFF or Apple Loseless files as the only source in my "big" audio rig (I already have a DAC).

My stubbling into the ASi-Tek Wadia 170i page is what prompted this thread.  Sorry that I missed AK-Fest last spring.

One of my biggest audio fears is that someday all audio files may be MP3.   :cry:

K Shep

iPods will play non-compressed files in the .WAV and .AIFF formats, as well as the Apple Lossless Audio Compression (ALAC) format.

I have ripped my entire CD collection in AIFF to my external hard via Firewire through my Mac Mini.  Do I have the ability to load those music files on to an iPod and choose the format ie AIFF?  I guess the issue is space, WAV files take up less space the AIFF. 


K Shep

One of my biggest audio fears is that someday all audio files may be MP3.   :cry:


People that care about the quality of music will not allow files to only be MP3.  An MP3 file is 1/11th the size of the CD file created from the original audio source.  So there is a loss of information in an MP3.



I have ripped my entire CD collection in AIFF to my external hard via Firewire through my Mac Mini.  Do I have the ability to load those music files on to an iPod and choose the format ie AIFF?  I guess the issue is space, WAV files take up less space the AIFF. 

Yes.  If you want a different format than what is in your library, you will need to convert (make a second copy) in another format.  If your library is AIFF and that's what you want on your iPod, you're good to go.
I just compared a WAV file to an AIFF, and they were essentially the same size within a few KB, for a ~36MB file, the WAV file was only 3KB less, so it's a non-issue.


  • Jr. Member
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The Asi mod sounded very good when i heard it, better then most players. I haven't heard any other moded  Wadia's so i can't comment. I would go with better connectors, wire, clock and the battery supply running into your current dac. That would be pretty sweet :drool: What is your current dac? and how do you plan on connecting to the wadia


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Hard drive space is cheap. Get the touch with 32mb, that should hold at least 20-25 albums of wav files at a time.


Hard drive space is cheap. Get the touch with 32mb, that should hold at least 20-25 albums of wav files at a time.

My 30GB iPod after formating and control files, has 27.8GB of available space.  So a 32GB iTouch should have about 29.7GB available.
A 60 minute album is approximately 660MB in .WAV or .AIFF format, so you should be able to store somewhere between 44 albums averaging an hour in length or 60 albums averaging 45 minutes in length on the 32GB iTouch.
« Last Edit: 12 Oct 2009, 05:44 pm by srb »


  • Jr. Member
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Well, there ya go, Its twice as good as i said. When you add the solid state piece it looks pretty good. Adding a new clock should make a big improvement with lowering the jitter....


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I was idly thinking that the iPod/Wadia solution would be friendly than most PC audio, cheaper than the friendly PC options, less prone to PC related AC abberations, and gain portable sound. 

I'm running with a Scott Endler modded Behringer DEQ2496 (see my critic's review) with coax input.  Scott internal mods only affect the DAC function and take a bit more work than what others do.  I went with this route to add EQ and replace the baffle step/zobel circuits used by my single driver speakers.  I'm quite pleased with the piece, both as a DEQ and as a (modded) DAC.

With loseless compression (Apple Loseless or AIFF) I was thinking average albums (roughly 45 minutes long) would only take 300 - 400 MB, so a 32 GB iTouch would hold about 80 albums.  Typically I just rotate through my entire audiofile collection in the "big rig" so I was hoping to just keep those going until I want to make a wholesale change and then swap out the entire lot with a new set of 80.  (Probably by the time I'm ready to buy the SSD iPods will be cheaper and have even bigger memories.)

Convenience aside, I guess I'll keep looking for Wadia 170i reviews and wait for the Tone Audio review of the Asi-Tek modded 170i to figure out how the sound quality stacks up.

BTW I fear CD/uncompressed formats is going the way of vinyl in the next few years.  OTOH the timing may work out in my case as I'm entering retirement and will lose my sense of hearing with age.


Another issue is .wav files do not have the ability to store metadata. There is a new version of the .wav container, but the original is a pretty poor storage medium given how much data we tend to store in these files these days.


I have ripped my entire CD collection in AIFF to my external hard via Firewire through my Mac Mini.  Do I have the ability to load those music files on to an iPod and choose the format ie AIFF?  I guess the issue is space, WAV files take up less space the AIFF. 

Yes.  If you want a different format than what is in your library, you will need to convert (make a second copy) in another format.  If your library is AIFF and that's what you want on your iPod, you're good to go.
I just compared a WAV file to an AIFF, and they were essentially the same size within a few KB, for a ~36MB file, the WAV file was only 3KB less, so it's a non-issue.