Another new Piccolo (well almost)

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Another new Piccolo (well almost)
« on: 25 Jan 2009, 03:47 am »
Well, it took Canada customs a while for them to release my Piccolo from their grip, but I finally received it this week - so of course I began my Piccolo build, being as impatient as I am.  Having built the Cornet2, I was very jazzed to get this MC amplifier as I have been messing around with a Cinemag step-up for about 6 months without success on the hum - close but no cigar.  And since this was my second Cinemag attempt, I thought surrender and then found the Piccolo.

Well, this kit is different as it has far more intensive soldering.  Not more difficult, but more requiring heat sinks and that nasty little IC and voltage regulator.  Considered using a socket for the IC, but the kit did not ask for one and Jim's pictures showed no socket, so I assumed the "stick to the plan" approach and braved it.  After a bunch of work, in which I really should have stopped, I completed the board populate and soldering after about 4 hours - must get new soldering iron tip now .....

Wanting to eliminate any chance of hum, am using the battery pack.  Case still not done but thought about a test, just for the additional motivation.  So I popped in the batteries and NO LED.  Batteries in, batteries out - repeat - speak a few un-nice words and think about going to bed.  Instead, I figure, why not try it out with signals.  So, after connecting it all up and replacing batteries, I powered up the Cornet2 and the (non-Hagerman) headphone amplifier.  And magically sounds appear - pops between gain setting changes and definite gain going on.   The loading rotary switch acts a but funny - it was sticky so I had to take it apart and now it goes to mono in one setting - must take a look at that.  But it worked - with NO LED still.  So I guess I have either reverse soldered the Diode or blown it completely - not sure yet but since it is working, I am more than slightly chuffed.  But did notice some hum and was mildly concerned.  Since it was not in the case yet, I figured that would be contributing to the hum issue, but when I grabbed the board, the hum very nearly disappeared - looks like one of the RCA jacks is wonky. This I can deal with.

So this morning I mounted and and aligned my beloved (and very nuded) Denon 103.  Ah, just a like meeting a long lost friend all over again - even now listening to a BAD copy of Bowie's Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and a great copy of REM , Green and am amazed - so nice, so right.  Nice polite top end, bass as I want to hear it and that beloved mid range - and it sounds even better than I remember it.  The Piccolo has brought it to a new level having come from an old Project Phono Box MM/MC phono amp and then via the failed Cinemag efforts.

So hopefully I will complete the chassis drilling/punching tomorrow for a good, tighten the screws down, test.  This Piccolo is really something special - I am very impressed - thanks Jim yet again for a great kit that even a two-thumbed monster like me can build with some success!  Maybe the Castinet kit is next ......



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Re: Another new Piccolo (well almost)
« Reply #1 on: 25 Jan 2009, 05:57 pm »
What is it with customs in Canada????  I think they like to torture citizens and shippers alike!

If you grabbed the board and the hum reduced wouldn't this mean the board found a better earth ground with you holding one.  Or at least a better grounding scheme than it had before?  Double check your grounding.

I plan to build that good looking Buggle power supply I read about here at the forum for my Piccolo.   

Did you upgrade any of the parts and pieces of the Piccolo or build it stock?


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Re: Another new Piccolo (well almost)
« Reply #2 on: 25 Jan 2009, 08:54 pm »
Hi Tubes,

I guess it all comes down to power .... The funny thing is if the shipped describes it in some esoteric way it seems to baffle the participants and it clears quickly - go figure :-)

I had thought similar re: grounding, but when I jiggled (highly technical term) the RCA jack and released it, it is now fine. And since I Have no case connected to it yet, there really is NO grounding other than the core board and the I/Cs.  I expect I will rewire with better RCAs I just happen to have on hand.  The build is pure stock - I wanted to get it going before I messed around with it - same strategy as with the Cornet2 - funny how I am still so pleased with that one that I have not yet been pushed into the replace strategy - yet :-)  With all of your Cap sourcing offers, I have nearly pulled the trigger twice now ....  Have dome some basic tube rolling - enough to convince me that I shall look for better tubes for the C2.

Back to the Piccolo - what areas of the Piccolo can I look at for improvements? SO far it is VERY quiet.  What have you (or anyone) upgraded in their Piccolo?  How quiet is that Bugle power supply?  Any hum?


What is it with customs in Canada????  I think they like to torture citizens and shippers alike!

If you grabbed the board and the hum reduced wouldn't this mean the board found a better earth ground with you holding one.  Or at least a better grounding scheme than it had before?  Double check your grounding.

I plan to build that good looking Buggle power supply I read about here at the forum for my Piccolo.   

Did you upgrade any of the parts and pieces of the Piccolo or build it stock?


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Re: Another new Piccolo (well almost)
« Reply #3 on: 25 Jan 2009, 09:15 pm »
Well its a matter of power regulation really.  The better regulated the power supply, the less it can impart a sonic flavor over the music.  A dual regulated power supply is often found on the big dollar electronic equipment. 

I wanted to use something better than a wall wart, and more economical and less problematical than batteries.  The Bugle power supply looks like a winner.  There will be more information following as I solidify my project goals and requirements. 

I am still formulating my plans but here is what I plan to do with the Piccolo.  I think I will use PRP bulk foil .5 watt resistors on the board, replace the power supply caps with black gates, run PIO caps or teflons where Jim spec'd film caps, and make sure I am running that DC offset with the right jumpers. 

I plan to use the PCB RCA mounts to help shield the signals in and out, and put it in a steel/copper case instead of aluminum.  I want all stray fields to have a tough time getting into this piece.   

That is the plan at this time.  Hopefully lots of folks can input on what they think I should try.  At this time its a blank slate ready for finalization.  Jump in everyone if you think you have some cool ideas on the Piccolo.   


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Re: Another new Piccolo (well almost)
« Reply #4 on: 27 Feb 2009, 03:32 am »
So is it possible to take a feed form the Cornet2 to use as a power source for the Piccolo?

I have the piccolo up and running very nicely but am now wanting to use the OFF position in the zero gain mode instead.  So I need to get serious about the power supply for it.  And I keep thinking, well the Cornet2 right here has a nice supply in it .....

Possible?  Worthwhile? Ridiculous?



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Re: Another new Piccolo (well almost)
« Reply #5 on: 27 Feb 2009, 03:56 am »
Hi Chris,
I am hoping everyone gives using the 6v tap off of the Cornet2 transformer a "big thumbs-up"!  I am building my cornet2, in a DIY case,  and will move the Piccolo from its current residence, hardwired into my preamp phono board.

So is it possible to take a feed form the Cornet2 to use as a power source for the Piccolo?

I have the piccolo up and running very nicely but am now wanting to use the OFF position in the zero gain mode instead.  So I need to get serious about the power supply for it.  And I keep thinking, well the Cornet2 right here has a nice supply in it .....

Possible?  Worthwhile? Ridiculous?



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Re: Another new Piccolo (well almost)
« Reply #6 on: 27 Feb 2009, 04:19 am »
Hi Chris,
I am hoping everyone gives using the 6v tap off of the Cornet2 transformer a "big thumbs-up"!  I am building my cornet2, in a DIY case,  and will move the Piccolo from its current residence, hardwired into my preamp phono board.
Isn't that 6v tap AC?  I thought the Piccolo wants DC.



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Re: Another new Piccolo (well almost)
« Reply #7 on: 27 Feb 2009, 04:43 am »

Sorry, good point. I meant after rectification @ H+. If that is not a good idea, it's a wallwart until I get a bugle power supply.

Hi Chris,
I am hoping everyone gives using the 6v tap off of the Cornet2 transformer a "big thumbs-up"!  I am building my cornet2, in a DIY case,  and will move the Piccolo from its current residence, hardwired into my preamp phono board.
Isn't that 6v tap AC?  I thought the Piccolo wants DC.



Re: Another new Piccolo (well almost)
« Reply #8 on: 27 Feb 2009, 11:17 am »
I will also be starting my Piccolo and look forward to what others do as far as upgrades. I'll go stock to start and seeing as I don't have a low MC yet I'm in no big rush. I have a Dyna DV 20X HO and don't want to go sideways in getting a low output MC but that's a different matter.

I have most everything to finish my Cornet 2 board and hope to get all the soldering done on that this weekend as well as the Picoolo.



Re: Another new Piccolo (well almost)
« Reply #9 on: 2 Mar 2009, 01:51 am »

I have a Piccolo for almost a year now.

I built mine with the stock parts.  The box below (black) was the Bugle with Bugle PSU that I had before.  I tried the walwart(as pictured) and the Bugle PSU (+15 only) before and I can't remember if there was a "difference really".  I seem to recall that the phono preamp is more "influential" than the head amp.  Yes, it is true that I noticed a difference in sound using an SUT and the Piccolo, but to me, both of them sounds great!  I like the Piccolo when I am using my Orions + (SS Amp) but the SUT with my SET homemade amps and High efficiency speakers.  But not always!

If we are splitting hairs, I guess that the resistors that provides the loading can be "rolled" on the Piccolo and see what happens.  For me, I am happy with the stock parts from the kit and never bothered to be too "analytical" in terms of the circuit components.  Besides, the kit is already using a 1% tolerance resistors on the loading positions (Yageo 1/4 watt-lead free- metal films).  If it is quiet, gives the gain I need, and I like what I am hearing then I am a happy camper.

Goodluck to your "builds".



Re: Another new Piccolo (well almost)
« Reply #10 on: 2 Mar 2009, 01:56 am »
Double post!  Sorry!


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Re: Another new Piccolo (well almost)
« Reply #11 on: 10 Apr 2009, 12:34 am »
Hi all,
I 'found' the Piccolo on the net and decided to build one, ordered the PCB with all semicons, soldered locally procured caps and resisitors, didnt want the selector switches and Jim sent the board with jumpers already soldered on in place of S1 and S2, (thanks), checked and everything is ok.  Too lazy to build a box, so the piccolo has to share room with an existing battery FET MC setup.  The dimensions fit - looks like its meant for it and I connect up and tested.  Initial impression : absolutely noiseless, quite good sounding, a little laid back but voices warm and wonderful - need more burning in.  Now I have 2-in-1 MC setups.

I did not join pin1 to pin8 so the convertor is running at 10kHz, would like to know if you guys are using it this way or raising the freq?  Is there an audible difference?

I connect the INPUTs in parallel (OUTPUTS are completely separate) with the exisitng MC setup (common RCA sockets) and they share the input loading resisitors (see the bunch or resistors at the back of the selector).  The battery is supplying to either one at any one time. I was thinking that since FET has very high input impedance (compared with loading resistors) it is ok this way, comments? :)


Re: Another new Piccolo (well almost)
« Reply #12 on: 10 Apr 2009, 04:36 am »
Oh, I already jumpered pins 1-8 for you.  Hidden under chip.



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Re: Another new Piccolo (well almost)
« Reply #13 on: 10 Apr 2009, 07:28 am »
If the sound is a little laid back then play more with the cartridge loading.  If you go more toward zero then you generally get a sound with more sparkle and air.  If you go more toward maximum recommendations then you get a thicker fuller duller sound. 

I like to play with these resistors so I am using a connection block to make swaps in a matter of just a few seconds.  Thank you ECIR38 for recommending these connection blocks.  They are simple and easily to install and they make resistor swaps silly simple.

Jim those film caps sure do look tasty!
