Tropic Thunder

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Tropic Thunder
« on: 29 Nov 2008, 12:51 pm »
Since the pro football games were such poor contests on Thursday afternoon we decided to watch "Tropic Thunder."  I don't know what to say about this movie other than it was full of stars - Ben Stiller, Jack Black and Robert Downey Jr.  My wife thought it was okay, my son and I thought it was crap.  It was not interesting enough to keep me awake as I took a nap in the middle of the move and was interested enough to ask what I missed.  It got an okay rating from the wife so I will give it 2 out of a possible 5 stars.



Re: Tropic Thunder
« Reply #1 on: 29 Nov 2008, 02:08 pm »
You liked Leatherheads but this one put you to sleep?  :scratch:


Re: Tropic Thunder
« Reply #2 on: 29 Nov 2008, 02:36 pm »
If you get past all the PC anti-hype and go for the fun factor, in the way it was meant....There were some very funny scenes.  Very once dimensional plot, but all the characters were mini subplots with all their own problems. 
A head on a stick?  Now that is funny!!!!   3/5 for me.  But, you gotta be in the right mindset, and with like minded individuals.


Re: Tropic Thunder
« Reply #3 on: 29 Nov 2008, 03:03 pm »
You liked Leatherheads but this one put you to sleep?  :scratch:

I thought Leatherheads was okay, certainly not a great film by any stretch!  Maybe Tropic Thunder is just not my kind of movie.  I would rate it in the same category as Zohan!  Bottom-line, there are many better movies on the BB Shelf!



Re: Tropic Thunder
« Reply #4 on: 29 Nov 2008, 03:09 pm »
You liked Leatherheads but this one put you to sleep?  :scratch:

I thought Leatherheads was okay, certainly not a great film by any stretch!  Maybe Tropic Thunder is just not my kind of movie.  I would rate it in the same category as Zohan!  Bottom-line, there are many better movies on the BB Shelf!


Like BLACK DYNAMITE!!!  :lol:


Re: Tropic Thunder
« Reply #5 on: 30 Nov 2008, 12:14 am »

I thought the movie was great.  You have to like that slap stick outrageous comedy to like these types of movies.  I thought leatherheads was okay as well but it didn't make me laugh.




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Re: Tropic Thunder
« Reply #6 on: 30 Nov 2008, 12:28 am »
I walked out of this movie in the theaters after the first 20 minutes but I still rented the DVD, just to see if I hadn't given the movie time to developed. I'm in full agreement with Bigfish, a movie that's suppose to be funny but isn't,,,, sucks. :thumbdown: I did like the movie previews at the start of the movie but that was really just about it. It was thre worse movie of the summer for me and I'd give it a 1.5 out of 5 stars. I knocked 1/2 star off Bigfish's rating simply because with all the stars this movie had in it, I should have been able to give it an extra 1/2 star just for that but I can't even do that so I'll go the other way. :lol:


ps, Leathernecks was a funnier movie but not by much imho.


Re: Tropic Thunder
« Reply #7 on: 30 Nov 2008, 12:33 am »
Well, not every move can be as good as The Golden, Robin?  8)


Re: Tropic Thunder
« Reply #8 on: 30 Nov 2008, 12:37 am »
Well, not every move can be as good as The Golden, Robin?  8)

I am not speaking for Robin but I thought Golden Compass was a good movie and I would like to see the rest of the story.  Unfortunately, it is not going to happen because it was a flop on the big screen.



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Re: Tropic Thunder
« Reply #9 on: 30 Nov 2008, 12:38 am »
Well, not every move can be as good as The Golden, Robin?  8)

Excactly! :thumb: So when are they gonna finish what they started with that movie? :scratch: It's enough to pi$$ off the pope. :lol:



Re: Tropic Thunder
« Reply #10 on: 5 Dec 2008, 08:43 pm »
I watched most of this flick last night at a friend's house (missed the last 10 minutes or so).

I liked it better than Zohan, but can understand both sides of what folks here are saying.

On the negative side, it is really silly, and zany, and you have to be up for that to find this funny.

On the positive side, if you like silly, zany movies, you are in for one heck of a treat.

I will give it 7.5/10, as I do like silly, zany movies - reminded me of the way that Knocked Up would run with ideas, and take them FAR past socially acceptable, to fully mine the humour, but this one REALLY went places with foolishness.

Not in any way high brow, but quite a bit of fun if you are looking for some foolishness.  My guess is that it is a runaway hit with the college crowd.


Re: Tropic Thunder
« Reply #11 on: 5 Dec 2008, 09:03 pm »
I heard all the reviews and put this on my must see list. I laughed maybe once. The most overhyped movie with no follow thru. And believe me I love to laugh.


Re: Tropic Thunder
« Reply #12 on: 6 Dec 2008, 10:11 am »
I heard all the reviews and put this on my must see list. I laughed maybe once. The most overhyped movie with no follow thru. And believe me I love to laugh.

How can you call yourself a real booger and not find Tropic Thunder funny? You are a disgrace to your kind!


Re: Tropic Thunder
« Reply #13 on: 20 Dec 2008, 06:58 am »
I was all set to like this movie in spite of you guys.  No could do.  Bout 30 minutes was all I could stand.  The premise sounded good when I read about it but it is a mess.  A bad movie about a parody of bad movies.  I mean really bad.


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Re: Tropic Thunder
« Reply #14 on: 20 Dec 2008, 04:37 pm »
There's a real 50/50 split on this movie, types of humor I guess.  Still have for me to understand how I can have watched this movie with hundreds of people and they place was full of laughter.  I even had to see it 3 times to take other people and I laughed each time but some found the movie really bad.  Just goes to show you...  But I will say I was amused. 

I'm mentioning this to my wife and she says "Who are these people, they must have no fun in their lives.  Even I can suspend some brain cells and enjoy this simple humor."  Now she's smiling and means nothing personal but I remember looking at my wife during certain scenes and she was gasping for air, she dug the Downey character.  I will say one thing I like about my lady is she can get a simple joke and not feel ashamed of in violation of her lady code.  I will also say we share a sense of humor and many times we are in the theater laughing and others are not and she says the same thing, "What's wrong with these people, how do you watch a comedy and not come to laugh."

Want some, get some.

But seriously, we know it's different strokes for different folks.


Re: Tropic Thunder
« Reply #15 on: 20 Dec 2008, 08:55 pm »
There's a real 50/50 split on this movie, types of humor I guess.  Still have for me to understand how I can have watched this movie with hundreds of people and they place was full of laughter.  I even had to see it 3 times to take other people and I laughed each time but some found the movie really bad.  Just goes to show you...  But I will say I was amused. 

I'm mentioning this to my wife and she says "Who are these people, they must have no fun in their lives.  Even I can suspend some brain cells and enjoy this simple humor."  Now she's smiling and means nothing personal but I remember looking at my wife during certain scenes and she was gasping for air, she dug the Downey character.  I will say one thing I like about my lady is she can get a simple joke and not feel ashamed of in violation of her lady code.  I will also say we share a sense of humor and many times we are in the theater laughing and others are not and she says the same thing, "What's wrong with these people, how do you watch a comedy and not come to laugh."

Want some, get some.

But seriously, we know it's different strokes for different folks.

I don't get the sense that it pertains to the good folks who post on here, but I know a few people who are a bit too "high brow" to even allow themselves to laugh at this sort of humor. This movie reminds me of the Borat effect. I rarely laugh aloud in the theater, even though I'm chuckling heartily on the inside. Borat was one of the few times when I tried to keep it under control - especially since there were only about fifty other people in the theater - but couldn't. By the time I got to the "Running of the Jew", I had already used up my reserves and was redlining something fierce....and I think that was still within the first ten mins of the film.

Anyway, the point is that I don't understand how someone can watch Borat and not laugh their ASSSSSS off. Yeah, some of it is a bit uncomfortable, and some of it is a bit vulgar...but come ON! But there are people I know who almost seem to take it personally when I say how much I loved the film. It's as if they look at me differently or something because of it! I think there's something similar going on with Tropic Thunder. But all I know is that I find shit funny and I can't help it. I'm just glad there are people in the world with the same sense of humor as myself, who make movies and shows that will trigger my funny bone and allow me to really escape life for a while!


Re: Tropic Thunder
« Reply #16 on: 20 Dec 2008, 10:10 pm »
Beats me.  Laughed my ass off in Borat.  Didn't laugh hardly at all at what I saw of Tropic Thunder.  Borat sorta off gave us a chance to laugh at ourselves and was clever to me.  Topic Thunder was just dull in spite of Downey J.  I think I get it.  They were having fun with Hollywood, right?  Didn't show me anything new.  Heck, I thought those Charlie Sheen movies were funnier.


Re: Tropic Thunder
« Reply #17 on: 20 Dec 2008, 10:26 pm »
Beats me.  Laughed my ass off in Borat.  Didn't laugh hardly at all at what I saw of Tropic Thunder.  Borat sorta off gave us a chance to laugh at ourselves and was clever to me.  Topic Thunder was just dull in spite of Downey J.  I think I get it.  They were having fun with Hollywood, right?  Didn't show me anything new.  Heck, I thought those Charlie Sheen movies were funnier.

Well, let me ask you this...did you not find the concept that RDJ's character was so deep into his character's characters that he forgot not only which character he was playing, but also who he was to begin with? To me, that's BRILLIANT!  lol


Re: Tropic Thunder
« Reply #18 on: 20 Dec 2008, 10:30 pm »
Oh yeah, that's an original idea!  I like that.  Didn't stick around long enough to appreciate it.


Re: Tropic Thunder
« Reply #19 on: 20 Dec 2008, 10:46 pm »
Oh yeah, that's an original idea!  I like that.  Didn't stick around long enough to appreciate it.

Okay good, I feel better then lol. I thought that was a brilliant bit  :thumb: