New system on its way....

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el dub

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New system on its way....
« on: 14 Oct 2008, 01:36 pm »
After some serious listening, we put the solid-state amp and mini monitors up for sale a couple of weeks back. There was no comparison to the Omega/Manley combo while hooked to the same source, imo.

The Omegas presentation as heard through the tubed Manley was much more detailed on the upper end with a balanced response through the entire audible range. The solid state amp gave a boost to the bottom end but the rest of the frequency range sounded compressed when compared to the airy presentation through tubes. The Silverlines also sounded better to my ear, through the Manley. Both sets of speakers delivered more aspects of a live performance when hooked to the el-84's. The tubes just seem to breath life into music.

The proceeds from the sale ALMOST covered the cost of the new xrs 6.5" alnicos (in cherry wood) and the new dynaco st-70 built by Bob latino. An Eastern Electric BBA will round out the system. While that represents an additional cost, I was already planning on that purchase even if we kept the solid state amp as tubes and additional gain would probably help that unit. But in the end, it was a no-brainer.  :o

The bottom line is that I really miss having the entire house pressurized by music. The last few months have been great. We could move from room to room and still be in the sweet spot. I also found that this set up requires less volume while providing more detail. SO I'll be glad to get the new equipment up and running in the next couple of weeks.  :drool:

Photos should follow, but you know me......

« Last Edit: 14 Oct 2008, 06:05 pm by el dub »


Re: New system on its way....
« Reply #1 on: 15 Oct 2008, 12:20 am »
After some serious listening, we put the solid-state amp and mini monitors up for sale a couple of weeks back. There was no comparison to the Omega/Manley combo while hooked to the same source, imo.

The Omegas presentation as heard through the tubed Manley was much more detailed on the upper end with a balanced response through the entire audible range. The solid state amp gave a boost to the bottom end but the rest of the frequency range sounded compressed when compared to the airy presentation through tubes. The Silverlines also sounded better to my ear, through the Manley. Both sets of speakers delivered more aspects of a live performance when hooked to the el-84's. The tubes just seem to breath life into music.

The proceeds from the sale ALMOST covered the cost of the new xrs 6.5" alnicos (in cherry wood) and the new dynaco st-70 built by Bob latino. An Eastern Electric BBA will round out the system. While that represents an additional cost, I was already planning on that purchase even if we kept the solid state amp as tubes and additional gain would probably help that unit. But in the end, it was a no-brainer.  :o

The bottom line is that I really miss having the entire house pressurized by music. The last few months have been great. We could move from room to room and still be in the sweet spot. I also found that this set up requires less volume while providing more detail. SO I'll be glad to get the new equipment up and running in the next couple of weeks.  :drool:

Photos should follow, but you know me......

Congrats! You will now have the full line of 6 Alnicos, right? I would be interested to hear how you feel the two compare in the same room / equipment if you have an opportunity to do so. Kent


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Re: New system on its way....
« Reply #2 on: 15 Oct 2008, 01:16 am »
which SS amp did you sell? Just to give us some context

el dub

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Re: New system on its way....
« Reply #3 on: 15 Oct 2008, 01:31 am »
We'll have both floor stand and bookshelf models of the alnico 6.5" when the smoke clears. I can't wait to compare the two models.

I didn't list the amp because I'm not sure it matters. I'm sold on tubes. But as long as you ask, we sold our rwa 30.2 integrated to help fund this purchase.


el dub

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Re: New system on its way....
« Reply #4 on: 17 Oct 2008, 07:55 pm »
Bob's Dynaco 70 showed up today. And I must say its kicking some arse right out of the box. The el-34's definitely have more bottom end than the el-84's. (Both systems put out around 20 watts in triode.) There appears to be a little more detail in the mids and highs as well. Maybe a little larger sound stage. We've hooked the dynaco to an eastern electric bba for volume/gain control.

I must give thanks and praise to Louis for his suggestions. He recommended multiple units that he thought would work with the omega 6.5" alnicos. I just happened to choose a combo he also owns and uses with the speakers he happens to make.  8) 


el dub

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Re: New system on its way....
« Reply #5 on: 18 Oct 2008, 07:55 pm »
Doh! Last night I turned the dynaco off and then decided to turn it back on almost immediately. I saw/heard the rectifier tube sizzle and a fuse went as well. A call to Bob later and a new tube or two are on the way. Meanwhile, I found a supplier of JJ tubes here in town and bought a new one locally just because I could.

Anyway, after the Dynaco went down I rerouted the tunes to the manley and there was definitely a difference. While both units are working with around 20 watts the Dynaco and Eastern Electric BBA put out a more detailed, punchier sound with better bass control than the el-84 based manley. Plain and simple. Today I experimented a little, running the manley solo and then with the EE BBA between the cdp and integrated amp. There appears to be more detail and punch using the BBA but the dynaco still has better bass control.

To be honest, I'm surprised. I was hoping for a little different flavor with the el-34's compared with the el-84's but sure got more than we bargained for, imo.


el dub

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Re: New system on its way....
« Reply #6 on: 18 Oct 2008, 09:07 pm »

The Dynaco/Eastern Electric BBA feeding the Omega super 6" alnicos/deep hemp cube is the best sound we've had in our house. period.  Even with the slightly more difficult acoustics of the kitchen, the sound is simply amazing. More detail and control than I thought possible. Especially at this price point.



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Re: New system on its way....
« Reply #7 on: 18 Oct 2008, 11:01 pm »
el dub, ditch that JJ rectifier tube asap. I had one go on me, and it took out a resistor in my preamp's ps. It shorted about 30 sec after I turned the unit off. After researching it a bit, it looks like a good idea to stay away from that tube as many others have posted about having issues with it. I got a NOS Sylvania and a rebranded NOS Mullard... not cheap, but I couldn't find a better alternative all things considered.

I am also interested in your opinion of the XRS vs the "bookshelf"...

FWIW, Dave

el dub

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Re: New system on its way....
« Reply #8 on: 19 Oct 2008, 12:13 am »
Thanks for the advice, Dave. I'll ditch the jj asap.

Louis says our xrs 6.5"s should be ready shortly. I'll be sure to post impressions.


el dub

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Re: New system on its way....
« Reply #9 on: 20 Oct 2008, 10:56 pm »
After A/B'ing the manley and the dynaco (with jj rectifier tube,) I've decided to take a chance and continue using the st 70 until a new rectifier from Bob arrives later in the week. There is that much difference in sound between the two amps.

When on the phone with Bob the other day, I mentioned the fact that the el-34 based system has a much bigger sound than the el-84, although both put out about the same amount of power in triode or ultra linear.

His response in a thick new england accent was great.... "Ahuv kharse the el tharty two sounds bettah than the el-eighty-fahr amp. It has a biggah transformahs!"  :thumb:

So, here's my current theory... I'll use the dynaco to drive the omega super 6.5's/deep hemp cube in the kitchen. The manley will be connected to the Omega xrs 6.5's in the living room . The sub in that smaller room is connected via IC's and I'm guessing the xrs to be a little easier load than the super's/deep hemp cube on 50' of solid gauge copper wire.


el dub

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Re: New system on its way....
« Reply #10 on: 21 Oct 2008, 02:20 pm »
So, I'm eating breakfast this morning with a little music in the background. The wife wanders through, getting ready for work and a vacation that starts tomorrow. In the middle of a story she's telling me, she stops, cocks her head and says, "Man, that sounds nice!" Seventeen things on her mind and the dynaco/omegas magic still managed to get through.  :D


el dub

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Re: New system on its way....
« Reply #11 on: 22 Oct 2008, 07:01 pm »
Our new DNM IC's showed up today as well as the replacement rectifier tubes from Bob Latino. Feeling like a kid on christmas, I tore into both boxes and replaced the IC's as well as the jj rectifier I was running with a sovtek supplied by Bob. (he also sent a little heavier tube rectifier and a solid state one to boot.)

As far as sonic improvements, the bass is a little punchier. But I'm guessing the rectifier tube change might be responsible, as the jj seemed to have a little less bottom end than the ruby I blew. I also was able to turn the sub back down to the level it was at before the tube went. I think I'm also hearing a little more detail on the upper end with the DNM connects. Also, the anti-IC's are a little fragile at the point the eichmanns connect with the wire. I can't see that being a problem with the DNM's. They are sturdy and easy to work with.

The bottom line is that the sound got bigger clearer today.

I'm really getting excited to see/hear the new xrs alnicos....... :drool:


el dub

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Re: New system on its way....
« Reply #12 on: 23 Oct 2008, 06:28 pm »
I test drove a solid state rectifier today for the heck of it. For about five minutes.  :nono: The sound stage got tight and we lost the intimacy of the vocals. Then again, I could only take it about five minutes and went back to the tubed rectifier immediately. Seems to be a lot more air in the vacuum tubes than the ss piece.  8)



Re: New system on its way....
« Reply #13 on: 24 Oct 2008, 01:46 pm »
el dub, you're having fun aren't you?

I really envy your ability to have both standard and xrs Alnico 6s!

Good listening. Kent

el dub

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Re: New system on its way....
« Reply #14 on: 24 Oct 2008, 01:58 pm »
Thanks, Kent.

You are right. I'm really enjoying myself with this whole dealio.

One thing to keep in mind..... Very little money for this current venture is coming out of pocket. There is enough demand and respect in the market for the pieces I sold to finance this upgrade that it took less than two weeks for me to list the items on audiogon, make the sales and collect the money.  :thumb: Thanks, audiogon.

And as I'm pretty new to tubed audio gear, the learning curve has been enjoyably steep this last while.

Sure is nice having you'se guys around to share in this most geeky pursuit.  :green:   



Re: New system on its way....
« Reply #15 on: 24 Oct 2008, 03:59 pm »
Sure is nice having you'se guys around to share in this most geeky pursuit.  :green:   


el dub

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Re: New system on its way....
« Reply #16 on: 25 Oct 2008, 01:10 pm »
LOL I awoke this morning to learn that I'd sold the Skylan stands for the silverlines, too. And they are going to a guy with Omega speakers.

SO I just happened to be peeping NOS tubes last night and came across a few interesting items. I'm guessing those stands turn into a couple of old rectifier tubes today.  :green:


el dub

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Re: New system on its way....
« Reply #17 on: 26 Oct 2008, 03:53 pm »
Oh, this has been a blast...

The wife went out of town with her sister this week and left me home to re-tube our amps. Well, she doesn't know that's what I'm doing, but it should all be over except for the deliveries by the time she gets home on Tuesday. hahahahahaha!

It started innocently enough. I planned on using the proceeds from the skylan stands to score a NOS rectifier tube for the dynaco. So I went to ebay to have a look around.  :duh:

Next thing you know, I'm watching twenty auctions and bidding on ten or twelve lots of tubes. So far I've scored a set of NOS mullard military grade 12at7's for the manley, a NOS Mullard 1961 fat black base gz34 rectifier for the dynaco and a quad of amperex el-84's for the manley. I'm fishing for another quad of amperex as well as a quad of el-34's for the dynaco. A quad of Mullards labeled Dynaco would be SWEET!

I'd like to have the manley re-tubed before the new pair of 6.5" alnicos shows up.

The wife might be a little surprised when she gets home, but I'm really not spending that much money. ANd I've enjoyed the time I've spent researching the various possibilities and searching out bargains.  8)

You know what they say about when the cats away...



Re: New system on its way....
« Reply #18 on: 27 Oct 2008, 07:55 pm »
we sold our rwa 30.2 integrated to help fund this purchase.


el dub,

glad you're enjoying your new system. I wanted to share my findings though regarding amps and Omegas.

So, I've been playing my SuperHemp Alnicos since they arrived some four months ago, at least 500 hours now and they are producing some very nice integrated, smooth sound, you would never believe. During this time I've been playing with different amps (just for the fun of it and to find out if there would happen to be some special synergy with tubes and Omegas).Keeping the RWA as my preference, John Blue 6L6, KR VA 300, Almarro A205A Mk II, Manley Stingray and even Manley Mahis have played certain role in this evaluation process. Good, respectable amps and to be honest, every one of them had brought some nice things to the Omegas presentation and if I wouldn't  bought the RWA Isabella, there is possibility that I 'd have prefered the Manley Stingray over RWA Sig 30.2 integrated..

But adding the Isabella definitely brought the 30.2 to a whole new level and I couldn't ask for more  :drool:, but hey, it's after all a 5.5k investment so it should better work..and it does and in spades, too.. :banana piano:

My 30.2 is for sale now - just for having the 30.2 amp only version  :drool:

And there is only two tubes to play with if you´re into it.

Just a different experience but I'm extremely satisfied with the results  :D.

Happy listening!


el dub

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Re: New system on its way....
« Reply #19 on: 27 Oct 2008, 11:08 pm »
Hey, Eadron.

Thanks for giving your perspective on the topic at hand. I think its interesting you tried the amps you did. I wish I had that kind of opportunity out here on the prairie.

I'd also like to give the Isabella/Isabellina a try, butits out of my price range currently.
