So, what's going on?

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Shamrock Audio

So, what's going on?
« on: 11 Nov 2003, 07:20 pm »
I've been getting that question a lot lately. I'll take a few moments to try and answer some of those questions. Perhaps in doing so I'll give some of you a better picture of who we are and what we're all about.

Those who have gotten to know me over the last 10 years will tell you that I'm really very open about most things. Part of that is my personality. Part of that is due to the realities of interacting with people, and especially doing business over the Internet. I think it's crucial to be transparent and brutally honest - especially when things begin to slip sideways on you as they sometimes do. I've often said that  the issue isn't that something went wrong, the issue is how it's handled when it does.

I started Shamrock Audio in 1993 due more to circumstances than any malice of forethought. My mother had a series of TIA's (mini strokes), and my wife and I needed to help deal with that. It became apparent that I would need to be at home and so I thought it would be a good idea to take my beloved hobby and turn it into a business. One thing lead to another, and in March of 1997 we launched our web site and introduced our Eire speaker. The Eire has been reviewed 3 times, all very positively. In fact, since introducing the Eire, we've only had one set returned because the client didn't like it. That's a pretty good track record I think.

There have been lots of things we would have liked to have done both in our products and in our business that we've been unable to do. Sometimes, it just takes a bigger company with greater resources to accomplish certain things. Unfortunately, when opportunities came along that would allow us to grow, it was at the expense of my values and principals for operating the business. In short, we would have become nothing more than a toaster-maker driven to produce profits for our real customers - the investors. In the end, I just couldn't bring myself to go there and do that. Current circumstances may well change all that, although nothing is written in stone.

Obviously, there's not much I can say publicly. I can say that if things go well, it will be more than worth the wait for all concerned, especially our customers. Thanks for hanging in there with us while we work all this out!

So what's in the works? Several things. I have always insisted on making our products the very best, rather than making them to be "good enough". Because of that approach, we avoid the continuous "upgrade" cycle that many other companies seem to thrive on. Take the time to do it right the first time!


Okay, vaporware at its finest. It's the little things that are driving me nuts on this system. First, I've never been a real fan of rear-ported speakers as it makes the placement of the speaker more critical to performance than a front ported system, and I've never liked the way they integrate with the rest of the system. Yet, in many ways that's the best fit for this particular system. I'm just not satisfied that it's as good as it could be if it were front-ported. Our goal for this speaker is to be one of the best little speakers available in its price range - period! With a target price of under $500 per pair (including domestic shipping), that's no small undertaking!


The Keelin is the MTM version of the Eilish. While not as far along in its development as the Eilish, the Keelin promises to be a very good performer in its own right.

There are other systems in development as well. Much of what we're doing must wait until the other issues are more fully fleshed-out. However, both the Eilish and the Keelin will open the doors for folks to try our products and see what we're all about for much less money than our Eire.

All this isn't happening as quickly as we would like it to. For that I apologize. I wish I could tell you all that is going on here, but that's just not possible. I can tell you with great confidence that there is no one more anxious than I am!


So, what's going on?
« Reply #1 on: 11 Nov 2003, 09:06 pm »
Hi Mike,

Thanks for the update and please let us know whatever you can, whenever you can!


Shamrock Audio

So, what's going on?
« Reply #2 on: 11 Nov 2003, 09:27 pm »
Hi Rick,

I'll do my best. I can't tell you how hard it is to say very little and wait. However, if things go as I believe they will, the wait will be more than worthwhile for everyone!

Imagine - we'll be able to make the kinds of products we've always wanted to make, the way we've always wanted to make them.


thanks for the update mike
« Reply #3 on: 15 Nov 2003, 08:55 am »
having experienced the eire, I have no doubt the other speakers will be winners too.

Shamrock Audio

So, what's going on?
« Reply #4 on: 18 Nov 2003, 06:52 pm »
Hi Rick,

I'm glad to hear that you like the Eire's. The real test of a speaker is time. Lots of speakers can seem good at the beginning, but soon their flaws begin to show. We don't make perfect loudspeakers, but we do try to keep their flaws to an absolute minimum.

Put any books under your chair yet?  :)


hi mike
« Reply #5 on: 18 Nov 2003, 07:28 pm »
hey, so what is it, people who are interested in your speakers are all named Rick?  Well, it is a name that connotes good taste and breeding.

No books under the chair but my mom would love you, I am forced to sit straight in my chair! No slouching.  :wink:

I'll send you a more detailed email later this week. Take care.


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So, what's going on?
« Reply #6 on: 1 Dec 2003, 06:45 am »
Any updates?  Looking forward to hearing about the new line!

Shamrock Audio

So, what's going on?
« Reply #7 on: 1 Dec 2003, 06:10 pm »
Hi Joe,

I spoke briefly with them yesterday morning. The last few board meetings for the year are taking place, as well as other business trips for the next 2 weeks. This is simply a case where the fish they swim with are far bigger than I. I just need to relax and wait. I did ask if there was anything I should be doing between now and then and the response was a simple "no".

I admit that I'm having a tough time remaining calm while in the starting gate. However, until that gate opens all I would do is thrash around and possibly hurt myself. Better to just chill and focus on the race ahead.

This time is an opportunity for you guys to have some input on what you'd like from us. While we have lots of things in progress that we can and cannot talk about, your input would help us to develop products that YOU really want. For example: Would you guys be willing to pay a bit more for a speaker if it was floor-standing instead of stand-mounted? Would it make sense for us to make decent wood stands available? Just how important are grill-covers to you anyway? (For some, very! For others, not so much.)

Not all suggestions will be applicable to all lines. However, your input will help us to make products that you really want, rather than ones you don't really care about. Besides, it will keep me from going round-the-bend while we're waiting for the gate to open. :)


ok, I'll play
« Reply #8 on: 1 Dec 2003, 10:07 pm »
Hi Mike,

As long as your asking .....

One of the key benefits that you offer over the more traditionally sold speaker companies is the idea that the customer is getting more for the money.  As a customer, I want better quality drivers, better quality wiring and crossover parts, plus all the extra work that you put in to make sure that each speaker is the best you can make.

But, what I don't really want is to spend more money just to have more wood around the drivers.  Not that your woodwork isn't lovely :D .

What I'd suggest is that the eire stay a bookshelf, but perhaps make a higher priced floorstander, maybe either a 3 way system, or still a 2 way but perhaps with a second mid-bass driver?  Something that allows for deeper bass, and "authoritative" sound, for lack of a better way to say it. Something that gives you reason to extend the wood all the way to the ground.

Certainly, if you think that you can improve the sound of the eire with some modifications, then that would be great too, but I'd still keep it a bookshelf.

As for grills, I don't like the typical snap-on grills. They usually feel cheap and you have to have those holes in the face of your speaker.

I guess some people feel that they need them, either for dust, or because of inquisitive fingers, but if you were to think of doing something, I'd suggest something like on my Linn speakers that you saw.  Having an indented lip around the wood into which an elasticised grill can be placed and removed.  No holes to ruin the wonderful look of the wood.

Well, that's all for now.

Shamrock Audio

So, what's going on?
« Reply #9 on: 2 Dec 2003, 12:51 am »
Hi Rick,

Perhaps a bit of clarification is in order. We are planning more than just an expansion of our existing products. We are initially planning on supporting two lines. One would build on the Eire, placing it as the entry-level product for this line. This line would allow us to all the things you suggest and more. The other line would place the Eilish as the entry-level product. This line will offer products generally considered to be more "affordable". Both lines will be fleshed out with several products within their intended markets.

The idea involves more than just pretty cabinetry.  One line will focus on simply offering the best products we know how to make with little regard for cost. The other line will focus on the practical application with an eye on affordability.  The idea here is to take what we know and learn from developing one line, and apply it in the other.  No, I don't have any delusions about this being a small undertaking! :!:

Does this help at all?


« Reply #10 on: 2 Dec 2003, 10:19 pm »
Ok, that helps.  I thought that you were just fleshing out your one line with a few lower priced, and perhaps one higher priced.    Didn't realize that you would be creating 2 whole lines.  No wonder you're so busy.

I think it would be interesting to read about the process involved in such a broad undertaking (to the extent that you can reveal such info, and obviously to the extent that you have the time).

Though perhaps that is something you might want to put on your own website.


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So, what's going on?
« Reply #11 on: 3 Dec 2003, 09:37 am »
Hello Mike, I have a question for you. Would you consider a home audition tour of one of your speakers for the members of AudioCircle ? Other company's on AudioCircle have done this in the past with good results! I'm sure there would be a lot of interest in such an event. Nice chance to get some feedback on your speakers. Thanks !!  :)

Shamrock Audio

So, what's going on?
« Reply #12 on: 3 Dec 2003, 06:00 pm »
At this stage things are kind of fluid. There's very little I can say openly to try to explain what's going on or what we're planning. I can say that we're planning substantially more than just a few additional products. What I can't say is what exactly that will include or where it will go. Our plans are larger than that. I know that you want to know more, and I want to say more. However, I don't dare. :nono:

I've been thinking about a product tour for awhile now. I like the idea and will likely pursue it. I think it's a great idea. I thought about doing it several months ago, but things just didn't work out.  I'm reluctant to do it at this point as I don't have the time to support/administrate it. Too many irons in the fire right now.

Tell me, how does it normally work? Do we just write-off the products as a loss? Do we place a lean on someone's house? Do we take someone's first-born as collateral?

Dan Banquer

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« Reply #13 on: 3 Dec 2003, 09:40 pm »
Go biblical here Mike; Take the first born son!

Shamrock Audio

Re: Collateral
« Reply #14 on: 4 Dec 2003, 05:20 am »
Quote from: Dan Banquer
Go biblical here Mike; Take the first born son!

I'd be afraid of getting stuck with you, Dan!  :wink:


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So, what's going on?
« Reply #15 on: 4 Dec 2003, 06:23 am »
Mike said - "Tell me, how does it normally work? Do we just write-off the products as a loss? Do we place a lean on someone's house? Do we take someone's first-born as collateral".... I'd go with my first born, you can have him :lol: . I've been involved with four home audition demos, Bolder Mensa pack, IRD Purist preamp, GR Research Criterion speakers, and now Ridge Street Audio cable package. The way it worked is an announcement is posted of tour. Info taken by the company of auditioner and credit card charged but not processed to cover cost of product. Company sends out product to first listener for home auditioner. 10 days to 14 days later, that listemer sends it to number 2, and so forth, so on.I'm sure Wayne, Curt, Danny, or Robert could tell you how it happens on their end. I think its a win, win, for all involved.I don't know Shamrock Audio from Adam, but I would happy to give your speakers a try in my system. I'm a businees owner also, not connected to audio, and I've found that for the last 30 years, word of mouth has been my best advertisement. If you believe in your product or service, consider  a home audition tour. I believe a lot of members would be interested ! :)


So, what's going on?
« Reply #16 on: 4 Dec 2003, 06:23 am »
I think a home audition would be really cool. . . We at AC have had good opportunities to hear gear we would otherwise not be able to, and that's good for buyers and sellers alike.


Shamrock Audio

So, what's going on?
« Reply #17 on: 5 Dec 2003, 07:08 am »
Well, a product tour is almost a certainty. However, it will have to wait until I can manage it properly. I'm simply unable to take on anything else right now.

That said, what would you guys prefer to audition? I don't have the shipping weight on the Eilish yet, but the Eire is at 100lbs! That will only go up if we build their crates to withstand multiple, uh, journeys. :)


c'mon mike .....
« Reply #18 on: 5 Dec 2003, 07:27 am »
Gee Mike,

You mean you won't be doing the national road tour and just drive the speakers around the country?  Maybe you could set up a listening van and just let people hop in and listen  :wink: .

Um, just don't make it a white van, that idea is taken.

Shamrock Audio

So, what's going on?
« Reply #19 on: 5 Dec 2003, 04:40 pm »
Well, doing business at arms-length tends to keep me separated from those who choose to do business with us. I therefore try to find ways of meeting with folks and just staying in touch with those who buy our products. One way to do that IS to personally deliver the product as I did with you. However, that's not always doable.

Our van isn't white, it's grey. :)