Best amplifier for timepiece 3.0

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Best amplifier for timepiece 3.0
« on: 12 Mar 2008, 03:57 pm »
 :D  hello , i have just bought my ticket to join the SPcustomer crew.. 
but now begin a new search..   the ampmifier :roll:
bob tell me that this speaker needs some muscles..
i have some ideas, PASSLABS INT-150 , CIaudio D200, audiozone D100,

if you have more , in this price area , you are welcome..

rohan. : :wink:

Double Ugly

Re: Best amplifier for timepiece 3.0
« Reply #1 on: 12 Mar 2008, 04:37 pm »
Welcome to the SP Tech family, Rohan.  By and large, it's a pretty happy and fulfilling place.  :wink:

Re: amplification, I don't believe I don't any SP Tech owners who use any of the amps you list.  Amps I know to work well include the NuForce Ref. 9 SE V2s, McCormack's ubiquitous DNA-500, the Spectron Musician III Special Edition and virtually all of the Butler Audio line.

I believe some or all of those retail for a little more than the amps you list (I'm not familiar with all of them), but most can be had for a reasonable price on Audiogon.

The bottom line is, you can get away with 100W or even less, especially if you go with a tube amp.  I used a 100W hybrid (Butler Audio Monad monoblocks) for 3 years with spectacular results.  However, like most speakers, SP Techs respond very positively to good, high-quality amplification.  The more power you can provide them, and the higher the quality of said power, the more dynamic, effortless and "real" the presentation.

Again, welcome to the family.  If you have any other questions - regarding amps, synergy or anything else - please don't hesitate to ask.  :thumb:

If we don't know the answer, we'll make one up.  :wink:  :lol:

Bill Baker

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Re: Best amplifier for timepiece 3.0
« Reply #2 on: 12 Mar 2008, 06:02 pm »
Hello rohan,

 The only SS amps (from your list) I have heard with the SP Speakers are the Channel Island pieces. I was using the D100 with the Continuums with very good results. The CI are one of many options.

 Welcome to the SP family and good luck with your amplification journey.


Re: Best amplifier for timepiece 3.0
« Reply #3 on: 12 Mar 2008, 07:13 pm »
 :thumb: thnaks guys , nobody use PASS amplifier with Sptech seakers?
i will take a look at the CI audio , there seems a good value.

Double Ugly

Re: Best amplifier for timepiece 3.0
« Reply #4 on: 13 Mar 2008, 02:06 am »
:thumb: thnaks guys , nobody use PASS amplifier with Sptech seakers?

There may be, but realize not everyone who owns SP Tech speakers frequents Audio Circle.

Pass amps may be very good matches for Bob's speakers, and they enjoy a great reputation.  Nevertheless, until I hear it for myself...   :dunno:

Double Ugly

Re: Best amplifier for timepiece 3.0
« Reply #5 on: 17 May 2008, 03:17 pm »
I don't know if you've purchased anything yet, rohan, but my 3.0s arrived a couple of days ago and I offered an small update on their pairing with the Spectron Musician III Signature Edition.


Re: Best amplifier for timepiece 3.0
« Reply #6 on: 17 May 2008, 05:08 pm »
Hi Rohan,

  I will be using the Channel Islands D-200's when I get my 3.0's. My previous amp was a Pass Labs X250.5 which I used with Von Schweikert speakers.  I decided to get rid of that power hungry beast and go "greener" with the CI's. Put some money back in my pocket to boot. I hope I didn't make a boo boo getting rid of the Pass. It was a great amp. I'll report in about the pairing in due time.


Russell Dawkins

Re: Best amplifier for timepiece 3.0
« Reply #7 on: 17 May 2008, 05:59 pm »
I haven't heard the CIaudio D200, but the power specs are not very different from the Nuforce ref9SEV2, which I have.

This sounds very sweet within the power limits, but I don't think it's enough power.

If I were to choose now, adequate power would be very high on my list, and this would steer me towards the 500W into 8 ohms ICE module based amps, such as the Bel Canto. If a little more money were available I would consider the McCormack DNA 5000 secondhand, if less, a Crown Macro Reference (only) and do something about the fan noise.

If I had to choose one unheard and even more money was available, I would go for Double Ugly's Spectron, but only his very model - the Musician III Special Edition. There were very major changes starting with that model.

Bottom line, in my books, you need VERY SERIOUS MUSCLE to let the Timepiece do what it does best, and many of the options you mention do not really fall into that category.

With the Continuum and all dual bass/mid driver SP Techs, the impedance is around 4 ohms and the potential amplifier choices open right up.


Re: Best amplifier for timepiece 3.0
« Reply #8 on: 17 May 2008, 06:37 pm »
 :thumb: thanks guys ,during the wait of the 3.0 i have begun to buid a 2x 250 gemincore
class D  ..  i will try it first and if found it's underpowered i will bi-amp the T.P  with another
one like a pair of nuforce V2SE or odyssey extreme SE  .. the spectron seems to be a very good
choice too but a little to pricey for me at this moment of my life..   :duh:


Re: Best amplifier for timepiece 3.0
« Reply #9 on: 17 May 2008, 06:47 pm »
OR you could save a bit of green, and go with the H2O Signature 100 for 2 grand -  an amp that can damn near do it all.  I know I'm risking what little credibility I have by saying this, but screw it;

This amp really does have it all. It’s built like a tank. It can drive virtually any loudspeaker on planet earth (stable to 0.3 ohms). It’s delicate sounding when it needs to be. It has a seemingly endless reservoir of clean dynamic range. It has first rate low level resolution. It has great imaging, great bass control, detail, midrange purity, and most importantly; musical flow. It can keep its composure during loud passages, and, its cool operation and solid internal parts nearly guarantees a good 15-20 good years of care-free operation. Throw in US build and it is a stupid bargain at 2 grand.

In the near future, I will be teaming it up with a set of SP Tech "Mini's".   :thumb:   True dual mono (input and output), over 1kw of dynamic power on tap, 400,000uF of capacitance on a 90% efficiency circuit... oh yeah, I think they're gunna sing alright. :)

edit: to temper the above rave, I would like to mention that the Signature 100 is, in my opinion, the star of H2O's line up. His other amplifiers, while good - just do not match up to the performance, let alone value that his 100 provides.

Double Ugly

Re: Best amplifier for timepiece 3.0
« Reply #10 on: 17 May 2008, 11:23 pm »
Bottom line, in my books, you need VERY SERIOUS MUSCLE to let the Timepiece do what it does best, and many of the options you mention do not really fall into that category.

Not quite as true with the new Mundorf inductors IMHO.  They make the most difference with the 4 Ohm models according to Bob, but I think he'd agree the 8 Ohm Timepieces have benefited as well.

In the near future, I will be teaming it up with a set of SP Tech "Mini's".   :thumb:   True dual mono (input and output), over 1kw of dynamic power on tap, 400,000uF of capacitance on a 90% efficiency circuit... oh yeah, I think they're gunna sing alright. :)

I look forward to your thoughts on the pairing.  I think a comparison of our respective Sigs would be very interesting, but logistics are problematic. :(


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Re: Best amplifier for timepiece 3.0
« Reply #11 on: 18 May 2008, 01:01 am »
The best amps to use with SP speakers has been discussed many times.  And my views have evolved slightly from the many discusions about it.  An important consideration is the fact that they can handle ungodly amounts of power with virtually no distress.  Because of that best results in the sense of allowing SP speakers to strut the full range of their capabilities comes from more and better power.  That said, if like me you like to listen at low to moderate levels, then 100-200W is probably adequate - that's the size of amp I would consider anyway (I am getting the Timepiece mini which is slightly more sensitive than the timepiece 3 - for that I am looking at about 100W) - and could save you a bit of money over a high quality amp with more serious muscle.  But again, to show off SP to their full capabilities, you need an amp with muscle - going for a 500W monster as suggested by Russell would not be overkill.


Double Ugly

Re: Best amplifier for timepiece 3.0
« Reply #12 on: 18 May 2008, 01:20 am »
The best amps to use with SP speakers has been discussed many times.  And my views have evolved slightly from the many discusions about it.  An important consideration is the fact that they can handle ungodly amounts of power with virtually no distress.  Because of that best results in the sense of allowing SP speakers to strut the full range of their capabilities comes from more and better power.  That said, if like me you like to listen at low to moderate levels, then 100-200W is probably adequate - that's the size of amp I would consider anyway (I am getting the Timepiece mini which is slightly more sensitive than the timepiece 3 - for that I am looking at about 100W) - and could save you a bit of money over a high quality amp with more serious muscle.  But again, to show off SP to their full capabilities, you need an amp with muscle - going for a 500W monster as suggested by Russell would not be overkill.


Oh I agreed; let there be no mistake about that.  My comments were/are based on the fact that my speakers have been upgraded a couple of times since Russell and I originally purchased them, and the absolute minimum power requirements are not what they once were. 

However, the fact is SP Techs respond very positively to more and better power, regardless of internal configuration.  That's precisely why I have every intention of following this guy's lead by getting another MIII SE, assuming the SP Tech/Spectron pairing continues to impress (I have no reason to believe it won't). 

Actually, if it weren't for the stupidly expensive TV I'm going to pay for in the next month or so, I'd probably buy another now.  But they aren't going anywhere, and it's always nice to have something to look forward to.  aa
« Last Edit: 18 May 2008, 02:06 am by Double Ugly »


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Re: Best amplifier for timepiece 3.0
« Reply #13 on: 18 May 2008, 03:13 am »
Wild that you mentioned that DU.  I was on the phone with Simon today and we chatted for a long time about the Spectron Musician III Sig Mark II's in mono amp config (two cables, both driving same channel, one in phase, one out).  My Rev Mundorf Ultimate soulmate, Karsten, is incredibly impressed fact, he's blown away by them.   :thumb:


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Re: Best amplifier for timepiece 3.0
« Reply #14 on: 18 May 2008, 04:21 am »
Hi DU,

Forgot you had the spectron. Do you use it with the remote sense cables and if you do what benefits did you find that they brought to the table.



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Re: Best amplifier for timepiece 3.0
« Reply #15 on: 18 May 2008, 02:09 pm »
A lot is happening to the Spectron Amps over the last 6 months.

Double Ugly

Re: Best amplifier for timepiece 3.0
« Reply #16 on: 18 May 2008, 02:25 pm »
Wild that you mentioned that DU.  I was on the phone with Simon today and we chatted for a long time about the Spectron Musician III Sig Mark II's in mono amp config (two cables, both driving same channel, one in phase, one out).  My Rev Mundorf Ultimate soulmate, Karsten, is incredibly impressed fact, he's blown away by them.   :thumb:

I've always believed mono is the way to go, but I just couldn't risk buying two before hearing one in my own system.  Things were great at Steve's as you know, but there's nothing like hearing it in your own system.  I needed to hear it with the Timepieces, and it's taken me this long to (1) be sufficiently recovered from shoulder surgery to lift them, and (2) get them back from the 3.0 upgrade.

Mk IIs, huh.  They sure didn't waste any time changing it.  I'm guessing upgraded caps and ?

Hi DU,

Forgot you had the spectron. Do you use it with the remote sense cables and if you do what benefits did you find that they brought to the table.


I haven't used the remote sense cables yet, but I'm intrigued with the concept.  I spoke with Bob about them, too, and he says if they're properly constructed, the benefits should be immediately apparent.  Ah, but "if they're properly constructed"... there's the rub, no?

My hesitancy stems from the fact that I've yet to see where more than just a few longtime Spectron users recommend the RS cables.  Quite the contrary, in fact, as most use something other than Spectron's own cables.  Seems valid reason for pause IMHO, since if the concept itself is valid, I wonder if something is missing on the implementation side of the house.

Personally, I'd *love* for Bob to build a pair using his construction methods.  I've no doubt they'd be absent the complaints I've read re: Spectron's version (rolled-off highs, among others.), but Bob's plate is full at the moment.

*IF* I could have a pair of MIII SEs running in mono with RE Smith-designed remote sense cables attached, I'm confident I'd have the amp/speaker/cabling solution for many years to come.  I'm a guy who likes listening to music, not playing with equipment.

A lot is happening to the Spectron Amps over the last 6 months.

Such as?


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Re: Best amplifier for timepiece 3.0
« Reply #17 on: 18 May 2008, 04:39 pm »
Ted may be best to answer that as he recently spoke to Simon.


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Re: Best amplifier for timepiece 3.0
« Reply #18 on: 18 May 2008, 05:31 pm »
We didn't speak much about the Mk II designation as we did about the unique mono configuration (having either a) two sets of cables run to same amp, with one switch set to in phase, one set to inverse phase; or b) having internal jumpers made in case you can't or don't want to spend $$$ on addtl set of ic's).  Simon said he'll post the changes on AC's industry forum soon.  I believe it's Mundorf and/or VH Audio oil caps and some other internal changes...but I may be wrong.

Edit:  as Simon says, tongue-in-cheek, on an Audiogon thread about this exact issue:
a) it sounds better
b) it costs more

He later says he'll give more info asap, but it's unfair to simply tell users to pay more for "three capacitors, four resistors, two inductors and additional half pound of the power supply."
« Last Edit: 18 May 2008, 09:07 pm by ted_b »

Double Ugly

Re: Best amplifier for timepiece 3.0
« Reply #19 on: 18 May 2008, 06:15 pm »
We didn't speak much about the Mk II designation as we did about the unique mono configuration (having either a) two sets of cables run to same amp, with one switch set to in phase, one set to inverse phase; or b) having internal jumpers made in case you can't or don't want to spend $$$ on addtl set of ic's).  Simon said he'll post the changes on AC's industry forum soon.  I believe it's Mundorf and/or VH Audio oil caps and some other internal changes...but I may be wrong.

Interesting.  I have a second pair Indra ICs, but I'd sure like to hear how the internal jumpers compare sonically before committing to either.

As for caps, I'm thinking Mundorf (synergy).  Dan's caps may be an option, too, assuming he has the required values and both parties are willing.