Mini's - next batch???

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Russell Dawkins

Re: Mini's - next batch???
« Reply #20 on: 21 Jan 2008, 11:31 pm »
Bill - seems to me you can double and even triple up the amps in the Panny to feed just one pair of speaker outputs, so you might not need a second pair of binding posts on the TP Minis.


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Re: Mini's - next batch???
« Reply #21 on: 21 Jan 2008, 11:44 pm »
I too am planning to experiment with a bi-amp configuration of the Minis when I get them, with a Signature 30.2 on the tweeter and a pair of Channel Islands D200's on the woofer.  I've never done any bi-amping before and am interested to know what it will sound like; I'm trying everything I can to keep the Sig 30.2 in my system even though the Minis are much less efficient than my previous speakers. 


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Re: Mini's - next batch???
« Reply #22 on: 22 Jan 2008, 12:40 am »
Hi Russel and All

Bill - seems to me you can double and even triple up the amps in the Panny to feed just one pair of speaker outputs, so you might not need a second pair of binding posts on the TP Minis.

Yes that occurred to me as well.  But as luck would have it (or unlucky from another viewpoint) the share market here in Aus is in free fall.  I have friend in Canberra who I chat to about the markets - he is into HI-FI as well.  While talking about the market I mentioned my thoughts to him on the panny and he said he read some good things on the TACT S2150 which uses the same technology as the panny - but is much more audiophile.  I checked them out and they are definitely in my price range.  To cut a long story short he talked me into getting it.  Well not actually talked me into it - he iodn't know a lot about it - but was a good sounding board.

I have written to Bob and cancelled my order for the bi wiring version.  I am actually rather excited about the TACT - the mass market nature of the panny went against my audiophile grain.  For what you get (ie dac preamp and amp all in one) it looks rather reasonably priced and it has nice touches like air core coils etc.


Russell Dawkins

Re: Mini's - next batch???
« Reply #23 on: 22 Jan 2008, 12:52 am »
well, that's good news, Bill. :thumb:


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Re: Mini's - next batch???
« Reply #24 on: 22 Jan 2008, 01:22 am »
Hi Iron Lion

I too am planning to experiment with a bi-amp configuration of the Minis when I get them, with a Signature 30.2 on the tweeter and a pair of Channel Islands D200's on the woofer.  I've never done any bi-amping before and am interested to know what it will sound like; I'm trying everything I can to keep the Sig 30.2 in my system even though the Minis are much less efficient than my previous speakers. 

From personal experience experimenting with bi amping is really fun.  I did it with my current speakers (Axis LS88's - they are at my mums at the moment - I don't have a system right now) with some really interesting results.  I found it produced clear audible benefits - but more expensive amps not bi amped were better again.  If you haven't experimented with it, well worth doing IMHO.  But after mucking around with it I am quite happy with single amping using a higher quality amp rather than two of them.  The reason I wanted it with the panny was it had bi amping built in for no extra cost.  But right now the TACT, which uses the same technology as the Panny, appeals more.

Do keep us posted with your findings.  Have fun.



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Re: Mini's - next batch???
« Reply #25 on: 22 Jan 2008, 04:23 pm »
Hi All

Just wanted to let people know my experiences so far with getting a TACT M2150.  Advertised in the US for $2190.  With exchange rate and GST it is $2737 here in Aus which I can just afford.  Thought great - until I tried to actually purchase it - it wouldn't let me.  Did a bit of an internet search and came across the following:
'I wanted a TacT room correction preamp about a year ago. The only Australian retailer with stock quoted me $9000.00 + freight from Sydney to Adelaide. Ended up buying a "factory-refurbished" (absolutely indistinguishable from brand new and I'm fact, I'm still sure it was brand new) unit of the identical model direct from TacT Audio in the US for US$1,499.00. I can't remember off-hand the freight, Customs GST charges etc, but I'm pretty sure it cost me about AUD$3000.00 all up (ie, about a third of what it would have cost me from the Aussie importer). And the TacT people in the US were far more helpful in supplying extra software and user advice via the internet than the Australian distributor could have been'

Such markups are, to be blunt about it, simply ridicules.  For the difference you could pay for a luxury all expenses paid holiday to the US.

Dropped TACT a note to see if they can help.  If not I will need to go back to the panny. The problems of living in Aus. Sigh   :roll: :roll: :roll:



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Re: Mini's - next batch???
« Reply #26 on: 22 Jan 2008, 05:16 pm »
Hi Again All

Wow.  Got a reply from TACT almost immediately.  No probelmo  :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:

That is the type of service I like that really inspires confidence.

Good thing about the TACT is there seems to be a very active after market mod service - again  :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:

With the markets going bang some good new is always welcome.


Aether Audio

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Re: Mini's - next batch???
« Reply #27 on: 23 Jan 2008, 03:04 am »

Well... we have a few pairs either already out or going out soon.  J@ck here on the circle has had a pair for a few days now... maybe we'll hear from him before too long.  Then a guy named Bill (which I'm not sure whether or not he is an AC member or not) will be getting his in a few days as they go out Thursday.  Then right behind him is yo2tup here on AC who will be getting a call from me in a day or two as well.

So... they're starting to roll now.  Long as I can stay out of the office we'll continue to make progress.  Thanks for the patience guys... it's been a rough go on this first batch.  Tim has just now started delivering enclosures so we should soon have a steady (albeit always slower than it should be) stream of Minis on their way to (hopefully) happy homes! :D


Bill Baker

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Re: Mini's - next batch???
« Reply #28 on: 23 Jan 2008, 03:17 am »
Then a guy named Bill (which I'm not sure whether or not he is an AC member or not) will be getting his in a few days as they go out Thursday. 

 Hello Bob,
 If this is Bill C (from NJ) then yes he is now an AC member and one of my long time customers and good friend. The Mini's better sound damn good as I am the one who recommended these speakers to him :lol:

 He may be bringing them up to my store shortly so I will be able to get a quick listen to them as well. :drool:.......... and I have just teh system to use for some listening.


Re: Mini's - next batch???
« Reply #29 on: 23 Jan 2008, 04:01 am »
 :green: :green:


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Re: Mini's - next batch???
« Reply #30 on: 23 Jan 2008, 04:19 am »
Looks like more feedback coming soon....nice !!! :hyper:


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Re: Mini's - next batch???
« Reply #31 on: 23 Jan 2008, 04:55 pm »
Hey guys,

I'm starting to get intimidated, anticipating my mini's. They are 2 months away (unless Bob lied to me and they have already shipped  :icon_twisted:) so I guess I've got a while to compose my impressions.

But I warn you, you won't hear any of those audiophila phrases from me.

How bout I just jump up and down and try to take an action pic. Or maybe a few OMG's would suffice.

Or maybe I could talk Chris into coming down to Louisiana and coach me on how to take a pic of me leaning on my mini's.  :lol:


Double Ugly

Re: Mini's - next batch???
« Reply #32 on: 23 Jan 2008, 05:48 pm »
Or maybe I could talk Chris into coming down to Louisiana and coach me on how to take a pic of me leaning on my mini's.  :lol:

I'm closer, Gene, and have received 'leaning-picture-taking' instructions from Chris and a very good photographer (Daygloworange) while at the RMAF last October.  I may try to find the pictures I took and post 'em as a sort of application for the job.  :wink:

Seriously, don't worry about describing them in any language with which you don't subscribe.  I love Bob's speakers, and I've written long, glowing reviews about them, but I've long since stopped writing 10 paragraph reviews detailing each and every nuance I hear from a component.  It took me a while, but I finally figured out that it's only *my* impression, one that may change or be superseded by something else later.  That being the case, why bother?

That doesn't mean you shouldn't offer what you want.  Several of the more recent additions to the SP Tech family have written wonderfully descriptive reviews, and I've no doubt their efforts are not only an accurate description of what they hear, but have served as a catalyst for continued interest in Bob's speakers.  If you're able to honestly describe your speakers in such glowing terms, great; if not, that's OK, too.

Obviously Bob would appreciate the feedback - pro or con - and that's pretty much as far as I go nowadays.  I'll offer a synopsis of what I like and/or don't like, and then I answer questions as best I can.  If you do even that much, I'd say you've done far more than is required, which is precisely nothing.  :D

BTW, that's one more serious camera you recently took possession of... nice!  I'm really lookin' forward to seeing your Mini pics!  :thumb:


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Re: Mini's - next batch???
« Reply #33 on: 23 Jan 2008, 06:29 pm »
Hi Jim,

Always nice to read your posts.

But now you've really put the pressure on me. I'm getting a pair of speakers that hopefully will do far more justice to the music being played thru them than I'll ever be able to describe.

And now, you're expecting me to produce prize-winning photos of them just because I've got a camera that does things I'll never be able to figure out. It's my second time around with this camera model. I sold my first last summer when I woke up one day, looked in the mirror and confessed "who are you kidding, you're taking snapshots with a professional level camera that is smarter than you are".

Anyhow, life is short. But you only realize that when you finally get to be as old as I am. I'm going to enjoy it, even if it kills me.

As someone once said, don't take life so seriously, no one gets out alive.  :thumb:


Double Ugly

Re: Mini's - next batch???
« Reply #34 on: 23 Jan 2008, 07:14 pm »
And now, you're expecting me to produce prize-winning photos of them just because I've got a camera that does things I'll never be able to figure out.

Yep... that's not asking too much, is it?  :wink:  :lol:

As someone once said, don't take life so seriously, no one gets out alive.  :thumb:

Precisely!  :D


Re: Mini's - next batch???
« Reply #35 on: 23 Jan 2008, 07:28 pm »
As far as the Minis go, we'll be at the point Monday that whatever delay is incurred for a number of you will be Bob's fault entirely.  A number of finished enclosures will be sitting at "my" end of the shop awaiting crossovers, drivers, testing, packing & shipping.  The rate at which they get done will be directly related to the amount of time I spend in the shop/lab.

I think the first of Tim's enclosures is mine!  :drool: It's been a long wait since my S-9s went away, but I've bided my time patiently because I know they'll be worth it.

And now, you're expecting me to produce prize-winning photos of them just because I've got a camera that does things I'll never be able to figure out.

I have a different problem: I know how to use my camera, but I take terrible photos. There's no winning this game!


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Re: Mini's - next batch???
« Reply #36 on: 23 Jan 2008, 07:48 pm »

I have a different problem: I know how to use my camera, but I take terrible photos. There's no winning this game!


My method is to try not to interfere with my camera. It KNOWS what to do, so I try to stay out of the way. You know, Point&Shoot!

I shoot in Raw which allows me more latitude in correlating what I saw in my mind and what I'm looking at on my PC monitor.  :D



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Re: Mini's - next batch???
« Reply #37 on: 23 Jan 2008, 11:19 pm »
But I warn you, you won't hear any of those audiophila phrases from me.

Not into them either Gene.  To me the biggest accolade you can give any product is 'no' sound.  Not into these phrases like forward, bloom, honey, etc etc.



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Re: Mini's - next batch???
« Reply #38 on: 24 Jan 2008, 05:16 am »

But I warn you, you won't hear any of those audiophila phrases from me.

Good....maybe you can try one of these...its short and to the point... 8)

I Like Them..... :D

I Don't Like Them.... :shake:

Their OK..... :?

That about covers it all....just pick what applies.... :lol:

Or maybe I could talk Chris into coming down to Louisiana and coach me on how to take a pic of me leaning on my mini's.
A little too far for me Gene....but Jim would be a good stand in.... 8)
Plus.....since he's a TP owner (his are newer than mine), we could count on him to tell us how they may differ in comparison. :green:

Now.....if I were there, in Louisiana, for the photo....I wouldn't be holding a beer....
Instead I'd be holding a cup of Seafood Gumbo....then I'd be in Heaven.... :thankyou:

Good luck........ :beer:


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Re: Mini's - next batch???
« Reply #39 on: 24 Jan 2008, 06:08 am »
Hi Chris,

Oh, I'm way pass liking them or not liking them. You fanatics have convinced me that they are great. That's why I ordered them. I'm just trying to prepare myself for what I'm going to hear.

I've been trying to decide on an amp, but I'd be doing that blind, as the mini's are a couple of months away. So I'm going to be doing a lot of reading and thinking about what others are using that's affordable for me.

I'm from South Louisiana where great seafood is a way of life. But where I am right now is more Miss. than La. Not too many Boudreau's or Thibodaux's.
