ModWright Modified Transporter - The Wave of the Future!

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Marco Prozzo

Re: ModWright Modified Transporter - The Wave of the Future!
« Reply #500 on: 29 Sep 2010, 06:26 am »
This is my first post.  I have 2 Modwright products so far (SWL 9.0 Preamp and tube oppo 83) and I'm considering getting the Modwright Transporter.  I'm not very computer savy and so my question is about whether I have the necessary hardware.

I recently purchased a Macbook Pro and it comes equipped with Airport, which I'm using for wireless internet.  I have a D-Link router that is connected to satellite internet.  Now, my question is would I need to purchase another router for the Transporter or am I good to go right now?  Could I be using my Macbook for wireless web surfing while using it to control the Transport simultaneously?

I'm thinking it would be smartest to get an external hard drive to store all my music instead of using my laptop memory.  Once I get all my cd's ripped to this external hard drive, could I just connect that external drive to the Transporter and take my computer out of the loop?  Then I could connect this external drive to the transporter via ethernet cable and I wouldn't need to use the wifi feature of the transporter.  Am I on the right track here?

This is probably a long shot, but is there anyone close to Southern Oregon (Ashland) that is using a Modwright Transporter that I could see and hear it in operation.

Thanks a bunch!

Good questions, Ernie...and welcome. 

Streaming music via you computer and wireless device is not at all a demanding task.  With music streaming to my MWTP I can surf the Internet at will and even send large files without even a hiccup.  So I would not be concerned on that account.  You will only need the one device to serve both purposes.  I'm not sure if your D-link router will also broadcast, but I will assume it does not (most routers don't).  If this is the case the one item you might need is an Airport base station to broadcast wireless to your Macbook with Airport Card, and to your Transporter.  You would connect it to your router.  If your D-link already broadcasts a wireless signal that is all you'd need. 

As Phillistine pointed out, you cannot just connect a hard drive loaded with your music library to a Transporter - you must use the interface of a computer that is running Squeezeserver.  The new Squeezebox Touch does allow you to run your music without the interface of a computer by connecting either a thumb drive or hard drive (it must be specific formats or it will not work) to its USB port.  This is a new feature for Squeezebox devices and the Touch is the first device to have that capability. 

Southern OR is only a 6 hour drive to Modwright in Amboy, WA - Dan's got a great listening room and you can hear not only the Transporter, but his entire line.  Might be worth the trip! Make a weekend of it in Portland! I'd wait until after RMAF though as I know their jammin' hard over there, and make sure to call ahead to arrange timing if you do plan a visit. 

Ern Dog

Re: ModWright Modified Transporter - The Wave of the Future!
« Reply #501 on: 29 Sep 2010, 08:14 am »
Thanks for the info Phil and Marco.  I'm more planning for the future, so it's good to know that I have all the hardware I need.  I still need to get my Modwright tube Oppo BDP-83 dialed in.

Great idea about taking a road trip to Modwright.  A 6 hr. drive is easy- I thought it was further away.



Re: ModWright Modified Transporter - The Wave of the Future!
« Reply #502 on: 29 Sep 2010, 06:00 pm »
I wonder why there are so many MW TP's for sale on Agon.  Last check there were 8 for sale  :scratch: :scratch:


Re: ModWright Modified Transporter - The Wave of the Future!
« Reply #503 on: 29 Sep 2010, 06:38 pm »
I wonder why there are so many MW TP's for sale on Agon.  Last check there were 8 for sale  :scratch: :scratch:

Even one in silver (my fav).  I couldnt wait, but proves there are deals to be had if one can be patient. Whoever buys one should send it to Dan to lower the voltage to the EML. I got almost 2000hrs on mine, goin strong.


Re: ModWright Modified Transporter - The Wave of the Future!
« Reply #504 on: 29 Sep 2010, 08:00 pm »
I am ready to send mine to Dan for that exact reason.


Re: ModWright Modified Transporter - The Wave of the Future!
« Reply #505 on: 30 Sep 2010, 12:25 am »
Yes, there does "unfortunately" seem to be a glut of MWT's for sale currently which is not helping resale value.... I think there may be several reasons?

The Transporter is very probably at its best with the EML mesh plate and there has been some longevity issues for a few folks.... me included.  The EML seems to be like a racehorse.... superb performance when in a perfect environment.  If not perfect (and its very particular) there are problems.  Dan has gone out of his way to try and accommodate the finickiness of the EML with multiple mods to the Transporter.  Apart from capacitance and transformer impedance matching, it seems a major issue for longevity is filament voltage.... and the big EML seems happier with it significantly lower than most other tubes need in the Transporter.  If running an EML, voltage checks should definitely be done to preserve it.... talk to Dan.

I think this desiring an EML for best performance, but not wanting to deal with the longevity issues has put a few folks off...?  The other issue may be the recent popularity of high performance stand alone DAC's (without finicky tubes) and computer based servers and simplification of the music system...?  As to questions of typical modern product life cycles.... who cares, its a great totally reliable unit that works fabulously.... and we all still search for NOS tubes that aren't made anymore don't we?

Me personally, I'm sticking with the Transporter and have gone out of my way to make it EML friendly.... no, I"m not on my first EML and so have some experience.  The good news is that Black Treasures have reportedly a long life.... we'll see?

I love my Transporter because its so flexible.  I use its as a central switching hub for multiple inputs and all sources benefit from the excellent tube output DAC.  It's also my volume control as my amp doesn't have a remote.  The ability to access CD's (on my computer hard drive), play DVD's and also listen to internet radio all from one unit is great for me.  The latest great sounding stand-alone DAC's don't offer this much flexibility and so don't currently work for me.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.... for now anyway. :?

I appreciate that technology moves on and the latest and greatest DAC may sound a little better.... but how...?  I believe its MUCH more important to get that little bit of "magic" in your system.  That magic that won't let you leave a room until a song finishes... that magic that stops all conversation in a room when you put a song on.... that magic that won't leave your foot alone with a favorite song.  That magic comes from synergy.... not always the latest and greatest.

Cheers  :thumb:


Re: ModWright Modified Transporter - The Wave of the Future!
« Reply #506 on: 30 Sep 2010, 01:24 am »
All products have life cycles.  I was the second or third person to evaluate the EML Mesh tube in the ModWright Transporter with the Tung-Sol Round Plates.  My Tube was one of the large body editions and I never experienced a problem but have to admit to holding my breath every time I powered the unit up.  With the EML Mesh and the Round Plates the ModWright Transporter was the best of the best streaming players and I believe it will still hold it own.

This hobby is about experimenting with changes to our systems.  I sold my Transporter and have converted to a Mac Mini/USB DAC System.  I sold it because I could not control or resist the urge to buy the latest and greatest tubes claimed to be the best for the Transporter.  You can tract my tube purchases when several of us were constantly evaluating different tubes which led to the EML Mesh and Black Treasures. 

I would certainly recommend to anyone wanting a high quality streaming player to purchase one of the used ModWright Transporters.  Trust me it is a heck of a deal at $2500 or less and likely including the best tubes. 



Re: ModWright Modified Transporter - The Wave of the Future!
« Reply #507 on: 30 Sep 2010, 01:28 am »

Me personally, I'm sticking with the Transporter and have gone out of my way to make it EML friendly.... no, I"m not on my first EML and so have some experience.  The good news is that Black Treasures have reportedly a long life.... we'll see?

I love my Transporter because its so flexible.  I use its as a central switching hub for multiple inputs and all sources benefit from the excellent tube output DAC.  It's also my volume control as my amp doesn't have a remote.  The ability to access CD's (on my computer hard drive), play DVD's and also listen to internet radio all from one unit is great for me.  The latest great sounding stand-alone DAC's don't offer this much flexibility and so don't currently work for me.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.... for now anyway. :?

I appreciate that technology moves on and the latest and greatest DAC may sound a little better.... but how...?  I believe its MUCH more important to get that little bit of "magic" in your system.  That magic that won't let you leave a room until a song finishes... that magic that stops all conversation in a room when you put a song on.... that magic that won't leave your foot alone with a favorite song.  That magic comes from synergy.... not always the latest and greatest.

Cheers  :thumb:

I agree with most of what you said. Dan has made my unit EML friendly as well so that is now a NON-ISSUE.  I too am loving this piece and it would take alot for me to even think about selling it. Best tubes IMO are new production black treasures and the EML, no searching the world over for NOS. Synergy is incredible , and love goin fully balanced direct to Amp.

The only thing I don't subscribe to is using the digital volume control on the TP. As much as I would love the TP's remote option, IMO the MAGICAL quality of the music is lost. I don't need any gain or added distortion of a preamp. Sooner or later I hope to find a solution. A balanced passive w/remote that will sound like, well like it's not even there :thumb:


Re: ModWright Modified Transporter - The Wave of the Future!
« Reply #508 on: 30 Sep 2010, 02:06 am »
This hobby is about experimenting with changes to our systems

Hi Ken.... I thought it was about getting a system that makes fantastic enjoyable music and being done with it... ha ha... sorry to mess with you.  :lol:

The only thing I don't subscribe to is using the digital volume control on the TP. As much as I would love the TP's remote option, IMO the MAGICAL quality of the music is lost

Hi Berto.... sorry I don't get this.... I operate the transporter volume control in the top 85% if I can help it, after setting my manual preamp volume as a master so as not to lose any resolution.  I run the Transporter to a Burson buffer and then to a Vaughn Carina SET amp, which is effectively an integrated amp.  Trust me, the musicality and magic is not gone.... as a few folks can attest to!

I have run the Transporter without a preamp in the past, but found it lacking in dynamic contrast and musicality.... with a Spectron Musician 111SE... so it wasn't lacking in power!  My 2.5W SET amp sounds glorious in comparison.... but I'm bragging now...!  :lol:


Re: ModWright Modified Transporter - The Wave of the Future!
« Reply #509 on: 30 Sep 2010, 02:13 am »
very well put guys.  I've had the EML in my system for about 20 months without problems and the Black Treasures for almost a year.  Recently I demoed a Reiymo DAP-999EX and a Neidio NR22 DAC in my system.  I fed them with the Transporter digital out using a Harmonix spdif cable.  I used both DAC's for several days and in the end I prefered the MW TP in my system.  The 2 DAC's retail for $9k and 15K respectively and they did do a few things better here and there but at 3-5 times the $$ no way....  :nono:


Re: ModWright Modified Transporter - The Wave of the Future!
« Reply #510 on: 30 Sep 2010, 02:33 am »

Hi Berto.... sorry I don't get this.... I operate the transporter volume control in the top 85% if I can help it, after setting my manual preamp volume as a master so as not to lose any resolution.  I run the Transporter to a Burson buffer and then to a Vaughn Carina SET amp, which is effectively an integrated amp.  Trust me, the musicality and magic is not gone.... as a few folks can attest to!

I have run the Transporter without a preamp in the past, but found it lacking in dynamic contrast and musicality.... with a Spectron Musician 111SE... so it wasn't lacking in power!  My 2.5W SET amp sounds glorious in comparison.... but I'm bragging now...!  :lol:

Hey Owen, Sounds like a AWESOME system, wish I could hear it!  I also wish I could say the same, prob why I said IMO (in my opinion) since this is all system dependent.  My amps also act as integrated monos since they have vol ctrl w/no loss of SQ. I'm not sure what that burson buffer does , perhaps that can be my missing link to TP remote heaven.  If you don't mind me asking, what kind of speaks do you have, dont recognize them in your pics?


Re: ModWright Modified Transporter - The Wave of the Future!
« Reply #511 on: 30 Sep 2010, 02:50 am »
Hey Owen, Sounds like a AWESOME system, wish I could hear it!  I also wish I could say the same, prob why I said IMO (in my opinion) since this is all system dependent.  My amps also act as integrated monos since they have vol ctrl w/no loss of SQ. I'm not sure what that burson buffer does , perhaps that can be my missing link to TP remote heaven.  If you don't mind me asking, what kind of speaks do you have, dont recognize them in your pics?

Hi Berto,

Sorry.... I wasn't meaning to challenge your Reality.... just relaying my findings really.... you're right, everything is system dependent.

I need to delete those old pics in my gallery.... those are an old pair of speakers that I sold some time ago.... modified EFE T50's.... excellent, but once I found my Hawthorne Sterling Trio's, my lifelong search for a speaker that does everything I need was over.... Right now, I believe I will never change them; they are amazingly good.... there I go again.... bragging...! :lol:

The "old style" Burson Buffer is an interesting thing.... theoretically "more is less".... but my system just sounds more dynamic and transparent with it in the system?  Doesn't make sense I know, but it seems to work for me...?



Re: ModWright Modified Transporter - The Wave of the Future!
« Reply #512 on: 30 Sep 2010, 03:09 am »
Hi Berto,

Sorry.... I wasn't meaning to challenge your Reality.... just relaying my findings really.... you're right, everything is system dependent.

I need to delete those old pics in my gallery.... those are an old pair of speakers that I sold some time ago.... modified EFE T50's.... excellent, but once I found my Hawthorne Sterling Trio's, my lifelong search for a speaker that does everything I need was over.... Right now, I believe I will never change them; they are amazingly good.... there I go again.... bragging...! :lol:

The "old style" Burson Buffer is an interesting thing.... theoretically "more is less".... but my system just sounds more dynamic and transparent with it in the system?  Doesn't make sense I know, but it seems to work for me...?


Hope we didnt hijack the thread  :oops:  Perhaps I challenged your reality :duh:

Kool speaks, so many good designs and so lil time.  For a minute I thought you lived across the pond with your bouncing UK's and cheers sendoff.

I thought theoretically "less is more" , i'm easly confused, but like you say whatever works :thumb:

Cheers back atcha,

Marco Prozzo

Re: ModWright Modified Transporter - The Wave of the Future!
« Reply #513 on: 30 Sep 2010, 06:06 am »
I don't get all the stress on the EML tube in response to the question asked.  The MWTP was, and is a great front end long before the EML came to be favored. The EML does not make or break it in my experience.  Before that it was High Wycombe and metal-based 5AR4's, before Black Treasures it was TSR's and, the Russian variants...and KenRad's ain't bad.  Heck,  it was pretty damn good with the stock tubes, and, yes better with others.   

The long, and all too often, and very tiring question of "why are there so many _________'s on the market" =  :deadhorse:

People are fickle...things moves on....everyone seems to want the latest greatest bestest even when they're in the presence of something quite wonderful in the first place.  It's like the person who gets married and instead of enjoying their marriage and the person they've chosen to commit to, they instead are always looking outside the marriage and wondering how much better someone else might be. 

Starting to digress....anyway, the EML does is certainly not at the core of what makes the MWTP a fine front end......IMNSHO


Re: ModWright Modified Transporter - The Wave of the Future!
« Reply #514 on: 12 Oct 2010, 01:08 am »
Hi peeps.

I have just switched to an iMac and am settling in with it. I have replaced my old 'g' router with Apple's Airport  Extreme and the MWTP is finally running with no dropouts or buffering what so ever! YAY!

I recall there being a consensus that the transporter sounds a bit more full with it wired via Ethernet cable/antennas disabled, as opposed to wireless.
So my question is... Can I run an Airport Express Base Station with the same sonic benefits? Which would ethernet wire the MWTP to the Base Station, then wireless to my router? Or should I just go ahead and look into routing an ethernet cable to the computers location??? I seem to recall as long as the antennas were disabled in the TP that the sound was more full.


Nevermind... Found the discussion  :oops:

« Last Edit: 13 Oct 2010, 01:56 pm by jriggy »