Search for an Integrated Amplifier

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Re: Search for an Integrated Amplifier
« Reply #240 on: 12 Feb 2009, 02:14 pm »
I was told that the Accuphase needs a long break-in time, especially with the DAC! So, I will need to give my E-450 some time before I sit down for a serious A/B comparo between the E-450 and the Bryston B-100.


Re: Search for an Integrated Amplifier
« Reply #241 on: 21 Feb 2009, 02:19 pm »
I had an extended listening session with the Accuphase E-450, playing mainly Kevin Kern (New Age music) together with my stock SB3 digital out into the Accuphase DAC-20, with the SB3 powered by Paul Hynes' PSU. I think the Accuphase has finally broken in and sounds very refined and relaxed, Lexus smooth with lots of power on tap! The delicate layering of Kevin Kern's Steinway piano and the plucked guitar (sounds like two guitars harmonising with each other), the delicate touch of the keyboard, the decay and reverbs, is just phenomenal! The Accuphase makes it sound so life-like, with the scale of a concert grand no less. The Bryston B100 SST also sounds very good but the feeling I get between the two is the Accuphase sounds very relaxed (not in a laid back way), while the Bryston sounds like its operating "pedal to the ground", as if it was straining just a bit. The best way I can describe it is to say the Accuphase is a Lexus while the Bryston is a Toyota, Camry. Both are great performers but when the challenge requires just that bit of overdrive, the Accuphase sounds more powerful yet more relaxed and refined.

The Accuphase has a "pre-out" which I hope to connect to my ACI Force XL while the "power in" will be hooked to my Bent Audio TAP. The "pre-out" has an active output while the external preamplifier is engaged by unfolding a panel and engaging "pre-out". I have yet to audition the Accuphase phono. 


Re: Search for an Integrated Amplifier
« Reply #242 on: 24 Feb 2009, 02:51 pm »
More listening time with the Accuphase E-450 Integrated and Bent Audio TAP TVC and with the touch of a switch, the Accuphase preamp is bypassed while the Bent Audio TAP is active. Watched cable TV (Spyhard) with the Accuphase-Bent Audio TAP, with the TAP volume at "18" and it was a wonderful experience. As some of you may know, the TVC recreates a believable sense of realism, the "I am there!" feeling. The TAP was dead quiet - no hiss, no pops, no interference! I am extremely happy with the Accuphase Integrated and with the Bent Audio TAP used solely for TV/movies!  :D

Best Regards


Re: Search for an Integrated Amplifier
« Reply #243 on: 24 Feb 2009, 03:18 pm »
Glad the good times are still rolling, Dennis! Sounds like the TAP is a positive addition to the chain.


Re: Search for an Integrated Amplifier
« Reply #244 on: 25 Feb 2009, 11:11 am »
Thanks Pardales! I am just glad that things are snapping into place like a zigsaw puzzle! I am very happy with my setup now!

Best Regards


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Re: Search for an Integrated Amplifier
« Reply #245 on: 21 Mar 2009, 06:15 pm »
Highly recommend a pre-owned Goldmund.

Find a Goldmund SR-12. It is no longer in production but it uses the wonderful 3rd generation JOB amplifier module. It sounds even better than the
very good sounding modules in current Goldmund amps.

After wasting thousands on other gear, I was fortunate to learn about and buy a pair of the superb Tonian Labs TL-D1 speakers (see Positive Feedback and Tonian Labs website for reviews). Tonian also offers the terrific UCDR coupling and decoupling resonators for use under CD players, pre-amps, amps, tuntables and speakers.

Tonian Labs told me how good the older Goldmund integrated amps (as well as the Goldmund SR-2.3 mono blocks) are and about the sonic superiority of the second and third generation JOB modules.

For those not familiar with the history of the JOB amplifier project , see

The Tonian speakers + Goldmund integrated = the end of my search for a "personal best"


Re: Search for an Integrated Amplifier
« Reply #246 on: 1 Apr 2009, 05:13 am »
Just wanted to update on what has been happening, hoping that my audiophile friends who believe that you can enjoy music with a humble integrated, are still interested in the post I started more than a year ago!

My search for an integrated which seeds were planted in December 2007 has been proceeding very much as planned, with my commitment to stick to the goals I had earlier set and with a view of simplifying my system. I must say that the temptation for an audiophile to try other offings out there and the urge to keep acquiring more gear, embrace the latest in technology, is always there and real. Apart from the financial crisis (which I am sure we are all trying hard to cope and survive), there is also the aphorism of "less is more" which I believe also applies abundantly to the audio scene as a workable philosophy or mantra to set one's goals or sights. I have been selling off things that I don't need and simply getting rid of excess isntead of hoarding like a squirrel. I must say that I am finding this whole exercise liberating as I disengage myself from unnecessary clutter and excess. My audio gear is slowly diminishing as the enjoyment and appreciation increases! Yes, there seems to be some kind of proportional correlation here between the two, possession and enjoyment!

As you may know from my earlier posts, I now have the Bryston B100 SST (with phono and DAC) and the Accuphase E-450 (also with DAC and phono) and it is one of those things where I will need to rationalise and decide which to keep and which to let go. Much as I would have liked to own both, I don't think it is inline with my philosophy to have less and to enjoy what little I have. Consequently, I have spent much time (and vexation) alternating between the Bryston and Accuphase. At times I would say I could live with A; at other times, I felt that B would be better; at other times, I just felt so undecided.

After spending more time critically evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of both, the time has come for me to decide. Let me begin and say that both the Accuphase and Bryston have been solid performers and either would have been the ticket to audio nirvana and provided one with hours of listening pleasure so long as you did not hear the other! The Bryston has a characteristic of charming from the word "go". It grabs your attention from the first few musical bars and never fails to charm with its overall rightness; the bass is excellent, the midrange has just that touch of sweetness that borders on SET. It runs hot but its very easy and convenient to use. The DAC is excellent and elevates any humble universal player or unmodded SB3 and makes you think you own a highend digital frontend. The 2 coaxial and 2 optical inputs gives you more choices than you will ever need. The phono is decent sounding and gives you analog sound at the touch of a button. In all, the Bryston is like that girl you meet on the dance floor that grabs your attention and sweeps you off your feet!

The Accuphase, on the other hand, is a quiet achiever! The girl you meet at the dance who does not initially impress or grab your attention but who later bowls you over with her solid integrity and innate beauty, in a very self-effacing way. The retro look, the absolutely quiet and fuss-free operation, reminds me of the girl at the dance who wears conservative clothes, and who draws you with her beauty within rather than without. It is substance first, form second. Over time, the Accuphase shines with timbral accuracy and quality of tone. The music is finely layered, almost filligree-like, and one begins to appreciate not just the overall musical tapestry but the beautifully colored thread and yarn that forms the tapestry. Drum beats have tone and texture and do not sound monotone like an organ bass which lacks subtle shades. Violins sound real and life-like, with four strings weaving into one instead of sounding like a one-string instrument. The bass is diffused, more felt than heard while the Bryston bass slaps you in the face with earth shattering dynamics! The Accuphase sounds relaxed and demure as it moves from pppp to fff; the Bryston sounds shouty at times, like a saxophonist who strains to stretch his breath for the notes to linger.

In the end, the Accuphase won me over with its self effacing qualities of subdued but solid performance, finesse, textural and timbral accuracy and relaxed demeanour! Every day I gro to like it more and more, discovering some new insight or quality that had eluded me earlier!

Best Regards


Re: Search for an Integrated Amplifier
« Reply #247 on: 1 Apr 2009, 10:49 am »
Wonderful, Dennis. So glad that the Accuphase is still a charmer.  :thumb: Love to hear one someday.  :D

doug s.

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Re: Search for an Integrated Amplifier
« Reply #248 on: 1 Apr 2009, 11:42 am »
w/o at all being demeaning towards bryston gear, which i think is good for solid state, i am actually surprised that you could seriously consider it compared to accuphase.  accuphase is in a completely different league, imo.  one of the few choices for me, if i couldn't have tubes...   8)


doug s.


Re: Search for an Integrated Amplifier
« Reply #249 on: 29 Jul 2009, 01:27 am »
Just when my search seemed to be over with the Accuphase E-450, I bought the LFD LE III as a second system in my office. It was partly to satisfy the nagging doubt whether such a diminutive amplifier (60 watts into 8 ohms) could dethrone the mighty Accuphase E-450 (180 watts into 8 ohms).

(Part edited as I will require more time to evaluate both the Accuphase and the LFD)
« Last Edit: 8 Aug 2009, 05:29 pm by denjo »


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Re: Search for an Integrated Amplifier
« Reply #250 on: 22 Sep 2009, 01:05 am »
I've just read through the thread and you left me on a cliffhanger!  Any update on the LFD vs. the Accuphase?


Re: Search for an Integrated Amplifier
« Reply #251 on: 22 Sep 2009, 01:40 am »
I've just read through the thread and you left me on a cliffhanger!  Any update on the LFD vs. the Accuphase?

Indeed! Any update?


Re: Search for an Integrated Amplifier
« Reply #252 on: 25 Sep 2009, 05:39 pm »
Sorry guys for the long silence, here is an update: I have spent more time with the Accuphase and LFD. There is no doubt in my mind that the Accuphase is the more neutral amplifier while the LFD sounds "rose-tinted" in comparison. The Accuphase's neutrality also means that at times it can sound too polished, civil and polite. The LFD's entrancing midrange seduces from the start! As in my earlier post, the Accuphase is the quiet achiever, while the LFD is the attention grabber! I now understand why the LFD has such a loyal following, why it seduced Sam Tellig into gushing that its the best integrated, and why this little achiever has garnered almost cult status amongst many. On the other hand, the Accuphase hardly gets much publicity except perhaps in Japan and Germany, and perhaps one or two other countries but little else. The Accuphase follows a long line of integrated amplifiers that have been evolutionary rather than revolutionary, with improvements that are steady and incremental rather than dramatic and leap-frogging.

In the 10 months since I have owned the Accuphase, it has worked flawlessly (despite once unleashing full output from an external preamplifier into her, causing her meters to swing to the right, in the red zone, she was unfazed). You will hear no transformer hum, no RFI crackles or pops, absolutely zero noise between channels. She is like a Lexus; you might start the engine thinking its from cold when the engine is already running!

The LFD manifested no untoward behaviour in the relatively shorter time that I have owned her but I did detect a slight buzz from my speakers with no music playing. What is more, you could faintly hear the next selector source from an unused source so there seems to be some crosstalk; the degree is miniscule but nevertheless there. The volume gain is way too high with my Harbeth SHL5. By 10 o'clock on the volume pot, my neighbour would have called the riot police! Not so with Accuphase's volume pot which is buttery smooth, allowing more play with the volume than with the LFD.

Both amplifiers are excellent performers, able to show timbral accuracy and micro shading. The LFD's beat is very much like the Naim (in other words, PRATty) while the Accuphase takes things a little easier, in its steady and unhurried way. The LFD runs out of steam fairly quickly when the volume is pushed up, the Accuphase has to be extremely provoked before it begins to ruffle its feathers. But, the LFD sounds much more powerful than its 60 watts would have you believe!

« Last Edit: 27 Sep 2009, 02:32 am by denjo »


Re: Search for an Integrated Amplifier
« Reply #253 on: 11 Nov 2009, 08:24 pm »
 I have found this topic very late, but reading it has been instructive. I face a similar dilemma about downsizing, as Denjo. In my case downsizing from a wonderful, but very large, very hot SET integrated, a Viva Solista. My new speakers will be quite sensitive, 96db, but still the designer considers 40watts ideal.

    The choices lie between a push pull tube amp or Solid State. I have to say the only SS I have liked much, seemed to have been Class A. I still remember my Pass labs Aleph 3 and as with so many owners, wonder why I got rid of it. It seems that with Class A, you lose some of the SS harshness, whilst retaining the neutrality. I agree with other posters, that if tube amps are coloured, then give me the colouration every time. the Lavardin IT, which I am suprised that knowone has mentioned, came near to that tube naturaleness, but ultimately, it did'nt match the Viva. The Karan K180 has been mentioned. I used it for a while, but was disappointed. I have heard the larger  separates as well and I found them dry and sterile, in comparison.

    I wonder if anyone else agrees that Class A solid state can give you the best of both worlds, warmth,  musicality, but also neutrality. I have considered many of the amps you have mentioned, with the only precondition being 30watts minimum output. I know that watts are'nt the same between different amps. My Viva Solista at 22watts, seemed to have better drive and grip on the speakers, than the 180watt Karan.

   My thoughts include the following, some have a lot more than 30 watts output:
         Accuphase 550, class A and 30 watts I believe
          Luxman 509, also 30watts Class A
          Leben 600, 32 watts, class A/B
          LSA Standard or Signature a hybrid with 180 watts
          Pathos Inpol 45 watts Class A
          Modwright, Dan is planning an integrated containing elements of the New KW100 and his preamp
          Moscode 402Au, I was most impressed with this at RMAF and the designer says he can include a Passive Pre in it
          Graaf GM 50, which has had veery good reviews

   Any thoughts? I do'nt want to highjack the topic and am not trying to be too hung up on the Class A, A?B distinction. I know, in reality, the execution is more important than the topology. Thanks   


Re: Search for an Integrated Amplifier
« Reply #254 on: 18 Nov 2009, 02:10 am »
Hi david12

Yes, I fully agree with your views about Class A! As you know, there are two types of Class A - tube and SS. I think that SS Class A is about as close to tube Class A as can be achieved, with the added advantage of speed (tubes generally sound sluggish, especially low powered 300B SETs, at least from my experience).

I have been quite tempted to step down watts and step up to the Accuphase integrated line-up of the E-550!  :drool:

Good luck on your search!


Re: Search for an Integrated Amplifier
« Reply #255 on: 18 Nov 2009, 02:52 am »
David12:   I'm sure that Viva amp has bestowed on you a sophisticated listening palate.

I've always been intrigued by these Mastersound beauties.

I strongly suspect their Class A / zero feedback circuits will dish up a good ol dose of the tube musicality that you have become accustomed to.....and will no doubt have trouble living without.



Re: Search for an Integrated Amplifier
« Reply #256 on: 18 Nov 2009, 02:56 am »

PS:   You also might wanna look at the VAC Avatar Super integrated.  It is 60wpc of pure musicality, and loaded with flexibility and features.

One just sold recently in NYC for about $3000 on AG.


Re: Search for an Integrated Amplifier
« Reply #257 on: 19 Nov 2009, 11:03 am »
Just took delivery of the Auditorium 23 speaker cables! Keith A of Auditorium 23 custom made me a pair which included jumpers. My previous pair was too short and had no jumpers, so i sold them off and have missed the cables ever since. The Auditorium 23 speaker cables are defintely the missing link between Accuphase and Harbeth. Music is very natural and life-like with the Auditorium speaker cables.

Looks like the year is almost over and I am still with my Accuphase E-450!  :)


Re: Search for an Integrated Amplifier
« Reply #258 on: 25 Nov 2009, 09:28 pm »

PS:   You also might wanna look at the VAC Avatar Super integrated.  It is 60wpc of pure musicality, and loaded with flexibility and features.

One just sold recently in NYC for about $3000 on AG.

   I have always loved the sound of VAC. Is'nt it a shame he does'nt make an integrated now. The last one was the Phi Beta, I believe, that looked and sounded, stunning I am sure. Will he ever make another?

   I just thought I ought to check on the VAC site, before making a fool of myself and it is showing an integrated now, the Alpha. I have heard nothing about it. Has anyone heard any comments?   


Re: Search for an Integrated Amplifier
« Reply #259 on: 26 Nov 2009, 01:46 am »
That's what the used market is for!   :lol:

Especially given the price of new VAC gear....YOWZA!!    :o   :o

VAC products are very well made, so I don't think reliability is really an issue. 

Plus VAC offers excellent customer service and supports all their products.....even really old discontinued ones.

There's a VAC Avatar up on AG right now.  Personally, I would wait for an Avatar Super.