My Client -- Best looking 52 year old on the planet?

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My Client -- Best looking 52 year old on the planet?
« Reply #40 on: 18 Jan 2004, 06:53 am »
Quote from: satfrat
Quote from: audiojerry
Thanks for the great video link, Marbles. That was fun.
That brings back fond memories of watching Friday Night Videos in the mid-eighties. Van Halen played some mean guitar. Was that considered metal?
                        That my friend was pure Rock'n Roll with attitude. :D Regards, Robin
Yep !! Thats when Van Halen sounded good !! :drums:  :guitar:  8)

John Casler

My Client -- Best looking 52 year old on the planet?
« Reply #41 on: 18 Jan 2004, 05:39 pm »
Quote from: duff138
correct she called back and said she was not the lead teacher in the video.  Howard also said she did not look like she does in the calendar, but who cares the calendar looks nice.

What Howard says is true.  In the calendar Lillian would pass for 25-30 easily.  In person you know she is not.

But if you've ever seen Stern in person, let me assure you he does't look like his movie poster either.

That is how it works.

Now speaking as someone who has been "much" closer to the subject, I have never seen a 50, (or for that matter a 40 or even 35 year old female) look this good.

I with minimal make up, standing 5 feet away, you'd think she is the best looking 30 year old you've ever seen.  

You have to know Howard doesn't raise any eyebrows if he gushes all over people.  That's not his gig.

She told me that she got something like 2000 e-mails on the order of "Howard is a jerk".  Not to mention the incredible amount of website hits.

She just did a hidden camera show of three scenes, where she plays a 50 year old beauty having dinner with three different 19-24 year old batchelors and their parents.  They are telling the parents that she is going to marry their sons and some of the gags are hilarious, like her putting the moves on the father when the son and mother are away from the table, and later asking to see the mothers cleavage and telling her she should pose for a magazine.

Anyhow, she is a good kid and will be a name you will see more often, since her big thrust (can I use that word) is to help people live longer and healthier lives.