Worth the wait.......A "Mini" review "Part 2 & 3"

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Re: Worth the wait.......A "Mini" review
« Reply #80 on: 10 Dec 2007, 04:06 am »
:D  hey George,i will do that and thks.I trust all you guys here at AC,and i have read that the DNA stuff is good gear.Should be allright to try with the Revs????  thks Pat


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Re: Worth the wait.......A "Mini" review
« Reply #81 on: 10 Dec 2007, 04:09 am »
There's a McIntosh MC 500 on Audiogon....seller in Canada ?
One to consider..... Link....

And...as George mentioned....might be a DNA-500 around for sale.


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Re: Worth the wait.......A "Mini" review
« Reply #82 on: 10 Dec 2007, 04:10 am »
:D  hey George,i will do that and thks.I trust all you guys here at AC,and i have read that the DNA stuff is good gear.Should be allright to try with the Revs????  thks Pat

I would think so Pat.

The only solid state amp that I have heard outperform the DNA-500 by a substantial margin is the BAT VK-600SE (which costs more than $13k new).



Re: Worth the wait.......A "Mini" review
« Reply #83 on: 10 Dec 2007, 04:12 am »
 :D  thks....that big BAT must be good for that loot!!!! thks for the heads-up on the amp....Pat :D

Frank S.

Re: Worth the wait.......A "Mini" review
« Reply #84 on: 10 Dec 2007, 04:53 am »
:D  hey George,i will do that and thks.I trust all you guys here at AC,and i have read that the DNA stuff is good gear.Should be allright to try with the Revs????  thks Pat

I would think so Pat.

The only solid state amp that I have heard outperform the DNA-500 by a substantial margin is the BAT VK-600SE (which costs more than $13k new).


Thanks in part to George's advice when I was looking to buy a new amp, this is the very amp (BAT VK-600SE) I will be using with my soon to be delivered Continuum 2.5 IIIs. 

Double Ugly

Re: Worth the wait.......A "Mini" review
« Reply #85 on: 10 Dec 2007, 04:58 am »
Thanks in part to George's advice when I was looking to buy a new amp, this is the very amp (BAT VK-600SE) I will be using with my soon to be delivered Continuum 2.5 IIIs. 

Congrats on the speakers and the amp, Frank.  :thumb:

I hope you'll come back and let us know your impressions of the pairing. 


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Re: Worth the wait.......A "Mini" review
« Reply #86 on: 3 Feb 2008, 04:08 am »
Hello Lin...

Its been almost two months now...have you noticed any changes in the Mini's ?
Any further comments....thanks !  :thumb:
« Last Edit: 3 Feb 2008, 04:35 am by lonewolfny42 »


Re: Worth the wait.......A "Mini" review
« Reply #87 on: 3 Feb 2008, 04:32 am »
This all sounds good to me...hopefully, at some point in the not too distant future, when SP Tech, Ridge Street, and Intuitive Design are caught up with orders, we can have this dang showcase/celebration/RAVE thing.... :wink:

opnly bafld

Re: Worth the wait.......A "Mini" review
« Reply #88 on: 3 Feb 2008, 05:09 am »
Hello Lin...

Its been almost two months now...have you noticed any changes in the Mini's ?
Any further comments....thanks !  :thumb:

Hi Chris,

"loanlin" has had them loaned out for the last 2 weeks, when I get them back (I hope to "loan" them to a reviewer next :wink:) I will try them with a couple of different amps and report my findings.


PS Geardaddy- We need a Midwest audiofest.  :thumb:


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Re: Worth the wait.......A "Mini" review
« Reply #89 on: 3 Feb 2008, 05:48 am »
Thanks Loan-Lin........ 8)  :thumb:


Re: Worth the wait.......A "Mini" review
« Reply #90 on: 3 Feb 2008, 03:41 pm »
Lin, we do indeed need a midwestern audiofest...strangely enough, my speakers are out on loan too...


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Re: Worth the wait.......A "Mini" review
« Reply #91 on: 3 Feb 2008, 05:28 pm »
Hey Geardaddy,

Showcase, Celebration, Rave, what-ever nice name you want to call it, people will still have opinions and favorites, here or there.

I'm just a dude that wants to hear speakers, so let's jump in the octagon and see who wins !!  :guns:


Re: Worth the wait.......A "Mini" review
« Reply #92 on: 4 Feb 2008, 02:41 pm »
a speaker smackdown you say?  Well, the best way to do it is fill the stands with ardent devotees of each speaker line in a room with suboptimal acoustics (like the cement that is in SP Tech's shop...) and let them go at each other....how very un-PC... :lol:
« Last Edit: 4 Feb 2008, 04:40 pm by Geardaddy »

opnly bafld

Re: Worth the wait.......A "Mini" review "Part 2"
« Reply #93 on: 2 Mar 2008, 05:10 am »
The Minis are back and in the living room which is much larger than the spare bedroom used in the review "Part 1".
I drove the Minis with a budget ($1200 list w/phono added) integrated amp and CD player in the original review, now the associated equipment include a Magnum Audio CD player > SAS Audio Labs 10A tube preamp > Monarchy Audio SE160 200w monoblock tube/ss hybrid amps.

Not much to add, with the budget system the speakers =  :drool:,
now with the better system the speakers =  :drool: :drool: :drool:, in other words the sound has gone up a couple of notches.
My advise is to choose your associated pieces carefully and let SP Tech speakers reward you.  :wink:

The Minis in a larger room and further away from room boundaries has brought to my attention the need for some help on the bottom. YMMV, but I have a sub crossed at 40hz with the gain low and feel it blends quite nicely.

Next up is to see what a McAlister Audio SE32 with 15 watts of tube power can do with the Minis.  :thumb:



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Re: Worth the wait.......A "Mini" review "Part 2"
« Reply #94 on: 2 Mar 2008, 05:21 am »
Thanks for the update Lin.... :thumb:


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Re: Worth the wait.......A "Mini" review "Part 2"
« Reply #95 on: 2 Mar 2008, 01:01 pm »
Hi Lin,

Thanks for the update. I will be mating my mini's with a couple of Rythmik subs so I was wondering how load they can play as I will use mine 50/50 home theater/music and I was hoping if I crossed high enough I could reach theater reference levels with them. I was thinking 60-80Hz for the cross.

Just ordered the Rythmik's and I think they will be a very good match for the mini's.


Can't wait to run some True HD films with them. The painful part for me is once Bob ships them they have a sea voyage to endure before they get to me.

opnly bafld

Re: Worth the wait.......A "Mini" review "Part 2 & 3"
« Reply #96 on: 3 Mar 2008, 12:18 am »
Part 3
Magnum Audio CD player > SAS Audio Labs 10A > McAlister Audio SE32 15w/ch tube amp -no sub.
 :shh:    Music sounds soooo good words aren't coming out, I'm speechless.  :o

Need to try this combo in the much smaller 12'x14' room which should help a little with max SPL and low bass.
I tried to turn it up louder than I normally listen and the amp started clipping (sorry Ed, can't play Metal at 100dBs), but within its limitations it produces very enthralling music. Great tone and have I mentioned detail before? 



Re: Worth the wait.......A "Mini" review "Part 2 & 3"
« Reply #97 on: 3 Mar 2008, 03:57 pm »
Here is my latest follow up post on Audiogon>>>

03-03-08: Bbchem
Well, as promised I am writing this follow up at approx 200 hours. Although SP Tech has finally hit the main stream and risen from the underground forum at AudioCirle. I see that Sp Tech is now advertising on Audiogon, and this gives a larger audience the ability to hear these modern day wonders. The Minis that I own are the bottom of the line. And let me say that they are on the top of all speakers that I have owned IMHO. They are the most non-speaker speaker I have heard. The only thing that comes out of their enclosure is music natural and pure as anything that you will hear in the marketplace. I live in Florida and would love to work for SP Tech in Indiana if I could. My wife still warns me not to sell them and I still have no urge as they are my new reference.
Bbchem  (Threads | Answers)


Re: Worth the wait.......A "Mini" review "Part 2 & 3"
« Reply #98 on: 3 Mar 2008, 09:03 pm »
May I be so bold as to ask where in Florida? I have been speaking with Bob about some speakers and I would be so thrilled to be able to audition them. I am in Sarasota.


Re: Worth the wait.......A "Mini" review "Part 2 & 3"
« Reply #99 on: 3 Mar 2008, 09:25 pm »
 :D rydenfan,you must have some hometown gear from VAC ???? :D