Handel's Messiah

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Re: Handel's Messiah
« Reply #20 on: 19 Oct 2007, 07:33 pm »
lonewolfny - yes, that's it. What a steal at $7. The first Ballade is the greatest of the four, imo, and the highlight of the disc, though the other works are superb as well. Many people who think they don't know classical will find the main theme of this ballade familiar.
Yeah....its less than what I payed for it awhile ago. You'll find most of the RCA Living Stereo releases to be excellent.

Here's some of them.....link....


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Re: Handel's Messiah
« Reply #21 on: 19 Oct 2007, 07:38 pm »


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Re: Handel's Messiah
« Reply #22 on: 19 Oct 2007, 08:06 pm »
Was it this recording ? .....Link...

Yeap.  I think I have it somewhere.  If not, I'll get another one...... :duh:


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Re: Handel's Messiah
« Reply #23 on: 19 Oct 2007, 08:10 pm »
Watch this........ :thumb:
Tried playing it 3-4 times, each time, it stalled after a few seconds, a few seconds more, and after the first drum roll, it just never went forward.   Will try later?  Thanks.  :duh: :duh:


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Re: Handel's Messiah
« Reply #24 on: 19 Oct 2007, 08:14 pm »
lonewolfny - yes, that's it. What a steal at $7. The first Ballade is the greatest of the four, imo, and the highlight of the disc, though the other works are superb as well. Many people who think they don't know classical will find the main theme of this ballade familiar.
Yeah....its less than what I payed for it awhile ago. You'll find most of the RCA Living Stereo releases to be excellent.

Here's some of them.....link....

Guess these remastered Hybrids weren't selling well, so the prices kept dropping.  I remember it was like $16 when they first came out (in installments).  The Scheharazade (don't check my spelling) I got for like that much.....  Now, $7?  What a bargain, unheard of.  Thanks Mr. Wolfy.  You're the greatest! See ya next week?  :thumb: :drool:


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Re: Handel's Messiah
« Reply #25 on: 19 Oct 2007, 08:17 pm »
Amazon has the good prices....my link was for the list.... :thumb:

See you at the Rave.... :beer:


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Re: Handel's Messiah
« Reply #26 on: 19 Oct 2007, 08:19 pm »
  It was the SACD version. Hard to believe those are fifty year old recordings, but they have been remastered beautifully. The CD layer sounds very good, too. I hope RCA releases more of its vast Rubinstein's Chopin catalog in SACD, though some of the other recent reissues sound pretty good, although not spectaular like this one.

  Ugly, no, I didn't see you. I was there Sunday for most of the day. I keep a low profile, and have trouble walking into rooms where there are already a lot of people listening to something, so didn't get around as much as I would have liked. One happy event at the show. I was able to buy on of PS Audio's premier power plants at a 40% discount........

Good for you.  Let us know how the power plant works out.  Me and another guy in our NY group bought the Duette (3, or 4 outlets?), a much lesser product than your power plant of course.  We both found that the darn thing zapped the life out of the top frequencies, dulling the sound very notieably.


Re: Handel's Messiah
« Reply #27 on: 19 Oct 2007, 08:37 pm »
lonewolf, I couldn't play that link at all due to my antiquated iMac, seven years old and counting. There are many websites I cannot access for that reason.

goldlizst - the PS unit makes listening in the evening hours possible. Without it, the noisy lines make the sound intolerable, it's that bad. The PS is not ideal, but far better than nothing, and an improvement over the pretty good Running Springs unit it replaces. I've had Equi-Tech, Power Wedge, an early Bybee, the earlier PS Audio power plant, Chang, and am forgetting one or two other power conditioners I've tried. This is the first one that's worked, other than the Running Springs which at least helped a little. I just wish I could get the sound I get during daylight hours in the evenings when I'd like to do most of my listening.  If the sound during the day here is rated a ten, very transparent and pure, in the evening it's around a three, a one without the RS unit. With the PS, it gets back up to maybe an eight, not as good as during the daytime, but getting there.  I'd rather not plug my Odyssey amps into it, but have to to get the most benefit. 


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Re: Handel's Messiah
« Reply #28 on: 19 Oct 2007, 08:43 pm »
lonewolf, I couldn't play that link at all due to my antiquated iMac, seven years old and counting. There are many websites I cannot access for that reason.

Its a youtube video called....."..RCA Introduces Something New--"Living Stereo".."


Re: Handel's Messiah
« Reply #29 on: 19 Oct 2007, 08:55 pm »
Guys, please indulge me once more, though we are way off the original topic.
I came to Denver specifically to listen to Daedalus loudspeakers because of their high sensitivity. I was considering getting off the electrical grid completely and would have  tried  the Red Wine battery amps and needed a speaker they could drive with ease. I heard a new model called Ulysses which was very impressive, clean, clear and neutral. The highs were a good as the Salks I've heard, but the Ulysses is way out of my price league ($8000 plus.) The smaller speaker sounded very nice as well, and I was tempted to buy them on the spot, ($4400) but held off (after Lou told me I could have them, a beautiful pair finished in maple), because I didn't want to make an impulsive purchase I might soon regret. Buyers remorse, you know. (They may be priced a little high for what you get, as well, but that's a different issue.) Then I saw the PS premier at that discount and thought I would give it a shot. Eventually I may go the battery power route, but will hate to go to the hassle of trying to sell all my equipment including my Odyssey amps which I dearly love.
« Last Edit: 20 Oct 2007, 02:53 am by Randy »


Re: Handel's Messiah
« Reply #30 on: 19 Oct 2007, 09:16 pm »
Well since we are temporarily way OT can I just say to Randy and anyone else considering going off the grid. You really don't need to get extreme about really low power equipment. I'm completely off the grid and I'm using a solar powered 55W amp [along with a whole lot of other stuff] 100W would still be easy.

Now ... back to the Handel et al



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Re: Handel's Messiah
« Reply #31 on: 19 Oct 2007, 09:24 pm »
Guys, please indulge me once more, though we are way off the original topic.............

Hi Randy,

I presume you're switching topics to speakers.  I'm not that technically qualified tho I think that's not what you'd want anyway.  I briefly heard an Audio Note U.K. speaker in Denver; I thought it was pretty good.  Not cheap, $6,900 for the pair there.  I was surprised to learn it has a 98db sensitivity.  One would need like 2 watts to drive it loud.

Salk's speaker, I suppose you're talking about the new slim jim, the transmission like design by Dennis Murphy.  I heard it both at Dennis's home, tho under simpler surroundings, and then again at RMAF.  It's pretty good.  $1,500 I thought it's a steal.  Of course, if you add your own designer's touch, upgrade, etc.  (Salk will do practically anything possible for his client), it'll be more $$$. :drool: :drool:


Re: Handel's Messiah
« Reply #32 on: 19 Oct 2007, 09:53 pm »
Julles, solar powered? You're way out of my ballpark, technically speaking. Thanks, just the same.

goldlizst - I love the Salk speakers, but other than the HT-3, they might be a bit of a sideways move from what I have, and even less sensitive. The Daedalous speakers have an Eton tweeter from Germany, I was told. My listening time found them to be excellent, with a clear, sparkling sound, very ribbon like. They were impressive speakers, over all, but like the Salks each one is handmade to order, and on the expensive side- for me anyway, but maybe I should have jumped on the smaller model when I had the chance and taken them home with me, in which case I would have had the Red Wine amps on order by now and a lot of postings on Audiogon.


Re: Handel's Messiah
« Reply #33 on: 19 Oct 2007, 10:02 pm »
Ah, sorry Randy, you're only thinking of taking your audio off grid. Please excuse the fact that my exuberant enthusiasm for solar power blinkered me to your plans  :D



Re: Handel's Messiah
« Reply #34 on: 19 Oct 2007, 11:59 pm »
jules, are you completely solar powered? Pretty cool. Randy, I just wonder, if you're going to take your whole audio system "off the grid," it would make more sense to build the power source separately rather than have batteries and chargers for each piece of equipment?

And btw thanks for the music recommendations :thumb:


Re: Handel's Messiah
« Reply #35 on: 20 Oct 2007, 02:41 am »
  One of those power conditioners I had was one made in Canada that was a regenerator with battery backup. Well, though the mfg. didn't recommend it, I was able to run my complete system, including those high current Odyssey amps on the battery backup for up to an hour at a time. Talk about a pure sound. I'd be playing something and just walk over and unplug the unit and without skipping a beat the music would continue, although now on the batteries instead of on the regenerated power. The mfg said that if I continued doing that the batteries would soon wear out and in additon the system was no longer grounded which I guess might have been dangerous in some way. (I know nothing of the technicalities.) Eventuallly I got rid of that unit since it ran hot and had an obstrusive sounding fan. Anyway, it gave me a sample I never forgot of what sound could be like "off the grid." I have a passive pre and have been reading about the Red Wine battery amps here on audiocircle, and thought I might give them a try, the only problem being my speakers, which probably wouldn't mate too well with the 30 watts of power. So yes, it would be one component at a time, with the final stumbling block being the CDP, and here I just paid a lot of money for a new one this summer. I wouldn't know where to begin to set up an "off the grid" power supply for an entire system.

I hope you try more Handel and some Haydn as well. Glorious stuff.  Lately I've been listening to a lot of new recordings of Vivaldi vocal music, too. What I said about Handel and Haydn goes for Vivaldi as well. More of his previously unknown operas are coming out all the time on Naive and Virgin, and his choral works have lately become very popular. There are recordings of soprano arias done by Bartoli, Emma Kirkby, Sandra Piau, and others out there that are very good.


Re: Handel's Messiah
« Reply #36 on: 23 Oct 2007, 11:56 pm »
I'd like to update my report on the PS Audio premier mentioned earlier in this thread. I am extremely happy, no, thrilled, with its performance with my gear. It solves a decades long problem I've had with poor electricity during evening hours. Maybe it needed breaking in or something, but I'd say it now sounds just as good as my system did previously in daylight hours without this unit. I find no fault with it at all.


Re: Handel's Messiah
« Reply #37 on: 24 Oct 2007, 01:15 am »
Belatedly ...  :D ... yes John, I'm completely solar powered.

8 solar panels, 12x600amp hour, 2volt ex-telstra batteries [total weight nearly a tonne], split power supply system consisting of some 24V stuff and a 240V, 2,000W inverter for audio, power tools and other small stuff. Back-up is a fair size petrol generator but it gets very little use.

Reliability and user friendliness  :thumb:



Re: Handel's Messiah
« Reply #38 on: 24 Oct 2007, 10:06 pm »
Jules, just how far in the outback do you live?  :wink:


Re: Handel's Messiah
« Reply #39 on: 24 Oct 2007, 10:27 pm »
Only a week to town on horseback, provided the creeks aren't flooding. Still, there's always the Flying Doctor and when the mail flight stops by it's great to have a cup of tea and share yarns about the Big Smoke.
