Live From Denver... RMAF 2007

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Re: Live From Denver... RMAF 2007
« Reply #20 on: 15 Oct 2007, 04:36 pm »

Yes, I am, and that should actually say something to the folks like you who can read between the lines -- the Sapphire XLs sound like a good point source speaker -- the two drivers are exceptionally integrated and balanced.  I literally could hear no crossover weirdness at all -- none, and I tend to be pretty sensitive to that.

By way of further explanation, if it is needed -- I finally realized that there is merit to both the multidriver, high power approach as well as the low power, SET/single driver approach to audio, and I like both, even though they come from two very different places.  Once I realized this, I decided to stop trying to find a compromise and have the biger, more traditional kind of system in my living room, which is made up entirely of commercial products, and in my office I have my single driver, low power tube/digital stuff, as well as a variety of speakers under test, and a lot of this stuff is DIY and modified (or to-be modified), very unconventional (hard-wired speakers, etc.) and my most intimate listening space.  I originally spec'd the walls and ceiling of this basement for use as a small project studio, but marriage and the need for more usable space in the house forced me to scale down to an office that was a good bit smaller than the original open studio space I imagined, but I kept the insulation and other things which make this the quietest room in the house, and as I said, where my most intimate listening takes place.  It also doesn't take much power or large drivers to get very satisfying bass in this room.  So, I guess you could say I have a split audio personality, enjoy both for what they are, and most importantly of all, get a great deal of musical satisfaction from them.

I will have plenty of updates on the single driver stuff, including a few surprises, that I will post in the appropriate place as I get time.

-- Jim


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Re: Live From Denver... RMAF 2007
« Reply #21 on: 15 Oct 2007, 04:49 pm »


Congratulations on the purchase of the new speakers, stands and sub.  I will be interested in your reports once everything is set-up in your home.



Thanks, and I'll definitely be posting my impressions.  Skipping all the audiophile jargon for a moment here, I'll try to give you some sense of what it was that really caught my attention...  One of my favorite instruments to evaluate a speaker system with is the piano, for many reasons, but not least of all because I just plain love listening to good piano music.  The sound of the piano on these speakers was absolutely beautiful, and IMO, maybe the 3rd best in the show -- behind the new Daedalus speakers at $8800 (and going way up at the end of the year), and the $250,000 Marten Coltrane Supremes.  Of course I didn't listen to everything, but even if I didn't, the fact that I'm even mentioning the Sapphires in the company of these others is the important thing.  Brass, woodwinds, strings, percussion, from rock, jazz, folk/bluegrass/acoustic, to string quartets to full scale orchestra, it they were very even handed and capable.

Can't wait to get 'em setup :-).

-- Jim


Re: Live From Denver... RMAF 2007
« Reply #22 on: 15 Oct 2007, 05:06 pm »
Jrebman -  Thanks for sharing your impressions.  Mike always seems to have trouble keeping ahold of those XL's.  (Dammit Mike you gotta PM me the good news  :lol:)... 

A mighty fine and understated speaker. Enjoy!

Mike Dzurko

Re: Live From Denver... RMAF 2007
« Reply #23 on: 15 Oct 2007, 05:56 pm »
Later, I will take time to properly add to this thread . . .  for the moment I need be serious and say thanks to some fantastic folks:

- Jim and Linda, I have met a lot of fine folks through audio. You two are a very special and enjoyable couple  :D, And thanks for the loan of your Squeezebox!
- Bryan, you really know what’s what and I can’t thank you enough for all the help in pulling it together and making it happen. For those who don’t YET know, Brian’s Korato Pre-amp and Amp rock big time . . .  order them now before Bryan regains consciousness and prices them where they should be.
- Glenn, your GIK treatments should be in everyone’s system.  There are many ways to spend money in audio, but GIK treatments have a HUGE value ratio. I can’t imagine having a serious rig without good room treatment.  Glenn, if they don’t believe it, tell them to call me and I’ll send them a dollar.  :lol:
- Darren and Greg from DH Labs weren’t at the show, but as always, they supplied their fine cables which were an important link in the chain of a very synergistic system.   
- Ross, it was most excellent to finally have you at a show. I knew I could count on you to help get it setup before I got there and take care of deliveries and shipping after I had to leave.  I hope we can do many more shows together . . . proud of you.

More to come, including some behind the scenes folks that are crucial to ACI, . .  but I needed to get this on-line now . . .


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Re: Live From Denver... RMAF 2007
« Reply #24 on: 15 Oct 2007, 08:06 pm »

Yes, it's very hard to find a single "does it all" speaker that will satisfy longterm.  My "split personality" goes between audio and HT where the HT has all 2-ways plus a sub and the audio system has the (better) single driver speaker in a nearfield setup.

I have every confidence that you made a great choice with the ACI Sapphires and sub.

Its wonderful to hear how so many audiophiles cooperated together to pull off a successful RMAF.  Maybe I'll make it next year.  I'd love to meet more ACer's.


Re: Live From Denver... RMAF 2007
« Reply #25 on: 15 Oct 2007, 08:12 pm »
Display looks awesome, Mike


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Re: Live From Denver... RMAF 2007
« Reply #26 on: 15 Oct 2007, 08:32 pm »
Jim.....You got a nice deal ....enjoy !!!!!!!!! :green:

Thank you Mike, Bryan, Glenn, and Ross for such a nice welcome to your room at RMAF.

A perfectly matched system.....and so easy to listen to.....on all types of music...I liked it. :dance:

Nice to see you guys again....and thanks Bryan....the Tubes "White Punks On Dope" hit the spot !!!!!!

All the best....looking forward to seeing you all again at RMAF 2008 !!!! :beer:



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Re: Live From Denver... RMAF 2007
« Reply #27 on: 16 Oct 2007, 02:39 pm »
Thanks to all that stopped by the room.  I wish we could spend more time with everyone but it's tough at a show.  We had a lot of good comments from pretty much everyone who took the time to sit and listen. 

I'd like to also thank Ross for helping out with the room this year.

For those who didn't make it by (and those who did), make plans for next year - we're already planning...


Sorry for not posting an answer to your question until now.  The room had for treatments:

1 pair Tri Traps in the front corners
1 242 panel on each side for reflections
1 242 panel horizontally straddling the middle of the front wall/floor intersection
4 of your new D1 diffusors in the rear of the room (IMO these really added something.  I'm hoping I can talk Glenn into bringing more of these next year. hint hint)
