Anyone familiar with this Youtube sensation?

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Re: Anyone familiar with this Youtube sensation?
« Reply #20 on: 7 Jun 2007, 07:58 pm »
Well, Being a heavy metal guitarist (amateur..) eh heheh...
He's not perfect this Matt dude by a longshot yet...

But you see the talent... the talent is there!!!
If he truly is not a hoax, it is just insane!!!

Ok, it's not the quality we know that say Clapton had while being 16... but Clapton is a stroke of genius!
Lets give this dude say 5 years and see...

I'm buying this dudes first album! That is what I am saying!!!



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Re: Anyone familiar with this Youtube sensation?
« Reply #21 on: 7 Jun 2007, 08:22 pm »
He has the same effect on me that Malmsteen does. My eyes started to glaze over about halfway through. Technical virtuosity and speed but no soul. Two of my favorite "slow guitarists", David Gilmore and John Cipollina could bring so much more to the table with one or two notes because of their incredible technique and thoughtfulness, and their ability and desire to express their ideas, thoughts, and emotions. They were/are poets with their guitar. Shredders like this kid are more like the musical equivalent of an auctioneer. Like modern pop singers a song becomes nothing more than a vehicle to show off what they believe to be their incredible virtuosity.
Just a reflection of society in general. All shallow and surface.
The kid will never make an album. He's not unique. The world is full of shredders like that. He's using a technique called string skipping invented by jazz guitarists years ago and it's not as hard to learn as you might imagine. Lots of websites out there teaching how to do it. The bad thing about it is if you use it exclusively you are pretty much stuck playing scales. You can embellish and elaborate a bit but still pretty much scales. You want to hear string skipping done right (in otherwords used with discretion), listen to Jimmy Bruno.
« Last Edit: 7 Jun 2007, 08:33 pm by Tweaker »


Re: Anyone familiar with this Youtube sensation?
« Reply #22 on: 7 Jun 2007, 08:43 pm »
3 words:

and King

they get more out of 1 note than mal-adjustment could get out of all his notes combined if you played his lps at 78 speed on 10 TTs at one time :lol:

Impressive but just for me it did not keep me interested, the same for me and Sat.  For that matter Eric Johnson who I think is more soulful - leaves me a little cold too, incredible but a little too much polish for me. 

and Larry Carlton same thing to much polish, many session guys leave me kinda cold.
Even Seal, I think he is really really good but the music is so polished it feels to much like a product.  who knows some of my perspective will change a little on different artists with time, but the 3 at the top - yeah they can make it cry and emote all friggin day long. :drool:

there are those who can make a photo realistic painting very very impressive but only a Van Gogh can make you cry from the shear intensity of emotion he can invoke in a viewer willing to be still and listen.

even the best jazz guys with incredible technique are loved not for the skill as much as the emotion and imagination they deliver.
« Last Edit: 7 Jun 2007, 08:55 pm by 1000a »


Re: Anyone familiar with this Youtube sensation?
« Reply #23 on: 8 Jun 2007, 04:00 am »

I think some of you are being a bit harsh on these kids.  Sure, your eyes glazed over twenty seconds into these tracks.  So did mine.  But the guitarists can't accept the whole blame.  I think it's mostly because they're (almost) all playing the single most boring piece of music that has ever been written.  I say this realizing that I risk offending the millions who seem to find that Canon an appropriate piece to play at their weddings - for that I apologize.  But really, if there's anybody we should be criticising here for lack of soul it's that Pachalbel character.

Of course, these guys all CHOSE to make video records or themselves playing the tune...but that's probably their biggest sin.



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Re: Anyone familiar with this Youtube sensation?
« Reply #24 on: 8 Jun 2007, 08:54 am »
Right. Lot's of words here about this kid "not being" musical...
He's young, he can play fast, it's gonna be a "thing" that he does and then he starts to make music later on.. ... Listen to the track "You" And and say what you think.
Is there really no "soul" there? I think there is!
Also some think that he does not play on some of the vids.. All I can say is... Are your eyes open?



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Re: Anyone familiar with this Youtube sensation?
« Reply #25 on: 8 Jun 2007, 09:20 am »

Here is a Amadeus (Falco kick ass clip.)


I guess this is where I start not getting it.

If there was such a thing as hell - this is the sort of "music" I would expect to be subject to and not be able to turn off.

To my mind this is utterly (and tragically) lacking in musical values, except for a few technical ones like good pitch and tempo, and reflects the abysmal state of music education in the schools and the relentless exposure on the airwaves for the last 30 years.

I know I am far from the norm in this attitude, but I am used to having control over what I listen to.

17 years ago I worked as a salesman in a high end stereo store and this sort of thing was playing almost continuously in the background because the owner was an ex hair band (Spandex and make up) lead guitarist and could play somewhat like this clip. After a few days I had to restrain myself from trashing the stereo. I was amazed at the violent feelings it brought out in me - I am not a very violent person, but I felt like destroying the stereo, not just turning it off - just to make a statement, I guess. :icon_twisted:

Yeah, I hear ya!
But, also consider this, you don't like this kind of music. You most likely don't listen to it at all.
I do, and have been doing for some 20 years, all sort of metal and otherwise guitarist music.
There is a difference between heavy metal guitarists, but to be able to determin who is better or who is musical...

Well... I'm told that the Drummer in Slip Not is just about as good as a drummer can get..
But he does not play jazz, so we will never know how good he really is? Huh?

The leadsinger in Metallica is a really good blues guitarist.. But he never plays it...
But you can hear that metallica is different melodically from the other crazy speed bands...

You can tell that Kirk Hammet (The lead guitarist) is good, but not even close melodically to the vocalist way of handling melody...even if he plays much slower than Kirk. You can tell who is the better guitarist...
Now James Hetfield cannot play as fast as Kirk, never could... but together... OY!!! That is the metallica sound!

Yeah, maybe this Matt dude will become a guitarist in a band later on, where his place is finally found!
Maybe someone will take him on as a apprentice and hone his skills so that he is "musically adept" ...
But for now, he has the verve the energy and the will to practice! Let's hope he stays on that route!

On the other hand... This is a different player on youtube.. One that plays slower... but just listen to this:  Gustavo Guerra....
I bet this is more to you liking then?

Or here where he plays Yngvie....  :icon_twisted:
Or maybe some Satriani? You hate him too? Muahahah!!!


Okay, ending here with a treat:
This is Meshugga... Jazz fusion Metal band... Awesome drum work and unusual guitar..
This is a Jazzy frestyle type of jam session with a Electric guitar where you normally would find a Sax...
It's unusual to say the lest! The drummer is Morgan Agren, has played for Frank Zappa, Steve Vai etc.
Morgan is a good as you can get behind a set of sticks.. Regardless of musical style by the way...

« Last Edit: 8 Jun 2007, 10:53 am by Imperial »


Re: Anyone familiar with this Youtube sensation?
« Reply #26 on: 8 Jun 2007, 03:08 pm »

I think some of you are being a bit harsh on these kids.  Sure, your eyes glazed over twenty seconds into these tracks.  So did mine.  But the guitarists can't accept the whole blame.  I think it's mostly because they're (almost) all playing the single most boring piece of music that has ever been written.  I say this realizing that I risk offending the millions who seem to find that Canon an appropriate piece to play at their weddings - for that I apologize.  But really, if there's anybody we should be criticising here for lack of soul it's that Pachalbel character.

Of course, these guys all CHOSE to make video records or themselves playing the tune...but that's probably their biggest sin.

So you're saying that they should be shredding on "Annie's Song" instead?


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Re: Anyone familiar with this Youtube sensation?
« Reply #27 on: 13 Jun 2007, 12:23 pm »
I have fell in love with Matt Rach's talent but what about this guy?


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Re: Anyone familiar with this Youtube sensation?
« Reply #28 on: 13 Jun 2007, 12:26 pm »
I have fell in love with Matt Rach's talent but what about this guy?
The first that strikes my is that this is really well recorded!
You hear the string + body and the room!

Does this guy have a record out or something?

Edit:  Yup! He does! OI! Order placed!!!



Re: Anyone familiar with this Youtube sensation?
« Reply #29 on: 13 Jun 2007, 07:44 pm »
It's an excellent cd, picked up a copy about 8-9 months ago here... Deviations