where to buy sc947-02

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« Reply #100 on: 5 Sep 2007, 07:25 pm »
Lots of reasons why one could be better or worse than the other. Wiring and connectors being the prime candidates.

Someone could be the guinea pig......and let someone measure it.............hmmmm.............



Re: where to buy sc947-02/ SC947-02 vs Newava S22083
« Reply #101 on: 5 Sep 2007, 07:42 pm »

I am using the same system when testing two different squeezebox models but the same design from Slim Devices (maybe little different change in circuit). I do not have any test equipments to test electronically like you did but I can do the test in my system with my ears sonically. Friend of mine told me he does the same and he did not hear a big differences between the two pulse transformers in his system. Maybe I need to have a very special sensitive system. Well anything changes in sound when I swapped components around I notice right away. But anyways the test is still going on...  :duel:


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Let me 'splain it to you this way...........
« Reply #102 on: 5 Sep 2007, 08:49 pm »
Back around.......oh, I dunno.......'92 or so, "we" decided that the return loss needed to be lower than -30 dB. So, I came up with some scheme that allowed me to "adjust"......"change"......."tune"......return loss on the fly.

Anyway, the gist of this is, I was able to demonstrate the effects on darn near any system.

When you can get a pair of Shahinian Diapasons to actually have a stereo image, well, you must be doing something right. (OK, the guy was using our electronics, but he was in no way what we would call an audiophile. He could hear it.)

The point being...........your system is probably good enough to hear the difference. You have listened to it long enough to be able to tell when there is a difference, and whether it is good or bad.

But, depending on your construction techniques, which all the modders here are pretty much in the same boat, you can skew the hell out the results.

Usually in the wrong direction. Yes, your ears will tell you what is going on, but not why. Why, in this case, means test equipment.

Few, if any, manufacturers, have those capabilities. Which is why so much sounds better when someone with capisce "fixes" their stuff. The stories that I could tell about rotten SPDIF interfaces......and on some pretty expensive gear.........

Some other time. Maybe.



Re: Let me 'splain it to you this way...........
« Reply #103 on: 5 Sep 2007, 10:55 pm »
When you can get a pair of Shahinian Diapasons to actually have a stereo image, well, you must be doing something right. (OK, the guy was using our electronics, but he was in no way what we would call an audiophile. He could hear it.)

Pat, paisano mio, I hope you're not suggesting that someone who owns Diapasons could not be a true audiophile... :guns:



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« Reply #104 on: 6 Sep 2007, 03:12 am »
But he truly isn't an audiophile. Just a music lover. Never read Stereophoole or The Obsolete Mound.

« Last Edit: 6 Sep 2007, 07:43 pm by art »

Builder Brad

Re: where to buy sc947-02
« Reply #105 on: 6 Sep 2007, 07:10 pm »
Hey Tan,

if anything the SB3 would be a better platform than the SB2, in respect of your digital mods, from what I recall the SB2s digital supply comes from and internal switched supply, whilst the SB3 was improved in this area with separate regulated digital PS.

Are you saying that the Newada transformer performs better in the SB2 than the SC one in the SB3, based on your listening so far?



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« Reply #106 on: 6 Sep 2007, 07:46 pm »
Is anyone willing to send me one of their "whatchamacallits" that you are working on? I have no idea what these things are.....what they look like inside.......if there are things you could do better......etc.

Can't give any more suggestions, as I am in the dark on these things.



Re: where to buy sc947-02
« Reply #107 on: 6 Sep 2007, 07:54 pm »
You mean to tell us that:

1.) You have no clue what is the "whatchamacallits"?
2.) You want us to send you one because you can't afford $299 to buy one?

Good grief ....


Re: where to buy sc947-02
« Reply #108 on: 6 Sep 2007, 08:02 pm »
Master Pat,
You can find more info on the "whatchamacallits" at the link below..


Yours truly,


Re: where to buy sc947-02
« Reply #109 on: 6 Sep 2007, 08:06 pm »
Are you saying that the Newada transformer performs better in the SB2 than the SC one in the SB3, based on your listening so far?

Builder Brad,

I am not sure about this statement since I still let the Newava Tx break in SB2. To my ears modded SB2 sounds more musical in my system. However, based on your saying about the internal PS of SB2 and separated PS in SB3 I have not tried Newava in SB3 yet and will install it in SB3 in a few days after A and B listening between two SQs with installed Newava and SC Trannies. Do you have any ideas how to seperate an internal PS in SB2? Moreover, Newava S22083 is not shield whereas SC947-02 is shielded so you can connect to ground through 10nF ceramic cap. 


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Re: where to buy sc947-02
« Reply #110 on: 6 Sep 2007, 09:51 pm »
You mean to tell us that:

1.) You have no clue what is the "whatchamacallits"?
2.) You want us to send you one because you can't afford $299 to buy one?

Good grief ....

No, I have no clue, because I have no use for such a gizmo. If you think that I am going to fork out $300, just so I can hand out free advice on how to fix 'em up better, then you are meshuga.



Re: where to buy sc947-02
« Reply #111 on: 7 Sep 2007, 01:20 am »
You mean to tell us that:

1.) You have no clue what is the "whatchamacallits"?
2.) You want us to send you one because you can't afford $299 to buy one?

Good grief ....

No, I have no clue, because I have no use for such a gizmo. If you think that I am going to fork out $300, just so I can hand out free advice on how to fix 'em up better, then you are meshuga.


There is no such thing as a free lunch so I don't expect any hands out from anybody.
Let me get this right!!! You don't hand out free advice but you expect people to send you their SB3 so you can play with it. Am I missing something here??  :scratch: :scratch:

BTW, if you have no clue what is this "whatchamacallits" then you probably wouldn't know what to do with it since it's NOT a plug-n-play device like a CD player. You maybe an expert at some other field  but definitely a grasshopper in this latest technology. :)

Since you're so arrogant and stubborn, let me give you a little "intro 101" about this "whatchamacallits". It called "Squeezebox" and it's a device that allows music lovers to enjoy high-quality playback of  uncompressed and lossless formats music across the network.

« Last Edit: 7 Sep 2007, 02:55 am by F-100 »


Re: where to buy sc947-02
« Reply #112 on: 7 Sep 2007, 01:54 am »
LOL, that was a good one F-100.  :D :lol:
"Master" Pat is definitely living in the stone age!

I've been using my modded SB and DAC with the SC947-02's since May and couldn't be happier. I won't be trying the Newava anytime soon.

As for the SB2 vs SB3 thing, I haven't been able to detect any sonic difference attributed to the extra switching internal supply on the SB2. For all practical purposes they are identical.

The huge advantage of the SB2 is the form factor. I'd take one over the SB3 any day because of this!
« Last Edit: 7 Sep 2007, 03:27 am by crooner »


Re: where to buy sc947-02
« Reply #113 on: 7 Sep 2007, 02:34 am »
"Master" Pat-

Here's a picture of the insides of the "whatchamacallits"


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Re: where to buy sc947-02
« Reply #114 on: 7 Sep 2007, 02:41 am »
Let me get this right!!! You don't hand out free advice but you expect people to send you their SB3 so you can play with it. Am I missing something here??  :scratch: :scratch:

BTW, if you have no clue what is this "whatchamacallits" then you probably wouldn't know what to do with it since it's a plug-n-play like a CD player. You maybe an expert at some other field  but definitely a grasshopper in this latest technology. :)

Since you're so arrogant and stubborn, let me give you a little "intro 101" about this "whatchamacallits". It called "Squeezebox" and it's a device that allows music lovers to enjoy high-quality playback of  uncompressed and lossless formats music across the network.

The specific device is irrelevant to what Pat has posted.  All of his posts have dealt with SPDIF "issues".  Those would be true for ANY source (traditional cd OR squeezebox).  At NO point do I see that Pat has presented himself as an expert on the SB.

I am shocked to see people trying to run off people that can actually help us.  Instead of building "magic" mods Pat is actually explaining why you might do these things and how to pick the right part.  Even though you accuse him of asking for a SB to play with, what he actually said was that he couldn't give you specific aspects to tweak without seeing one.  He offered to actually measure what changing the tx did.

Pat has ALREADY offered quite a bit of free advice in this thread.


Re: where to buy sc947-02
« Reply #115 on: 7 Sep 2007, 02:48 am »
Ok I'm moved. I guess we should create a Paypal donate button for "Master" Pat.  :lol:

I certainly appreciate any advice I can get. I myself offer advice to any fellow audio enthusiast who wants it. Something I don't do is brag around about how valuable my time is. That's where "Master" Pat comes in.

But, of course, what do I know? I'm only an amateurish DIY guy....


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You are right.......
« Reply #116 on: 7 Sep 2007, 03:00 am »
I must be in the Stone Age. My company makes CD players that cost 10X what that gizmo is. I hope that you noticed how many times that I tried to sell someone here one. (And you can save the effort of checking our website.......it is not listed there.)

No, instead I offer free advice, on SPDIF, which is RF. I know of few here who have the measurement equipment needed to really do justice to this device. I can not tell you how to shove what part, and how, unless I get my hands on one. If you want to continue to operate in the dark, well go ahead. You have my blessing.

I get nothing out of helping the interested readers here, and judging by the number of viewers to the data stored on some remote site, I think there are quite a few.

All it takes is for a few wise-guys to ruin it for the rest. The vocal minority that seems so upset that I pulled the rug out from underneath their Holy Grail transformer can rest comfortably that I have done all I intend to do here.



Re: where to buy sc947-02
« Reply #117 on: 7 Sep 2007, 03:14 am »
I've never considered the SC947-02 a Holy Grail or anything remotely like it.
Nothing is perfect. Nothing ever will.

However, it did provide a nice way to isolate the SPDIF when adding BNC connectors on the RX and TX ends. Specially considering the original SPDIF specs called for a pulse transformer. Seemed like a no-brainer to me.

I wasn't looking for anything beyond this basic functionality. No black magic and no rocket science. Isolate the RF carrying the data stream, terminate with true 75 ohm connectors. That was it.

Fortunately, we are dealing with state-of-the-art digital devices here. The Squeezebox goes beyond your conventional CD player, boasting specs, totally unheard-of, a decade ago.

Further, my particular DAC (released in 1995!) will reduce jitter on all incoming data streams to 10 picoseconds or less. Another reason I didn't want to mess around trying a lot of different pulse transformers and such.

Back to the Squeezebox, you'd be interested to know that measured jitter at the internal oscillator is a mere 43 picoseconds or less. This with the stock unit which includes a switcher power supply.

This figure is significantly lower than many highly regarded CD players, in my experience.

Not bad for a $299 device!

And if you add the extra convenience of having your entire collection at your fingertips, then I'd take this "watchamacallit" gadget over any CD player produced regardless of price!


Re: where to buy sc947-02
« Reply #118 on: 7 Sep 2007, 03:19 am »
I've been using my modded SB and DAC with the SC947-02's since May and couldn't be happier. I won't be trying the Newava anytime soon.

FWIW, I couldn't distinguish any sonic difference between the SC947-02 and Newava S22083 on my ""whatchamacallits".  But then again, I don't have the golden ears neither. :)


Re: where to buy sc947-02
« Reply #119 on: 7 Sep 2007, 03:29 am »
Looks like a "grasshopper" already dissected it!  :lol:

"Master" Pat-

Here's a picture of the insides of the "whatchamacallits"