System Components

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Re: System Components
« Reply #20 on: 7 Apr 2007, 04:18 am »
Steve I would be using Dodd 120 monoblocks

John MKOM Thanks for chiming in  :thumb:

I will take you up on your offer and swing by one evening
Do you have the Gamut L3 Monitor available for listening ..this monitor seems interesting  



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Re: System Components
« Reply #21 on: 7 Apr 2007, 04:53 am »
Great choice on Amps....

Unfortunately, no L3's currently on tap but we do have the L5's....Both of these unit require a pretty large room....also with the L3's, budget another $800.00 to $1K for proper stands.....budget for the L3's is $6K CND.

We do have the Gamut/Avance line from Denmark.  The 930 monitors are on tap.  These may suit your needs in a Monitor design.

Let me know when you plan to be in the area.




Re: System Components
« Reply #22 on: 7 Apr 2007, 03:41 pm »

Martin Logan Sequel II speakers
Sonic Frontiers SFS 80 power
Bedini BC 800a pre
Modwright Sony SCD777ES
Roksan DP1/DA1/DS4

How do you like the combination of the Sequels running off the SF amplifier? I'm picking up a Quad II Forty 40W tube monoblocks next week and will try them out on my ML Aeons in the interim while my line array speaker project is being built.

Surprisingly the Logans and SF sound awesome together.  I say surprisingly because you'd think that the high output Z of the SFS 80 would be a mismatch for the fairly low Z of the Logans and I'd be getting rolled off high's but this isn't the case at all. I have a very good listening room which greatly aids in the response curve. As well, I am only able to get satisfactory results with KT88/KT99 output tubes ........ Svetlana Winged C-KT88's, Genalex Gold Lion KT88's or Gold Aero KT99's being the best. Unfortinately none of the EL34/6550/KT90 series output tubes I've tried were dynamic enough for my tastes. Beauty and awesome midrange mind you. But still the combo's I've used above gave me more than enough of that mid glory, especially so when paired with the magical Logans.

IIRC the Quad II's effective output Z is around 1.5 ohms so matching up with your Aeons shouldn't be a problem. If you aren't in a big room you should have plenty of drive. Betcha it'll sound glorious. Enjoy!


Re: A la speaker upgrade
« Reply #23 on: 7 Apr 2007, 04:01 pm »
Hey there... ho there... home bound homies  :thumb:

I've been down and out for a while and have been out of the picture till now...
It's nice to be back in the friendly TAAS circle

Now that I got the greetings out of the way. I need your help fast  8)

I found some disposable cash. money a la tax man aa 
that will be used to fund a new speaker purchase.

Priorities and preferences are highlighted below 

 I am looking for a pair of outstanding 2 ways with magic mids, ultra-natural and extremely well integrated highs, precision and transparency in spades

I want to avoid those typical high-end hi-fi products, with typical "high-end hi-fi sound", which try to make you believe they deliver a floorstander-like quantity of bass.

I listen to mainly classical music Jazz and some rock . I want something extremely natural, yet with ultra-high resolution.

Please help an audiophile in need  :thumb:

Budget is up to 4k ..
The speaker needs to work well in a smallish room (11x18)
with Speaker positioning close to the walls (1 metre from the back wall)

Shoot away

Given your requirements I'd seriously consider

Lipinski L707's or a used pair of Joseph Audio RM33si Sigs.