System Components

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System Components
« on: 31 Mar 2007, 08:24 pm »
Ok....Let's talk about our own systems....

What do we look for in our systems....

What specific components do you have and where would you make any changes....this may include cabling and or component stands or platforms....

Front end components...Analogue, Tables, Tone Arms, Cartridges and Phono Stages....Digital - Transports & DACs....(No... Computers or Servers need not apply)  :o

Line Stages & Amplifiers - Tube, Solid State, Hybrids

Loudspeakers - Horns, Electrostatic Panels, Ribbons....Cones.

Tell us what you got along with your experiences with various components.  :P

Look forward to hearing from the membership...




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Re: System Components
« Reply #1 on: 1 Apr 2007, 06:05 am »
My selection criteria is based on what looks appealing to me but also what presents a lively sound stage. Products must present a clear soundfield image and must have the ability to take me somewhere else or make me feel like I'm enjoying a night out with live music.

I've been through many changes since 2003 so bear with me this is going to be quite the list:

Front end components - Rega Planar 3 turntable, Incognito rewired with Cardas tonearm wire and Denon DL-103 MC cartridge and Denon Au-300 Step up transformer, Pioneer DV-79Avi universal player, Teac P500 transport and D500 DAC
Line Stages & Amplifiers - Sonic Frontiers Line1 preamp, PS Audio 100 Delta power amps x 4, Quad QC24 preamp, Quad II Forty monoblocks
Loudspeakers - Martin Logan Aeon electrostatics, Peerless XLS12 subwoofer pair in modified Raw Acoustics enclosures, Newform Research R30 and R45 ribbons with Scan Speak 18W/8545 drivers for new speaker project
Miscellaneous - Grado SR225 Headphones, QED Silver A and Silver BW speaker wire from Solen, custom interconnects made for me by StudioLAB many years ago and I recently purchased some AudioQuest G-Snake and Copperhead interconnects

Recently upgraded from:
Rega Planet original
PS Audio MC Amplifier/Step-up transformer
Perreaux SV-X1 Phono Preamp
Perreaux SH-X1 Headphone Amp
Perreaux SM6P Preamp
Behringer DCX2496 Ultradrive Digital Crossover
Denon DVM-4800 DVD changer

Equipment I miss having:
Acoustat Model 3 ESL panels - Sold due to WAV issues

Big changes are in the works. My NewScanArray project I'm hoping will bring me back to the time when I had the Acoustat ESL's but in slimmer more appealing (read WAF) manner.

My Audiophile Awakening:

In 2003 I decided to spend some money and upgrade my very modest home theatre setup and move to a strictly 2 channel audio setup. After getting a set of used Yamaha preamp, power amp and tuner I turned to see what options there was for speaker setups in the $1,500-2,000 CDN price range. I began to quickly learn that I disliked many of which I had heard, though there were a couple regular dynamic speakers that I didn't completely dislike. Namely the Mirage OM-9, PSB Stratus Bronzei and Silveri, and Triangle Zerius. They were fine but I felt they were not much of an improvement over what I had which were fairly pathetic pro style cabinets built from Cambridge and Vifa components from StudioLAB - the old party type stuff they used to make.

Then I started shopping in a higher price bracket and heard things in the $2,000 - 3,000 range and then 3,000 plus. Even in the next price brackets listening to things like, Paradigm Reference, PSB Stratus Goldi, JMLab Cobalt and B&W CM series and though they were decent I couldn't justify their prices for what performance they put out in comparison to the lower price bracket.

I stumbled into my local Martin Logan dealer looking for more offerings at the previous price brackets, told them of my experiences so far and was then introduced into the world of electrostatics. I was floored listening to some ML Ascents. Finally, something that offered sound stage depth and width with pinpoint imaging. The live sound appealed to me and wasn't something I had heard in dynamic speaker up to then. Well that experience changed my approach and I now had a new benchmark that anything else I listened to I could compare with. Well needless to say here, not much did and I found myself leaning to the planar world.

From then on the only speakers I could appreciate were any ML and interestingly enough some Newform Ribbons that I heard around Christmas time. I didn't get the opportunity to listen to any Quads or Acoustats until 2004. Unfortunately I was never able to come up with the cash to get a new set of Newforms or ML Scenarios, until the spring of 2004 when I found a set of ML Aerius for sale through CAM from Winnipeg. Right in my price bracket and I'd even have a little room to upgrade my power amp from the Yamaha to my first PS Audio Delta 100, which I also found locally in Hamilton. This seller had tested the PS Audio amplifier on an Acoustat Model 3 ESL...I was in heaven. I found my own pair in the spring of 2004 for $400US used, and drove to Michigan that summer. I owned the Acoustats for about 18 months and though I only listened to them on occasion to this date they have probably been to most pleasant loudspeaker that I've owned. listening sessions were like being in a live blues or jazz club or at any other live concert, with huge dynamic range and a very wide soundstage. Imaging was better than I had remembered with the ML Ascents that brought me down the ESL/Planar path. Unfortunately due to WAF issues and the fact these were much too large to set up permanently in my living room they were sacrificed, and the funds went into building some subwoofers.

In the summer of 2004, my local dealer had bought out some remaining stock from Plurison and was offering Martin Logan Aeons at an astounding price. So I went in with a Funk afficionado friend of mine for a spirited listening session which lasted about an hour. The bass presence was much greater than the older generation Aerius I had previously. Which was just what my system needed I had to take the plunge and take these home.

In 2005 I reintroduced myself into the world of analog with the addition of the Rega turntable, Denon DL103 cart and PS Audio MC Amp. At around that time I sold my Acoustat Model 3 ESL panels and added the Behringer DCX2496 unit to act as a digital crossover/parametric EQ for my speaker and subwoofer setup. The subwoofer utilizes a pair of Peerless XLS 12" drivers model 830500 in a 13.75" cube enclosure for each subwoofer with heavy internal bracing. Crossover and equalizer filtering to fine tune the system was provided via the Behringer DCX. Recently though I removed this setup and went back to a vertical biamp setup using the ML internal crossovers. I'm still looking for a nice subwoofer crossover and I'm interested in the Rekhorn T1 and B1 units from Creative Sound Solutions.


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Re: System Components
« Reply #2 on: 1 Apr 2007, 05:31 pm »
Excellent feedback Steve....

I know exactly what you mean when you refer to the Acoustat Panels....I also miss them dearly... :bawl:

Regarding your sub crossover requirements, I may suggest the REL line.....Depending on your application, a smaller diameter driver design may work much better that a large diameter unit.  A sub with multiple smaller sized drivers is much faster than large units yielding better phase and time alignment.  Can this design keep up with the speed of ESL panels ?  No way.....and we should not expect it to.....Designs from REL, Vandersteen and as of late....Wilson Benesch with it's new Torus design have reduced the gap.....More to come....

Anyway, this is exactly the sort of input and feedback that we need.....

Love to hear from other members....

Many Thanks Steve, for your time and thorough comments.



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Re: System Components
« Reply #3 on: 2 Apr 2007, 01:38 am »
I decided on a headphone system since my room is too small, has poor acoustics, and filled with too much stuff to have room for a speaker system.  The bonus here is that headphones can easily be swapped into my system, and with semi-regular headphone enthusiasts' meets in the Toronto area I could sample a ton of gear in a reasonable period of time.

The first step was a Sennheiser HD580 right out of the jack of an old Technics receiver I found in a pawn shop, fed by my Panasonic CD/DVD player.  It was definitely a huge step up from the headphones which came with my Walkman, and for a while, I was happy.  Then I decided one day that I wanted tubes, so I ordered a tube amp kit off the 'net, and things got better.  Shortly after, I went to my first headphone meet, and I got ruined by a pair of Grado RS-1's run off a huge tube amp and custom tweaked CD player.  The damn thing just made music, not "hi-fi" effects, music, the tone was just awesome.  I wasn't listening to some person on a CD sing, that person was singing to me.  But that system cost way more than what I deemed reasonable, but at least I now knew what was possible with a headphone system and had a goal to aim for.

Which led to further tweaking of my tube amp kit, and when I reached the end of that road, I designed & built my own tube amp, which is still a work in progress.  It also included the purchase of a Grado SR-225 and a Denon 650F CD player, the latter got operated on and tweaked for smoother more detailed sound and a lower noise floor.  Better tone, closer to the music, and things were once again good for a couple years.

A friend happened to pick up an AKG K340, he needed an amp to drive it and I wanted to hear the darn thing, which led to a mini-meet at my place and me going "damnit, this is what I want".  Maybe it was the midrange, maybe it was the tone, or the soundstage, or likely a combination of all the above, whatever it was I just knew this was the direction I wanted to go in.

So I bought myself a K340, then I opened it up, rewired it, and did some other things to tweak the sound just the way I want it.  Basically, think of the sound balance in Massey Hall, intimate, on the warm side, and pulls you right into the music.  The tube amp was re-worked for better detail retrieval and a lower noise-floor which opened them up and gave better soundstaging and realism.  Now I can sit back, have a couple beers, turn the lights down, and fool myself into going "holy crap, I think Tori Amos just tongued my ear!" if everything goes right.

The next step, I'm not sure.  I'm thinking about either improving my CD player somehow or building a tube phonostage for my Dual 721 turntable and getting a new cartridge for it.  It would be interesting to have a 100% transistor-free system.  But that's a ways off in the future somewhere.


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Re: System Components
« Reply #4 on: 2 Apr 2007, 01:47 am »
Hi Aerius:

Just went visual on the Tori Amos Tonguing your ear.....   :drool:

Ok this is a family show... :nono:

Yes...where was I ......  Headphones....I forgot to mention them.....Stax...Sennheiser....Grado.... I personally run a pair of Koss ESL's....Although their amp is Solid state, I am thinking about playing with some SET designs.....we will see.....

Keep the feedback coming.....great stuff

« Last Edit: 3 Apr 2007, 12:57 am by MKOM »


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Re: System Components
« Reply #5 on: 3 Apr 2007, 01:35 am »
Just acquired a Technics SP10 MKIIa Turntable with the Obsidium Base.  Not only are these Tables rare, but they are also ranked as one of the very best.  This table has not seen any industrial use whatsoever and is MINT.

A friend of mine sourced one of these units out of a Radio station in New York.  This is where they usually can be found.  However, due to the environment, the cosmetics may be somewhat rough.  This table can withstand an earthquake and still work beautifully.  Currently, his setup includes the highly regarded SME V Tonearm and Lyra Argo i Phono cartridge.  The presentation is very fast and detailed.  Great combination with this table.

As a project, I plan to install the new Ortofon 309i Tonearm which is being manufactured again by Ortofon Japan.

I am looking forward to working with this baby very much.   aa



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Re: System Components
« Reply #6 on: 3 Apr 2007, 01:43 am »
Very nice find indeed. I remember seeing that these are in very high demand especially with a base. Keep us posted on your listening impressions when you get it setup...


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Re: System Components
« Reply #7 on: 3 Apr 2007, 01:50 am »
I've pretty much settled on what my system configuration will consist of. Now it's just tweaking and refining.

I've been swapping power supplies in my modified SB 3. There is quite an audible difference in power supplies. I've still got a couple of questions, but I think I know which direction to go on that. I'll be adding a custom discrete OpAmp to the output section of my SB 3 that'll have multiple outputs for vertical biamping and separate subwoofer outputs.

After that, a new pair of GR Research speakers. I'm going up one model. To the OB 7's. But mine will be slightly different hybrid models. Also, gonna be tweaking on my subwoofer to get a flatter in room response.

Room acoustics is something I've been experimenting with. I've built a number of diffusors, and will be doing some more. More bass trapping as well. Going to be spending more time with measuring in room response. Room acoustics is what I consider the most important elements of getting the most from your existing system.

Looking forward to the next year or so, it'll probably take at least that long to get it all together.



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Re: System Components
« Reply #8 on: 3 Apr 2007, 01:51 am »
Will do Steve....The base is pretty incredible on its own...




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Re: System Components
« Reply #9 on: 3 Apr 2007, 02:04 am »
Very Nice Denny:

Issues with room acoustics have always been a challenge.  Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Keep us posted as to problems you come across along with the solutions as your system evolves.

If possible, please forward some info in the OB7's.

I would be most interested.



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Re: System Components
« Reply #10 on: 3 Apr 2007, 02:16 am »

You've heard my OB 5's. The OB 7's will be a couple of notches above that.

The OB 7's I'll be doing will look very similar to my OB 5's. They will have 2 additional woofers in the bottom section (for a total of 4) but the box will be sealed instead of ported like the OB 5. The open baffle MTM section will be the same. Also the 4 lower woofer drivers will be ones that feature XBL^2 motors on the drivers ( large Xmax, low distortion). My OB 7's will not feature the powered subs in the enclosure as the standard model. I will be using a satellite subwoofer setup.

Here is the info on the OB 7:

Of course you'll get to hear them at some point at a future TAAS meet.   :drums:



Re: System Components
« Reply #11 on: 4 Apr 2007, 07:04 pm »
My selection criteria has been a roller coaster of an affair throughout the years. And my pocket book has paid the cost that's for sure. But I've enjoyed it immensely no doubt.

Thinking back ...... it all started out back in the late 70's when I used to monopolize my Dad's system …. a Yamaha CR1040 receiver, AR 10pi speakers, a Yamaha YPD8 table and a Toshiba PCX40 tape deck.

I spent the next several years pumping gas and saving up my money to buy a NAD 2200 power amp, a Hafler DH 110 kit pre, a used Ariston RD11S table and pair of PSB 70R speakers. Thank you for starting my audio addiction Whitby Audio! Also used JBL100S in this setup when I wanted to rock on. This, and my Ryerson receiver project, got me thru my post secondary school days.

Once gainfully employed I went thru a myriad of systems and combinations. I'm sure I have forgotten many of the pieces I went thur but these are the memorable ones.

Pair of Bryston 3B power
Bryston 1B pre
Mirage M3 speakers
Systemdek table
Nak BX300.

Robertson 4010 power
Robertson 2020 pre
Castle Chester speakers

Sugden AU51 power/pre
Linn LP12
PE Leon Trilogue speakers

Bedini 100/100 MKII power
Bedini BC 800a pre
Dahlquist DQ10 speakers
Maplenoll Athena table

Muse 100 power
Muse 1 pre
Roksan Xerxes table
Elipson Colonne Circee speakers

Sima PW 300 integrated
Rogers LS3/5A speakers.

Classe DR9 power
MFA Magus Pre
Apogee Stage speakers
Maplenoll Ariadne Signature table/ ETII arm

At the moment I have the following systems operating:


Martin Logan Sequel II speakers
Sonic Frontiers SFS 80 power
Bedini BC 800a pre
Modwright Sony SCD777ES
Roksan DP1/DA1/DS4


Elipson Circee speakers/Athena AS F2.2 speakers
REDGUM RGi120 Integrated
Squeezebox SB3

Garage/Jamming room:

Yamaha A760 Int Amp
JBL100S speakers
NAD 502 CD player

I also have some aged products that I listen too peridocally.

AR 10pi speakers (my Dad's old ones)
Sony STR 6060FW Receiver



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Re: System Components
« Reply #12 on: 6 Apr 2007, 11:54 pm »

Martin Logan Sequel II speakers
Sonic Frontiers SFS 80 power
Bedini BC 800a pre
Modwright Sony SCD777ES
Roksan DP1/DA1/DS4

How do you like the combination of the Sequels running off the SF amplifier? I'm picking up a Quad II Forty 40W tube monoblocks next week and will try them out on my ML Aeons in the interim while my line array speaker project is being built.


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Re: System Components
« Reply #13 on: 6 Apr 2007, 11:58 pm »
I know exactly what you mean when you refer to the Acoustat Panels....I also miss them dearly... :bawl:


I just picked up a pair of Acoustat Model 1's yesterday, 1ft wide by 6ft tall and much easier to place than the Model 3's I used to have. Still evaluating their use.

Also please see my new post about my personal audio dilemma   :o


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Re: System Components
« Reply #14 on: 7 Apr 2007, 12:02 am »
New additions:

3 - PS Audio 2M Prelude Power cables
2 - PS Audio UPC-200 Power center 4 outlet surge supressor/filter


A la speaker upgrade
« Reply #15 on: 7 Apr 2007, 12:24 am »
Hey there... ho there... home bound homies  :thumb:

I've been down and out for a while and have been out of the picture till now...
It's nice to be back in the friendly TAAS circle

Now that I got the greetings out of the way. I need your help fast  8)

I found some disposable cash. money a la tax man aa  
that will be used to fund a new speaker purchase.

Priorities and preferences are highlighted below  

 I am looking for a pair of outstanding 2 ways with magic mids, ultra-natural and extremely well integrated highs, precision and transparency in spades

I want to avoid those typical high-end hi-fi products, with typical "high-end hi-fi sound", which try to make you believe they deliver a floorstander-like quantity of bass.

I listen to mainly classical music Jazz and some rock . I want something extremely natural, yet with ultra-high resolution.

Please help an audiophile in need  :thumb:

Budget is up to 4k ..
The speaker needs to work well in a smallish room (11x18)
with Speaker positioning close to the walls (1 metre from the back wall)

Shoot away


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Re: System Components
« Reply #16 on: 7 Apr 2007, 12:36 am »
bluemike, you have a PM


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Re: A la speaker upgrade
« Reply #17 on: 7 Apr 2007, 04:07 am »
Hey there... ho there... home bound homies  :thumb:

I've been down and out for a while and have been out of the picture till now...
It's nice to be back in the friendly TAAS circle

Now that I got the greetings out of the way. I need your help fast  8)

I found some disposable cash. money a la tax man aa 
that will be used to fund a new speaker purchase.

Priorities and preferences are highlighted below 

 I am looking for a pair of outstanding 2 ways with magic mids, ultra-natural and extremely well integrated highs, precision and transparency in spades

I want to avoid those typical high-end hi-fi products, with typical "high-end hi-fi sound", which try to make you believe they deliver a floorstander-like quantity of bass.

I listen to mainly classical music Jazz and some rock . I want something extremely natural, yet with ultra-high resolution.

Please help an audiophile in need  :thumb:

Budget is up to 4k ..
The speaker needs to work well in a smallish room (11x18)
with Speaker positioning close to the walls (1 metre from the back wall)

Shoot away

What amplifier would you be using with these?


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Re: System Components
« Reply #18 on: 7 Apr 2007, 04:08 am »
Hi Bluemike:

Glad to hear from you again....I trust all is well....

As per your requirement and depending on your amp, I would highly recommend the new Opera Callas SP.

These are floor standing models with their own base and a down-firing port that makes placememt very easy.

I have them running with a Copland CTA405 Integrated with very nice results.

Drop by for a listen when you have a chance.




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Re: System Components
« Reply #19 on: 7 Apr 2007, 04:16 am » might be a candidate for a set of Newform Research R645v3

45" NFR Monopole Ribbon
Dual Scan Speak carbon fiber 6.5", R45 (45") 91 db sens.
$3484 CAD shipped plus taxes