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« Reply #140 on: 29 Aug 2008, 04:23 pm »

Thanks for the answer - yes, the whip, the whip, faster.......

I cannot justify the cost.  I had committed with Wayne, in fact, and then things got slow with the sub-prime crisis, and there were no sales to the US.  In October, it will still be a month before the election, and the financial climate is not looking good, and I cannot imagine that lots of people will be keen to spend their hard-earned until these issues resolve, and that could take another six months at least.

It is regrettable, no question, as I would have LOVED to have gone.  I fell in love with Colorado, wonderful state, the mountains, cities and towns were exquisite.  The other issue was products;  I needed to spruce up the appearance of my amps, and the metal work productionising is very expensive and shipping a nightmare.  Given the costs of 2007 I decided not to, but I hope to be back next year.

Hope you are well and business is brisk, Chris.



A few weeks ago, it all would have been much cheaper for you to come. However with oil back down, The American Dollar has been gaining in value against the Australian Dollar (seems it started right after my recent purchase  :duh: ), so as of right now it's back at the value it was last October. Now while that does make it more expensive to come to the US, hopefully the Dollar's new strength will slowly boost the economy. (But first we need to deal with Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Lehman...which could take a while)


I would add that it seems the AUD is doing very poorly right now against all currencies. What's going on Down Under?


« Reply #141 on: 29 Aug 2008, 11:00 pm »
Ah, West,

You are back from vacation!!  You are so close to throwing that switch!

I may be wrong, but I suspect that the drop in the AUD is merely the financial markets factoring in the predicted slump in commodity demand which will inevitably pass down the line from the sub-prime crisis.  The Oz economy is powering on with the commodity boom, as you know, and we now have almost a split economy;  the mineral boom in the West, and the general population in the East.  It is now looking more and more likely that Europe will downturn as well, and British housing has already dropped 8.8% in the last year.   If both Europe and USA suffer depressed spends, then China will be forced to lower production.  This will affect Oz severely....

The study of markets reveals mass hysteria and herd instinct, since most downturns are the result of a loss of confidence rather than a shortage of goods or money.  Can't change it, have to live with it!




« Reply #142 on: 29 Aug 2008, 11:29 pm »
Not yet...Tomorrow!  :drool:

Yes, hysteria and herd instinct are a major problem. I am all for a free market, but in some ways I did support the speculation bill just for this reason. Even though the actually economy may be alright, the market can take a huge turn for the worse by miscalculated speculation. I will use oil as an example. The supply & demand hasn't changed much, but look at the spike that happened recently. This can happen to many commodities (the speculation bill that didn't end up getting passes was only for commodities).

It is interesting though how with the global economy no market is spared from another’s downfall. (Well, Usually  :?)



« Reply #143 on: 31 Aug 2008, 11:20 pm »
Folks, you are commanded to talk about your rigs, let us know in exquisite detail how you are all foaming at the mouth after a truly rewarding listening session with Aspen products.   :drool: :lol:

I've actually just completed a major upgrade to my system.  The first for nearly five years and pretty much the most expensive single investment in hi-fi to date.

For quite some time I have recognised that my sturdy old NAD 502 CD player was not an ideal CD source in this day and age.  However, being so reliable (unlike so many players these days) I had no great motivation to let it slide.  Except for the right product.

Through an Oz based hifi forum, a couple of recent 'for sales' caught my eye.  The first was for a Rega Apollo, a top loader CD player derived from the Rega Planet (a CD source I had long desired) which was being offered at about half local retail value - unfortunately efforts to attract the attention of the vendor weren't that successful and I missed out. Shortly after, a much better offer came up - this time for an Australian made source and a much more practical one at that.

What I managed to score (again at abut half the local retail price) was a Redgum RGDAC5.  A digital-analogue converter.  Made in Melbourne, on the other side of the city from Hugh, by Redgum Audio, a company that also seems to have a very singular approach to hifi....

The RGDAC5 is the top spec Redgum DAC.  There is also a CD version which differs by having a computer DVD drive inserted in the box along with the power supply and remote control circuits to drive the thing. It differs from the RGDAC2 in that each channel has a discrete DAC circuit based around the Burr-Brown PCM1702 20bit DAC whereas the RGDAC2 has a single Burr-Brown PCM1710U Dual 20 bit DAC.

Once it turned up in the Post from North Queensland (in factory packing that looked nearly bullet proof) it was quickly inserted in the system........where big changes were wrought.

If anyone remembers what it was like when they first heard their GK-1.......then that's what this DAC did.  Unfortunately, my GK-1 isn't in play at the I've got the pre portion of a Yamaha integrated doing the duty. No matter....the result was pretty special.  Big lift in detail especially in the mid range.  Enourmous lift in clarity which has given a greater sense of space between notes. But the single greatest most noticeable change happened in the lower frerquencies - the bass notes have gone from a 'boom' to a 'bam' - tighter, faster and much less bloom.  Now I really like bass and my first impression was that the DAC had taken the energy out of the bass but that proved not to be true - the energy is still there but without the wild wobble - which after this long living with it is taking some getting use to.

It hasn't all been roses.  The digital input chip, a Cirrus Logic CS8412, decided on the first night that it didn't like the change of climate and left on a permanent holiday.....leaving the DAC in silence.  I suspect that my stand-in IC (not a dedicated digital IC) may have had a hand in the journey but I can't be sure.  After talking to Redgum (who correctly diagnosed the problem over the phone) I tried to source another chip locally....and failed. The CS8412 is a long defunct chip (being only 2 channel) and the larger CP version of it (as fitted to the DAC) is akin to rocking horse manure. I unwittingly purchased a smaller CS version for SMD mounting but another forum member has recently volunteered his steady hands to fit it up to an adapter.  I ended up sourcing the right package from Redgum at a fairly spectacular price but it was still cheaper than sending the whole box back down to Melbourne and back.  A quick flick and we are back in business.

So the DAC sounds wonderful and was a really useful addition.  Now though there's another project.  First is to replace the distinctive Redgum timber fascia with one of my own - like the one on my N100+.  The next is to permanently fix the fascia to the metal case (the timber fascia folds down to reveal the power switch - it's pretty but not practical) and front mount the power switch.  But only after I sorted out the GK-1!!


« Reply #144 on: 1 Sep 2008, 11:45 pm »

Congratulations - you are now hardbitten, approaching Stage 4 as we speak.

I will expect you to reveal your new $US350K Wavac 100W single ended amp some time in the next five years......

I know Ian Robinson and Lindy of Redgum.  A very decent couple, nice approach to it all, and very pleasant to chat to.  Ian has a long and illustrious background in high fi, going back forty years.  Heck, he's older than I am!!




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« Reply #145 on: 2 Sep 2008, 12:09 am »
I've actually just completed a major upgrade to my system.

Lovely to hear Seano. :thumb:  Glad the new DAC has worked out so well.  Your story does remind me though of the ‘hell’ of indecision I went through about a year ago in trying to decide on whether to stay with a CD spinner (had an old Technics 5x carousel but needed better), a separate DAC or a SB3 or similar based digital feed.  So it wasn’t just a matter of comparing CD players, but an initial decision on whether I even wanted to continue to spin individual silver discs.

Incidentally, though we ended up going different routes (I went with an Arcam CD36), my joys were similar to yours.  Admittedly, my system does also include the wonderful GK1 sonics in the circuit but the bass 'boom' to 'bam' change you describe does make a huge difference.  I used to primarily concentrate on the mids and treble in seeking better sound but my thinking has now done somewhat of a 180 and I’m convinced that good accurate base is equally if not more important and completely underpins good musicality.


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« Reply #146 on: 2 Sep 2008, 11:16 pm »
The study of markets reveals mass hysteria and herd instinct, since most downturns are the result of a loss of confidence rather than a shortage of goods or money.  Can't change it, have to live with it!

As a guy who trades shares quite a bit all I can say is - ABSOLUTELY.  Learn to live with it and you can make money from the markets.  Try to fight it and - glug glug.  Get a copy of Austin Donnely's Sensible Share Investing for the full gory detail.



So long and thanks for all the fish
« Reply #147 on: 10 Sep 2008, 12:20 am »
CERN Scientists fire up their super collider today.

So what are you doing for the last day of the earth?

"So long and thanks for all the fish".


Actually I'm looking forward to seeing some doomsayer red faces tomorrow.


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Re: So long and thanks for all the fish
« Reply #148 on: 10 Sep 2008, 12:52 am »
CERN Scientists fire up their super collider today.

So what are you doing for the last day of the earth?

"So long and thanks for all the fish".


Actually I'm looking forward to seeing some doomsayer red faces tomorrow. link...... :lol:

"A Bigger Bang"..... The Stones

Almost forgot... :duh:

The YouTube rap...... :lol:


« Reply #149 on: 10 Sep 2008, 03:00 am »
News report on the ABC this morning suggested that the "black hole" could swallow up Europe and maybe even more of the earth  :lol: Presumably this is a new sort of mild mannered black hole since any normal self respecting one would make a dent in our galaxy.


Re: So long and thanks for all the fish
« Reply #150 on: 10 Sep 2008, 05:32 am »
CERN Scientists fire up their super collider today.

So what are you doing for the last day of the earth?

"So long and thanks for all the fish".


Actually I'm looking forward to seeing some doomsayer red faces tomorrow.

Actually its just a test at lower velocity...just to make sure they got all the sections polarity right. Early next year is when they plan to smash the protons together at full speed(close to the speed of light).
So you got some time to get your affairs in order.  :lol:

I would love to see a "black hole" devour the earth, maybe the earthlings will be transported to another dimension. Oh yeah...  :lol:


« Reply #151 on: 2 Dec 2008, 10:14 pm »
I regret to inform you all that recent action by the Noise Abatement Society has been all too successful, and forum members present are asked to take up all manner of digital clatter to remedy the situation........ :lol:

We should all be grateful that the Hadron Collider chose to blow itself up for simple operational reasons, rather than chose Europe, and ultimately, the world.   :duh:

We might be in economic depression, but WE are not depressed, and LIFE goes on, and WILL improve, and we are encouraged to CHATTER, commensurate with our esteemed class and chosen pastime.......   aa aa



« Reply #152 on: 3 Dec 2008, 09:49 am »
I have decided to follow the ultimate upgrade path, it has and will cost me a small (large?) fortune but the lump of diamond involved has considerably lowered the background noise!  :lol:

Her name is Kate, shes a Capricorn and I thought it was about time.

As a result my system will no longer be changing (Not even Platinum caps, sorry Hugh and thanks for the advice) but I'm sure I'll be happy listening to christmas carols like i was last night, pipe organ and all. The neighbours must hate me.



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« Reply #153 on: 3 Dec 2008, 09:51 am »
forum members present are asked to take up all manner of digital clatter to remedy the situation........ :lol:

*bangs a few token electrons together*

The current financial situation certainly is interesting, as a mortgage owner I'm cheering because of the interest rate drops - I'll be paying less with each repayment than I was when I took out the loan.  It's making my finances quite interesting because I can almost afford to live without a flatmate, a tempting proposition but one which may see me counting pennies which is something I loathe to do.

I've been watching the share market with a keen eye as well, because if that's going to take off I might stick some cash in there instead of my loan and see if I can make some short term gains.  So far I haven't been convinced enough that we have reached the bottom to start gambling, and unfortunately this crisis is now entrenched which means recovery may not be a rapid bounce-back anyway.

In other news (as if anyone cares but at least it's audio related!) I recently finished a stereo install in my car - a gradual work in progress over the course of a year or so.  Stage 1 was a Nakamichi head unit, and AVI speakers (component speakers in the front, just the mid woofers in the rear).  AVI are a fantastic Canadian brand for those not in the know, and I thought it sounded great until I got around to installing a Precision Power amplifier that was gathering dust at a mate's house and offered to me (Stage 2).  This brought quite a nice improvement in clarity (as long as I kept the gain low to avoid alternator whine) and the obvious volume benefits.  The addition of a subwoofer (12" Peerless Precision Automotive - 822008) in Stage 2.1 was what really blew me away though.  Taking the bass duties away from standard leaky doors and giving them to a big cone has thrown me forwards into complete audio bliss.  The only thing I can do now to improve my sound is dynamat my doors!

Previously I was forever fiddling with the head unit's controls and getting annoyed because the tonal balance changed depending on volume.  Now, it's a balanced system and it sounds great when quiet and even better when the volume's up.

The best part is, I still have full use of my boot space thanks to a custom fibreglass enclosure for the sub (which I deadened with dynamat and acoustic foam of course).  The sub sits way over in the corner and the 822008 suits the box size perfectly.

Happiness - for the mere price of $3200 (not including the amp which was a loaner - a 6 channel beauty like that would not be cheap!).

Now is the point where I embarrass myself by saying that I was listening to an amazing guitar solo the other day, stereo in the car set to 11/10 still with stunning clarity and thinking it was the Aerosmith album I had recently bought, when it turns out it was Lynyrd Skykyrd!!!!


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« Reply #154 on: 4 Dec 2008, 05:06 am »
There has not been much noise around on this thread. Everyone must be too busy listening to their favourite music on their wonderful Aspen/Aksa gear to contribute. It has been many months since I put my spanner in the Aksa circle.

Well here goes. During the last few months I have had the priveledge to hear the new Soraya amp powering the vsonic speakers. In all my years in the hi fi business I honestly say that the Soraya amp is one of the best I have ever heard. But the vsonic speakers are really something to listen to. I think that the vsonic speakers are exceptional because they deliver music without any complaints even at extremely loud volumes, they just get louder while the detail, imaging, and the sheer cleaness of a good recording remains. This could be that the Soraya really controlls the speakers but the speakers have to be outstanding for you to hear the slightest decay and crystaline purity of the top end notes. While the mids are naturally uncanny, aprticularly when playing music with female voices where even the slightest nuance of shade and feeling envelopes the listener. One becomes totally absorbed in the music because there is nothing to detract from the experience, the sound is so pure and clean. Now the vsonics are transmission lines that really work. I think they are the best transmission lines not withstanding that they are a two way speaker that can provide a pure clean uncoloured bass with slam and depth that many vastly more expensive brands of speakers only aspire to.
 I also heard the final version of a woofer extender as i am told to call it. Other may call it a sub woofer but the difference is that it plays music in a extremely clean way from the pulsing thunder of a 32' organ pipe and a bass guitar being played as low as they go to the lingering decay of a lightly stroked double bass. It appears that the woofer has bees carefully tuned to provide a seamless bass extension for the vsonic speakers.

 The woofer is in a seperate transmission line enclosure only slightly larger than the vsonics, basically 4' wider and 4' deeper and the same height to house an amazing Peerless 12" driver. I have not heard a dedicated transmission line woofer before. I was literally blown away when it was cranked up when a DVD movie was played. It even knocks the sox of the usual HT thunder boxes because it is so clean and articulate.

Anyway i hope that these few humble comments fire up the AKSA appreciation society.

Keep up the good work guys.


I am a fan of the Aksa amps and the vsonic speaker system. I have "seen the light" some may say.



« Reply #155 on: 4 Dec 2008, 12:02 pm »

I loved this:  "Her name is Kate, she is a Capricorn, and I thought it was about time".

I agree, there comes a time when a young man's heart turns to..........

I congratulate you both, and wish you a hearty wedding in due course!!


Many thanks for your lovely comments.  We try, Laurie and I, we really try!!




« Reply #156 on: 5 Dec 2008, 12:00 am »

  We try, Laurie and I, we really try!!

Yeah.....try to remove every ounce of remnant self control from potential customers!!

I'm having an interesting time here.....doing my best to plan an upgrade path whilst remaining committed to other more important priorities (such as a house that really needs finished walls).

The Vsonics are mine....well they will be.  The Vbass could be mine too.  I've also got my hand up for a few AKSA N+ modules as well.  And then another Aussie audio manufacturer (another personable bloke in a shed) has gone and assembled a very desirable looking media centre that strikes me as very good value for money.....

....the only financial crisis I'm aware of is one of my own making!!!!


« Reply #157 on: 5 Dec 2008, 01:35 am »
You may have noticed that I've been in "lurk" mode here for some time. I've been off playing with the tube boys.
A little while ago I had a call from a local retired gentleman who had some reasonably expensive Audio Space AS-6M 300B Push Pull Tube Amps. He was'nt happy with them and asked if I could do a "spiff up" on them.
He dropped the two monoblocks off one Saturday and I sent him home with my AKSA55N+ and 55 Lifeforce Amps on loan.
The Audio Space Amps were fairly typical of what comes out of China at the moment, Aesthetically very nice but a compromised implementation of a design straight out of the 1960's. Well "spiffing" them up was reasonably easy and they were returned 2 weeks later sounding 1000% better. At this time he reported that he really liked the 55N+ and that to him (and me) it sounded very tube like - and from the personal point of view of a "tube man" he preferred it to the LF55.

Two weeks later I heard from him again. He'd flogged the Audio Space Amps on E'Pay and had bought a 2nd hand AKSA 55 Nivarna Plus. He had decided the the 55 N+ was a better "tube" amp than the spiffed up 300B Push Pull. The 2nd hand 55 N+ was then delivered to me to make sure it was up to spec. As it tuns out it had never had the Power Supply Upgrade done so I did that and he is now totally happy.

For around 1/3 of the cost (or less), with no ongoing maintenace cost for periodic replacement of tubes etc. he has an amp which totally satisfies his "tube" sound preference and out performs the Audio Space 300B Push Pull Monoblocks.

So any "tube" amp lurkers here - maybe what you need is some 55N+ amps. From personal experience I can tell you that bettering the sound with a "real" tube amp is neither easy or cheap.


P.S. Hugh - If you want to shift this to its own thread or to Testimonials - feel free.
« Last Edit: 5 Dec 2008, 02:52 am by ginger »


« Reply #158 on: 5 Dec 2008, 01:52 am »

You may have noticed that I've been in "lurk" mode here for some time. I've been off playing with the tube boys.
A little while ago I had a call from a local retired gentleman who had some reasonably expensive Audio Space AS-6M 300B Push Pull Tube Amps. He was'nt happy with them and asked if I could do a "spiff up" on them.

He dropped the two monoblocks off one Saturday and I sent him home with my AKSA55N+ and 55 Lifeforce Amps on loan.  The Audio Space Amps were fairly typical of what comes out of China at the moment, aesthetically very nice but a compromised implementation of a design straight out of the 1960's. Well "spiffing" them up was reasonably easy and they were returned 2 weeks later sounding 1000% better. At this time he reported that he really liked the 55N+ and that to him (and me) it sounded very tube like - and from the personal point of view of a "tube man" he preferred it to the LF55.

Two weeks later I heard from him again. He'd flogged the Audio Space Amps on E'Pay and had bought a 2nd hand AKSA 55 Nivarna Plus. He had decided the the 55 N+ was a better "tube" amp then the spiffed up 300B Push Pull. The 2nd hand 55 N+ was then delivered to me to make sure it was up to spec. As it tuns out it had never had the Power Supply Upgrade done so I did that and he is now totally happy.


A fascinating story, Ian.  What a pity so many people who love good sound - and chose tube amps because of it - will never ever get to see (hear!) how a 55N+ will deliver more (and control their woofers better!  aa

BTW, when you mean "the Power Supply Upgrade done" do you mean the upgrade which was part of the '+' upgrade kit or do you mean the Lifeforce dual-rectified PS (with a resistor in front of the last cap) which I installed with my LF upgrade and you could certainly use with 55N+s?  If you didn't install this - you should!  :thumb:




« Reply #159 on: 5 Dec 2008, 02:47 am »
I meant the "+ Kit" Power Supply Upgrade. I did make a minor mod, I used MBR20100CT Schottky diodes ($1.85 each from Jacar). These are physically identical 2 diode with common cathodes connection in a TO-220 pack as what is provided as standard BUT are 100V 20 Amps Rated Schottky Diodes.
NOTE: That 100V rating is not sufficient for use for the 100W units with the higher rail voltage but is fine for the 55W Units. (Diodes in the Bridge arrangement need to be able to withstand 2.818 times the transformer RMS voltage - that is, the peak to peak transformer voltage )