Vista- yay or nay?

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Re: Vista- yay or nay?
« Reply #20 on: 3 Feb 2007, 12:05 am »
Thanks! We're actually asking for Apple gift cards for our wedding! Of course for those who insist on buying us 8 toasters we did register at one of the home furnishing stores, crate and barrel or something like that.  :roll: In a perfect world we wouldn't get anything other than gift cards.


Re: Vista- yay or nay?
« Reply #21 on: 3 Feb 2007, 12:13 am »
Poor Microsoft is screwed.  I say that as a person who has made an awful lot of money from Microsoft.  Millions of people around the world can say the same. 

Here's some recent MS drama for those who don't already know all this:

First of all, they should have given legendary Windows architect Jim Allchin whatever he wanted to stick around.  They let him walk, which is bad enough.  Then they put a MARKETING GUY in his place. 

Before Allchin left, he stopped development of Longhorn, and pretty much had a sit down with Gates and Co. about how they needed a new approach.  His idea was to create a brand new, ground up OS from scratch.  Up until this point, they had just been adding onto code that they'd been using for over a decade.  Granted the OS's have become better each time, but they've also become extremely bloated, and they were built using a questionable foundation of code that dated back 10-12 years. 

Bill and Co. agreed to trash what they had started with Longhorn, and go with Allchin's plan.  Somewhere along the way Allchin decides to leave.  I think he had just had enough and wanted to enjoy retirement.  But seriously. . . They could have kept him if they offered him enough loot.  They only needed two more years out of him.  Instead, they take their top marketing guy, and put him in charge of Windows Architecture

Now Vista comes out.  It's a half-assed try at Allchin's plan.  It's not what it should have been.  Really that would be okay b/c it's MS's first attempt in a long, long time at a ground up OS.  But now Mr. Marketing genius comes out and says that Microsoft will never have another Vista.  They will never completely redo an OS from the ground up because it nearly tore the Windows team, and the company, apart.  So Mr. Marketing says they will only release small, frequent updates to the Windows OS from now on. 

I don't see the difference between that, and what they've been doing since Windows 3.  They should have allowed Vista to "tear the company apart" because it would have gotten rid of all the people who are content to rest on the laurels of 15 year old code, and just keep making it prettier, and more bloated. 

Microsoft is going to have a very tough decade. 

I think Allchin should go work for Google.  THAT would be interesting. . .  :thumb:

Ohh wait. . .what was this thread about again?   :duh:


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Re: Vista- yay or nay?
« Reply #22 on: 3 Feb 2007, 12:43 am »
An interesting Jim Allchin......check out the final paragraph....."According to exhibits filed in 2006 ......."  :o


Re: Vista- yay or nay?
« Reply #23 on: 3 Feb 2007, 12:50 am »
"Here comes the money..." Remember the Mac lemonade game in the 80s?  This should be Microsoft's theme song.  Bua ha ha ha :lol:


Re: Vista- yay or nay?
« Reply #24 on: 3 Feb 2007, 12:58 am »
I’ve owned WindowsXP 64 for over a year and tried Vista64. They are just not ready for prime time. Actually, the OS is ready but no body else is. Its been a LONG time and still few manufacturers have proper driver support.

I’ve been running Vista Ultimate 32 since November and its great. Unfortunately, video game support is still not available from ATI. I’ve tired all the most recent drives and they STILL don’t work!! What’s funny is that the Microsoft driver for my ATI X1900xtx video card works fine while the official ATI driver doesn’t. Also, ATI completely dropped the ball for OpenGL support. nVidia didn’t, their Vista support is good.

Until just last week I was still missing driver support for my wireless Logitech keyboard and mouse and a few other things but they came through this past week and all is working well.

What I don’t understand is why so many manufacturers have not gotten their acts together. Vista is over a year late and there has been plenty of time for drivers to have been developed and released yet still giants like HP are tardy with driver support.

I ran the WindowsXP beta too back when and it was not very much different. Lack of driver support from manufacturers, people complaining and saying how Windows98se was still the best thing on the planet. Anyhow, Vista is going to be great – Viva, La Vista!

BTW: iTunes works fine and my 3G iPod works fine too.

Do not want to be labelled MS basher, but I just have to be, especially with the fiasco behind the Pack 2 issue on the XP.  I believe that Windows XP with pack 2 was the only OS out there at the time, about 2 years ago that did not even support standard flash drives and my digital camera, the Olympus C-8080.  Everything was working fine prior to the highly touted pack 2 and then, bam, tons of items that worked fine with it just simply stopped working.  Called customer service from Dell and got their classic blame game, "It must not be the Windows nor our hardware, must be that all your peripherals that, (btw, were working happily before) are not compartible.  Remembering this, I say that it is nothing new that the other hardware vendors are not catching up with writing drivers for the new OS.  The fact is that Windows was the only OS that drops the bomb continuously on their users. 

All due to this, I jumped on the chance of trying Apple on the cheap with the MKI Mini and how happy I have been with it.  Almost two years and still, I am using it without EVER having an issue with USB drivers, not recognized hardware and other important issues. 

With it and all, I still keep an old Windows XP machine around to surf those sites, with banking, foreign related news and music that do not "play" well with Mac OS X.  If Vista is like the Mac OS X, which is about almost 1.5 years old, then, how will Mac OS XI be like? We can dream a good one. 

The only reason to get Vista might be if you purchase a PC preloaded with, but otherwise, what is the point of dishing out even $99?


Re: Vista- yay or nay?
« Reply #25 on: 3 Feb 2007, 01:17 am »
Hey Paul,  Don't forget Office 2007?  aa

The only reason to get Vista might be if you purchase a PC preloaded with, but otherwise, what is the point of dishing out even $99?


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Re: Vista- yay or nay?
« Reply #26 on: 3 Feb 2007, 01:20 am »
Hey Paul,  Don't forget Office 2007?  aa

The only reason to get Vista might be if you purchase a PC preloaded with, but otherwise, what is the point of dishing out even $99?

Despite my woes with Vista, I CAN honestly say that Pffice 2007 is FANTASTIC.


Re: Vista- yay or nay?
« Reply #27 on: 3 Feb 2007, 04:57 am »

Do not want to be labelled MS basher, but I just have to be, especially with the fiasco behind the Pack 2 issue on the XP.  I believe that Windows XP with pack 2 was the only OS out there at the time, about 2 years ago that did not even support standard flash drives and my digital camera, the Olympus C-8080.  Everything was working fine prior to the highly touted pack 2 and then, bam, tons of items that worked fine with it just simply stopped working.  Called customer service from Dell and got their classic blame game, "It must not be the Windows nor our hardware, must be that all your peripherals that, (btw, were working happily before) are not compartible.  Remembering this, I say that it is nothing new that the other hardware vendors are not catching up with writing drivers for the new OS.  The fact is that Windows was the only OS that drops the bomb continuously on their users. 

All due to this, I jumped on the chance of trying Apple on the cheap with the MKI Mini and how happy I have been with it.  Almost two years and still, I am using it without EVER having an issue with USB drivers, not recognized hardware and other important issues. 

With it and all, I still keep an old Windows XP machine around to surf those sites, with banking, foreign related news and music that do not "play" well with Mac OS X.  If Vista is like the Mac OS X, which is about almost 1.5 years old, then, how will Mac OS XI be like? We can dream a good one. 

The only reason to get Vista might be if you purchase a PC preloaded with, but otherwise, what is the point of dishing out even $99?

Humm, I have an Olympus C and have been using all kinds of devices like external hard drives, video capture devices, TV tuners both internal and external and I didn’t have any problems with WindowsXP, SP1 or SP2. I also didn’t have any issues with any of the 40+ PC’s in my office nor with the half dozen servers running Win2003 server since it was first released.

I’m sorry but Windows didn’t break your camera, you did. Or maybe Dell did and the jackass you spoke to on the phone knew less then you did.

Yeah, it’s a good thing you kept that OLD Win box lying around, you know for all that frivolous stuff like banking and international web surfing and listening to music – LOL!!!! Sounds like that MAC is really working out for you. Stick with it. 

Rob Babcock

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Re: Vista- yay or nay?
« Reply #28 on: 3 Feb 2007, 06:08 am »
I wish Apple well, but they're just not a realistic option for me.  No, I'm going to have to stick w/MS for the foreseeable future.  Unless Apple decides to make their OS available for people to run on their Wintel machines.


Re: Vista- yay or nay?
« Reply #29 on: 3 Feb 2007, 02:24 pm »

Do not want to be labelled MS basher, but I just have to be, especially with the fiasco behind the Pack 2 issue on the XP.  I believe that Windows XP with pack 2 was the only OS out there at the time, about 2 years ago that did not even support standard flash drives and my digital camera, the Olympus C-8080.  Everything was working fine prior to the highly touted pack 2 and then, bam, tons of items that worked fine with it just simply stopped working.  Called customer service from Dell and got their classic blame game, "It must not be the Windows nor our hardware, must be that all your peripherals that, (btw, were working happily before) are not compartible.  Remembering this, I say that it is nothing new that the other hardware vendors are not catching up with writing drivers for the new OS.  The fact is that Windows was the only OS that drops the bomb continuously on their users. 

All due to this, I jumped on the chance of trying Apple on the cheap with the MKI Mini and how happy I have been with it.  Almost two years and still, I am using it without EVER having an issue with USB drivers, not recognized hardware and other important issues. 

With it and all, I still keep an old Windows XP machine around to surf those sites, with banking, foreign related news and music that do not "play" well with Mac OS X.  If Vista is like the Mac OS X, which is about almost 1.5 years old, then, how will Mac OS XI be like? We can dream a good one. 

The only reason to get Vista might be if you purchase a PC preloaded with, but otherwise, what is the point of dishing out even $99?

Humm, I have an Olympus C and have been using all kinds of devices like external hard drives, video capture devices, TV tuners both internal and external and I didn’t have any problems with WindowsXP, SP1 or SP2. I also didn’t have any issues with any of the 40+ PC’s in my office nor with the half dozen servers running Win2003 server since it was first released.

I’m sorry but Windows didn’t break your camera, you did. Or maybe Dell did and the jackass you spoke to on the phone knew less then you did.

Yeah, it’s a good thing you kept that OLD Win box lying around, you know for all that frivolous stuff like banking and international web surfing and listening to music – LOL!!!! Sounds like that MAC is really working out for you. Stick with it. 

Dude, all my ripped music pieces are in the Mac, as well as my pics, my other documents etc...  I cannot help myself if I have to watch streaming videos that some people overseas just made for IE or something, can I.  So, you claim that I broke my camera, can you explain how you break a device by simply plugging in the mini USB to the computer or by attempting to load files from the memory it comes with?  And, BTW, the camera still works.  Perhaps it was the Mac that somehow "fixed it" when I decided to plugged it in to it?

What about this "Or maybe Dell did and the jackass that you spoke to on the phone knew less than you did"?

Perhaps you have got something personal against myself, but I have nothing against your stance on Windows vs Mac debate.  If you have an issue against diverging opinions of what keeps some people happy, perhaps it might be better to do so with a civil language or not a direct attack. 

I do not remember ever bashing people who used windows.  I was reporting on my experience.  So, go and take some lesson in speaking in public without adding bile where there was none. 

dB Cooper


Re: Vista- yay or nay?
« Reply #31 on: 3 Feb 2007, 03:23 pm »
The guy from the inquirer didn't specify which version of Vista he has.  I find him rather incompetent in his article.  That's just me.  Thanks for sharing.   NEXT... :lol:


Re: Vista- yay or nay?
« Reply #32 on: 3 Feb 2007, 03:39 pm »
I've used every iteration of MS operating system, from ms-dos through XP, WIN2K, etc. I have used Apple's OS, through the latest OSX.4.whatever. I have made a decent living trouble-shooting both MS and Apple's OS for clients. Professionally I'll keep on top of both.

Personally, I'm stickin' with PCLinuxOS.  :)


Re: Vista- yay or nay?
« Reply #33 on: 3 Feb 2007, 03:49 pm »
I agree with you on that linuxos specially if you can write your own codes.   8)

Heard of Novell lately?  Are they still in business...bua ha ha ha :lol:

I've used every iteration of MS operating system, from ms-dos through XP, WIN2K, etc. I have used Apple's OS, through the latest OSX.4.whatever. I have made a decent living trouble-shooting both MS and Apple's OS for clients. Professionally I'll keep on top of both.

Personally, I'm stickin' with PCLinuxOS.  :)


Re: Vista- yay or nay?
« Reply #34 on: 3 Feb 2007, 03:58 pm »
Ok, I’m no expert but I am a professional in the publishing, news and media industry. MOST writers are Mac fans, simple and true. The publishing world, in general, is Mac bias even though Apple only accounts for 4 percent of all computers in the US and 2 percent world wide. This is why the media pays WAY more attention to Apple and Jobs then what is reasonable. For a tiny company that basically contributes little to the industry as a whole, they get too much attention because of the fan-favoritism of the media – it’s a joke really.

Also. Again, as a publishing professional for over 18 years I have found that writers and editors are a strange bunch to say the least. They are usually (90%!) technically challenged and overly scholastic being somewhat socially handicapped. Sorry if I just insulted anyone, but it’s a strong and solid observation I find to be true overwhelmingly so.

I try not to read all the bias nonsense written by Mac fans that are also techno retards. Like the most recent headlines about Visa vulnerability related to voice commands – well, duha!! Seriously, is that the best they can do? The stupid Mac commercial portraying the gorky PC-guy getting his Vista upgrade and having to have his perifs.  changed – isn’t that the kettle calling the pot black!

Enough, is enough on this topic.

Vista is wonderful and is going to make millions of computer users very happy.

BTW: I installed Vista Business on an Athlon 1400Mhz or something with 256MB of RAM and a 20GB hard drive with onboard video – real old and slow. I put it on a co workers desk and ask them how it was. After a week or so, they had no complaints, liked it actually. So there goes the “Vista wont’ run on anything but a super computer” its just not true, it’ll run fine on just about anything.


Re: Vista- yay or nay?
« Reply #35 on: 3 Feb 2007, 04:03 pm »

Heard of Novell lately?  Are they still in business...bua ha ha ha :lol:

I'm maintaining Novell's Groupwise email, for clients. Don't get me started on MS Exchange  :evil:


Re: Vista- yay or nay?
« Reply #36 on: 3 Feb 2007, 04:23 pm »
I have to hand it to you.  Have you read "WHO MOVED MY CHEESE?"

bua ha ha ha :lol:

Heard of Novell lately?  Are they still in business...bua ha ha ha :lol:

I'm maintaining Novell's Groupwise email, for clients. Don't get me started on MS Exchange  :evil:

Heard of Novell lately?  Are they still in business...bua ha ha ha :lol:

I'm maintaining Novell's Groupwise email, for clients. Don't get me started on MS Exchange  :evil:


Re: Vista- yay or nay?
« Reply #37 on: 3 Feb 2007, 04:38 pm »
I have to hand it to you.  Have you read "WHO MOVED MY CHEESE?"

That patronizing parable? What's your point? Something is striking you as funny today. bua...ha...ha ?


Re: Vista- yay or nay?
« Reply #38 on: 3 Feb 2007, 05:05 pm »
I have tried several Vista betas as a beta tester without any trouble at all in a new computer I built for Squeezebox use, Vista is already solid and feels better than XP in all regards. I haven't tried the new Mac, but I still remember the old Apples being just as crash-prone as any old Windows machines. I have used many Linux distros and look forward to use my upcoming (free) Vista Ultimate together with PCLinuxOS 2007 and Mepis 6-04. However, I have found most other Linux distros I've tried, including the idolized Ubuntu, to be a pain in the ass to fine tune (to give just and example, why can't they recognize a modern five-button mouse during install?).

MS bashing-Apple/Linux idealizing is a kind of religion in some quarters, similar to the "all-against-B&W" over at Audio Asylum. Google will probably be their next target.


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Re: Vista- yay or nay?
« Reply #39 on: 3 Feb 2007, 06:35 pm »
What the heck do you do with five buttons on a mouse?  Is it for Autocad or some other drafting program?

Personally, I think Macs are better designed and easier to use that Winblows.  However, a lot of software still is PC based.