Organization and Publicity

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Scott F.

Organization and Publicity
« on: 23 Aug 2006, 01:48 am »
Hiya Guys!

Sorry I've been AWOL for a while but summer seems to be the busy time for all of us, me included. Things are starting to slow down a bit (at least for me) and I wanted to toss a couple of things out there.

Thom P. (of Flips) gave me a call a week or so ago and mentioned that Michael Sorkin of the Post Dispatch had discovered that we exist (Gateway Audio Society). It just so happens Mike is an Audiophile and an old customer of Thom's. In turn he surfed onto the GAS Circle and it sparked some interest. I called Mike and we talked for a while and it seems like he wants to write an article about us in the Post.

This is very cool. Sounds like we are going to get some publicity. With that, we are liable to get a number of people that want to join and become active members. I don't want to even take a stab at the possible numbers. It could be just a few, or it could be a few bus loads. We won't know for sure until the article runs.

Mike has asked me to put something together and email it to him describing who and what we are. I'm going to try to get that together and off to him in the next couple of weeks. As part of the article, he's going to need to post contact information for the group. Bryan has gracefully provided our (inactive) website. We should probably put a link on there to the GAS Circle here at AC on a temporary basis until we fill up the static website with content. That way we can communicate with the anticipated members.

This takes us back to the issue of hosting gatherings and regular meetings. I know we covered this before.
but we probably need to revisit it again if for no other reason, anticipated growth.

Tim (his boss actually) has graciously offered up The Sound Room's meeting room as a place that we can meet to talk about our growth. Tim said his availible dates are any Sunday in Sept except the 17th, 9/4 Labor Day (the Scot's don't celebrate it :lol: ), or any Saturday after 5 when the store closes. He also mentioned that afterwards we could head down the road to Growlers Pub (or any number of other places nearby) for eats and brews. The room has seating for 15 but can squeeze up to 20.

So, what do you think? Is it time for another organization meeting?

It would be nice to come out of the meeting with monthly gatherings that have a rotating venue. Where we list the months, then the active members step up and host a gathering. Limiting the size of the group will be a must as some guys can only handle 4-5-6 guys. A particular topic or piece of guest gear would be ideal for each meet.

Once we get this going, manufacturers will (likely) be more than willing to send down gear to demo for the groups if thats the type of thing you want to get going. Once we get big enough and a little better organized, manufacurers will come in and do full blown demonstrations for us too.

Here's a quick link to two other Societies to give you an idea what the other guys are doing our there;

Thoughts  :scratch:

steve k

Re: Organization and Publicity
« Reply #1 on: 23 Aug 2006, 03:28 am »
Hey, that's great news Scott! I'm not sure how many new members the publicity will bring out but it may pique the interest of some local manufacturer's of gear to participate. We're still working very hard on a certain Mr. Hillig to jump in here. (Chris' new Chameleon preamp is a real killer pre that I'm sure will spark some interest in our group and hopefully on this board). John also has a new tube based phono pre that we've given a spin this week that is really nice too. Maybe some local exposure for GAS will tip the scales and get John and other local designers/manufacturers on board.

I'm totally up for a meeting. It certainly won't hurt to plan a bit for the future. Personally, I'm not sure I'm looking for GAS to become as formal as some of these other groups--translate: "sounds like a lot of work". But I did notice they seem to attract a lot of manufacturers to their meetings for product demos. With that said, we haven't heard much interest in the Nomad demo and I think it's quite nice of Paul to bring these all the way down here from Chicago.

So I guess I'm a bit confused as to where we're headed but it's a good time to get together and discuss it again. Talk amongst yourselves.  :thumb:


Re: Organization and Publicity
« Reply #2 on: 23 Aug 2006, 03:40 am »
Sounds like a plan to me. Maybe a little more exposure is just what we need. I think a calender of events and meetings is in order. That way we would be able to plan a little better for events.


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Re: Organization and Publicity
« Reply #3 on: 23 Aug 2006, 04:37 pm »
I think it's great - count me in.  I'll try to find some time to sit down and work up a few things for the other site.  I'm pretty buried as business is good right now and this is supposed to be the slow time of the year. 

Let me know what's up.


Scott F.

Re: Organization and Publicity
« Reply #4 on: 27 Aug 2006, 09:26 pm »
Any one date better than any others?

steve k

Re: Organization and Publicity
« Reply #5 on: 27 Aug 2006, 10:17 pm »
Sundays are better for me. Alison has a lot of Saturday softball games in September and she has a tournament over Labor Day weekend.


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Re: Organization and Publicity
« Reply #6 on: 28 Aug 2006, 03:40 am »
As long as I have a little notice, I can make it pretty much any time - though weekends are normally better.



Re: Organization and Publicity
« Reply #7 on: 28 Aug 2006, 02:23 pm »
To casually throw out a date as no one else seems to want to, how about Sunday 10th September ?
We could make it early afternoon with a couple of beers to follow.

steve k

Re: Organization and Publicity
« Reply #8 on: 28 Aug 2006, 02:38 pm »
No can do. It's my daughter's BD party.


Re: Organization and Publicity
« Reply #9 on: 28 Aug 2006, 05:27 pm »
I can't do the 3rd or 17th of September . That would leave the 24th. What about Saturday evenings ? Would that work better for most people ?


  • Industry Participant
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    • Sensible Sound Solutions
Re: Organization and Publicity
« Reply #10 on: 28 Aug 2006, 05:45 pm »
I think either of those is OK - but will have to check with the social director...

Saturday evenings are OK in general - have a couple things coming up but don't remember the dates.


Scott F.

Re: Organization and Publicity
« Reply #11 on: 28 Aug 2006, 07:04 pm »
What do you say we try to kill two birds with one stone and do it either before or after Paul displays his Ronin speakers at Steves on Saturday the 16th?

Not sure about the logistics. Not many people have responded to either thread so at this point I would have to think that the group size for both meetings might be fairly managable (<10 people).

Steve, what do you think?


Re: Organization and Publicity
« Reply #12 on: 28 Aug 2006, 07:31 pm »
That sounds like a plan. It works for me.  I do have a wedding the next day so I can't make it too late a night. What about everyone else? Chime in please.


Re: Organization and Publicity
« Reply #13 on: 28 Aug 2006, 07:33 pm »
I can actually make this date. Yay!!!  :thumb:

steve k

Re: Organization and Publicity
« Reply #14 on: 28 Aug 2006, 07:53 pm »
Why didn't I think of that? :scratch:

Sounds good to me. It might be a bit crowded but we'll manage. Maybe while we feed our faces we can hash things out.  :lol: My plan was to cook der brats and kraut in the afternoon while Paul is setting up so we can eat when people start showing up. Maybe we can move that up and eat earlier, say 4:30 or 5, and have our meeting then?

Scott F.

Re: Organization and Publicity
« Reply #15 on: 28 Aug 2006, 08:09 pm »
Perfecto  :thumb:

Now for the REAL question.....How many guys are showing up  :scratch:


Re: Organization and Publicity
« Reply #16 on: 28 Aug 2006, 08:57 pm »
I really wished I could make this one but I will be on vacation.  Have a brat and beer for me and I hope all goes well with the meeting. 


Re: Organization and Publicity
« Reply #17 on: 28 Aug 2006, 11:17 pm »
I'll be there but it will be close to 6pm as I'm working until 5.

steve k

Re: Organization and Publicity
« Reply #18 on: 29 Aug 2006, 03:52 am »
Now for the REAL question.....How many guys are showing up  

Well, so far, I have Sturg, Alex, Scott, Blackmore, Electricbear, and BPape interested in coming. Anyone else interested?


Re: Organization and Publicity
« Reply #19 on: 29 Aug 2006, 05:07 am »
As much as I would like to attend once again I am working.
I really need to find a new job....
