Bybee Line Level Purifier

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Bybee Line Level Purifier
« Reply #40 on: 21 Jun 2003, 12:30 am »
Guess that means I've got a bit of time to wait for the new digital...


Bybee Line Level Purifier
« Reply #41 on: 21 Jun 2003, 01:15 am »

You've got me a little confused. Did you try both Bybee in-lines on the source end of the digital, or the processor end? You mention putting them both on the source end (I'd suggested both at the processor end), but then say you like it better at the entrance of the digital cable (which I make out to be the processor end).

I'm not trying to be a pain or anything, I just can't figure out quite how you're using them.

I re-visted the Bybee site to check out the info on how they work to try and find out if that's where I'd read the info that lead me to believe that two on one end of the cable should be better than one on each end. But the info page seems worded different than when I last read it. Add to that I've been reading about them both here & at HD for a year & a half. So I don't recall where I got what info.

But what I do remember was that however it is they work, they work best closest to the end of the signal. If you've got one on the source end it'd "clean" the signal, then it'd get a bit messed up along the cable run. Then the second Bybee on the receiving end would "clean" the signal up again, though this time it wouldn't be as bad as it'd already been "cleaned" a bit by the first one.

But if you stick both of them on the receiving end, the "cleaning" effect would be immediately cumulative, rather than being slightly degraded by the cable in between the two if one was on each end.

As I've said before, that's only my understanding of how they work from everything I've read over the last 1 1/2 years. I don't know for sure as I've never even seen a Bybee, let alone had the chance to play with one.

So I've no doubt that one on each end of the cable would be nice. But it seems to me that it'd be a bit nicer if both were on the receiving end of things.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 43
Bybee Line Level Purifier
« Reply #42 on: 22 Jun 2003, 02:33 am »

As per your thoughts/recommendations....... I must say your 2 Bybee inlines back-to back at the end of the digital coax (before pre/pro) did it for me.

Thanks, and  that is where they will stay.  Absolutely no question.
Much smoother presentation, bass accuracy, detail, stage depth..  It is all there now.  Absolutely no harshness in the upper range which I had experienced with my initial setup.  .... much better synergy than my previous two placements (both ends of the digital coax, and the dig/ post pre before the center dedicated amp.
The Bybee at the pre end was good, as was the other Bybee at the end of the IC before my center channel amp (Le Amp).  It was better than two Bybees at each end of the digital coax.  But that changed.

Ahhhhh... now this dual Bybee just before the pro has me cooking with gas.  Very, very happy.

And an unexpected bonus is that my rear surrounds have never sounded better.  Detail I have never heard before.  Where in the hell have they been for 3 years ?  They just woke up it seems.





Bybee Line Level Purifier
« Reply #43 on: 28 Jun 2003, 02:05 am »
I received my bybee line purifier 5 days ago.  All I can say is  :o .  I've tried to find something to nit-pick about this amazing device, but I can't.  I agree with everything that has been said in the previous posts.  Background noise, treble harshness and "glare" has just faded away.  I'm so much more aware of the microdynamic foundations in every track.  Wayne, you better get those bybees in stock asap cause I'm gonna need a few more.   :wink:



Bybee Line Level Purifier
« Reply #44 on: 28 Jun 2003, 02:19 am »

I am glad you are enjoying the purifier.

I shipped the last four smaller Bybees I had on hand today.

I am sure Jack Bybee wishes he had more stock on hand to sell.

The DAM are getting together tomorrow and we will be listening to some Bybees, among other toys. I will bring along a pair of speaker level Bybees.

If you think the Bybee sounds good in a digital line, wait until you try it with your phono section :D


Bybee Line Level Purifier
« Reply #45 on: 28 Jun 2003, 02:40 am »

Did you ever concoct a pair of tonearm cables with bybees?  Did Marbles get his yet?  If so I am going to have to bug him soon for impressions.

I wonder if VMPS Ribbon monitors would benefit from bybees at the positive terminal of the drivers.  Could get quite expensive with the RM40's.


Bybee Line Level Purifier
« Reply #46 on: 28 Jun 2003, 02:52 am »
I got mine Thursday (yesterday).  It works about as well on analog as it does on digital :-(  (sad face because it's costing me $$$)

I also tried a second on my digital system with similar findings to Tyson.

So in answer to your question, I bought the second one Wayne sent and placed an order for another, so I can have one on the digital and a pair on the Phono IC's.

Hate to say it, but highly recommended on the Phono IC's as well as on the digital.

I should also mention that my system is really coming along nicely now, and as the tweaking slows, I am having Wayne send me Nitro speaker cable to rewire my 9.0's.


Bybee Line Level Purifier
« Reply #47 on: 28 Jun 2003, 03:13 am »
Let me back up, I got my Bybee in line thingies on Thursday.

I received my Nitro Phono IC's a few weeks ago.  I love them.  A review of them is either in the Vinyl Circle or Critics Circle.

All my other cabling is Bolder Nitro as well.


Bybee Line Level Purifier
« Reply #48 on: 28 Jun 2003, 03:28 pm »

I just read the description on A'gon.

The Bybee SlipStream RCA Bullet is a phenominol upgrade to the previous Bybee interconnect bullet. It now has two purifiers (four per pair). Jack has added a purifier on the ground path to give ground noise isolation between the equipment. The RCA plug has been upgraded to the Eichmann Bullet plug, which provides a high pressure point contact ground with improved current steering. Together with the enormously improved purifier technology, this has resulted in the revelation of sound nuances, stage size, spatial and temporal definition, and musical sweetness so compelling that you cannot remove them from your system. There is no coloration or arbitrary response here; the conductors and material of your cables and surrounding equipment will sonically disappear because each electron that flows between your components is being metered and noise stripped before it is allowed to proceed.

Though useful at the downstream end of the cable alone, for maximum benefit there should be a bullet at each end of the cable.

It looks just like the inline purifiers I am building. It says they have a Bybee in the positive and one in the negative. However, In the picture, I cannot see where there is room for two Bybees

Here is the one I make

The heatshrink cover is 2 1/2" long on the ones I make. I just don't see where you can fit two Bybees. The isn't enough length or width.

I have made the Phono cable for Marbles and, as you can tell from his review and posts, he likes it. I can only make the phono cable with a DIN connector at one end. I can build Bybees into the cable or you can use the Bybee adaptor.

I have built an "adaptor" to attatch to the back of a speaker cabinet with a large Bybee purifier. It DOES help out quite a bit on my 626Rs. Here are Tyson's comments about listening to the speaker purifiers in my system :
The speaker level filters were an obvious and immediate improvement over the plain speaker wire hookup. When listening to Natalie Merchant singing "Ophelia", with the Bybee's, the sound was less vieled, instruments had better seperation, better depth to the soundstage, cleaner and more relaxed treble, and the bass did not drone as much (the bass on this track is definitely on the "drone" side of things, but it's the recording's fault). A nice improvement, but one I was already familiar with, since I had a similar result using bybee'd speaker bi-wire jumpers in my own setup.
I will be trying them out on a pair of RM-40s with FST and TRT caps later today.

Tyson will be bringing his Bybee Bi-wire jumper.  We can try it with a Bybee inline for the whole system and another one for the mids and tweets. I think this would be a very cost effective upgrade. You would not have to take anything apart or possibly void your warranty.


Bybee Line Level Purifier
« Reply #49 on: 28 Jun 2003, 04:12 pm »
Bubba sent me his "spare" Monster Cable s-video cable this week.

With a little help from Jason, I think I have figured out a way to compare the two of them on my system. I will try to make some time this weekend to do so.

I can say that with the Bybee RF purifier on my DISH Network receiver and the Bybee s-video cables, the picture from the "pizza dish" has never been better. BLacks are SOOO much darker. The colors are far more richer.

I will keep you informed.

Jay S

Bybee Line Level Purifier
« Reply #50 on: 29 Jun 2003, 01:26 am »
Just found out that my pair of bybee inline filters is a prototype with ERS!  :P

Jay S

Bybee Line Level Purifier
« Reply #51 on: 29 Jun 2003, 01:58 am »
Hi Robin,

I made my post in the best spirit of 3rd grade-level playground one-upmanship.   :lol:  <-- trying to be...

Seriously, Wayne wrapped the bybee and the wire in more ERS (under the heatshrink).  We'll see what its like.  

Right now the guys at the post office are listening to the bybee inlines, but I do hope to get them on Monday or Tuesday.  

Cheers,  <-- did too much of that last night...

- Jay

Jay S

Bybee Line Level Purifier
« Reply #52 on: 29 Jun 2003, 02:10 am »
I-I-I don't have sheets of ERS!   :cry:  Mom, mom, give me some money!!!   :lol:

Seriously, I see myself slipping down the slippery slope of bybee ownership...   8)


Bybee Line Level Purifier
« Reply #53 on: 30 Jun 2003, 02:42 am »
Jay does have a unique set of Bybee inlines, or he will when the Post arrives. :D

Jay had an old pair of Type 2 Bybee interconnects, made with Bullet plugs, that he was not using. I just did a little surgery on them and extracted the Bybees and a pair of Bullets and added a couple of female RCAs. Because these were older Bybees without ERS, I wrapped the whole thing with ERS fabric and covered it all up with heatshrink.

I hope you let us all know how they sound to you, Jay.

Jay S

Bybee Line Level Purifier
« Reply #54 on: 30 Jun 2003, 03:18 am »
Yes, I had forgotten that my bybees were the older ones without the ERS or (I guess?) the cryo treatment.  

You can be sure that I will let you all know my impressions of the inline bybees!


My 2 cents
« Reply #55 on: 2 Jul 2003, 10:21 pm »
I've had a pair of the Bybee inline thingies for a few weeks now and they are definitely the real deal!  I've tried them everywhere possible in my system and found they work best on the inputs to my preamp.  The sound becomes rounder, more analog like, with less grain, and tighter bass.  I think I'll try one of those Bybee plug things soon...


Bybee Line Level Purifier
« Reply #56 on: 5 Jul 2003, 06:50 pm »
I just received an E-mail from Jack Bybee. He imfoms me that the small purifiers will be back in stock for ordering on July 16th :D

I will place an order that day. Allowing for sipping, I should be able to start building more line level purifiers during the week of July 21. :hyper:


Bybee Line Level Purifier
« Reply #57 on: 5 Jul 2003, 07:27 pm »
All of these add-on Bybee products are interesting, but what about the issue of the extraneous connectors? That can't be optimal. The audio benefits of the Bybees could be hiding negative effects of the added connectors. Splitting hairs?


Bybee Line Level Purifier
« Reply #58 on: 5 Jul 2003, 07:36 pm »
The question I ask is "does my system sound better or worse with the Bybee's in them?"

So far I have to say it sounds better, so I really don't care about the connectors.

When it sounds worse with another Bybee, I will return it and get my $$ back.

If you have a different or a better way to put them in a system, please let us know.


Bybee Line Level Purifier
« Reply #59 on: 5 Jul 2003, 08:00 pm »
I have offered Bybees built into interconnects for quite some time.

They are fairly expensive. Since I started offering these "adaptors" I have sold quite a few of them with NO negative comments.

For some reason, people tend to want use their current interconnects rather then selling them and buying new ones.

I do intend to build them into a digital cable someday and I will be working on building them into the NITRO speaker cable.

At this point, it is up to the end user what they want. The flexibility of the "adaptors" to use with any interconnect, speaker cable, or power cable or a more expensive cable with the Bybee built in.