GAS Questions

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Scott F.

GAS Questions
« on: 27 Oct 2005, 01:43 am »
Hiya Guys,

I was sitting back thinking about our little corner of the universe here at GAS. Over the past year or so we’ve picked up probably six new members. Some of us got to meet one or two of them back at the B&W event at Tim’s place which was great.

I’d have to count but I think we are approaching 30 people here at GAS. When we start talking get togethers, that number of people is pretty scary. Going from memory, I think the largest attendance we had was 18 or 20. That’s a pretty formidable number all in itself.

What I’m trying to figure out what we want as a group. I’m not sure what everybody is looking for from GAS. I haven’t been able how to figure out how to do this other than an informal questioneer.

My thoughts with this are, first we get a consensus of what everybody is looking for out of GAS. Second is the really tough one, how do we have more regular gatherings where we can get the new guys involved (and bring back a couple of the original guys we haven’t seen in a while)?

So here’s a few questions to ponder on. No doubt I’ve missed something that may be important to you or someone else. If I did, just add those comments to your replies.

What are you looking for out of GAS (insert “I want to..” in front of each of these)

Listen to new and different gear?
Do active A/B comparisons of gear (and/or, then write about them on AC)?
Have manufacturers do active demo’s of their gear?
Learn about specific audio related subjects? ( acoustics, technology, design, etc.)
Find new music?
….anything else you can think of, insert here.

This next part covers the gatherings. Since we are so large, I think people are afraid to post anything about a get together because they could be over run with all of the members. Most everybody has modest sized rooms that can accommodate five or six people (tops) before it becomes really crowded. In turn, I’m trying to figure out how to get some of the new guys involved where they can experience each of our systems (and us theirs) without the fear of mayhem.

How should we handle get togethers?

Should we meet quarterly as a large group and rent a conference room at a hotel (or somewhere)?
Should we split the gatherings up over two days so we can handle more people?
Should we try to convince one of the local dealers to host regular gatherings?
Should we post gatherings but limit the number of guys due to our room sizes?

This next part is just random thoughts and questions.

Should we focus more on swapping similar gear in and out of the systems? I sometimes think (at least at my place) that its sort of like ‘short attention span theatre’. Maybe it’s the reflection of me bouncing off the walls wanting to let everybody hear a little bit of everything rather than focusing on a certain piece. Maybe not.

Should we try doing gatherings with a sharp focus like the 300b night (that I haven’t scheduled yet) or CD player night, or R&B night, vintage gear night, that type stuff? If you guys are interested in a sharp focus, I’ve got no doubt that any number of manufacturers would be happy to send us a piece so we can listen to it and compare it some other pieces each of us have. It would just take a phone call.

Do we need to get more “organized”. By that I mean, do we do like the guys in Chicago, Boston and other major cities and have board of directors (per se) and make formal announcements, group gatherings and outings? Do we start inviting manufacturers in to do demos? That type stuff.

Do we want to try to do some group outings? You guys know me and concerts. I’m always up for them but it seems like many people aren’t interested in live music. Got any suggestions on something (or things) that we could do as a group? When it comes to live events, we don’t have to limit them to big name acts. We’ve got some extremely talented musicians both in our group and at the local colleges. Those type events are usually $5 bucks or less to attend. It would be great to go out and show our support to our fellow GASsers and local musicans.

I’m just trying to see if we as a group are looking to take GAS to the next level. Don’t mistake what I’m typing, there is absolutely nothing wrong with what we are doing now. AC has been gracious enough to give us a place to stay in touch, which has worked really well. We’re able to announce major gatherings or things that might interest a few other members.

I’ve talked to a couple of people that have tried to get something like GAS going in previous years and they didn’t have any success. I’m just worried that without more frequent major gatherings that our membership will start to subside. I just don’t know to handle the larger numbers that we have now.

Any suggestions?

Oh, let me try to answer this one before anybody asks, I know everybody was pretty exited about the tube design sessions (as was I). The unfortunate thing is I’ve only got a grasp on a small portion of design. I’m still looking for that light bulb to go off in my head where it all clicks. In turn, I was hoping G, Willie and Thom (and even maybe Thom’s Dad, Flip) could join in and we could all try to learn from each other but alas, schedules and life got in the way. I’m still up for it if you guys can help get the other guys interested again.

Bill Baker

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GAS Questions
« Reply #1 on: 27 Oct 2005, 02:26 am »
Problem solved Scott. You needto buy a bigger house with a dedicated, built in conference room.
 But really, I do like your idea of trying to get dealers to host "sessions". I am considering doing something similar up here in Upstate NY.

 Good luck with your venture. Hey, don't be afraid to give me a buzz to borrow something I might have on hand that would be of interest for one of your get togethers. NO, I will not send the Usher D2s so don't even ask :nono:  I would however like to send along a pair of the new Bella speakers for your (the GAS Crew) evaluation.

steve k

GAS Questions
« Reply #2 on: 27 Oct 2005, 02:51 am »
These are all great questions Scott. I for one, have felt like we have new members really interested in getting together but the logistics of having the whole group over gets to be unmanageable pretty quickly for any of us. So the meetings just aren't happening.  :(

I'd like to make a couple suggestions to get the conversation started here. Gassers, please join in.

Maybe we should start hosting smaller groups at various places. For the newcomers, we can list our systems (most of them are already listed in "Systems" above). I certainly enjoy hearing different systems from my own--the more different, the better. It gives me a better perspective on what I'm doing right (or not) with my addiction. Maybe if we have a new component, we can feature that and perhaps compare it to a guest's piece.

We've all been to meetings though where we have way too many pieces to compare and the comparisons get lost in the mix. Our meetings need to get more focused, more simplified and perhaps more planned ahead of time so guests know what they're in for. The goal would be to get people more focused on a goal of hearing certain equipment and maybe narrow the group gathering by a matter of personal interest.

Also, if we have more, smaller gatherings, people won't feel so obliged to show up because the meetings are so few and far between. We'd be seeing each other more often.

For larger group gatherings, maybe we can get together at a vendor sponsored event. I really enjoyed the B&W presentation hosted by Best Sound and was glad to meet some new members there. Perhaps we should "drum up" the next such outing to get more of the group there to meet each other. What better place to play than a high end stereo store?

Concerts can certainly be the source for larger group meetings too. There's no better reference for audio performance than the real thing.

We've been successful in the past at getting group interest by getting loaner equipment from vendors (AKSA, JJAZ, etc.) Maybe we could poll the group about equipment they'd like to hear and see if we can get a vendor to ship us a demo unit. (I'd like to hear Henry Ho's H20 amp e.g.). To keep the group sizes manageable, maybe we could trade the unit off in several different systems so people could hear it in different systems. This also gives people more opportunity to hear it if it's available at more than one meeting. It would also show how the unit performs in different systems.

As far as what I'm looking for from the group its "all the above". I've really enjoyed our meetings to:

1. Meet new people interested in music and audio
2. Get exposed to other people's interests in music
3. Get exposed to new equipment and other ways systems make music
4. Compare equipment A/B
5. Keep my sanity by knowing I'm not the only one out there with the       audio "addiction" (aka group therapy)  :lol:

Thanks for bringing these thoughts up. I think we've all been kicking this around in our heads but it's time to get it out on the table.

Gassers, what say you?

steve k

steve k

GAS Questions
« Reply #3 on: 27 Oct 2005, 02:54 am »
Hey, don't be afraid to give me a buzz to borrow something I might have on hand that would be of interest for one of your get togethers.

Hey Bill,

How about a pair of Extreme Hurricanes? I'd love to hear them on my Magnepans. :lol:

steve k

Scott F.

GAS Questions
« Reply #4 on: 27 Oct 2005, 03:02 am »
Quote from: steve k
Hey, don't be afraid to give me a buzz to borrow something I might have on hand that would be of interest for one of your get togethers.

Hey Bill,

How about a pair of Extreme Hurricanes? I'd love to hear them on my Magnepans. :lol:

steve k

Hey Bill, while you are at it, go ahead and crate up the D-2's. We won't keep them for long, I promise  :lol:

Seriously, thanks for the offer to send down some gear. I've got no doubt we'll be getting in touch with you to take you up on your offer. :notworthy:


GAS Questions
« Reply #5 on: 27 Oct 2005, 03:04 am »
(you asked!)
Man, you bit off a bunch there, Scott, but I feel your pain and have thought on these things myself, to little avail.
First off, I'm gonna be 'all over the place' in this post.  If I spent time trying to organize my thoughts, it might be January or February before you heard back from me.
I hope everyone can input on this.  For the sake of if they don't get to it, the possibility of SOME sort of meeting of everyone that wants to be involved or get something out of the association of all of us might be a decent move.  Even if we only borrow a meeting room from some library for an evening of open discussion, this might be a way to hash out some sort of focus or direction.  
I can barely begin to tell you what I want out of all of this.  I've already heard more gear and varied musical tastes than I thought I would be exposed to in my 'world of 1'.  I want more, which is saying something for a self-proclaimed anti-social ass.  You are all just like me, only different! 8)  Then again, maybe not so different when the tunes are turned up...
Definitely interested on A/B comparisons.  It is the only way for me to hear differences, as my aural memory doesn't hardly last long enough to get home.  New gear is good.  Old gear is good, if it is good still.  
Heck, if it weren't for y'all, I'd still believe folks into tubes were purely anachronists and cheapskates.  Well, now that I *are* one, I know that path isn't cheap either.
Room sizes are a bitch.  The best effect I've seen so far among us was when you ran your family out of the house and set up multiple systems.   Kind of tough to do to anyone's family, even once.
Definitely when we *do* get together it seems difficult to maintain focus, and although I've spent a lot of time trying to reduce my ability to focus, it isn't always productive.... :oops:
The ocassional small get togethers are fine, as far as they go for a few folks, but some never know, or hear.
Maybe we all pitch and buy a big house and put our systems in it and we can come listen anytime we want and I'll stay there all the time and guard it...hehehe :P
Wish I had suggestions worth a damn right now though...
I've gained a lot knowing y'all so far, and hope for much more, even though I might be a little slow to pick some stuff up.
And speaking of which, thanks for your admission on the tube design stuff.  I have a heck of a time anymore just thinking thru building kits without too much torture, and thought on designing new stuff although attractive might be beyond my ol' brain cells.  Heck, just fixing the stuff I've got is a major hurdle!
Well, that's probably not all I have to say, but this post is getting long.
I'll come back when someone else chimes in.
And speaking of that, I'll go post something else.

C'mon GASsers, shout out!

Best regards,

PS Man, 3 more post whilst laboring on this one! Right on!


GAS Questions
« Reply #6 on: 27 Oct 2005, 03:13 am »
Thanks for reminding me about 'Systems', Steve.  
I still had my Bryston/Vandie rig listed.

Bill Baker

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GAS Questions
« Reply #7 on: 27 Oct 2005, 03:16 am »
How about a pair of Extreme Hurricanes? I'd love to hear them on my Magnepans

 Sorry Steve, I don't even have a pair of these for demo. With teh speakers I have on hand, 200 watts is overkill. This si also why I am selling my 200 watt Jolida 3000 monos.

 I am planning on doing up a pair of EXtreme Monsoons as time permits.


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GAS Questions
« Reply #8 on: 27 Oct 2005, 02:17 pm »

I'd personally be interested in all of the things you mentioned.  Smaller gatherings are nice, larger ones are harder to pull off in a home but it can be done.

I'm also up for purely social outings.  I tried to get something like this together a few years ago but accomodating everyone's schedule and getting everyone to agree on what they wanted was almost impossible.  Some wanted to do in-home things and very informal.  Others wanted regular monthly meetings with agendas and speakers, etc.  Then there is always life and reality to get in the way.  At one point, one of the members even put up a web site just for general info, chat, future meetings, equipment listings for auditions for potential buyers, etc.  

If you want to do a larger gathering, I think the best ways to do this are:

1.  Have them at a local retailer with a 'guest' as the B&W night recently at Best Sound.

2.  Have an all day event at a home with a limited number of people in the room at any one time.  Some of that will take care of itself just because people have different schedules.  If there are too many at one time, the more 'social' aspect can take over (shoot pool, shoot the breeze, etc.)

I think some more focused events would also be somewhat self limiting in terms of quantity of people.  Everyone has different tastes and different interests.

As for a formal board, that would be a benefit IMO but probably a lot of work too.  Since you're kind of the defacto leader here, I nominate you to form this committee   :mrgreen:   It could be as formal or informal as the membership wants.  Regular meetings?  Absolutely.  Fixed agendas, 1 topic per meeting, etc.?  Maybe, maybe not.  I prefer the more informal unless there is a specific presentation to be made.

Just my 2 cents.



« Reply #9 on: 28 Oct 2005, 01:38 am »
Since I'm a newbie I thought it would be a good time to chime in.
I have had 4 pairs of monitors in the past five years and really enjoyed how different each sounded.  My room is relatively small and buying budget priced monitors gave me a chance to experience a particuliar manufacturers sound.  I have been yearning to hear so many different products and get sucked in by so many great reviews.  I truly enjoy Srajan's work from and feel his approach attempts to educate his readers (that Joe Audiophile guy ain't too bad either).
In the past year or so I've considered purchasing budget priced gear like baby Maggies, Boehlender-Graebner's Radia Z (ribbon tweeter), A Lowther based design, Benchmark's DAC, a tube preamp and my latest obsession- a tube integrated.  

That's the gear side of my obsession- but I also want to find that new artist or album that I cannot stop humming, whistling and listening to.  
To me, sharing music is a big part of this hobby.  So, Scott and fellow GASsers- I want to hear new and different gear, socialize and share music interests.  

I want to thank Tim at Best Sound for organizing what I'm sure will be another great event and getting a chance to meet so many veterans philes.  

            - Chris B.


the gas
« Reply #10 on: 28 Oct 2005, 04:02 pm »
I like the idea proposed by our dear friend Mr Deadfish, we should borrow a meetingroom to hash out some sort of focus or direction. If we got together in perhaps a month or so ( that would give most of us the ability to sort out scheduling conflicts) and work out a concise plan on the direction we as a club want to go. We obviously as a group won't be able to encompass all the aspects of audiophiledom but I'm sure we can cover most of them. There is nothing to stop small groups and friendships developing under the gas umbrella but I feel we need to establish some form of framework to build around. I'm worried that if we continue the way that we are going, we are going to fragment and the GAS as we know it will whither and die.
Up to this point I feel that it has been Scott that has been doing the majority of the work to promote and establish the GAS as a group. If he does not mind continuing in this we should at least offer him some assistance.  Whether this takes the form of an elected board or a group of volunteers I don't know, but we do need to think about it and discuss it. I would offer Best Sound as a meetingroom but for reasons I can't go into right now, it is not possable. I would however be quite okay with chipping in some of my hard earned $ towards hiring a room. If we all chipped in $10 or $20 it would easily cover a room.

Scott F.

GAS Questions
« Reply #11 on: 28 Oct 2005, 05:41 pm »
Tell you what, if you guys want to get together to talk about our direction, no need to rent a conference room, I'll offer up my Corporate office on an evening or weekend. I just need to notify the property manager so we can have the front door unlocked. My office is centrally located at the corner of Hwy 40 and Clayton Road (basically 40 and Lindberg). Heck, we could even conference in guys on the phone if somebody wanted to call in (we've only got 4 lines though).


« Reply #12 on: 28 Oct 2005, 11:14 pm »
Scott thanks for offering up your place of work for the meeting. I guess now we just need to agree on a date and time. I think most would prefer a friday or sat evening ( chip in here guys). With a bit of notice I can and will make myself available for almost any time and day. Saturdays during the day and the  11,12 & 30th of November are my only blackout dates.
How about either the 18th or 19th of November?


GAS Questions
« Reply #13 on: 28 Oct 2005, 11:45 pm »
I'm all for a a formal, informal meeting to jaw it all over, and thanks Scott for the offer.  Man, I'm sure glad you are manic enough to get behind all of this.   By chance is there a friendly provider of liquid refreshments near your place of employ for after?  Not a requirement, but not a bad idea... :wink:
"Back in the day..." when my Atari club was a new thing, we used to meet in a public room at a Alton Mall, for formal meetings with demos provided by members or a local vendor.  Then afterwards go eat pizza and beer and establish smaller get togethers for folks that wanted to see/hear demos of what folks owned that were too big to drag to the mall, or not of general interest to all.  Something like this might work.  We found that a lot of public places will offer up spare rooms for free to non-profit groups.
I'm up for any kind of meeting y'all want to hammer together, as long as it isn't a saturday afternoon.  My boss is extremely jealous of me having saturdays off as that is when he likes to go out and play...
Once again, thanks Scott for getting this thread started and pursuing it.

Best regards,

Scott F.

GAS Questions
« Reply #14 on: 29 Oct 2005, 12:10 am »
Quote from: DeadFish
... By chance is there a friendly provider of liquid refreshments near your place of employ for after?  Not a requirement, but not a bad idea... :wink:  ...

Yep. We've got the old Sportsmans Park bar and grill across the street and Schniedhorsts Beir Skellar (sp) just up the street.

I'll try to send an email out to the group to let them know about this discussion. Hopefully they'll chime in with some suggestions.

Oh BTW, wait until the Christmas gathering..... You should heard the DRDs and vinyl. I'm in analog heaven right now.

I'll post an announcement with a few dates sometime this weekend. I need to check with the boos to see which weekends are free.

steve k

GAS Questions
« Reply #15 on: 29 Oct 2005, 01:29 am »
Hey Scott,
Ditto to what's been said here. Nov. 18 or 19 sounds good to me. Thanks for the use of your office, that's a great idea. Hopefully a few Gassers will chime in here. We need more input guys! Maybe a global email will be what it takes.

Bill Baker

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GAS Questions
« Reply #16 on: 29 Oct 2005, 02:29 am »
Hi Scott and all GASers,
  Depending on your date for this meeting, I would like to send along a pair of the Bella SP/AV-1s for your feedback. If it is in November, I probably won't be able to get a pair ready in time as I have to concentrate on orders first.

 Your thoughts?

 If we can't make this gathering, keep me in the loop for upcoming events.


Gas Questions
« Reply #17 on: 29 Oct 2005, 02:48 am »
I won't be able to make a Nov. 18,19 meeting but I do like the idea of a schedule of events suitable for the large GAS group.  We have manufacturers (BPT, Herron, Musical Design, Vibrapod) retailers (Best Sound, Music for Pleasure) Recorded music retailers (Euclid Records, Vintage Vinyl ) Professional groups (St. Louis Symphony, St. Louis Chamber Choir, Bach Society) and plenty of music listening venues to fill up a lively meeting schedule.  We could have large group meetings to show off new equipment, loaner equipment, DIY from the builders.  

Group members might enjoy a semi-regular emailing or mailing about concert schedules, reviews of local concerts and concert halls (the temple that Webster Univ.uses at Trinity and Delmar) new music we've picked up, Scott and Steve's latest splurge at the used vinyl bins, etc.  The main thing is to stay active and purposeful.  I enjoy the friendship and the sheer love of music that our group has.  We enjoy music on iPods, mono tube systems, Altecs, Lowthers, cardboard boxes (???) and still have fun with this.  No snobbery, no hatred (well, if you ignore that little JJAZ problem we had) and just like listening to music. And I enjoy it more when you guys tell me all about why you bought it, what concerts you saw the group play and why you still listen to it.  I'll help out with any correspondence or mailings you think up and am excited about this new direction for the group.  

Shameless plug.......St. Louis Wind Symphony is performing at Kirkwood High School on November 6th at 3:00 pm.  We are featuring music for our Armed Forces and will be playing "Victory at Sea" with video clips, a Daniel Gillingham piece for Vietnam heroes and veterans and a disturbing piece by Bukvich about the firebombing of Dresden.  We share the stage with the Scott Air Force Band. Price is $5 I think.


GAS Questions
« Reply #18 on: 29 Oct 2005, 02:53 am »
I just got a chance to read this thread and agree we need a focus and direction. I can make it any Fri. or (Sat. eve) except the fri after Thanksgiving. I would love to see this group go to next level maybe become more like the Chicago, or Atlanta audio groups.

Bill Baker

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GAS Questions
« Reply #19 on: 29 Oct 2005, 03:35 am »
Blackmore, I see you are a music teacher. That alone earns you the utmost respect from me. Is this in a grade school level, high school or further?
 this might sound a bit out of wack but some of the best live instrumental music I lam exposed to is our local high school band. We have one of the biggest, best bands in the region. You want to hear what a horn or snare drum is suposed to sound like, go to a high school band performance. (it has to be a decent band though with more than 5 poeple in it). Half time at our football games is like a live concert. Throw in the Color Guard and our huge cheerleading squad and you have 15 minutes great entertainment.

 Believe it or not, the movie.......uh... what is it called...... oh yeh... Drumline gives me goosebumps. I would love to have a good recording of a soundtrack to this movie. Imagine the sharpness of those snares played back on a dynamic audio system. Snare drums, the Sax and bass quitar are my favs.

 On the other end, I am a hugh Jazz / Blues fan. Maybe next summer we can make arrangements to get the NY Audio Rave and the GAS'ers together for our all day Blues Fest. This is a large outdoor venue with some of the best names in the industry attending. 16 straight hours of music :mrgreen:  This is where I was first exposed to Michael Hills Blues Mob.
 Scott...... I am sending you a copy of one of his CD's. If you like kick-ass, NYC style rocking Blues..........................