GAS Questions

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GAS Questions
« Reply #20 on: 29 Oct 2005, 11:50 am »
Don't know if I'm typical (no), but here are my thoughts:

-organizing night--good idea

-might also want to consider "sign up" meetings--I have a small dedicated listening room (1 chair)--so I could imagine hosting a few people, but not many.

-when it comes to bringing a component somewhere, I'm willing... probably have some gear you might even be interested in hearing (this is gear I could imagine taking out for a spin)

Hell, what about tweak nights or wire nights--bring your favorite tweak (some listed below)

Supratek Syrah
McCormack DNA 0.5 Platinum Revision (with Carbon/siltech wiring)
Dared VP-300B (SET)
Aurios & Daruma isolators (& a Xindak isolator)
bunches of I/C's (good ones inlcude SPM's & a few more)
SPM speaker cables
MIT MH 750 Biwires (for sale)

you get the idea... a way to hear interesting components and maybe to see if some tweaks work (I'd love to get my hands on some potential snake oil before I spend money on it)

Might also consider starting a Yahoo group or similar--they have the advantage of broadcasting postings (I seldom remember to log on here)


GAS Questions
« Reply #21 on: 30 Oct 2005, 06:23 am »
Well I am a newbie to both GAS and ST Louis, not to mention 2 channel audio. I am a HT guy by choice, I grew up on movies and this love has led me down a road that forked. I am getting back into music, something I thought wouldn't happen. I was excited to join GAS as I thought it was a perfect way for me to hear new gear, be exposed to different music and meet some people who might share some interests with me.
My biggest problem is I work shift work and I have one weekend a month that I am off. My ability to attend functions then becomes hit and miss.
I have been eagerly awaiting the next GAS event for quite sometime, but they never seem to materialize, which is quite understandable. I am unable to host an event at this time because I am still living in an apartment, but when I get moved/setteled I will host one for sure.
Another problem for me is I do not know my way around STL. I can get to the Arch and Busch Stadium, Riverport (ok it is not riverport anymore, but you know what I am talkeing about :roll: ) and the casinos. I have zero idea how to get to anything else including concert venues and local dealers.
This makes it difficult to do much on short notice, because I need to figure out where I am going to be and how to get there.
Ok enough self pity!
Things I would like from GAS:
1. Quarterly formal meetings at a central location where we could demo equipment, have guest speakers, discuss/exhchange DIY ideas and plans and socialize some (ie grab a beer after the meeting). If we have to rent a place, so be it. If we can find someone to donate the space, even better.
Have a set schedule, say the 1st thursday every quarter for example, this allows everyone plenty of time to make plans. If you can be there, great if not, see you next time!
2. Smaller GTGs to demo new gear etc at local dealers or members homes. Schedule these as we see fit and as members/dealers agree to host.
3. DIY workshops, cover a little of everything from cables to tweaks. Schedule as interest dictates.
4. Attend some local music functions as a group. This could include HS band concerts, local clubs and big name concerts.
5. Offer our collective services to other non-profit org. I firmly believe we have the social responsibilty to help when/where we can. This can include vol. our time and talents to local schools, music groups, childeren's groups. If we do not pass on our knowledge and passion to our children, who will?
6. I would love some GAS gear! Hats, t-shirts, coffee mug. Whatever. I love to show my pride!

These are just the ideas that I have off the top of my head. I really am looking forward to meeting everyone here and if there is anything I can do to help out GAS, please let me know.  I have more time than anything else! I also have webspace if we are wanting to re-establish a GAS website, though I am a very crappy webmaster :mrgreen:

I am looking forward to the CLASSE event in NOV (if it is still on) and the Christmas Party!


Scott F.

GAS Questions
« Reply #22 on: 30 Oct 2005, 01:31 pm »
This is some great feedback. I think we're starting to zero in on what everybody is looking for out of GAS.

Quote from: jcrane
5. Offer our collective services to other non-profit org. I firmly believe we have the social responsibilty to help when/where we can. This can include vol. our time and talents to local schools, music groups, childeren's groups. If we do not pass on our knowledge and passion to our children, who will?

jcrane, great idea. Doing some social work didn't even cross my mind. In years past I was a member of the Kiwanis. I was pretty active in the organization for about 5 years. Donating your time to help the needy is extremely gratifying.

This would be one that we (as a group) would have to figue out how to integrate into our group. I've got no doubt we can do it somehow if we put our heads together. Maybe its supplimenting music education in schools (a bit eutopian) or some sort of scholorship for a kid into music or the music industry. Who knows what we'll come up with but I personally love the idea. Thats is the core of what we are all about, the love of music.

I was talking to electricbear (Tim) yesterday and I pointed him to the A5 mission statement (see the post below). We as a group might be able to partially align ourselves with them too.

It looks as if we've all decided that an organization meeting is in order. I'll post again a bit later today to narrow the date down. I'd like to make a phone call or two to find out what days work for a couple of our active regulars like Blackmore and Mike D. Blackmore said he can't make it on the 18th or 19th but maybe he can do it on Sunday the 20th.

Scott F.

GAS Questions
« Reply #23 on: 30 Oct 2005, 01:35 pm »
A5 Initiative (swiped from the ETM website)

10 / 10 / 05

  During the recent Rocky Mountain Audio Fest  Enjoy the™ became aware of a call towards forming the American Association for the Advancement of the Audio Arts (A5). The idea is excellent and naturally we came aboard and will do all we can to assist in furthering the A5's goal. Below is their letter and hope other magazines, manufacturers, and distributors come aboard. We have been told that Lew Johnson of conrad-johnson will act as a liaison between the A5 and the CES.

    A call to action for the High End Community

    So ... are the doomsayers right?

    Is high-end audio headed for extinction? Is it true that people no longer respond to high-quality music reproduction?

    Not at all.

    But it's up to us to prove the doomsayers wrong. And we can. This is an invitation to join "The A5" -- The American Association for the Advancement of the Audio Arts. We're setting up as an LLC run by a board of directors.

    On our own, as individual companies, we can do little to improve public awareness of high-end audio. Working together -- manufacturers, distributors, reps, retailers, reviewers -- we can turn on the public to one of life's great pleasures (and our passion): great music combined with stunning sound.

    Things are not so bleak.

    -- People are still buying music and listening. Look at the iPod phenomenon and the growth of satellite radio. These listeners are excited about music in their lives. It's up to us to turn more of them on to high-quality music reproduction. It's less of a hard sell than it looks. People are already sold on music! To put it another way, Apple Computer, XM, Sirius and the like are creating potential customers ... for us!

    -- Despite a lack of growth in high-end sales, our industry is more innovative than ever before. Take any product category, any price point in specialty audio: the performance of products today is at an all-time high. The Golden Age of Hi-Fi… This is it!

    What will the A5 do besides collect your dues?

    Well, one thing we won't do is hold an annual awards dinner. The A5 is not about self-congratulatory hype. What we propose to do is real. We aim to act and here are some of the ways:

    -- Set up a website that directs visitors to the messages, products, and services of our members.

    -- Set up a user group for our members so we can communicate more freely and share ideas.

    -- Create the conditions for freer communication among all of us ... and this includes the end user.

    Forget unproductive controversies, like the objectivist versus the subjectivist camps. There's room for both. And the truth is, one does not have to exclude the other.

    -- Make the buying public aware of the benefits of value-added service. We can prevent high-end from turning into a commodity. Look at the job that luxury car makers do or Swiss watchmakers!

    -- Focus our message and get it to the public through whatever means we can muster and ways we can think of.

    Ads for our industry in upscale magazines like Forbes, Wine Spectator and Architectural Digest, just to name a few. We will advertise in new venues outside of our industry.

    Run a weekly program on high-end audio for cable television, PBS or a program for public radio.

    Demonstrations at concert halls, museums, music schools.

    Regional shows or events at music educator societies, Mercedes & BMW clubs, jazz or folk festivals.

    Events at fine restaurants. Have a good meal, meet some interesting people. Hear some great sound. (There are people who never go to shows, who don't like crowds. Let's reach them!)

    Create a public relations campaign for our industry as a whole -- including articles that we could send to newspapers looking for free content. If we are not blatantly trying to promote certain brands (not the goal) this will work!

    Training programs for sales people. How to do a good two-channel demo. How to demo both home theater and great music, creating more excitement for both!

    The initial response to A5 has been gratifying, and we are just getting started. We need YOU in at the start. There's strength in numbers. Power, too.

    There's something else in numbers: confidence.

    The A5 will give members the confidence that we are (finally) taking matters into our own hands and doing something about the vitality and future of our industry.

    We need your support and ideas. If not you, who? If not now, when?

    Please email your thoughts to:

Scott F.

GAS Questions
« Reply #24 on: 30 Oct 2005, 01:55 pm »
Quote from: Response Audio
Hi Scott and all GASers,
  Depending on your date for this meeting, I would like to send along a pair of the Bella SP/AV-1s for your feedback. If it is in November, I probably won't be able to get a pair ready in time as I have to concentrate on orders first.

 Your thoughts?

 If we can't make this gathering, keep me in the loop for upcoming events.

Hiya Bill,

We'd LOVE to hear your new speakers. It looks as if the Chrismas gathering will take place the first or second weekend in December so that should give you ample time to finsh up a pair. I'll give you a buzz and we can talk about the details.

Bill Baker

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GAS Questions
« Reply #25 on: 30 Oct 2005, 03:19 pm »
Hiya Bill,

We'd LOVE to hear your new speakers. It looks as if the Chrismas gathering will take place the first or second weekend in December so that should give you ample time to finsh up a pair. I'll give you a buzz and we can talk about the details.

  Sounds like a time frame I may be able to manage. The pair I send will probably be my prototype pair which are now my demo pair. I may not have time to send a formal "review" pair out by December depending on how many orders I must commit to. I am building a pair exclusivly for this reason. I still have to apply some type of finish on my pair and the external crossovers when time allows. (Hurricane Wilma greatly affected me in terms of getting the front baffle finishing material. I still haven't heard from them)

 The only problem that [may] arise is my Grand Opening / NY Listening sesion that I have been putting together and want to invite the NY Audio Rave to as well. I want to have everything here and set up prior to this weekend long gathering including the Usher D2s, the new Daedalus DA-1 and a broken-in pair of the SP/AV-2.

Scott F.

Re: Gas Questions
« Reply #26 on: 30 Oct 2005, 06:35 pm »
Quote from: Blackmore
I won't be able to make a Nov. 18,19 meeting.....

I just talked to Mark and he is out of town on the 18th and 19th _but_ he did say he could call in. We can put him on the speaker phone so he can participate also. That leaves 3 lines for the other guys that can't make it in person.

Just in case you were wondering why Mike D hasn't weighed in yet, he's got computer problems that he hasn't fixed yet. Last I talked to him he said he was having a pretty nice vacation away from the computer. Since his at home is down, the only time hes been able to log on is between his classes at school. Hopefully he gets the email I sent everybody or happens to log onto AC.

Quote from: Blackmore
Shameless plug.......St. Louis Wind Symphony is performing at Kirkwood High School on November 6th at 3:00 pm. We are featuring music for our Armed Forces and will be playing "Victory at Sea" with video clips, a Daniel Gillingham piece for Vietnam heroes and veterans and a disturbing piece by Bukvich about the firebombing of Dresden. We share the stage with the Scott Air Force Band. Price is $5 I think.

Speaking of Mike D, Blackmore just let me know that Mike's brother (Greg) is now playing tuba with the Wind Symphony. That means we now have 1 1/2 GASsers on the Wind Symphony. I guess if you count Lisa (Marks wife) we've got 2 GASsers. After talking to him, it looks like maybe Mike will show up at this next concert.

I'd like to suggest since we've got a fair concentration of members going to this concert, maybe we try to make it an outing. The Concert is next Sunday at 3.

Going a step further, since Mike D and Blackmore are tough to schedule around because of their band leader and concert schedule duties. What if we were to have that Organization Meeting right after the concert? We could go someplace close by and grab a bunch of tables, have some beers, maybe a pizza (or 12) and talk about GAS.

If that doesn't work, we can always go back to the 18th or 19th. I think Mike mentioned the 18th worked best for him, on the 19th he's guest speaker at a music educators conference)

So what say ye?


GAS Questions
« Reply #27 on: 30 Oct 2005, 07:08 pm »
That sounds terrific to me, Scott, if only as an interim thing.

Man, I cannot tell you how my Dad wore the grooves off of his Victory at Sea LPs when I was growing up...

This will be a definite 'try to make it' for the DF.  
I'll go mark it on the calendar....

If directions haven't already been posted, it might be a good idea, at least for us east-siders that haven't the city-sense.



Concert on Sunday
« Reply #28 on: 31 Oct 2005, 03:03 am »
Hey Guys:

Lisa and I are up for a meeting after the concert.  The concert starts at 3:00 pm in Keating Hall on the Kirkwood High School campus.  I've got some free tickets, so let me know and I'll leave them for you at the front table.  Kirkwood H.S.  address is 801 West Essex Ave, Kirkwood, MO  63122.  Mapquest says to take I-270 and exit at Dougherty Ferry Road and head east 1 mile and turn right on West Essex. That right turn is more of a right veer.  The High School is on the left.  Originally thought we were sharing the concert with Scott Air Force Band, but we're playing a full concert by ourselves.                         Here's the concert order:
Star Spangled Banner, American Civil War Fantasy-Bilik, Heroes, Lost and Fallen-Gillingham, The Glory of the Yankee Navy-Sousa, In Memoriam Dresden-Bukvich, Midway March-Williams, Victory at Sea-Rodgers, The Unknown Soldier-Hilliard, Armed Forces Salute-Lowden and Stars and Stripes Forever-Sousa

Thanks for coming out and let me know if you need some tickets.

Mike D

GAS Questions
« Reply #29 on: 31 Oct 2005, 05:00 am »
The concert on the sixth is a great idea.  The St. Louis Wind Symphony has a wonderful reputation and tradition of excellence.  

The idea of meeting afterwards for dinner and a general meeting is practical.  As with any date, not everyone will be able to make it.  With this date, we will all get to enjoy a concert before the meeting/dinner.  Hopefully this will add incentive to any people on the fence about attending.  If attendance is poor, those who do attend can prepare a framework to be presented to everyone else via and/or email.  From there, we can all tweak the proposed framework for as long as it takes.       :rules:

For any of you who are unsure about whether or not you want to attend an wind ensemble concert of American music, you do.  The micro and macro dynamics that a wind ensemble like the SLWS can create will blow away even the most sensitive of speakers.  The imaging of a live wind ensemble is something that not even modified Magnepans powered by monsterous tube amps can compete with.     :o  

My brother will be the one dominating you with bass.  He will be playing tuba in the concert.  He is one of the best in the St. Louis area.  He plays in a rehearsal or a performance almost every night.

As for what I enjoy the most about the GAS,
1.  Finding new music
2.  Socializing with others who love music
3.  Learning about different and new technology from members
4.  Learning about new products from manufacturers

Unfortunately, I was unable to attend the B&W get together at Best Sound, but I would really like to have companies continue to present their products to us.  

If you haven't been to Best Sound, you should go soon.  Their address and phone number is listed at

For what its worth, I really like the idea of focussing on a particular theme for each get together.  The themes could be anything from vinyl night to funk night to KSHE Classics night to power amp night to etc.

Can we learn more some time about Musical Design/Musical Concepts?  The modification option is far more practical for most of us than purchasing new equipment.