Affordable and Worthwhile Tweaks for the Hyperion 938s

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Roy S

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Affordable and Worthwhile Tweaks for the Hyperion 938s
« Reply #20 on: 4 Sep 2005, 04:36 am »
Got the Isonodes and installed them. What an improvement! Imaging, soundstaging improved! The slight veil (grain) in the upper midrange also disappeared. Sounds like a complete different speaker!

I strongly recommend all 938 owners to get these Isonode stuff, they are worth every cent.

Thanks Dracule1 for the tip!!!


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Affordable and Worthwhile Tweaks for the Hyperion 938s
« Reply #21 on: 6 Sep 2005, 02:52 am »
That's great Roy.  We are all hearing similar improvements.  For me the greatest benefit was in the vocals and horns.   They both sound buttery smooth and float holographically in front of you.  The treble also becomes cleaner and crisper.  You hear more ambient information.  Everything sounds more natural and involving with the isonodes in place.   Hope more owners will trust us and try this out.


Affordable and Worthwhile Tweaks for the Hyperion 938s
« Reply #22 on: 6 Sep 2005, 04:33 pm »
Someone I know is bringing some Isonodes from the States for me by the end of September... I'm very curious aftrer reading all this...

Another tweak I'll try out for my 906 is filling the lower cabinet (the hollow stand) with a garbagebag, filled with +- 100 pounds of sand for improved dampening and stability.

Greetings Roeland


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Affordable and Worthwhile Tweaks for the Hyperion 938s
« Reply #23 on: 6 Sep 2005, 05:22 pm »
Welcome back Roeland :D.  I think you will hear benefits with the isonodes as well, but I'm not sure to what extent since the 906 does not have a bass module underneath mucking up the sound.   Stablizing the stands with sand is a good idea.  Keep us posted.


Affordable and Worthwhile Tweaks for the Hyperion 938s
« Reply #24 on: 6 Sep 2005, 06:14 pm »
Don't worry if it takes a while, my friend is going to the States somewhere around 20 September, so I'll have them by the end of September/beginning of October.
the sand is for the end of September, I'm now doing a holiday job for a couple of weeks, so no music for me now :cry: The hollow stand is happily vibrating along witht the speaker, thus influencing the sound too i suppose.
Maybe Albert Wu can shed a light on the choice for a hollow stand (soundwise)?



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Affordable and Worthwhile Tweaks for the Hyperion 938s
« Reply #25 on: 26 Sep 2005, 05:23 pm »
You thought the Isonodes were great...I got another tweak that rivals them for about the same price.  Stay tuned while I complete my evaluation.


Affordable and Worthwhile Tweaks for the Hyperion 938s
« Reply #26 on: 29 Sep 2005, 09:35 pm »
Hey Dracule,

Very curious what that may be :) I just have received the Isonodes, will try them somewhere next week...


Nick Bassman

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Affordable and Worthwhile Tweaks for the Hyperion 938s
« Reply #27 on: 3 Oct 2005, 06:44 pm »
Hey Dracule,

Can't wait to hear what this is !!



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Affordable and Worthwhile Tweaks for the Hyperion 938s
« Reply #28 on: 10 Oct 2005, 06:47 am »
Hey guys, sorry I've been MIA - been on vacation.  My new tweak is the Star Sound Technologies brass coupling discs (APCD2) which are intended to be placed beneath their audio points.  I really didn't think the coupling discs would have an audible effect.  I was intending to put them underneath the speaker spikes so they wouldn't dig too deep in the MDF board I placed beneath the speakers.  But it did have a significant effect on the sound.  Whereas the Isonodes make the most improvement in the midrange and high frequenies, the coupling discs really improves the bass quality - more defined and tuneful.  I also noticed more improvement in the ambient information in the recording - more volume in the soundstage.  And music is more dynamic than before.  The coupling discs go for $8 each new, but I was able to get B-stock items for $4.50 each directly from Star Sound Technologies.  For a set of 8 and S/H, it cost me $43.50.  The next logical step is to ditch the stock steel spikes and try their brass audio points, but these are expensive probably costing several hundred depending on what model you choose.  

Always interested in what you guys have to say.

Nick Bassman

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Affordable and Worthwhile Tweaks for the Hyperion 938s
« Reply #29 on: 11 Oct 2005, 06:07 pm »
Hi Dracule

An interesting post and mirroring my own experience to a great extent.

I have been "decoupling" (I think this is what you are doing in effect) my speakers for a few years now because I hated the overly dry "hi-fi" bass/mid that spiking seemed to give. I use the excellent, but I believe discontinued, ART Q Dampers for this and really like the more relaxed/natural presentation this gives, especially in the bass. I keep meaning to try the Sonic Design damping feet but this would require I "defeat" the carpet on the floor. However on your MDF bases these would work and they are quite inexpensive, take a look if you like . Of course this only my opinion and there are others who still go for the spike route. It's the differences that make this hobby so interesting !!

Best wishes



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Affordable and Worthwhile Tweaks for the Hyperion 938s
« Reply #30 on: 13 Oct 2005, 03:53 pm »
Hey Nick,

Funny you mention the Soundcare spikes.  I almost bought them last year when I had my first pair of 938s with the older flimsy spikes, but I thought they would raise the speakers up too high.  Seems like the 938s are high resolution transducers that you can hear slight changes in set up like the coupling discs.  

Yes, it's fun and gratifying when you can get significant changes in sound with so little investment.



Nick Bassman

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Affordable and Worthwhile Tweaks for the Hyperion 938s
« Reply #31 on: 13 Oct 2005, 05:07 pm »
Hi Dracule

Oops looks like I posted the wrong link !!


Should have been




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Affordable and Worthwhile Tweaks for the Hyperion 938s
« Reply #32 on: 4 Nov 2005, 07:38 am »
Greetings All,

My 938's are barely broken in, but I already have some of Herbie's Gabon Ebony domes (which I had to hand) under the upper cabinet.  These were a great improvement, sort of putting a neck between the head and chest of vocal presentation and thus making it right.  Nonetheless, I plan to try the isonodes.  I wanted to check if you are still keen on using the 5 smaller isonodes and that they haven't compressed too far a couple of months down the track.  Is that the case?  I might also try some of Herbie's tenderfeet for comparison.

Feet for the bass unit seem to be a bigger question mark.  I understand that Hyperion have stopped shipping the foot/spike cross-brace with the speakers and that they now recommend their spikes straight into the unit.  I haven't been able to get a response as to what prompted this change, but I'd be surprised if the supplied spikes can't be bettered by other stuff on the market like the sonic design, soundcare options.  If they'll take the weight I'll try domes when they're freed up.



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Improvement to 938 loudspeakers
« Reply #33 on: 14 May 2006, 08:59 pm »
I have just joined the Hyperion 938 circle and following a comment to Audiogon on the 938s I copied this to the review section if anyone is interested.Sorry about the long preamble.I have to express my thanks to the Circle in particular Dracule as I tried the isolation damping between the bass unit and top unit and my what an improvement. Therewas an immediate improvement in the mid and treble areas more open and transparent but at the same time smoother.The bass also seemed tighter and Ifeel sure stereo imagery was improved.Iwas really surprised by this as I did not think there was anything wrong with the sound in the first place and the improvement was not subtle.The best got better!!!!!!!!!! I bi-wired the speakers from the beginning using Black Rhodium Polar Knight DCT(Deep Cryogenic Treatment) and the link to the bass unit used a piece of the same cable.I look forward to being a member of the Circle and thanks again for such an improvement at so littlecost. Sibelius


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Re: Affordable and Worthwhile Tweaks for the Hyperion 938s
« Reply #34 on: 28 Aug 2006, 08:08 am »
Hi folks,

I would like to know if there have been any developments as far as what people are using under the bass cabinets of the 938s.  My pair came with the cross-brace for the feet but I understand these braces are no longer being shipped.  I currently have the feet and braces removed, with Herbie’s Big Fat Black Dots directly between the bass cabinets and a spiked concrete base.  This is the best result I’ve achieved so far but I suspect better can be had.

In particular I wonder if anyone has tried Symposium Svelte Shelves under the 938s.

regards, Paul


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Re: Affordable and Worthwhile Tweaks for the Hyperion 938s
« Reply #35 on: 22 Sep 2006, 05:00 pm »
Do you guys know what internal wiring the 938s use?  Silver, copper, hybrid??



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Re: Affordable and Worthwhile Tweaks for the Hyperion 938s
« Reply #36 on: 24 Sep 2006, 07:21 am »
I took a look inside the 938s awhile back.  The internal wiring all copper baby.  I was tempted to change it to silver but that would probably void the warrenty so I left it alone.


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Re: Affordable and Worthwhile Tweaks for the Hyperion 938s
« Reply #37 on: 24 Sep 2006, 04:18 pm »
Thanks Dracule!!  Are the internal wirings the same as those of the jumpers???  TIA!


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Re: Affordable and Worthwhile Tweaks for the Hyperion 938s
« Reply #38 on: 25 Sep 2006, 02:59 am »
Roark, the wring inside has clear insulation.  Not sure of the gauge and purity.


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Re: Affordable and Worthwhile Tweaks for the Hyperion 938s
« Reply #39 on: 25 Sep 2006, 04:05 am »
Thanks Dracule!!!! :):):)

Roark, the wring inside has clear insulation.  Not sure of the gauge and purity.