Here's one of my current studies. Basically, it's an Otica MTM combined with servo subs in a dual-opposed ripole arrangement. The first images show the MTM plus dual H-frame for scale.
The (huge) amp is just barely integrated, at least as far as I can understand the dimensions of that thing. The overall height is compressed down as far as I dared, to about 43" as shown (vs 54" for the MTM plus H-frame). So call it the 43-45" height range. Assuming stiff construction methods (likely including a bit of fiberglass/carbon fiber reinforcement), the width is around 14.75" at the max and front to back it's currently about 16". The "wing" angle of 10 degrees and 16" (correct?) are represented as well.
The ripole compression ratio is about 3x, meaning the open area of the port zone is 1/3 of the combined Sd piston area of the 2 drivers... which was claimed to be about ok for high excursion drivers. The opening could be widened if needed, at the expense of visual integration.
I don't know how much volume the crossover requires, but I was hoping to stuff it in the cavity in front of the amp. The drivers would be slid in from behind and the inaccessible screws attached via small through-holes that would then be plugged for airtightness.
This could be constructed mostly or completely out of flatpack elements if the outer surfaces were straightened out.

Feedback is welcome!