Setting the record straight

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Setting the record straight
« on: 25 Dec 2020, 05:40 pm »
One of the things I find objectionable is this notion that audiophiles are not music lovers. That our gear takes precedence over just enjoying the music. For me the gear is the means to enjoying music I like at a realistic level. Oh yeah I have dreams mainly in the past of having a great audio setup. I have that now, even though it doesn't quite look how I imagined.

Right out of the gate I was listening to music. I remember mom playing 'How Much is that Doggy in the Window'. And then mom would play old time country tunes. My dad played the accordion and when we had family reunions his brothers all played together, it was a great time.

I also took music lessons for guitar, accordion and drums. I use to drum to music like Rush- All the World's Stage, etc. Sadly I never stuck with an instrument long enough to learn to play. I enjoyed listening to the stereo. It was what I did when I wasn't watching 2 channel TV, playing hockey or after shoveling snow.

For 20 years though I did not have a stereo, because the one I purchased out of high school got stolen. So I just had a boom box. I also was driving taxi for a living and listened to FM radio for long hours day in out. It was only after I had got a full-time job at a Casino that I invested in Home audio gear. From there it progess as I could afford to upgrade.

Twenty years into Home audio I feel I have reached the pinnacle of sound, it doesn't get any better. Last night I listened again to ELP- Show that Never Ends, remastered version for the millionth time and I still love it, only it seemed like the best I have ever heard it. I was at the concert!

So that's what it's all about being an audiophile. Don't tell me I'm not a music lover. I enjoy listening to music at a level I don't think non-audiophiles can comprehend. :smoke:


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Re: Setting the record straight
« Reply #1 on: 26 Dec 2020, 01:36 am »
I agree with what you have written. My comment pertains to the problem that there are a few audiophiles who really don't seem to care as much about the music as the sonics. Thus all those boring uninspired 'audiophile' records. They are also the butt of jokes about audiophiles. Then some either through misunderstanding or jealousy paint all audiophiles with the same brush.

On the other hand why care? I agree precisely when you wrote " I enjoy listening to music at a level I don't think non-audiophiles can comprehend."


Re: Setting the record straight
« Reply #2 on: 26 Dec 2020, 07:05 pm »
It's true that it's all about the gear for some.The only reason I've ever changed a component is to work towards the goal of a live music experience at home. I think the small handful of folks that talk peoples ears off or wear out their keyboards bragging or obsessing about the hobby are responsible for the impression.


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Re: Setting the record straight
« Reply #3 on: 26 Dec 2020, 07:14 pm »
  Without the music what is the purpose ? For me tonality and harmonics as close to live is my gear goal. Do I need those tweaks abound ? No however fooling around with them is fun and sometimes rewarding.
  When it is time listen no tweaking no cable changes, nada. The toe starts a tapping,then the humming , then the singing. The emotional impact occurs with any program material. If the recording is well recorded all the better.
   The quality of ones system obviously impacts the reproduction. Is it a must absolutely not. The music sets the mood the gear enhances it.



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Re: Setting the record straight
« Reply #4 on: 26 Dec 2020, 07:20 pm »
I really don’t care what anyone thinks about my taste in music or whether my equipment is more important to me.  This “notion” is moot. Back to listening....


Re: Setting the record straight
« Reply #5 on: 6 Jan 2021, 09:39 pm »
I'd like to agree, that it's about the music for me as well.  Gasp if you will but I haven't upgraded any components in 12 years or so.  It's not because everything is great... it's not.  But generally speaking I tend to focus more on music than gear.

Having said that, I am starting to re-evaluate my system to make some upgrades.  I've had heart surgery recently and I'm almost 60 - a lot of things are being re-evaluated.  And it feels like it's time.  A few upgrades could last me another 10-12 years.  Could last for a lifetime... who knows.

I do think that a lot of people on this forum, though, are gear heads.  I couldn't tell you how many people have had 10 or 12 DACs in as many years.  The only DACs I have are in my Oppo player and my receiver.  I've had 2 sets of 'serious' speakers in my life.  I'm currently working on a DIY kit from GR Research. So that will be 3.

A quick look at the Music Circle tells me most people here talk about gear more than music.  There's nothing wrong with that.  I like talking gear, especially if I'm open to upgrades like I am currently.  But to be honest I go to other forums to discuss actual music.


Re: Setting the record straight
« Reply #6 on: 6 Jan 2021, 10:29 pm »
I agree with you Mag, for me it’s all about the music. The gear is just a means to an end.  :drums: :guitar:


Re: Setting the record straight
« Reply #7 on: 7 Jan 2021, 05:17 am »
    I always liked when people, on the audiophile forums, would talk about how boring Diana Krall music is.  I'm over here thinking...she surrounds herself with some of the best jazz musicians living today...and rotates others in that are equally as good!

   I don't know that it matters though.  Digi-G, what other forums do you go to for music?



Re: Setting the record straight
« Reply #8 on: 7 Jan 2021, 01:28 pm »
    I always liked when people, on the audiophile forums, would talk about how boring Diana Krall music is.  I'm over here thinking...she surrounds herself with some of the best jazz musicians living today...and rotates others in that are equally as good!

   I don't know that it matters though.  Digi-G, what other forums do you go to for music?

I visit that Hoffman guy's forum quite a bit.  Not only is there a lot of music discussion but much of it is 1960s and 1970s rock/pop music, which is where my heart is.  There's quite a bit of discussion of audiophile labels like MFSL, DCC, Analogue Productions, Audio Fidelity, etc., as well.  Like every forum you have to take the bad with the good, but I find a lot of good with that forum as well as this one.


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Re: Setting the record straight
« Reply #9 on: 7 Jan 2021, 02:31 pm »
We're all somewhere close to the 50-50 split between being "gear heads" and "music lovers".  For myself I've been on both sides of that divide as the years go by.  Streaming has turned me into a music lover lately, a few years ago I was playing the same song over and over trying to hear minute differences in my gear.  So it's not an either or, it's what blend of the two are you at the moment.


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Re: Setting the record straight
« Reply #10 on: 7 Jan 2021, 02:38 pm »
Like the OP I started playing music at a young age. I played bass in some cover bands many moons ago, also still played drums at church up to right before Covid.

My wife got me an 2270 marantz and a cheap turntable about 15 years ago. I started researching speakers and picked up some old ADS towers and finally heard that 3d soundstage and the speakers disappear into the room and have been In to this hobby ever since.

There is nothing wrong with enjoying the hobby and being a gear head as we called it when we started getting into amps and live sound equipment many years ago. It is a great hobby for me at this stage of my life with work and family.

Is it all about the music? For me it is all about reproducing the music and introducing my children to the joy music can bring to their lives. I have seen a lot of great live acts in my life. And as good as many have sounded, no live gig sounds as good as the music in my living room. Even the most intimate small gigs with the best gear and room acoustics do not compare. And let's face it, most live shows the sound is not very good; in fact it sucks.


Re: Setting the record straight
« Reply #11 on: 7 Jan 2021, 06:29 pm »
some people enjoy the hardware aspect as well as the software.  this is not specific to audio.  gamers, athletes, artists, swordsmen... there are 'otaku' in each. 


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Re: Setting the record straight
« Reply #12 on: 20 Jan 2021, 05:35 pm »
It's all about the music for me too.  Now. I must admit, my listening room serves double duty as a home theater.  I love soundtracks so it works for me.  My choice in music is classical and some jazz.  I prefer multichannel SACD (or, downloaded dsf files).  While I have paid attention to gear, setup and acoustics, it all leads to an excellent music experience.  I'm 69 and retired a few months ago.  I have time and I try to dedicate a couple hours a day to serious listening.  Music is the goal.  Luckily, there are several record companies still putting out top notch classical SACDs.  I read all the reviews at HR Audio and Talk Classical to make sure I spend money on worthwhile albums.

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