Weeding:clearing out 'too many' records....

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Weeding:clearing out 'too many' records....
« on: 25 Dec 2020, 03:50 pm »
I am in the midst of dumping some of my record collection. To note, at one time had about 13,000 LPs. the last move I dumped a lot and moved only about 6,000 to my new residence. A few years ago I dropped half of those and got down to 2,800 or so.
SO a few weeks before Christmas I decided (being 71 years old) to clear out some more.
Pulled all the Rock from the past twenty years LOL sold to dealer. (I have to whine everything is all shoe gazing discussing things like washing underwear, or something equally as banal. LOL so out it goes. Except an album "X" which actually have some music  (more than the usual two chords of all those other albums)
OK on to Jazz. I am not a Jazz maven, just like it some. So I decided to easy cheat on how to dump six feet of LPs was to use All Music Guild and clear anything less than 4.5 stars. (the reviewer rating not the owners rating. naturally this will raise eyebrows in scorn.) yes yes I could have spent thousands of hours re-listening to it all..Nope.took a few hours. Now instead of sixteen feet of Jazz LPs. I have ten feet, Whoo Hoo. The last great purge  I did listen to many Jazz LPs at least for the first thirty seconds.. The album stayed or left based on those few seconds.
This time since that was already used, I went with the cheat.
Classical.. MY true love.. I just wanted to clear out the bottom shelving row. I am too old to be crawling in the floor...
I got room taking the empty from the Jazz cull. but needed to get rid of two bins (two feet). What to do.. Ahah
! MONO..  I could dump all mono LPs. Except a few worth keeping even if mono. (stuff like RCA Fritz Reiner, Святослав Рихтер, Mercury Classics, Maria Callas, the good stuff.) Took a few hours, the Classical to be fed to Goodwill* are now safely culled from the masses. Still have 15 feet of Classical LPs.
I still should go through the Rock to dump a few more of those yet.

* MY great dealer is not buying much Classical anymore. Seems all the old farts already have mountains of the stuff. and young people prefer two chord whining. Sad but true. (my words on the two chord drivel, not the dealer) He did give me like two grand for the Rock and Jazz I dumped back in his lap. (and just before Christmas)

And what does this get me? Less to have to throw in a dumpster when I croak.
(the funniest part will be whomever moves in after they cart my corpse out will have no idea the outlets in the wall are worth $280 a pop LOL)
Whom ever clears teh place out might want the records I had left. at least the Rock and Jazz...


Re: Weeding:clearing out 'too many' records....
« Reply #1 on: 26 Dec 2020, 02:00 am »
Interesting post. At age 65 I am still able to crawl around the floor so I'm not purging my bottom shelf right now. I guess by your measure I have about 45 feet of records.
My joke about croaking is that you can pick up all my records on the first garbage day after my death, they'll be piled up at the curb!
Recently I have been going through my collection and getting rid of doubles, I mean I really don't know how I wound up with four copies of Ziggy Stardust...My eldest bought a house so I've been cleaning them and getting ready to give her a pile, so far I'm up to about 60. All three of my girls have turntables so passing them on is always easy.
I was part owner of a pole building and am slowly moving my stuff out (2 of 3 of my 914 Porsches are still in there, can't get rid of EVERYTHING!). I got all the original boxes out and they're in a storage area of my house now so eventually whoever is tasked with getting rid of all the stereo crap I've collected can pack it up for possible resale. (I'm down to only 7 turntables)
This audio thing is a wonderful sickness, ain't it?



Re: Weeding:clearing out 'too many' records....
« Reply #2 on: 26 Dec 2020, 02:49 pm »
my record collection was never as huge as Elizabeths but I've have culled quite a few records over the past 5-10 years. But as I head into retirement on 1-1-21 I'm hoping to 're-discover' some of the gems of my collection that dates back over 50 years.


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Re: Weeding:clearing out 'too many' records....
« Reply #3 on: 26 Dec 2020, 07:19 pm »
  Will it to a fellow Audiophile.



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Re: Weeding:clearing out 'too many' records....
« Reply #4 on: 28 Dec 2020, 04:07 am »
In January I'll be thinning the collection. Not as big a collector as you but as an apartment dweller I have to keep the count reasonable. I'll probably use it to re-tube my Luxman CL38U SE preamp. :thumb:

Mike B.

Re: Weeding:clearing out 'too many' records....
« Reply #5 on: 28 Dec 2020, 04:25 pm »
I have been transferring many of mine to digital. It is a slow process of running them through a 10 minute bath in my ultrasonic cleaner and then onto to the table for the transfer. I need to add my collection is only a couple thousand.


Re: Weeding:clearing out 'too many' records....
« Reply #6 on: 28 Dec 2020, 05:02 pm »
Before covid Tucson record dealers got together in a huge hall, set up tables and hosted a day long sale/swap meet. Bins and bins of vinyl. I was surprised at all the young people buying milk crates full of music. When I'm ready to weed I'll put up flyers in record stores and stack the albums in my driveway. If I was smarter I would put the 12 boxes in the driveway right now but planning to build a new shelf unit with the first shelf 36" off the floor and full extension drawers on the bottom.


Re: Weeding:clearing out 'too many' records....
« Reply #7 on: 28 Dec 2020, 05:13 pm »
I'll be 73 in Feb and my collection keeps growing (over 3,000). I have no intent of stopping. It was all some form of rock up until I saw the Ken Burns special on country music. I've now added Merle Haggard, etc. to my collection. I have a daughter and son in law who bought a turntable years ago after visiting and listening to vinyl. I have given them most of my duplicates. They can do with my collection and system what they wish when I have passed on.


Re: Weeding:clearing out 'too many' records....
« Reply #8 on: 29 Dec 2020, 11:58 pm »
Uh oh, I'm definitely NOT watching that special!!! (sticking to rock)


I'll be 73 in Feb and my collection keeps growing (over 3,000). I have no intent of stopping. It was all some form of rock up until I saw the Ken Burns special on country music. I've now added Merle Haggard, etc. to my collection. I have a daughter and son in law who bought a turntable years ago after visiting and listening to vinyl. I have given them most of my duplicates. They can do with my collection and system what they wish when I have passed on.


Re: Weeding:clearing out 'too many' records....
« Reply #9 on: 30 Dec 2020, 02:56 pm »
Uh oh, I'm definitely NOT watching that special!!! (sticking to rock)


The special was incredible. I always had some Johnny Cash and EmyLou Harris in my collection, and I had heard songs by Willie, Waylon and Jerry Jeff Walker I liked plus I like bluegrass, but I had no idea how good some of that music is. I even found a Carter Family album. Gave me a much greater appreciation for the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band's Will the Circle Be Unbroken album. It's like a parallel universe was developing while I was immersed in Jefferson Airplane, Moody Blues, Grateful Dead, Pink Floyd, Byrds, Led Zeppelin, Beach Boys, Beatles and the British Invasion. I have filled in my Johnny Cash collection, added Willie, Waylon and a few others.


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Re: Weeding:clearing out 'too many' records....
« Reply #10 on: 30 Dec 2020, 03:44 pm »
Uh oh, I'm definitely NOT watching that special!!! (sticking to rock)


Okay, I'll say it, I love early Taylor Swift.  When she was a country singer, before the pop experiment.  I've heard that the new album is closer to those roots.  I dare you to not get up and dance when "Our Song" comes around in the playlist.  And the whole Austin City Limits gang, Lyle Lovett, Nanci Griffith, Shaun Colvin, etc. have always been favs.  I love bluegrass for about five minutes, then I'm done.  And a shoutout to The Early Mays, who do authentic appalachian music and who have a founding member I went to high school with.  Support them if you are so inclined.


Re: Weeding:clearing out 'too many' records....
« Reply #11 on: 30 Dec 2020, 04:05 pm »
What are "records"?   :lol:

I'm in my later 70's and have dug my (many feet) of vinyl out of hiding exactly once in the last 30 years.  That one evening experience reminded me of the joy of platter spinning country rock, or the Beach Boys, or classic rock, or (yep, because I played in such a band) blue grass.  But it was such a painful experience, on my legs mostly (getting up and down off the floor...low TT), my knees and back nixed any further incursions into the dust bin of my rocking past.

In our septuagenarian years, it's difficult to carry on some (a lot!) of the fun of our youth.  Playing records, for me, went bye-bye with my long hair, good spine, hearing...all dissolving into one digital mess.

Good luck with your unburdening, Elizabeth.


Re: Weeding:clearing out 'too many' records....
« Reply #12 on: 30 Dec 2020, 04:51 pm »
Great post Mudslide !   :green:


Re: Weeding:clearing out 'too many' records....
« Reply #13 on: 30 Dec 2020, 09:49 pm »
Easy solution, put your table on a waist high shelf.    :thumb:

Getting up and down off chair every 20 minutes can't be fixed.  Unfortunately.    :lol:

Still doing it at 65 but knees are barking.


Re: Weeding:clearing out 'too many' records....
« Reply #14 on: 30 Dec 2020, 09:56 pm »
Getting up and down off chair every 20 minutes can't be fixed.  Unfortunately.    :lol:

Looking at some audiophiles, I think they need to get up every 5 minutes.  :rotflmao:


Re: Weeding:clearing out 'too many' records....
« Reply #15 on: 30 Dec 2020, 11:22 pm »
Looking at some audiophiles, I think they need to get up every 5 minutes.  :rotflmao:

Record flip vs "frequency and urgency"?    Hmmmmmm.......... :scratch:




Re: Weeding:clearing out 'too many' records....
« Reply #16 on: 31 Dec 2020, 04:20 am »
Getting up and down off chair every 20 minutes can't be fixed.  Unfortunately.    :lol:

If only you had my Dual 1009F with multi-play spindle. Sittin' in my La-Z-Boy recliner with a big whiskey, I don't gotta move for over an hour and it shuts off after the last record.


Re: Weeding:clearing out 'too many' records....
« Reply #17 on: 31 Dec 2020, 05:54 am »
Got the La-Z-Boy and the Makers Mark.  Don't have the Dual. The MM kills the pain.   :lol:


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Re: Weeding:clearing out 'too many' records....
« Reply #18 on: 31 Dec 2020, 08:02 am »
Elizabeth do you mean say wedding... congratulations.


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Re: Weeding:clearing out 'too many' records....
« Reply #19 on: 1 Jan 2021, 02:20 am »
Is this the "what am I doing with my vinyl before I die" board?