The VPE Aerospace Little Dipole Woofer Model 1's are in Production !!

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  • VPE Electrodynamics - LDW Model 1, Model 2, Crysta
    • VPE Electrodynamics
The LDW Model 1's are now in production and VPE is ready to take your orders.  A single LDW is $795.00 and a stereo pair is $1495.00, factory direct. 

Here are some pictures and information:


this is very cool!


  • Full Member
  • Posts: 1481
If you want to match the radiation of a dipole main speaker why not just build an 'actual' dipole woofer?
My augmented MMG system has looked like this for about twelve years now.
(And waaaaaay cheaper to implement than a product like yours.)



I understand that the OP and VPE are one, correct? In that case, Industry Introductions is the best place for this. OP, please review here. Thank you.


  • Industry Participant
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  • VPE Electrodynamics - LDW Model 1, Model 2, Crysta
    • VPE Electrodynamics
Yes, VPE Aerospace Consulting LLC is an aircraft design company with agreements with GE Aviation, Harvard University, Aloft Research and CoFlow Jet LLC.  We have very recently added loudspeaker mfg. to our portfolio.  We will post anything related to the business here.

Thanks, Don Bingaman
Gen. Mgr., VPE Aerospace Consulting LLC
Associate Fellow, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Member, Audio Engineering Society (AES)


  • Industry Participant
  • Posts: 276
  • VPE Electrodynamics - LDW Model 1, Model 2, Crysta
    • VPE Electrodynamics
If you want to match the radiation of a dipole main speaker why not just build an 'actual' dipole woofer?
My augmented MMG system has looked like this for about twelve years now.
(And waaaaaay cheaper to implement than a product like yours.)


Nice looking system.  Actually I satarted the dipole woofer project by building a pair of LX521 frames with two Dayton Audio RSS woofers wired in parallel and ran them in parallel with my LRS's using a miniDSP 2x4 HD.  It worked better than I expected.  I then started looking at the Pass SLOB design to see if I could get something to work in the same footprint as the LRS.  The LDW Model 1 is the result. 

I think the price is reasonable considering it is a complete system with a Pass ported dipole woofer, power amp and DSP crossover / equalizer.  It iis essentially plug and play for anyone who already has a pair of Maggies and a good amplifier for them.  The port exits right under the panel on MagnaRiser stands so you reallly can't see it.  Saves floor space and has higher WAF !


  • Industry Participant
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  • VPE Electrodynamics - LDW Model 1, Model 2, Crysta
    • VPE Electrodynamics
Just in case anyone is wondering what you will see if you install an LDW with your LRS or other Maggie - here is a picture.  The speaker port radiates right UNDER the Maggie panel as it sits on the Magna Riser Airborne stands.  The rest of the LDW sits BEHIND the panel.  The 10" high throw driver radiates rearward in sync with the panel rear wave.  The port radiation is about 3 dB louder than the driver face radiation due to higher acoustic impedance and higher velocity at the port mouth.  This integration also places the LDW port in the same plane as the panel membrane it is crossing over to which, in combination with the amp DSP processing, greatly enhances the combined wavefront / phase coherence of the acoustic output at the listener's location.

You will like the sound, and it will not take up any more floor space than your Maggie does today !


  • Industry Participant
  • Posts: 276
  • VPE Electrodynamics - LDW Model 1, Model 2, Crysta
    • VPE Electrodynamics
Gents, here is a picture from Robert Raus (Magna Riser) of the production LDW Model 1's and his stands.  The production models are more aerodynamic wedge-shaped than our prototypes.  PM me if you would like to order a pair.  $795.00 each or $1495.00 for a stereo pair.


  • Industry Participant
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  • VPE Electrodynamics - LDW Model 1, Model 2, Crysta
    • VPE Electrodynamics
UPDATE - The LRS / LDW Model 1 and Magna Riser Airborne stands are under review by Carlo Lo Rosa at The Secrets of Home Theater and High Fidelity webzine.  Review to be out sometime this spring.  Stay tuned.


  • Industry Participant
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  • VPE Electrodynamics - LDW Model 1, Model 2, Crysta
    • VPE Electrodynamics
New Update:  The LDW Model 1 User Manual is available for your review upon request.  It includes data on the DSP, programming and other information.


  • Industry Contributor
  • Posts: 4347
Good idea! Good luck, and I'm super jealous of your car!  :green:


  • Industry Participant
  • Posts: 276
  • VPE Electrodynamics - LDW Model 1, Model 2, Crysta
    • VPE Electrodynamics
The Little Dipole Woofer website, is now up and open for business.  Come take a look !

Cheers, Don Bingaman and Jeff McCabe !!


  • Industry Participant
  • Posts: 276
  • VPE Electrodynamics - LDW Model 1, Model 2, Crysta
    • VPE Electrodynamics
Audiophiles, VPE Electrodynamics has been busy since leaving AXPONA 2022 and we are adding two new speakers to our line-up for 2023.  The first is the Model 2 Dipole Woofer which is a standalone dipole woofer using the Dayton Audio 12" RSS driver and the SPA500DSP 500W Class D DSP power amp.  It is pictured below.  The Model 2 is intended for the bigger Maggies and has a crossover point of 80 Hz.  One woofer is sufficient for a pair of 3.7's, 20.7's or Quad 2812 and 2912 panel speakers for rooms are 400 sq. ft. or less.  For larger rooms we recommend two Model 2's OR Duke LeJeune's Audiokinesis SWARM distributed subwoofer system (which is outstanding !)

The second new speaker is a full-range open baffle which is an update to the Pass SLOB which uses a Cube Audio F10 Select full-range driver, a 20" x 40" damped acrylic baffle board, an Eminence 15" slot-loaded woofer, and a Dayton Audio SPA500DSP DSP / Class D Power Amp.  It is pictured below.  Both of these products will be featured on our website early next year with pricing and ordering information, including "bespoke" finish options.  In addition, we are traveling to Chicago in April 2023 for AXPONA.  For an audition of all our products, check out Rm. 502 in the Schaumberg Renaissance Conference Center.


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  • SW1X DAC+ D Sachs 300b + Daedalus Apollos = Heaven
Sideways gravity makes me dizzy. Can you give us an idea - even a ballpark range - of the likely pricing for this OB model? Will it be available as a DIY project?



  • Industry Participant
  • Posts: 276
  • VPE Electrodynamics - LDW Model 1, Model 2, Crysta
    • VPE Electrodynamics
Pricing is TBD.  As far as DIY, Pass has plans for the SLOB out on the web.  Suggest you contact Pass directly.  We will likely sell these fully assembled, but we may also sell unfinished kits with drivers and electronics.  Watch the website for updates. 

Refined Audio sells the Cube Audio drivers.  Parts Express sells the electronics and the Eminence 15” woofer is available from pro-audio sources.  The drivers are $$$ BUT you can’t beat the sound and you can drive these with a good 300B triode tube amplifier - extremely efficient !!


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Okay. I'll be honest with you. I've got far more websites to keep track of than I can remember to check. If you want me to browse your website once you've figured out pricing, I recommend you post an update to this thread. If you don't, I will simply move on.


  • Industry Participant
  • Posts: 276
  • VPE Electrodynamics - LDW Model 1, Model 2, Crysta
    • VPE Electrodynamics
Will do.  We will also be at AXPONA 2023 in April and will have all our products available for audition.  Renaissance Schaumberg Convention Center, Rm. 502.