I lost my lovely little friend, Berkeley, my kitty cat, this morning.

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Had to have him put to sleep, was suffering from acute lymphatic cancer.

It came on very quickly.  Last Tuesday he seemed fine.  By this morning he could no longer walk.

My best buddy for the past eight years.

Virus isolation here for another month without him is going to be really really tough.



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    Sorry to hear Frank. Maybe you will be blessed with a new friend.



  • Full Member
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Sorry to hear Frank. Always tough losing a family member, as our pets are. Hang tough, and remember the good times.



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Heartbreaking.  :cry:  My sincerest condolences.

I.Greyhound Fan

Frank, I am sorry for your loss, he was a sweet cat.



My condolences Frank. Stay safe.



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Had to have him put to sleep, was suffering from acute lymphatic cancer.

It came on very quickly.  Last Tuesday he seemed fine.  By this morning he could no longer walk.

My best buddy for the past eight years.

Virus isolation here for another month without him is going to be really really tough.


Man that's rough. I've had pets on and off throughout my life, and went a stretch of 40 years or so mostly without any of my own. That changed about 10 years ago when I was chosen by Charlie - currently HKDCIC (Head Kitty Dude Commander In Chief, promoted from HKDIC - Head Kitty Dude In Charge) - as his human servant. He's the alpha of the pack of 4, but he's getting old. We know what's coming, but it's tough when it happens.


Frank, I'm sorry for your loss. Pets are so often the sanest things we have in our lives. May the good memories remain


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 17
I’m so sorry


Man, talk about rotten timing!  Sorry for your loss but maybe you can peruse the shelters online and find your next best friend.

I feel your pain but it will pass.

Best Wishes,


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It fades, but never passes...


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Frank - years ago I went through a painful divorce and in the process inherited a Bengal cat named Mannix. I didn't really have much use for cats, I've always been a dog guy. Well, Mannix became my buddy for the next ten years, and by buddy I mean I LOVED that cat. He would go out hunting at night though his little door, I would hear him come in before dawn and find him by asleep by the fireplace in the morning, or sleeping on the bed with me. He was incredibly independent but we just had a relationship that I've had with no other pet. When he was sick I got so worried about him, and when I finally had to have him put to sleep I was pretty inconsolable. I wrote a poem about him that night over a couple of martinis. At that time I was engaged to my current (and permanent) wife, and it was like she's moving in and he felt it was time to exit stage left.

I never like to say that I understand how someone feels when they lose a cherished pet, but I have a pretty good idea. Although it's been six years since I lost Mannix I still think about him a lot and always smile. My wife has been asking every day lately about getting a dog, and we probably will soon, but I will never forget my buddy Mannix, he brought me so much joy.

My heart goes out to you Frank, think about what a good life Berkeley had because of the love you showed him. He was a very lucky kitty cat indeed.


Losing a loved one is never easy. Condolences Frank and family.
Long may Berkeley run and until you meet again.


dB Cooper

Heartfelt condolences. Cats, dogs, I love 'em both. There's a bumper sticker that says "Lord help me be the person my dog thinks I am." Cats are kind of more independent but the bond is the same. Sorry for your loss. When you're up to it, maybe post a pic?

Big Red Machine

Sorry to hear Frank. He was a nice cat. The "shop" cat.


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My sympathies It’s certainly heartbreaking


Condolences Frank, and understood. Our last was 14, previous 2 were 15-16. A long time to have a member around.
Sophia is a real cutie she's 2 now.


So sorry Frank.  Cats are very spiritual animals, especially as they grow old.  Our Murphy is 17 and in failing health so I know the day is not far off.  Our bond is stronger than ever as he surrenders some of his independence for our help (and I have fewer scars!)  This is a tough time to have to endure this loss.  This is also a tough time for many pets, it's my understanding that shelters are filling up as people have to make tough choices.   Shitty times indeed!

Craig B

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I'm so very sorry. I know how heartbreaking it is. We had to put ours down 3 years ago after 19 years together. In her case it was simple old age that caused her kidneys to fail. It started out with her going blind, about 30 days before the end. When the time came, it was clear, but no less easy to do because of it. One of the hardest things I've ever had to do. It's astonishing how something that small can leave such a large hole in your heart and life.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 245
The worst, sorry.